scholarly journals Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan: Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Guru Profesional di Indonesia

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17 ◽  
Fieka Nurul Arifa ◽  
Ujianto Singgih Prayitno

The quality of education of a nation is determined by the quality of educators. Teachers as implementers of education at the basic, secondary and early age levels must have competencies and qualifications that meet national education standards. The Pre-service Teacher Professional Education Programs is a breakthrough to prepare certified professional teacher candidates. Teacher's requirements for academic qualifications are at least bachelor and must also have an educator certificate obtained through a certification program. With the end of certification through Teacher Professional Education and Training Programs, the entire certification process is taken through Teacher Professional Education Programs. This study uses a qualitative approach with library research method to find out ways in which the Pre-service Teacher Professional Education Programs policy meet the needs of professional teachers in Indonesia. In the implementation of Pre-service Teacher Professional Education Programs, there are still some challenges, namely: (1) the quality of Educational Personnel Education Institution, (2) the qualifications of prospective students, and (3) distribution of graduates. There need to be improvements in terms of governance and regulation to improve the effectiveness of the Pre-service Teacher Professional Education Programs.Kualitas pendidikan suatu bangsa ditentukan oleh kualitas pendidik. Guru sebagai pelaksana pendidikan pada jenjang dasar, menengah dan usia dini harus memiliki kompetensi dan kualifikasi yang memenuhi standar nasional pendidikan. Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan merupakan terobosan untuk menyiapkan calon guru profesional yang telah tersertifikasi. Persyaratan kualifikasi akademik guru setidaknya S-1 dan harus memiliki sertifikat pendidik yang diperoleh melalui program sertifikasi. Dengan berakhirnya sertifikasi melalui Program Pendidikan dan Latihan Profesi Guru maka seluruh proses sertifikasi ditempuh melalui Pendidikan Profesi Guru. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode kepustakaan (library research) untuk mengetahui bagaimana kebijakan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan guru profesional di Indonesia. Dalam pelaksanaannya Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan masih terkendala: (1) kualitas Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan, (2) kualifikasi calon peserta didik, dan (3) penyerapan lulusan. Perlu adanya perbaikan dari sisi tata kelola dan regulasi guna meningkatkan efektivitas penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Fieka Nurul Arifa ◽  
Ujianto Singgih Prayitno

The quality of education of a nation is determined by the quality of educators. Teachers as implementers of education at the basic, secondary and early age levels must have competencies and qualifications that meet national education standards. The Pre-service Teacher Professional Education Programs is a breakthrough to prepare certified professional teacher candidates. Teacher's requirements for academic qualifications are at least bachelor and must also have an educator certificate obtained through a certification program. With the end of certification through Teacher Professional Education and Training Programs, the entire certification process is taken through Teacher Professional Education Programs. This study uses a qualitative approach with library research method to find out ways in which the Pre-service Teacher Professional Education Programs policy meet the needs of professional teachers in Indonesia. In the implementation of Pre-service Teacher Professional Education Programs, there are still some challenges, namely: (1) the quality of Educational Personnel Education Institution, (2) the qualifications of prospective students, and (3) distribution of graduates. There need to be improvements in terms of governance and regulation to improve the effectiveness of the Pre-service Teacher Professional Education Programs.AbtrakKualitas pendidikan suatu bangsa ditentukan oleh kualitas pendidik. Guru sebagai pelaksana pendidikan pada jenjang dasar, menengah dan usia dini harus memiliki kompetensi dan kualifikasi yang memenuhi standar nasional pendidikan. Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan merupakan terobosan untuk menyiapkan calon guru profesional yang telah tersertifikasi. Persyaratan kualifikasi akademik guru setidaknya S-1 dan harus memiliki sertifikat pendidik yang diperoleh melalui program sertifikasi. Dengan berakhirnya sertifikasi melalui Program Pendidikan dan Latihan Profesi Guru maka seluruh proses sertifikasi ditempuh melalui Pendidikan Profesi Guru. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode kepustakaan (library research) untuk mengetahui bagaimana kebijakan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan guru profesional di Indonesia. Dalam pelaksanaannya Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan masih terkendala: (1) kualitas Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan, (2) kualifikasi calon peserta didik, dan (3) penyerapan lulusan. Perlu adanya perbaikan dari sisi tata kelola dan regulasi guna meningkatkan efektivitas penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 82
Sri Uchtiawati

