2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Kai Zhen Chong ◽  
Azizi Bahauddin

Feng shui is one of the most outstanding subjects and popular life principles in the world and is also one of the oldest traditional Chinese philosophies. Feng shui is seen as wisdom that has been accumulating for more than three thousand years of history and experience in architectural theory. The application of feng shui is not only a unique knowledge but is also a complex way to comprehend natural phenomena. The aim of feng shui in architecture is to enhance the quality of life for humans, building, and nature. It is related to the built environment theory. Feng shui had indeed been incorporated into the construction of Chinese mansions in Peninsula Malaysia despite having only a few people who are aware of them. Since feng shui is a complex subject, this paper focuses on one of the feng shui principles: the Five Elements. The Five Elements and their respective shapes are Water, wavy-shaped; Wood, angular-shaped; Fire, triangle; Earth, square; and Metal, circle. These elements are discussed in their association with the case study of Low Ti Kok Mansion. The Low Ti Kok Mansion, which islocated in Kajang, Selangor, has no recorded documentation on feng shui as opposed to the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion in Penang, which is known for being influenced by feng shui. In this paper, the researcher attempts to investigate and document the case study based on feng shui influences. The objectives of this paper are twofold and they are (1) to understand the feng shui and (2) to examine the Five Elements concept on the Low Ti Kok Mansion. The research approach in this paper is qualitative in nature. Document reviewing and observation have been employed and interpreted in this paper to analyse the case study, which is based on the Five Elements concept. It is found that the Five Elements shapes areclearly shown on the floor plan of Low Ti Kok Mansion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Kai Zhen Chong ◽  
Azizi Bahauddin

Feng shui is one of the most outstanding subjects and popular life principles in the world and is also one of the oldest traditional Chinese philosophies. Feng shui is seen as wisdom that has been accumulating for more than three thousand years of history and experience in architectural theory. The application of feng shui is not only a unique knowledge but is also a complex way to comprehend natural phenomena. The aim of feng shui in architecture is to enhance the quality of life for humans, building, and nature. It is related to the built environment theory. Feng shui had indeed been incorporated into the construction of Chinese mansions in Peninsula Malaysia despite having only a few people who are aware of them. Since feng shui is a complex subject, this paper focuses on one of the feng shui principles: the Five Elements. The Five Elements and their respective shapes are Water, wavy-shaped; Wood, angular-shaped; Fire, triangle; Earth, square; and Metal, circle. These elements are discussed in their association with the case study of Low Ti Kok Mansion. The Low Ti Kok Mansion, which islocated in Kajang, Selangor, has no recorded documentation on feng shui as opposed to the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion in Penang, which is known for being influenced by feng shui. In this paper, the researcher attempts to investigate and document the case study based on feng shui influences. The objectives of this paper are twofold and they are (1) to understand the feng shui and (2) to examine the Five Elements concept on the Low Ti Kok Mansion. The research approach in this paper is qualitative in nature. Document reviewing and observation have been employed and interpreted in this paper to analyse the case study, which is based on the Five Elements concept. It is found that the Five Elements shapes areclearly shown on the floor plan of Low Ti Kok Mansion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Mussie T. Tessema ◽  
Kubilay Gok ◽  
Alex Ngoma ◽  
Mengsteab Tesfayohannes ◽  
Gerry V. Fernando

This paper uses Singapore as a case study to illustrate how staffing policies and practices affect the quality of the workforce which ultimately influence performance at employee and organization level. It reveals that Singapore public service has been able to put in place most of the ‘critical factors’ for an effective staffing system management. The presence of those critical factors have played an important role in making Singapore to be one of the most effective public services in the world. Finally, it forwards theoretical and practical implications of the study and future research direction.

Ahmad Firdaus Mohd Noor ◽  
Kamarul Azmi Jasmi ◽  
Muhd Imran Abd Razak ◽  
Khairunnisa A Shukor ◽  
Mohd Zahirwan Halim Zainal Abidin ◽  

This article discusses the importance of vision and mission of the Islamic Education Lecturers (IELs) in teaching and learning (TnL). This study was fully conducted through qualitative method via case study. Six IELs were selected as participants and willing to be interviewed, and the data from the interview were supported by three Heads of Islamic Education Unit, 12 lecturers and 12 students. The data were triangulated with the data obtained through observation and document analysis. The data were analysed through N’Vivo software to generate a pattern of themes and characteristics of the vision and mission in TnL. The result found that there were six elements of vision and mission emphasized by the IELs in TnL. Five of them had formed a pattern. That five elements were; students receiving and appreciating, TnL objective achieved, spreading da’wah, moulding students attidtude and thinking, and achieving success in the world and the hereafter. Therefore, a model which is named as Model of the Vision and Mission Practice for the Excellent Islamic Education Lecturers was deloped. From the overall view, the emphasis on achieving mission and vision helps the IELs to successfully conduct TnL inside and outside classroom.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 90-109
Mirosław Wylon ◽  
Agnieszka Kempa ◽  
Alicja Słowy ◽  
Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk

