2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Partini *

The usage of statistic in social research, particularly in sociology is very uncomplicated and straightforward as long as the related researcher understands the basic argument from the chosen statistic formula. The choosing of specific formula is based on the type and data quality in order to get a more precise and accurate formula. The precision and accuracy in choosing the technique and statistic formula strongly define the quality of conducted research so that the formulizing of the summary is more precise, too. Statistic is nothing but a mean to create a more “meaningful” data. The usage itself is varies and the right understanding is not only based on the number resulted manually or computerize which usually used on the SPSS program but also have to be supported with the concept and theory. Furthermore, the understanding can also be get from research result conducted by other and from a balance battle of concept and empiric fact. Simply by using this method, the results can be accepted by others and can be more meaningful particularly for the sake of science development and policy makers. One of the excellences of by using the quantitative research method that usually applies the statistic formula can be used to predict. Moreover, the results and the summary can be generalized to the condition of population so that those can be utilized by a lot of people.   Keywords: Statistic, Quantitative Method, Sociological Research


The success of an educational system shows the quality of the teachers employed. The teacher is undoubtedly one of the main challenges facing Arabic education. The assessment process of the teachers’ quality would help those concerned identify the weakness before preventive and remedial actions being taken. This paper attempts to examine the qualities and responsibilities of Arabic teachers to encourage the learning of the subjects in Nigeria and offers suggestions on how to encourage teachers of the language to perform their role effectively. It intends to call the attention of policy makers to identify some militating against the effective teaching of Arabic at all levels of learning with a view to providing lasting solutions to them. In the study, conclusions and appropriate recommendations were made.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Nurul Badriyah

The development of the business world today more rapidly resulting in tight competition. This is demanding business players in order to leap ahead of the competition with how to improve the quality of human resources and expected employee can improve performance. To be employee performance and the company is also required to pay attention to the factors that can affect the performance of the employees. This research is a type of quantitative research, data obtained with the spread of the questionnaire to 45 respondents. The population in this research is all employees on CV. Putri Sion which numbered 45 people. The Data obtained and then in the analysis using the validity test, test reliability test, classical assumptions, determination coefficient test, t test, F test and multiple linear regression analysis. This research result shows that partially, job satisfaction and leadership style significantly affect to employee performance meanwhile the most dominant affecting performance is employee jobs satisfaction.

2006 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-103 ◽  
Torleif Ruud ◽  
Nils Lindefors ◽  
Anne Lindhardt

AbstractThe aim of the paper is to provide an overview of some of the most important issues faced by acute inpatient facilities in three Scandinavian countries, including reflections and critical remarks for discussion in this field. Information was drawn from scientific articles and official reports published in recent years, as well as the authors' own knowledge of acute facilities in their home countries. Acute inpatient facilities, including General Hospital Psychiatric Units (GHPUs), in all Scandinavian countries have several issues and problems in common, which include the organisation and capacity of acute services, the assessment of dangerousness and suicidality, the use of coercion and efforts to reduce coercion, the need to define and improve the quality of acute services, and the necessity to improve collaboration and continuity between acute services and other services. Although the emphasis some of these issues receive can vary across the three countries, Scandinavian mental health professionals (and policy makers) have begun to systematically share their experiences in developing a growing spirit of collaboration. Despite the role of welfare state and the deployment of substantial resources in Scandinavian countries, mental health practitioners are struggling to implement best practices in acute wards, to develop differentiated forms of acute services, and to reach the right balance and coordination between acute services and other services.

1995 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 9-18 ◽  
Susan Ryan-Vincek

Supporting young children, who experience complex multiple disabilities in their homes and communities, has become an important feature of early intervention programs throughout the country. How parents and professionals view quality of life issues for these young children can provide information for interventionists, policy makers, and care givers. Qualitative research methods were employed over a three-year period to investigate perceptions of parents and professionals regarding support for young children who experience complex multiple disabilities. Descriptive themes emerged from the data that characterize features of support resulting in quality of life for young children living in rural Alaska who experience complex multiple disabilities. Some of these themes were “getting the right equipment at the right time,” “caring and consistent professionals,” and “responsive and flexible medical and support systems.” Findings indicated discrepancies between parents who live in rural Alaska and professionals over (a) perceptions of what support means and (b) the focus of some policies and systems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Nurwita Ismail

In essence the right of everyone to get the same job and opportunity in government, is one of the instruments in trying to improve prosperity and prosperity of the people. This corresponds to the basic philosophy of the state summarized in Pancasila, where the five precepts of Pancasila should be viewed as one unified whole. Even has been translated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD) Year 1945, as well as a constitutional basis in governance, nation and state.The importance of Gorontalo Regency Government / related agencies especially Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) performs acceptance in accordance with the mechanisms stipulated in several Laws and Regulations in particular PP. 43 of 2007, with the expectation that the quantity of civil servants can dominate the quality so that the public expectation of the quality of service and the acceleration of regional development can be fulfilled. Type of research Sociological Juridical. Juridical Sociological Research is a legal research that combines the research of normative law and sociological law research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 2418 ◽  
Efthimios Bakogiannis ◽  
Thanos Vlastos ◽  
Konstantinos Athanasopoulos ◽  
Avgi Vassi ◽  
Georgia Christodoulopoulou ◽  

