2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-95
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto ◽  
Badrun Kartowagiran ◽  
Jailani Jailani

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model evaluasi proses pembelajaran matematika di SMP berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013, dan menilai keefektifan model yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Subjek coba adalah guru, kepala sekolah, dan pengawas. Instrumen pengumpul data adalah kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Proses pengem-bangan dilakukan dalam 4 tahap yaitu: (1) investigasi awal; (2) perencanaan pengembangan, valida-si; (3) uji coba, dan (4) finalisasi produk. Uji coba dilakukan tiga tahap dengan jumlah subjek me-ningkat setiap tahapnya. Instrumen evaluasi terdiri instrumen penilaian perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan pelaksanaan penilaian. Validitas isi dilakukan melalui focus group discussion (FGD). Validitas konstruk dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis faktor, dan estimasi reliabilitasnya mengunakan Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Hasil penelitian berupa model eva-luasi proses pembelajaran matematika di SMP, yaitu prosedur evaluasi, panduan evaluasi, dan instrumen evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, semua instrumen memiliki kecocokan model yang baik, karena validitas konstruk, dan reliabilitas memenuhi persyaratan akademik. Penilaian para praktisi dan pengguna, model evaluasi proses pembelajaran matematika sangat efektif untuk diterapkan.Kata kunci: model evaluasi, proses pembelajaran, matematika SMP ______________________________________________________________ DEVELOPING A MODEL FOR AN EVALUATION OF MATHEMATICS LEARNING PROCESSES AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS BASED ON CURRICULUM 2013Abstract This studi aims to develop a model for an evaluation of mathematics learning processes at junior high schools (JHSs) based on Curriculum 2013 and evaluate the effectiveness of the model develo-ped. This was a research and development study. The subject of the research was the teachers, principals, and supervisors. The data collecting instruments were questionnaires and observational sheet. The development process was carried out in 4 stages namely: (1) preliminary investigation; (2) planning development, validation; (3) tryout; (4) product finalization. The try out was perform-ed in 3 stages with the increasing number of participants for each stage. The learning process evaluation model was supported by instrument to assess lesson plans, learning implementation, and the implementation of learning outcome assessment. The content validity was assessed through focus group discussion (FGD). The construct validity was assessed by the factor analysis, and the reliabilities were estimated by the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The result of the research was a model of evaluation of mathematics learning processes at junior high schools (JHSs) based on Curriculum 2013, consisting of procedures, evaluation guideline and the well de-signed instruments. Based on the try out, all of the instruments have had good suitability, because construct validity and reliability meet all of the academic requirements. According to the evalua-tion from the practitioners and the model users, the model of the evaluation of mathematics learn-ing processes at junior high schools (JHSs) based on Curriculum 2013 was very effective to be implemented. Keywords: development model, evaluation of learning processes, SMP mathematics

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Sri Rochani

<em>This study aims to examine whether the actions of educators in using discovery learning models can improve concentration and mathematics learning outcomes in the material of transformation in class IX D of one of the junior high schools in Magelang. This research is a participant class action research. While the models used are the Stephen Kemmis and Robin McTaggart Model. The subjects of this study were students of class IX D of one of the junior high schools in Magelang in the academic year 2018/2019. This research consists of two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. The material provided in this study is a transformation topic that includes translation, reflection, rotation, and dilation. Data on the concentration of mathematics learning are obtained using observation sheets. Data on mathematics learning outcomes were obtained using a theory test sheet. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of the study show that: (1) learning using discovery learning  models can increase student learning concentration; (2) learning using discovery learning models can improve student learning outcomes; and (3) learning using discovery learning models can increase the concentration of learning and the learning outcomes of IX D students of junior high school.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 177
Tati Resmiati ◽  
Hamdan Hamdan

Problem solving is one of the basic abilities in mathematics learning. Problem solving skills can encourage students to think critically, creatively, and can develop other mathematical abilities. The research conducted aims to analyze students 'problem solving abilities in solving problems in mathematical problems and to determine students' self-efficacy towards mathematics. The approach used is a qualitative descriptive approach. The test given is a description problem and attitude scale to measure students' self-efficacy. Questions were tested on class VIII students in one of the junior high schools in the city of Bandung. The results of the study showed that as many as 1 student could not identify the adequacy of the data to solve the problem so that he got a score of 0, while 21 students were not precise in understanding the problem given, while 7 students could not complete the mathematical model and could not verify the correct solution, so it can be stated that the problem solving abilities of students in one of the junior high schools in Bandung are still low so that efforts need to be made to improve, but students have good self-efficacy in mathematics.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Dedy Kintaka