Summary Subject and purpose of work: Urban transport is a key element of the functioning of urban agglomerations around the world. As it is of strategic importance, the needs of its users have to be diagnosed. Due to the fact that students are the most numerous social group using public transport, particular attention should be paid to students as the real creators of the needs of urban transport. The paper aims to diagnose the challenges in urban transport shaped by the process of studentification based on the case study of Toruń. Materials and methods: The multi-stage research approach was adopted, among others a survey among students. The choice of the research area was determined by the fact that Toruń is one of the largest academic centres in Poland. Results: Toruń is experiencing the effects of the studentification process in different dimensions, including the spatial and transport facets. Conclusions: The majority of students use public transport, daily or several times a week. The most preferred means of transport is the tram owing to its relative speed and punctuality.

2014 ◽  
Vol 931-932 ◽  
pp. 781-784
Retno Hastijanti

Surabaya, is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia. Since 1612, Surabaya has been a very busy trading center. Kalimas River, which is the river that flowing in the middle of the city of Surabaya, necessarily be a "River of Gold". It is used by traders, as a transport route for carrying goods from central Java to Surabaya. And from Surabaya, these goods are distributed throughout the world. The river management of Kalimas River is very complex. On the other hand, the development of tourism in Surabaya is very encouraging. Then, it is needed to propose a new tourism destination base on the potential of Kalimas River. Because there is no type of water attractions in Surabaya yet, so we need a study that focused on understanding the river lane as an alternative of water attraction in Surabaya. This research will be done in the realm of qualitative research. Based on the research objectives, the type of research that will be applied research so that the results can be much easier to implement. As the summary, it concluded that there are 4 steps to develop the Kalimas River lane as an aternative for water tourism destination in Surabaya, which are improving the quality of its existing condition, developing its potential to serve the purpose of water tourism, achieving the needs and expectations of the citizens of Surabaya on the river lane as an alternative water tourism destination, and finding new icon for Surabaya water tourism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (21) ◽  
pp. 8915
Juraj Čamaj ◽  
Eva Brumerčíková ◽  
Michal Petr Hranický

Information and communication technologies are becoming an increasingly important part of everyday life, as they facilitate many activities, mainly in the world of work, but also in scientific research and education. At present, informatics is one of the fastest growing sectors of the national economy. This development has had a significant impact on improving the quality of transport and transportation processes. The article is focused on the railway transport. It deals with the possibilities of planning the shifts of the train personnel and circulation of the vehicles. It describes the background of the topic. The scientific acquittance lies on the methodology proposed by authors. It presents a new idea of creating the shifts and circulations while being based on the current state and mathematical methods.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-30 ◽  
Robert Driskill

This paper argues that, in light of the apparent settled nature of economists’ judgement on the issue of trade liberalization, the profession has stopped thinking critically about the question and, as a consequence, makes poor-quality arguments justifying their consensus. To develop support for this claim, the paper first recounts what economic analysis can say about trade liberalization. Then it analyses the quality of the arguments that economists make in support of free trade. The paper argues that the standard argument made by economists in favour of free trade is either incoherent or implicitly imposes philosophical value judgements about what is good for a nation or society, or it makes leaps of empirical faith about how the world works. The paper concludes with suggestions for better arguments.

2020 ◽  
Nicola Carey ◽  
Judith Edwards ◽  
Simon Otter ◽  
Heather Gage ◽  
Peter Williams ◽  

Abstract BackgroundIncreasing numbers of nurses, pharmacists and allied health professionals across the world have prescribing rights: over 90,000 of the eligible United Kingdom workforce are qualified as non-doctor prescribers. In order to inform future developments, it is important to understand the benefits and impact of prescribing by allied health professionals including physiotherapists and podiatrists.Aim: to compare outcomes of Physiotherapist and Podiatrist Independent Prescriber (PP- IP) patients with those of Physiotherapist and Podiatrist non-prescribers (PP-NPs). Outcome measures included patient satisfaction, ease of access to services, quality of life and cost implications.Design: a mixed method comparative case studyMethods: Using mixed methods of data collection, outcomes were compared between 7 sites where care was provided from a PP-IP (3 podiatrist and 4 physiotherapist IPs) and 7 sites from a PP-NP (3 podiatrist and 4 physiotherapist NPs). Patients were followed up for 2 months (2015-2016).Results: 488 patients were recruited: n=243 IP sites, and n=245 NP sites. Independent prescribing was found to be highly acceptable, and equivalent in terms of quality of life (p>0.05) and patient satisfaction (p≤0.05) compared to care provided by NPs. PP-IP care delivery was found to be more resource intensive than NP-PP, with longer consultation duration for IPs (around 6.5 mins), and a higher proportion of physiotherapy patients discussed with medical colleagues (around 9.5 minutes). ConclusionThis study provides new knowledge that PP-IPs provide high levels of care. PP-IP care delivery was found to be more resource intensive. Further research is required to explore cost effectiveness. A more focussed exploration within each profession using targeted outcome measures would enable a more robust comparison, inform future developments around the world and help ensure non-doctor prescribing is recognised as an effective way to alleviate shortfalls in the global workforce.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Ekawati Rahayu Ningsih

