Removal and retention of phosphorus by periphyton from wastewater with high organic load

2014 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-69 ◽  
Jinxiang Cao ◽  
Xiaoxing Hong ◽  
Guofeng Pei

The total phosphorus (TP) removal efficiency from organic wastewater (pig farm and distillery wastewater) were estimated by using filamentous green algae (FGA) and benthic algal mats (BAM) treatment systems under laboratory conditions, and the contents of periphyton phosphorus fractions were determined by using a sequential extraction. The removal rates of TP reached 59–78% within the first 8 days of all treatment systems and could achieve average 80% during 30 day period, and the phosphorus removal rates by using BAM was higher than that of FGA. The ability of retention TP of periphyton enhanced gradually, the BAM TP contents were higher than that of FGA, the highest TP concentrations of BAM and FGA were 26.24 and 10.52 mg P g−1·dry weight. Inorganic phosphorus (IP) always exceeded 67.5% of TP, but the organic phosphorus fraction only made up less than 20% of TP. The calcium-binding phosphorus (Ca-P) was the dominant fraction and its relative contribution to TP was more than 40%. The TP was also strongly and positively correlated with the IP and Ca-P (p < 0.01) in periphyton. It showed that the periphyton had a potential ability of rapid phosphorus removing and remarkable retention from wastewater with high load phosphorus.

2010 ◽  
Vol 113-116 ◽  
pp. 412-415
Jia Jun Deng ◽  
Cui Hong Jiang ◽  
Ji Wei Hu ◽  
Xiong Hui Wei ◽  
Xian Fei Huang ◽  

Environmentally significant activity of alkaline phosphatase (APA), phosphorus loading and its species were determined in 14 sediment samples from Lake Hongfeng, one of the key drinking-water sources in Guizhou Province, China. The results of this research indicates that APA presented a high level and notable fluctuations with spatial variations in sediments, ranging from 8.712×10-5 to 25.667×10-5 mol of p-nitrophenol g−1•h-1, and the average value of total phosphorus (TP) in sediments from the lake was 1129.81 mg/kg (dry weight). The content of inorganic phosphorus (IP) was higher than that of organic phosphorus (OP), and the content of the iron/aluminum-bound phosphorus (Fe/Al-P) with phosphorus release risk was also high. In addition, the Pearson’s correlation analysis shows various correlations between APA and Ca-P, Fe/Al-P, OP and IP.

1963 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-106 ◽  
R. L. Halstead ◽  
J. M. Lapensee ◽  
K. C. Ivarson

In a laboratory experiment, liming resulted in an average decline of 3.6 per cent in the total organic phosphorus content of incubated surface samples of seven acid soils from eastern Canada. Increases of 2.6 and 5.1 per cent in 1N H2SO4- and 4N HCl-soluble inorganic phosphorus, respectively, and a decrease of 46.4 per cent in NaHCO3-soluble organic phosphorus (pH 8.5) provided further evidence of mineralization of organic phosphorus following liming. There was some evidence, however, that the differences in NaHCO3-soluble organic phosphorus following liming were due only in part to mineralization, since Ca(OH)2 added to a soil just prior to extraction with NaHCO3 had a repressive effect on the solubility of the organic phosphorus compounds.Some mineralization of organic phosphorus occurred when unlimed samples were incubated in the laboratory for 9 months.Marked increases in microbiological activity, as indicated by increased numbers of microorganisms, and increased CO2 and NO3-nitrogen production, were associated with lower values for extractable organic phosphorus following liming. Partial sterilization of samples with toluene lowered biological activity in the unlimed and limed samples. Toluene was found, however, to have a positive effect on release of phosphorus from organic form.

2002 ◽  
Vol 127 (6) ◽  
pp. 963-970 ◽  
Chieri Kubota ◽  
Makiko Ezawa ◽  
Toyoki Kozai ◽  
Sandra B. Wilson

The effects of initial sucrose (suc) concentrations in the medium (S0) on the carbon balance and growth of sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. `Beniazuma'] and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. `HanaQueen') plantlets were studied under controlled environmental conditions. Plantlets were cultured with 0, 7.5, 15, or 30 g·L-1 of S0 under high photosynthetic photon flux (160 to 200 μmol·m-2·s-1) and CO2 enriched (1400 to 2050 μmol·mol-1) conditions. Net photosynthetic rate per leaf area (Pl) decreased and dry weight per plantlet (Wd) increased with increasing S0, but did not differ significantly between S0 of 7.5 to 30 g·L-1 for sweetpotato or 15 to 30 g·L-1 for tomato. Carbon influxes and effluxes of the plantlets by metabolism of medium suc and/or photosynthesis, and respiration were estimated based on measurements of in situ and steady state CO2 exchange rates and sugar uptake during culture. At S0 from 7.5 to 30 g·L-1, photosynthesis was responsible for 82% to 92% and 60% to 67% of carbohydrate assimilation for sweetpotato and tomato, respectively. Estimated carbon balances of plantlets based on the estimated and actual increases of moles of carbon in plant tissue demonstrated that in situ estimation of carbon balance was reasonably accurate for sweetpotato at S0 of 0 to 15 g·L-1 and for tomato at S0 of 0 g·L-1 and that the actual contribution of photosynthesis for tomato at high S0 might be lower than the values estimated in the present experiment. Results showed that initial suc concentration affected the relative contribution of photosynthesis on their carbon balances and that the responses were species specific. The failure of validation at S0 in a range specific to each species suggested the need for further study on carbon metabolism of in vitro plantlets cultured with sugar in the medium.