The purpose of this research was to find out correlate between economical family background, parents attention and learning intencity with mathematics learning achievement of all junior high schools in Sedayu. This research was conducted in 3 junior high schools in Sedayu, the population was 460 students and the sample was 92 students using random sampling taking technique. Data collection technique using a questionnaire and a test technique. The result of minor hipotesis are Sig = 0,000<0,05; Sig = 0,032<0,05; and Sig = 0,010<0,05. Meanwhile the result of mayor hipotesis is Sig = 0,000 < 0,05. So, there are  positive correlate and significant between economical family background, parents attention and learning intencity with mathematics learning achievement as collective and partial. It is expected that students, parents and teachers care about economical family background, parents attention and learning intencity to mathematics learning achievement increasingly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Dedi Nurjamil ◽  
Zulpi Miftahudin

<div><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p class="abstrak"><em>Mathematics learning is directed at learning that can be done anytime and anywhere. Such learning can be done by conducting learning that is connected to the internet with the e-learning platform. For e-learning teacher use platforms can be used as learning media so that mathematical learning can be done anywhere. Researchers see that teachers especially teachers in junior high schools have difficulty in using e-learning in learning. This has an impact on students' understanding that is not optimal because teachers only rely on learning in the classroom. Service methods used are: 1) receiver theory and practice of e-learning 2) assignment of e-learning applications 3) evaluation of which e-learning has been applied inside outside the classroom. The results of this activity were that the trainees were seen to be motivated by 87% being received motivated, the remaining 13% were less motivated by the existence of this activity, then the response after the activity percentage that gave a positive response was 93% and 7% gave a less positive response. Another result is that most of the 15 teachers at SMPN 3 and 5 have used e-learning using either the google classroom or using moodle.</em></p><p class="abstrak"><strong> </strong></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

Sintha Sih Dewanti

This study aims to describe: 1) teachers' understandings of skill competency assessment; 2) the application of skills competency assessment in mathematics learning; and 3) teachers' problematics in applying skills competency assessments. This research used the qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The study was conducted in the academic year 2017/2018 and implemented in 9 junior high schools / Islamic junior high schools in the DIY region. Research subjects were 11 mathematics teachers who are selected using purposive sampling technique. The data collected through structured interviewing methods, observation, and documentation. The data were analyzed by using inductive logic, from the particular to the general. The results show that: 1) teachers' understandings of skills competency assessment are quite good. Teachers understood the various instruments and assessment techniques but have not understood the assessment rubric used in each instrument yet; 2) the application of skills competency assessment has already done well but some were still constrained and have not accorded to the assessment standards; 3) teachers' problematics in applying skill competency assessment are: problems of understanding skill competency assessment, time, administrative complexity, student condition, assessment planning including the development of instrument and assessment rubric, and the implementation of skill competency assessment.Keywords: assessment execution, skill competency assessment, Curriculum 2013

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1025-1034
Silfanus Jelatu ◽  
Ricardus Jundu ◽  
Emilianus Jehadus ◽  
Fransiskus Nendi ◽  
Alberta Parinters Makur ◽  

STRENGTHENING TEACHER PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCIES THROUGH THE USE OF DYNAMIC GEOMETRY SOFTWARE IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING. The selection of strategies, methods, models, and media of appropriate mathematics learning is a form of implementation of a teacher's pedagogical competence. In the 2013 curriculum, the teacher not only sets a scientific approach as a reference in implementing the learning process but also demands innovation to accommodate the right media as well. The role of instructional media, especially dynamic media, is very important in learning mathematics in both elementary and junior high schools. The media was used to explain abstract mathematical problems to be concrete, motivate students, stimulate student learning activities, and help the effectiveness of the learning process. Technological devices such as computers are one of the tools that can be used as dynamic mathematics learning media. Mathematical learning collaboration with ICT devices has been widely carried out in urban and rural areas in Indonesia. Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) in the form of GeoGebra is a learning medium specifically developed to facilitate the learning of geometry, algebra, and calculus. Therefore, this community service activity (PkM) is intended to strengthen the teacher's pedagogical competence through the use of dynamic learning media using Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) in the form of GeoGebra in mathematics learning in junior high schools. This PkM aims to train teachers to be able to operate or create mathematics learning media assisted by DGS, especially in learning geometry to students. By making their own, teachers can add insight and increase creativity in making learning media. The supported subjects in these community service activities were junior high school mathematics teachers in Ruteng City. As for the results obtained after the PKM activities, the teachers can operate and create mathematics learning media using DGS in the form of GeoGebra.

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