The problem of this research is the need to improve the quality of Education, which in the analysis obtained by a base to enhance the quality of Education. Knowledge lies in the sub-system of teachers because basically, the teacher is learning agent. And how the efforts to upgrade the quality of Education is then, by invitation Act s item of national Education and law teacher and lecturer, is it relieved l formal that teachers must have a teaching certificate, or known as a teacher's certificate (sergu). The essence of teacher certification award "teaching certificate" on teachers, which meets the standards of professional, considering teacher professionals is a prerequisite for creating quality education. The purpose of this study is shortly analysis implementation of teacher certification through Professional Teacher Education In Position (PPGJ). The research method was done by qualitative descriptive, where researcher as a key instrument, which begins from preliminary studies, followed by collecting the data by using a technique sheets observation, interviews and documentation, then triangulation, and the reduction of the data. This research was conducted at PT Muhammadiyah, which held PPG Daljab in 2018 for two periods, and in 2019 for three periods. Results from this study that professional teachers can be evidenced by the Certified Master (Gr) can be obtained one through I Professional Teacher Education in the office, with the provision begins academic selection and administration, and only after the deepening of the material model of hybrid learning on Spada and ID REN the amount of 10 credits, diving three months. Workshops and Pearteaching execution of this study in Unmuh Gresik as LPTK amount of load are 8 credits for five weeks, continue VING PPL in school partners LPTK number 6 credits for three weeks, to end activities do SMEs of PPG consisting is test-related the implementation of learning carried out in partner schools and UP is a centralized online knowledge test, a maximum graduation grace period of 2 years with six times the UP retest. Furthermore, for teachers who have passed the PPG Daljab can meng ask Teacher Certification (sergur) to receive allowances, and got the facilities that support achievement for teachers, including structural positions provided by the school. The d nature of learning and mastery learning do teachers better, so Influence of Community belief against schools with teachers who already have a teacher's certificate (Gr) is large enough, can make one-factor improvement of the accreditation status of the school. Thus, schools should be able to provide support to teachers to have the opportunity to take part in the PPG in Position Program

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-153
Dyah Indraswati ◽  
Prihma Sinta Utami ◽  
Suyitno Suyitno ◽  
Dodik Kariadi

This study aims to determine: (1) the effect of students' perceptions of the teacher's sosial status on student motivation to become a Primary Teachers; (2) the effect of students' perceptions about teacher professional education programs (PPG) on student motivation to become teachers; (3) the effect of students' perceptions about the sosial status of teachers and teacher professional education programs (PPG) on student motivation to become teachers. This research is an ex post facto research with a quantitative approach. The subjects in this study were the 7th-semester students of the University of Mataram's PGSD study program, amounting to 315, then samples were taken using the Slovin formula so that 177 students were obtained. The data collection method uses a questionnaire. Data analysis uses descriptive statistical analysis; analysis prerequisite test consisting of normality test, linearity test, and multicollinearity test; and regression analysis consisting of a simple linear regression test and multiple linear regression test. The results showed: (1) There was a positive and significant influence of students' perceptions about the teacher's sosial status on motivation to become a teacher. (2) There is a positive and significant influence of students' perceptions about PPG on motivation to become a teacher. (3) There is a positive and significant influence of students' perceptions about the sosial status of teachers and PPG simultaneously on the motivation of students to become teachers.

2019 ◽  
Sukma ◽  
Rusdinal ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

There have been many efforts made by the government in improving the quality of education such as issuing Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 19 of 2005 concerning national education standards. Educational institutions hold scientific activities that can improve the ability or potential of educators so that professional educators can be created who can later improve the quality of learning in schools. This article discusses the factors that can improve the quality of education, elements and strategies in improving the quality of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 121 ◽  
pp. 03015
Aleksander Mikhailovich Fedorov ◽  
Nadezhda Anatolyevna Bogdanova ◽  
Elvira Elemesovna Fayzulina ◽  
Elionora Anatolyevna Khapalazheva ◽  
Ekaterina Anatolyevna Yakovleva

The article represents the analysis of modern integration processes in the field of education in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). As it is stated in the article, globalization, global transformation, and integration of countries actualize the problems of developing common approaches and strategies to improve the quality of education and to meet the new challenges of the developing post-industrial society based on knowledge, information, and innovations. The role of human capital is increasing under quite new conditions of cultural, social, economic, and technological development of the members of the CIS. One of the central ideas of the article is the problem of improving national systems of compulsory and professional education as the main resources to harmonize them due to the interests of the CIS and to increase the quality of the training of personnel, the development of their academic and socio-professional mobility of the population in these countries. The aim is to ensure the competitiveness of the national education systems of the CIS in the global education market. Cooperation in the field of pedagogical and educational sciences and teacher training has significantly intensified. The Russian language plays a special role in the integration processes in the CIS. The present-day tendencies and strategies of the development of the common CIS education space are characterized in the article.