Jie Wan ◽  
Xuyin Yuan ◽  
Lei Han ◽  
Hongmeng Ye ◽  
Xiaofan Yang

In this study, the characteristics and distribution of the organic phosphorus (Po) fractions in the surface sediments of seven inflow rivers around Hongze Lake in China were analyzed with a soil Po fraction method, as used by Ivanoff. The relationships between the Po fractions and physiochemical features of sediments were also discussed. The results showed that, the sediments of the rivers had been moderately pollution with certain ecological risk effects except the Waste Yellow River. The relative contribution order of the Po fractions in the sediments was residual Po > HCl-Po > fulvic acid-Po > humic acid-Po > labile organic phosphorus (LOP). Moderately labile organic phosphorus (MLOP) was the main part of the Po forms in the whole sediments. The risk of phosphorus released from river sediments was the highest in the western region, followed by the southwestern region, and finally the northwestern region. There were significant correlations between Po forms and total phosphorus (TP), inorganic phosphorus (Pi), and Po. Non labile organic phosphorus (NLOP) had the strongest correlation with TP. The distribution of Po forms in each region was different due to the impact of human activities, industrial and agricultural production and the land types; the heaver polluted sediments with higher Po fractions. It is suggested that most of the sediments of the inflow rivers in the regions have certain ecological risk effects and P of them have an important contributions on the eutrophication of Hongze Lake. Po forms can provide a reliable theoretical basis for dealing with the change of water quality and should be paid more attention in the lake eutrophication investigation. There was reciprocal transformation between different Po forms, especially non-bioavailable fraction can change into bio-available ones. The results can provide a basis for the earth cycle of phosphorus and a new perspective of eutrophication control of shallow lakes.

Water ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1858 ◽  
Xiaolong Cheng ◽  
Yanan Huang ◽  
Xunchi Pu ◽  
Ruidong An ◽  
Wendian Huang ◽  

The Yarlung Zangbo River basin ecosystem is fragile. The distribution and transportation of phosphorus is of great significance for aquatic environmental protection and ecological security. The sequential extraction method and molybdenum antimony anti-spectrophotometry were used to measure the concentrations of different forms of phosphorus in the surface sediments from 15 sampling sites along the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River and its tributaries. The results show that the total phosphorus concentration in the surface sediments is 194.0~540.7 mg/kg, which is mainly composed of inorganic phosphorus. The concentrations of various phosphorus forms ranked as calcium-bound phosphorus (355.6 ± 86.0 mg/kg) > soluble phosphorus (15.9 ± 10.0 mg/kg) > iron-bound phosphorus (12.4 ± 12.3 mg/kg) > organic phosphorus (9.6 ± 6.1 mg/kg) > occluded phosphorus (9.2 ± 3.8 mg/kg) > aluminum-bound phosphorus (5.4 ± 2.3 mg/kg). On the whole, phosphorus concentration is greater in wet season than dry season. Regarding the spatial distribution characteristics, there are great disparities in the different forms of phosphorus in the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River. Comprehensive analysis shows that phosphorus of this area is mainly self-generated, and concentration of bioavailable phosphorus is small, demonstrating there will not be a large release. We also drew a “specific triangle” of the different forms of phosphorus concentrations in the research area and defined the “α” angle to determine the nutrient status of the overlying water quickly and effectively. Finally, phosphorus flux of the mainstream was estimated. This research may provide information on the phosphorus of Plateau Rivers.

1938 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-246 ◽  
L. A. Dean

1. Extractions of soils with sodium hydroxide, followed by an acid, have been used in an attempt to fractionate the soil phosphorus.2. Colorimetric methods for the estimation of the organic and inorganic phosphorus in alkali soil extracts have been suggested.3. The amount of soil phosphorus soluble in sodium hydroxide is affected by the active soil calcium. It is suggested that sodium-saturated soils be used when studying the alkali-soluble phosphorus.4. The acid-soluble phosphorus remaining in soil after extraction with sodium hydroxide was determined. This fraction appears by analogy to be similar to the apatites.5. The largest fraction of the total soil phosphorus was not dissolved by the sodium hydroxide and acid extractions. This fraction was not increased by the long-continued use of phosphatic fertilizers at Rothamsted and Woburn.6. Relatively large amounts of organic phosphorus were found in soils and the amounts were closely related to the carbon contents.