Cycling tourism is an environmentally friendly way to explore a destination. Nowadays, it is becoming more and more popular worldwide, since it permits an in-depth communication both with nature and people. In this context, the aim of this paper is to explore, in detail, mainly the environmental motivators of cycling tourists, and their significance, in Greece, by using qualitative social research (in-depth interviews and focus groups) and participative analytical hierarchical process. The results show that regarding physical environment, the element which attracts cycle tourists the most is the variety of scenic views along their route. Existence of lakes, rivers and beaches were also valued. On the contrary, “Biodiversity” and “Untouched natural landscapes” were ranked low as a description of the quality of the natural environment. However, the rise of cycling tourism depends considerably on the appropriate infrastructure, namely roads with low slopes, appropriate quality of surfaces and cycling infrastructure. Planners, policy-makers, and competent authorities should give emphasis on the critical factors in order to enhance cycling tourism, thus resulting in positive multiplying effects such as environmental protection and economic growth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Altofu Rohman ◽  
Aglis Andhita Hatmawan

<p>This study aims to determine the effect of brand image and service quality on the decision to use the services of PT JNE in Nganjuk city. The research method used is quantitative research method with descriptive research type. The decision to use services (Y) is a dependent variable, while brand image (X1) and service quality (X2) are independent variables. Sampling technique using Accidental sampling technique is the form of sampling based on coincidence where, anyone who happens to meet with the researcher and considered suitable to be the source of data that will be the sample of this study. From the research result, it can be seen that multiple linear regression equation coefficient value of brand image 2,833 and value of service quality coefficient 5,316 and variable of brand image strategy (X1) have significant influence to decision using JNE (Y) service equal to 56,55% and service quality variable (X2) Significant effect on the decision to use JNE (Y) service equal to 67,77%, meaning that brand image and service quality equally influence to decision using JNE services. In the t test it can be said that if the brand image is increased 1% or one unit, it can improve the decision using JNE services of 53.9%, while if the quality of service increased 1% or one unit, it can increase the decision using services of 47 %. In the F test, the value of F arithmetic is 2.833. Because F arithmetic&gt; F table (2.833&gt; 0.677), it can be concluded that the model used is correct. When viewed from probability, where the probability (0,000) &lt;significance level (0.05), then the equation model Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 used is acceptable. This shows the effect of independent variables (brand image and service quality) simultaneously significant to delivery decisions, whereby the higher the influence of brand image on the decision to use services and the higher the quality of service, the decision to use services will increase and increase. The brand image is offered in accordance with the quality of services offered so that the decision to use is increasing.</p><p><br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> brand image and service quality, decision using JNE services.</p>

Ilyas Ichsan

Research on the use of limboto lake sludge as raw material for bricks by adding sand as a mixture of materials using experimental quantitative research. In the study used limboto lake silt with sand mixture with variations of2%, 5%, 7%, 10% and 15%. Related variables are physical and mechanical properties of bricks. The controlling variable is the materials used.The results showed that bricks with raw material from limboto lake sludge with a mixture of sand with variations of 2%,5%, 7%, 10% and 15% did not produce the right composition to have the same quality of bricks with bricks using raw materials clay. Penelitian pemanfaatan endapan lumpur danau limboto sebagai bahan baku batu bata dengan penambahan pasir sebagai bahan campurnya menggunakan penalitian kuantitatif yang bersifat eksperimen. Dalam penelitian digunakan bahan endapan lumpur danau limboto dengan campuran pasir dengan variasi 2%, 5%, 7%, 10% dan 15%. Variabel terkait berupa sifat fisik dan mekanik batu  bata. Variabel pengendali adalah bahan-bahan yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa batu bata dengan bahan baku endapan lumpur danau limboto dengan campuran pasir dengan variasi 2%, 5%, 7% 10% dan 15% tidak  menghasilkan komposisi yang tepat untuk memiliki kualitas batu bata yang sama dengan batu bata yang menggunakan bahan baku tanah liat.

2005 ◽  
Vol os-22 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-66 ◽  
Gayle M. Rhineberger ◽  
David J. Hartmann ◽  
Thomas L. Van Valey

The use of triangulated research designs is becoming increasingly popular, particularly in applied sociology and evaluation research. There is a substantial amount of literature on triangulated research methods, particularly in the fields of social research methods and nursing. This paper examines the uses of the concept of triangulation in applied sociological research. It does so first by reviewing uses of the term in various applied contexts. We then turn to whether and how the information derived from multiple methods is actually integrated by the applied researcher. Finally, we discuss the importance of triangulation for the quality of work in the field of applied sociology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Profulla C. Sarker ◽  
Uttam Kumar Das

This paper is an attempt to discuss how ethics associated with social research in connection with the collection of authentic and reliable data, use of appropriate data process and impartial data analysis for preparing an acceptable research report. Ethics is closely related to moral integrity, and values associated with appropriate methods and techniques applied for collection of reliable and authentic information that ensure the trust worthy research findings. This paper is based on secondary data collected through reviewing the relevant literatures. This paper examine to what extent the research findings contribute to the knowledge of planners and policy makers in formulating the  appropriate policy and at the same time preparing effective as well as pragmatic  planning based on the quality of research findings and finally thus may affect on development. 

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