scholarly journals Image of women in Novels by Okky Madasary

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Helmi Setiawan ◽  
Anwar Efendi

This research is descriptive qualitative research using the feminist literary criticism approach. The subject of this research are three novels by Okky Madasari which are titled: 1) Maryam, 2) 86, and 3) Entrok. The technique of data collecting used in this research is to study the library read the note, conducted by reading carefully and repeated thoroughly and classifying the data obtained based on women’s image. Analyzing data in this research use the descriptive qualitative method. The research finding in the form of physical women’s image, the image of women’s psychic and the role of women consisting of domestic and public areas. Domestic roles include as a child, wife, and mother. The role of women in the public domain consists of the educator, economic, and social movement sectors.

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-256
Wiyatmi Wiyatmi

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap gambaran perlawanan simbolis terhadap hegemoni patriarki melalui pendidikan dan peran perempuan di arena publik dalam novel-novel Indonesia dengan kritik sastra feminis. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, secara purposif dipilih sejumlah novel periode 1920 sampai 1980-an yang secara intens mengangkat isu pendidikan bagi perempuan dan peran perempuan di ranah publik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perlawanan terhadap hegemoni patriarki dalam bentuk perjuangan para perempuan untuk mendapatkan kesempatan menempuh pendidikan yang masih digunakan untuk mempersiapkan tugas-tugas domestiknya, sebagai ibu rumah tangga (Azab dan Sengsara dan Sitti Nurbaya), pendidikan bagi perempuan yang mempersiapkan dirinya ke dalam pekerjaan di sektor publik, terutama sebagai guru (Layar Terkembang, Kehilangan Mestika, Widyawati, dan Manusia Bebas), yang dilanjutkan dengan masuknya perempuan terpelajar tersebut dalam organisasi perempuan untuk memperjuangan emansipasi perempuan dan perjuangan menuju kemerdekaan Indonesia (Layar Terkembang, Manusia Bebas, dan Burung-burung Manyar). Abstract: This study is aimed at exposing the depiction of symbolic resistance of patriarchal domination through education and the role of women in public domain and in the novels of Indonesia by feminist literary criticism. To achieve these objectives, a number of novel from 1920 until 1980s that raised the issue of intensive education for women and the role of women in the public domain were purposively selected. The result shows the resistance to the hegemony of patriarchy in the form of women’s struggle to get a chance to still use their education to prepare for domestic tasks, as housewives (Kehilangan Mestika and Sitti Nurbaya), education for women who are preparing themselves to work in a public sector, primarily as a teacher (Layar Terkembang, Kehilangan Mestika, Widyawati, and Manusia Bebas), continuing with the entry of women educated in women’s organizations to women’s emancipation and the struggle towards independence of Indonesia (Layar Terkembang, Manusia Bebas, and Burung-burung Manyar). Key Words: symbolic resistance, patriarch, novel

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 220
Islahuddin Islahuddin ◽  
Ku-Ares Tawandorloh ◽  
Halimoh Ha

The Image of Women in The Folklore of Putri Kemang: Feminist Literary Criticism Studies ABSTRAKCerita rakyat Putri Kemang merupakan cerita rakyat yang menggambarkan perjuangan seorang putri untuk dirinya dan dalam memerintah kerajaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan teks-teks yang membicarakan tentang citra perempuan dalam cerita rakyat Putri Kemang dengan menggunakan pendekatan kritik sastra feminis. Sumber data penelitian adalah cerita rakyat Putri Kemang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pembacaan dan pencatatan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan referensi keilmuwan kritik sastra feminis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa citra perempuan yang terdapat dalam cerita rakyat Putri Kemang, yaitu: 1) persamaan pendidikan; 2) kemandirian perempuan; 3) kemampuan membuat keputusan; 4) kebebasan memilih pasangan; dan 5) kepemimpinan perempuan. Selain itu, didapatkan hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa citra perempuan dalam cerita rakyat Putri Kemang senada dengan pandangan kritik sastra feminis yang memiliki tujuan diperolehnya perlakuan yang lebih baik bagi perempuan, ditingkatkannya kedudukan dan peranan perempuan untuk membentuk masyarakat yang lebih adil dan setara dengan laki-laki.Kata kunci: citra perempuan, cerita rakyat, Putri Kemang, kritik, sastra feminisABSTRACTThe folklore of Putri Kemang is a folklore which describes the struggle of a princess for herself and govern her kingdom. This study aims to describe the texts in discussing the image of women in the folklore of Putri Kemang by using the feminist literary criticism approach. The data of the research is folklore of Putri Kemang. The data are collected through reading and noting. The data are analised by using the qualitative descriptive technique with a reference feminist literary criticism. The results of the research show that image of women in folklore of Putri Kemang are: 1) equality of education; 2) independence of women; 3) decision-making ability; 4) freedom to choose a partner; and 5) women leadership. In addition, the results of study indicates that the image of women found in the folklore of Putri Kemang was in line with the views of feminist literary criticism which aimed at obtaining better treatment for women, increasing the position and role of women to build fair society and equal to the men.Keyword: Women image, folklore, Kemang Princess, criticism, feminist literary

