2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Sehla Rizqa Ramadhona

This study aims to reveal the discursive play of the short story “Lengtu Lengmua” (2012) by Triyanto Triwikromo in maintaining the unequal power relation in Indonesia. The study is carried out on the basis of Norman Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis that elaborates intertextuality theory and social theory of discourse. The research questions are what discourses influence “Lengtu Lengmua”’s celeng construction? and what political interests are supported and legitimized by “Lengtu Lengmua”’s celeng construction? It is a descriptive qualitative study for which data were collected using a note-taking technique. The relationships between data are elucidated by describing how the text of the short story, its production and the interpretation process are connected to the prevailing social conditions in Indonesia. The results show that: (1) “Lengtu Lengmua” represents, manipulates, negates, and transcends the discourse that sees that “celeng is a despicable animal” from the texts of Berburu Celeng (1998), Celeng Dhegleng (1998), and Tak Enteni Keplokmu (2000); and (2) to generate a notion of celeng as a noble animal, “Lengtu Lengmua” also configures the existing discourse conventions, namely conventions that are related to magical realism, Javanese society, children, Islamic shari’ah, and Islamic makrifat. These two results indicate that “Lengtu Lengmua” gives a new meaning to celeng and recontextualizes the celeng, which in previous texts is associated with human greed (i.e. capitalistic and corrupt), in religious issues especially those related to the contradiction between political Islam and cultural Islam. In turn, this discursive play has contributed to the formation of political Islam-cultural Islam power relation in recent years in Indonesia where cultural Islam occupies a dominant position. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap permainan diskursif cerpen “Lengtu Lengmua” (2012) karya Triyanto Triwikromo dalam pemertahanan relasi kuasa yang tidak setara di Indonesia. Kajian dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada Analisis Wacana Kritis dari Norman Fairclough yang mengelaborasi teori intertekstualitas dan teori sosial wacana. Pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab dalam penelitian ini adalah wacana apa yang memengaruhi konstruksi celeng “Lengtu Lengmua” dan kepentingan politik apa yang didukung dan dilegitimasi oleh konstruksi celeng “Lengtu Lengmua”. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penjabaran deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data simak-catat. Hubungan antardata dikaji melalui deskripsi atau penjelasan bagaimana teks cerpen, proses produksi dan interpretasinya berkaitan dengan kondisi sosial yang melatar belakangi cerita dalam cerpen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) “Lengtu Lengmua” merepresentasikan, memanipulasi, menegasikan, dan melampaui wacana “celeng adalah hewan hina” dari teks Berburu Celeng (1998), Celeng Dhegleng (1998), dan Tak Enteni Keplokmu (2000); (2) “Lengtu Lengmua” juga mengonfigurasikan konvensi-konvensi wacana yang ada untuk menghasilkan konstruksi celeng sebagai hewan mulia, yaitu konvensi wacana realisme magis, masyarakat Jawa, anak-anak, Islam syariat, dan Islam makrifat. Kedua hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa “Lengtu Lengmua” memberikan makna baru atas celeng dan membawa representasi celeng, yang pada teks-teks sebelumnya diidentikkan dengan kerakusan manusia yang kapitalistik dan korup, ke dalam konteks persoalan keagamaan khususnya yang terkait dengan pertentangan antara Islam politik dan Islam kultural. Pada gilirannya, permainan diskursif ini berkontribusi pada pembentukan relasi kuasa Islam politik-Islam kultural pada tahun-tahun terakhir di Indonesia di mana Islam kultural menduduki posisi yang dominan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Yanuar Bagas Arwansyah

Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis secara kritis visi dan misi 10 perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia versi 4 International Colleges & Universities. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis wacana kritis yang mengacu pada teori Michel Foucault. Teori analisis wacana Foucault mengacu pada wacana sebagai alat bagi kepentingan kekuasaan, hegemoni, dominasi budaya, dan ilmu pengetahuan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa visi dan misi 10 perguruan tinggi tersebut mengandung unsur-unsur yang sejalan dengan fungsi wacana menurut Foucault. Hal tersebut didasari pada visi dan misi setiap perguruan tinggi yang memiliki tujuan mengembangkan institusi berkelas internasional, namun tetap dengan berdasar pada pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang berakar pada budaya lokal. Kata kunci: wacana, visi, misi, perguruan tinggi Abstract: This article aims to critically analyze the vision and mission of the 10 best universities in Indonesia version of 4 International Colleges & Universities. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. This research is a critical discourse analysis that refers to Michel Foucault's theory. Foucault's theory of discourse analysis refers to discourse as a tool for the interests of power, hegemony, cultural domination, and science. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that the vision and mission of the 10 universities contained elements that were in line with the discourse function according to Foucault. This is based on the vision and mission of each college that has the aim of developing international-class institutions, but still based on the development of science rooted in local culture. Keywords: discourse, vision, mission, college