Annafi Kusmaratu Annafi ◽  
Fakuroji Fatkuroji ◽  
Baqiyatush Sholihah

Pemetaan mutu dilaksanakan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang capaian atau pemenuhan SNP. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus permasalahan: 1) bagaimana pemetaan mutu tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan berdasarkan instrumen pemetaan mutu di SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? 2) bagaimana cara meningkatkan mutu tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan berdasarkan standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan di SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rapor mutu sebagai hasil pemetaan mutu menunjukkan ada peningkatan nilai dari tahun sebelumnya, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya penambahan guru serta kualifikasi guru yang hampir mencapai SNP (Standar Nasional Pendidikan). Kemajuan juga terjadi pada kepala sekolah yang sudah memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai kepala sekolah profesional, ada juga standar tenaga administrasi yang harus memiliki tenaga administrasi yang berkualifikasi sesuai namun masih banyak data yang tidak terbaca oleh aplikasi dapodik yang menjadikan nilai rapor standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan tidak memiliki nilai. Setelah menganalisis pencapaian mutu dilanjutkan dengan upaya kepala sekolah dalam membina tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan lewat program pendidikan dan pelatihan, MGMP dan IHT.Quality mapping is carried out to provide an overview of the achievement or fulfillment of the National Education Standards (SNP). This research focuses on the problems: 1) how is the quality mapping of educators and education staff based on the quality mapping instrument at SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? 2) how to improve the quality of educators and education staffs based on the standards of educators and education personnels or staffs at SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the quality report card as a result of quality mapping showed an increase in grades from the previous year, this was evidenced by the addition of teachers and teacher qualifications that almost reached the National Education Standards (SNP). Progress has also occurred in school principals who have met the qualifications as professional school principals, there are also administrative staff standards who must have appropriate qualified administrative personnel but there is still a lot of data that is not legible by the dapodik application which makes the standard report cards of educators and education personnels have no grade. After analyzing the quality achievement, it is continued with the principal's efforts in fostering educators and education staffs through education and training programs, MGMP and IHT.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Anak Agung Ketut Raka ◽  
I Ketut Winantra

ABSTRAK             Di Indonesia peningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan sasaran pembangunan di bidang pendidikan nasional dan merupakan bagian integral dari upaya peningkatan kualitas manusia secara menyeluruh. Mengingat peran pendidikan sangat penting bagi kehidupan masyarakat, maka pemerintah berupaya untuk meningkatkan kwalitas semua komponen yang dapat menunjang peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Salah satu komponen yang dimaksud adalah peningkatan mutu profesionalisme guru khususnya guru pendidikan agama hindu.             Ada beberapa komponen strategis yang perlu diperhatikan oleh guru pendidikan agama hindu yaitu permasalahan-permasalahan profesionalisme guru, prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme guru dan upaya peningkatan profesionalisme guru. Permasalahan-permasalahan profesionalisme guru meliputi profesionalisme profesi keguruan, otoritas profesioanal guru, kebebasan akademik dan tanggung jawab moral. Prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme guru meliputi memiliki bakat, minat, panggilan jiwa dan idealisme, memiliki komitmen, kualifikasi akademik, kompetensi, tanggung jawab, penghasilan, kesempatan, jaminan perlindungan hukum dan organisasi profesi. Upaya-upaya profesionalisme guru meliputi terdidik secara baik, terlatih secara baik, dihargai secara baik, terlindungi secara baik dan dikelola secara baik. ABSTRACT Indonesia is improving the quality of education is a development target in the field of national education and is an integral part of efforts to improve the quality of society, the government seeks to improve the quality of all components that can support the improvement of the quality of education. one of the components in question is improving the quality of teacher professionalism, especially teachers of Hindu education. There are several strategic components that need to be considered by Hindu religious education teachers, namely problems - the problems of teacher professionalism, the principles of teacher professionalism and efforts to increase teacher professionalism. problems - the problems of teacher professionalism include professionalism of the teaching profession, teacher professional authority, academic breakdown and moral responsibility. the principles of teacher professionalism include having talent, interest, calling soul and idealism, having commitment, academic qualifications, competence, responsibilities, income, opportunities, legal protection guarantees and professional organizations.Efforts - the efforts of teacher professionalism include well-educated, well-trained, well-respected, well-protected and well-managed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Wahid Khoirul Ikhwan

Government issued Government Regulation No.19/2005 on National Education Standards. National Education Standards consists of 8 components: (1) Content Standards, (2) Standard Process, (3) Competency Standards, (4) Teachers and Education Personnel Standards, (5) Standards for Infrastructure, (6) Management Standards, (7) Standard Financing, and (8) Educational Assessment Standards. The results content standards, process standards and competency standards (SKL), MTsN  in Tulungagung also meets national standards, so that the quality of education in schools MTsN Tulungagung could be better. It can be seen from the following observations sebyai; standard contents index average of 3.7, the standard index averaged 3.3 and 3.7 index competency standards.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Mambaul Musofa ◽  
Istikomah Istikomah ◽  
Budi Haryanto

Quality education is always desired by the community, the quality of education in Indonesia is characterized by the achievement of the National Education Standards (SNP) or exceeding the SNP. One factor that determines the quality of education is the implementation of quality learning as well, quality learning is only produced by qualified teachers. The competency standards that must be possessed by teachers are pedagogic, personality, social and professional competencies. Teacher competency improvement needs to be improved along with the rapid development of science and technology, so that through quality learning can prepare graduates who are ready to face life in their day. To prepare qualified teachers cannot be separated from the principal's role as educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, and motivator. In Permendikbud 15 of 2018 the Principal's Workload is entirely to carry out tasks: managerial, entrepreneurship development and supervision to Teachers and education staff. One of the principal tasks of the principal is to supervise teachers in order to prepare quality learning. This study wants to discuss the Principal's Strategic Role in Improving Learning Quality through Academic Supervision Activities.

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