Jureid Jureid

The outbreak of Covid-19 in Mandailing Natal has caused several problems in the economic, educational and social fields. The problems that occur certainly really need the role of Baznas in overcoming them. The purpose of this research is to find out how the distribution of zakat in the process of preventing Covid-19 in Mandailing Natal and to know the perspective of maqashid sharia on this distribution. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method in the review of maqashid sharia. The results of the research show that the zakat distribution mechanism is carried out by means of Baznas actively engaging the community to call for zakat, it is even recommended to the public to take part in paying without having to be visited by Baznas or other policies including the muzakki's own workplace. Zakat distributed is not only in the form of money or food but is adjusted to the needs of the people affected by Covid-19 and is distributed periodically and Baznas is actively monitoring and evaluating the program. Zakat as an Islamic fiscal instrument has helped ease the burden on people affected by Covid. Consumptive zakat or productive zakat can be a mental solution and make the mustahik prosperous. Zakat together with its derivatives has brought enormous benefits to affected communities or other mustahiks. Zakat can guarantee the continuity of life in various aspects including maintaining life, property, religion, reason and of course zakat is the main object of maqashid sharia towards a prosperous society

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 413
Kuntarto Kuntarto ◽  
Rindha Widyaningsih ◽  
Muhamad Riza Chamadi

The subject of this research is to provide an overview of the mechanisms and schemes of hoax news spreading. Research is also trying to provide an explanation threat of hoaxes about SARA (Tribe, Religion, Race, and Intergroup) towards the resilience of the Pancasila ideology. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method by describing the results of the 2019 Mastel survey of national hoax outbreaks using the Pancasila ideology approach as a perspective of the study. The results showed that the hoax on the issue of SARA was the second most widely hoax news content received by the public with the popular channels for hoax distribution is social media, with a kind of text messaging. A hoax about SARA is the most frequently accepted hoaxes in the community every day.  The scheme of spreading hoax news is by spreading slander to political opponents, excessive branding of leader/figure, fake testimony, irresponsible quotation, and bombastic photos or titles. Hoax news about SARA issues poses a severe threat to Indonesia's unity because triggering controversy, public unrest, sectarian sentiment, intolerance of political instability, and security disturbances.

Yuliia Lysanets

The aim of the research is to develop the typology and examine the features of women’s representations in the US literary works, focused on medical problematics.The research methodology is based on the application of modern literary studies in the fields of narratology, receptive aesthetics and literary hermeneutics. The paper analyses the author’s intentions and the role of the reader’s reception of medical discourse through the prism of gender studies and feminist literary criticism. We analyse the semi-autobiographical prose works by the American writers: “The Snake Pit” (1946) by Mary Jane Ward, “The Bell Jar” (1963) by Sylvia Plath, and “Prozac Nation” (1994) by Elizabeth Wurtzel. The theoretical significance of the research consists in the disclosure of women’s representations in the American literary and medical discourse in the diachronic focus. We examine the role of women as physicians, the peculiarities of representing women as nurses, as well as the narrative role of women as patients. The research is the first scientific attempt to examine the peculiarities of narrative representation of women in the literary and medical discourse of the US prose. The research demonstrates the transformation of women’s representations in the analysed novels, which directly reflects the emancipation tendencies over the course of the 20th century. These changes are naturally displayed in the narrative configuration of the prose works under consideration. The study of medical problems in a literary work through the prism of narratology and receptive aesthetics reveales the author’s intentionality and dimensions of the reader’s reception, as well as enables us to re-consider the socio-cultural phenomena, such as illness and health, norm and pathology. The results of the study will improve the content of training courses in the world literature and form a methodological basis for the development of special courses, theme-based seminars and academic syllabi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-110
Shokhib Rahmania ◽  
Retno Wijayanti ◽  
Shiddiq Luqman Hakim