1969 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 365-373 ◽  
M. Lévesque

Fulvic acid–metal–phosphate complexes prepared in the laboratory and corresponding complexes extracted (0.1 N NaOH and chelating resin) from a soil were characterized by means of electrophoresis, Sephadex gel filtration, and methods for differentiation of organic and inorganic phosphorus. The findings can be summarized as follows:(1) The prepared material in aqueous solution (after purification by dialysis) comprised three different entities: a fulvic acid–metal–phosphate complex, a fulvic acid–metal complex, and unbonded inorganic phosphate. These entities were reaction products obtained during the formation of fulvic acid–metal–phosphate complexes.(2) Upon hydrolysis in mild alkaline media, the metal–phosphate bonds of the fulvic acid–metal–phosphate complexes were broken; the fulvic acid–metal complexes, freed from the phosphate, remained intact.(3) While metal ions were necessary for bridging phosphorus and fulvic acid, phosphorus in turn may have bridged the fulvic acid–metal units.(4) Significant amounts of complexed inorganic phosphorus were found intermixed with organic phosphorus compounds in soil extracts; this suggested the existence of organic matter metal–phosphate complexes in soil.

1981 ◽  
Vol 38 (8) ◽  
pp. 978-981 ◽  
Wayne S. Gardner ◽  
Thomas F. Nalepa ◽  
Michael A. Quigley ◽  
John M. Malczyk

Phosphate release rates by Stylodrilus heringianus, tubificids, and Chironomus spp. were quantified in laboratory experiments by incubating the animals in wet sand under two temperature regimes (5 and 20 °C) and under two nutritional states (full and empty guts). Inorganic phosphorus release rates (± SE) for animals incubated 24 h ranged from 0.12 ± 0.02 (n = 5) nmol phosphorus (P)∙(mg ash-free dry weight)−1∙h−1 for S. heringianus beginning with cleared guts at 5 °C to 0.81 ± 0.09 (n = 5) nmol P∙(mg ash-free dry weight)−1∙h−1 for chironomids beginning with full guts at 20 °C. Calculations based on total invertebrate bio-mass and mean basal release rate suggest that benthic invertebrate excretion could account for most P released from aerobic Lake Michigan sediments.Key words: phosphorus, benthic invertebrates, macroinvertebrates, excretion, nutrients, sediments, nutrient release

1990 ◽  
Vol 36 (7) ◽  
pp. 475-483 ◽  
Cecilia Eriksson ◽  
Carlos Pedrós-Alió

The influence of selenite on the growth of bacterioplankton present in samples of three lakes was analyzed; these samples were collected in sulfate-rich, oligotrophic Lake Banyoles, moderately eutrophic Lake Erken, and hypereutrophic Lake Vallentunasjön. Experiments were set up in a completely randomized factorial design to analyze the effect of selenite alone and, in the same experiment, the effect of selenite in the presence of phosphate. Cultures of bacterioplankton, free of algae and zooplankton, diluted with filtered natural water, were used in the bioassays. The addition of 100 μg P∙L−1 to samples from Lake Banyoles, collected during the winter, enhanced cell yield 2.7 times; the addition of 10 μg P∙L−1 to samples from Lake Erken, collected during the spring, doubled the yield. Strong effects of phosphate on growth rates were found in samples from lakes Banyoles and Vallentunasjön. When bacteria from Lake Banyoles were exposed to 100 μg P∙L−1, the specific growth rate was 0.08 h−1 (log units), compared with 0.03 h−1 in the control. In spring, Lake Vallentunasjôn contained water with a considerable amount of dissolved organic phosphorus (18 μg P∙L−1); the addition of 100 μg P∙L−1, in the form of phosphate, resulted in a shorter lag phase of at least 48 h and reduced the specific growth rate to about half that in the control. Selenite had a significant positive effect on cell yield in samples from lakes Banyoles (p = 0.0001) and Vallentunasjön (p = 0.020), whereas the effect on cell yield in samples from Lake Erken was slightly negative (p = 0.110). The addition of selenite alone (550 ng Se∙L−1) to samples from Lake Banyoles, collected during the summer, doubled the biovolume of bacterioplankton within 37 h. Among winter bacteria from Lake Banyoles, selenite, at concentrations of 55 and 550 ng Se∙L−1, increased the number of bacteria twofold and threefold, respectively, but only when the phosphate level was high (100 μg P∙L−1). A high inorganic phosphorus level of 100 μg P∙L−1 was also necessary to stimulate the effect of selenite on bacterial growth in samples from Lake Vallentunasjön; 550 ng Se∙L−1 enhanced cell yield 24%. The negative effect of selenite on samples from Lake Erken was most obvious when phosphate (10 or 100 μg P∙L−1) had been added simultaneously (p = 0.030 for selenium and phosphorus interaction). Cell yields were always greater at the highest temperature. With samples from Lake Vallentunasjön, selenite stimulated bacterial growth at 25 °C but had no effect at 10 °C. With samples from Lake Banyoles, the simultaneous addition of phosphate and selenite increased cell yield threefold at 15 °C and only twofold at 30 °C. Key words: phosphorus, sulfate, Lake Erken, Lake Vallentunasjön, Lake Banyoles.

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