Christy Pottroff

Janet Frame was a celebrated New Zealand author with a prolific literary career and a dramatic personal history. Mirroring Frame’s own life, her writing frequently addresses poverty, marginalization, and the artist’s struggle in a conformist society. Both her prose and her poetry combine elements of modernism with magical realism. After a suicide attempt at university, she was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and spent eight years in mental hospitals in New Zealand, including the notorious Seacliff Lunatic Asylum, where she received numerous electroshock treatments. In 1952, while Frame was in the asylum, New Zealand’s Caxton Press published her collection of short fiction entitled The Lagoon and Other Stories, which was awarded a prestigious national literary prize, the Hubert Church Prose Award. At the time, Frame was scheduled to have a lobotomy—until hospital officials discovered that she had won the award. In total, Frame was the author of twelve novels, four short story collections, one book of poetry, and three volumes of autobiography. She received many awards and honors, and her writing has garnered numerous literary prizes and much critical attention.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-51
Harun Güney Akgül

AbstractThis study examines how populist politicians made sense of the issue of fake news. They generally consider fake news as a valuable propaganda tool for their political interests. According to the Reuters Digital News Report in 2018, Turkey ranks first on the list of countries where people complain about completely made-up stories. The study researched how fake news is helping facilitate the rise of populism in Turkey. There is plenty of fake news aired by pro-government media. Therefore, the Turkish government is emerging as a suspect behind the fake news cycle. The fact is that most of the fake news is published for the benefit of the government. Research shows that, paradoxically, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is regarded as one of the most important populist politicians in the world. These two different indicators can be valuable data in revealing the relationship between fake news and populist politicians. The aim of this paper is to consider the significance of this apparent relationship between fake news and President Erdogan. In order to do this, a critical discourse analysis method was based on the fake news about the pastor Brunson case, because Turkish readers came across a huge amount of fake news regarding his case in pro-government media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (S-1) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Umarani B

The various theories and theories and policies are emerging in the literary world. They help to approach literature with a new perspective and give them a new form.  In that sense, it is conceivable that the theory of realism has succeeded in the endeavors in the realm of Tamil literature. It has a footprint and an impression in numerous artistic classifications like in many literary categories such as short stories, novels, poetry, drama, etc. In this way, the article inspects the utilization of the mystical realities in the short story "Nagam" to explain the contemporary issues.

Yuniardi Fadilah

In the short story titled "Kalabaka" which revolves around the colonial period, the problem of the colonizers and the colonized always involves the problem of the East-West dichotomy. This short story also concerns about power relations, identity, and space. Related to the power relations between the colonizers and the colonized, then, the role of the dominant and subalterns emerged. In this case, the dominant one is certainly the colonialist, and subalterns are the colonized indigenous people. These issues make this research choose to use Gayatri Spivak's view of subalternity and representation. Therefore, the research seeks to explain the subaltern position constructed by the structure of the short story and the role of representation as a form of the perpetuation of colonialism. In the short story "Kalabaka", subalternity is created because of the dominant position of the colonialist leader over the indigenous people. This Western perspective then always looks down on the East. This then led to the emergence of representations that tried to fill the position of Kalabaka figures and the Banda community by Dutch figures in the story.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 126
Baiti Rahmawati ◽  
Abdul Muhid