Parental assistance often influences the role of children to maintain good habits. Assistance that is not optimal allows children to freely do bad things to themselves and others. This study aims to determine how parents can assist their children in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The method for data collection is interviews. The research sample consisted of parents of students at SD Islam Terpadu Taqiyya Rosyida Surakarta. In selecting the subject, the researcher took 3-5 respondents who were taken randomly. The results of the study identified that there is a lack of parents who do not pay much attention to their children's learning assistance by leaving it to their grandparents, uncle or aunt, or to their wives only. How to accompany learning with the method of games, storytelling, and assignments as well as supervision while learning.

Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Nur Fadilah

This paper discusses the hermeneutical perspective of the prohibition for women to become leaders hadith narrated by Abu Bakrah. The factor that became the background of this study is that there are still many people who understand that women are the second creature, namely "konco wingking". So, they are not deserve to be a leader for people. One of the normative bases is the hadith narrated by Abu Bakrah. The textual-literal understanding of the hadith has implications for the role of women in the public sphere so that there needs to be someone who can answer and place women to their proper degree. This study uses a qualitative method with Schleiermacher hermeneutics approach.The results of this research are the Hadith about the ban on women becoming leaders who narrated by Abu Bakrah through grammatical hermeneutics and psychological perspective cannot be applied in General. Thus, there are no restrictions for women today to be a leader for the people because they currently have a different social background when the Hadith it comes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Mukodas . ◽  
Wildan F. Mubarock

HUMOR AND TASTE OF KHONG GUAN IN JOKO PINURBO’S POEMJoko Pinurbo is one of productive writer. The most interesting part of all works from Jokpin is the humour or jokes he inserted. What makes it interesting there are several poems that he wrote which published in Kompas newspaper on 31st Agustus 2019. There are twelve poems which consists the word Khong Guan in every title: Perjamuan Khong Guan, Hujan Khong Guan, Tidur Khong Guan, Lebaran Khong Guan, Minuman Khong Guan, Sabda Khong Guan, Agama Khong Guan, Keluarga Khong Guan, Mudik Khong Guan, Doa Khong Guan, Bingkisan Khong Guan, dan Hati Khong Guan. Those twelve poems are the subject to this research. The aim of this research is to define how humor was created.  Recent humors are mostly uneducated humor such as insult joke, bullying, and disrespectful. Joko Pinurbo gives alternative in doing humor, through poem. Humor found in the poem is dominated by tragedy humor. Descriptive qualitative method is used in this research. This research found that there are five poems which can be classified as tragedy

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-37
Syarifudin Syarifudin

Each religious sect has its own characteristics, whether fundamental, radical, or religious. One of them is Insan Al-Kamil Congregation, which is in Cijati, South Cikareo Village, Wado District, Sumedang Regency. This congregation is Sufism with the concept of self-purification as the subject of its teachings. So, the purpose of this study is to reveal how the origin of Insan Al-Kamil Congregation, the concept of its purification, and the procedures of achieving its purification. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a normative theological approach as the blade of analysis. In addition, the data generated is the result of observation, interviews, and document studies. From the collected data, Jamaah Insan Al-Kamil adheres to the core teachings of Islam and is the tenth regeneration of Islam Teachings, which refers to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. According to this congregation, self-perfection becomes an obligation that must be achieved by human beings in order to remember Allah when life is done. The process of self-purification is done when human beings still live in the world by knowing His God. Therefore, the peak of self-purification is called Insan Kamil. 

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