<div class="Section1"><p> <em>GRADUATES RECEPTION QUALITYANALYSIS OF THE POTENTIAL ECONOMIC STUDIES SYARI’AH IN STAIN KUDUS VIEWED FROM THE PERSPECTIVE STAKEHOLDER. The first aim of  this study was to determine the potential reception of  graduates quality in Shariah Economic Studiesof  STAINKudus in the world of  work. Second, to determine the motivations and needs of  stakeholders on the acceptance of  the quality of  graduates in Economics   Shariah STAIN Kudus.And third, to determine what factors which are supporting and inhibiting the absorption of graduates of the Department of Shariah Economics STAIN Kudus in working world. The theory that was developed as a basis for the analysis is the pyramid theory of  motivation and needs of  Abraham Maslow. By using qualitative research approach, the analysis and discussion of this study are:First, the potential acceptance of  Shariah Economy graduates in the working world, especially in the banking and financial institutions Shari’ah is still very large and potentially growing along with the rapid growth in the number of  banking and financial institutions Shari’ah in Indonesia. Second, motivation and needs of  stakeholders for the graduates reception of Shariah Economic STAIN Kudus is because it is the only college</em><em> in the state of  religion around the Pantura area having Shariah Economic Studies Program and easily accessible. In addition, in order to establish a more synergistic relationship with the STAIN kudus then either the shari’a banking and financial institutions are willing to accept graduates of  Shariah Economic Studies Program as employees, of course, with the various criteria established in the job requirements.</em></p></div><p><strong>K</strong><strong>eywords:</strong><em>P</em><em>otential,  Quality  Admissions,  Graduates, Economic Shariah, Stakeholder</em>.</p><p><em>T</em><em>ujuan penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, untuk mengetahui potensi penerimaan kualitas alumni Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah STAIN Kudus di dunia kerja. Kedua, untuk mengetahui motivasi dan kebutuhan stakeholder terhadap penerimaan kualitas alumni. Dan ketiga, untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambat penyerapan alumni Ekonomi Syari’ah Jurusan Syari’ah STAIN Kudus di dunia kerja. Teori yang dikembangkan sebagai dasar analisis adalah teori piramida motivasi dan kebutuhan dari Abraham Maslow. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, hasil analisis dan pembahasan dari penelitian ini adalah:Pertama, potensi penerimaan lulusan Ekonomi Syari’ah di dunia kerja, terutama di lingkungan perbankan syari’ah dan lembaga keuangan syari’ah masih sangat besar dan potensial seiring dengan semakin berkembang pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah perbankan syari’ah dan lembaga keuangan syari’ah di Indonesia. Kedua, motivasi dan kebutuhan stakeholder terhadap penerimaan alumni Ekonomi Syari’ah STAIN Kudus adalah karena STAIN Kudus merupakan satu-satunya perguruan tinggi agama negeri di sekitar wilayah Pantura yang memiliki Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah dan mudah diakses. Selain itu, untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih bersifat sinergis dengan STAIN Kudus, maka baik perbankan syari’ah maupun lembaga keuangan syari’ah bersedia menerima alumni Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah sebagai karyawan, tentunya dengan berbagai kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dalam persyaratan kerja.</em> </p><p><strong>K</strong><strong>ata Kunci: </strong><em>P</em><em>otensi, Penerimaan Kualitas, Alumni, Ekonomi Syari’ah, Stakeholder</em>.</p>

Res Mobilis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (13-3) ◽  
pp. 316-338
Rita Cruz ◽  
Teresa Franqueira ◽  
Fátima Pombo

In a few decades, the digital age came into our lives changing lifestyles and social behaviours, forcing the world to rethink daily experiences, including those taking place in the workplaces. The digital nomadism that facilitates the mobility and flexibility of work meets the requirements of today's society and stimulates the emergence of coworking spaces. Furniture design also needs to approach the new demands of current lifestyle. Within this context, the article intends to find out the role that furniture plays in such spaces. The research was carried out by studying a random sample of coworking spaces in Oporto. An interview and a survey were conducted to the coworking space users in order to identify the furniture’s common denominator in those places considering the pairs ergonomic function/comfort, materials/sustainability and flexibility/form as main parameters. The principal output of this study is to attract the attention of designers to the importance of furniture when considering the quality of coworking spaces in its multifunctional capacities in the context of a responsible, ecologic and sustainable society.

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