Da'wah and technological development are inseparable, this is based on the concept of contemporary da'wah that is easily accepted by the present, various new phenomena such as the case of rejection of clerics in several regions arise along with the rise of activity on social media, which incidentally is full of information which is not necessarily true (Tornberg & Tornberg, 2016: 132-134). The news of the pros and cons of rejecting the da'wah experienced by Ustadz Abdul Somad was forwarded freely on social media, one of the social media is twitter. In analyzing discourse on social media, especially Twitter, the author uses analysis technic of critical discourse analysis theory by Norman Fairclough to dismantle discourse practices (Eriyanto, 2015: 285), and includes Antonio Gramsci's theory of hegemony to see discourse battles (Ives, 2004: 63 ) in the phenomenon of Ustadz Abdul Somad's rejection. The results of this study include: (1) The issue of the affiliation of Ustadz Abdul Somad can be mediated with tabayyun and clarification through the media, both traditional and social. However, the issue of khilafah is growing until it displays a process of mutual accusation between the parties involved in the discourse of the khilafah revival; 2) The discourse of Ustadz Abdul Somad's rejection on social media in this study contains trends from two different ideologies namely Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Hisbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI (3) The other tendencies are also influenced by political interests; 4) Between HTI and Banser has an impact on the image of Prabowo's and Jokowi's strongholds with the issue of the fight. HTI was identified as part of opposition supporters, while the impact on the Jokowi camp with anti-Islamic issues, because it was deemed not to show an attitude to clean up the chaos caused by burning the flag at the commemoration of the “Hari Santri Nasional.

Mohammad Hadi Jahandideh ◽  
Sakineh Shahnoori

This study provides a conceptual discussion by using Judith Butler’s theory of “Gender Performativity” that analyzes the tensions between self-identity and social identity. It proposes that identity is reflective of the correlation between the roles that people enact in society. The researchers scrutinized the role of gender and identity in the selected story of Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies. It will be investigated in the light of cultural and feminist criticism as well as their theoretical concepts. This study is conducted by using descriptive-analytic methodology as well as the materials available in the valid libraries. To conclude, the application of Butlerian theories to the selected short story provides the best opportunity for creating a balance between gender and identity spheres. It endorses the theory that gender performance is not the real hallmark of one’s identity. Indeed, formulating identity based on gender performativity is not necessarily incompatible with domestic values.

2010 ◽  
Vol 84 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 253-268
Renée Figuera

"Convention, Context and Critical Discourse Analysis: 'Jim The Boatman' and The Early Fiction of Trinidad" re-evaluates the claim of colored authorship which has been attributed to a short story published anonymously, in the Trinidad Spectator in 1846. This re-evaluation is significant since 'Jim the Boatman" has been cited as part of a collection of writing in the emerging literary tradition of nonwhite authors of nineteenth century Trinidad. A critical discourse approach to identifying the writer, in this essay, proposes an alternative paradigm to traditional "plantation power structures" which have been used for identifying writers of anonymous texts, as they may override the cultural context of literary discourse formation in complex Anglophone Caribbean societies like Trinidad. Critical Discourse Analysis focuses specifically on the ways in which writers’ discursive behavior is the result of external sociopolitical pressures, and the strategies they use for textualizing their worldview, in their cultural contexts. This alternative paradigm is based on the researcher’s critical observation of the social context, discourse conventions, and language use in relation to anonymous texts.

Rumyana Kolarova ◽  
Maria Spirova

Democracy in Bulgaria came as a result of a pact that preserved the role of the communist successor party to a larger degree than in many other post-communist countries in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). That had an impact on the nature of coalition government as well as an important but rarely noted aspect of the legacy of the successor party, the Bulgarian Socialist party (BSP). Because of the dominant position of the BSP, its personalized and centralized vision and practice of governing have remained characteristic of the political system. Coalition government is the dominant pattern in Bulgarian democratic politics: of the eleven party-based cabinets since 1990, only four were single-party ones. There are several major features of coalition government in Bulgaria: one is that party-building and coalition-making have been deeply intertwined over the entire period. Further, coalitions have been based on the understanding that parties divide the power and accompanying privileges, rather than that they share responsibility for government. Thus, in contrast to some longer-standing democracies the coalition formation process rarely involves detailed agreements on policy, and has mostly revolved around personalities and portfolios. As a result, coalition agreements have been minimal and the periods of coalition bargaining have been relatively short. Conflict resolution mechanisms are centralized and personalized, and coalitions have broken down because of narrow party political interests rather than because of principled conflicts over public policy.

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