2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Linda Suryani

Oral and oral hygiene is a condition that is free of disorders that can affect the level of oral hygiene such as plaque and tartar. Brushing teeth can prevent the occurrence of food debris on the sidelines of teeth and tooth surfaces. Based on preliminary interviews on 10 children MIN 9 Banda Aceh, 7 of them frequency and time brushing teeth is not true, because they brush their teeth only in the morning when bathing in the morning only. From the preliminary examination conducted by the authors on 10 students, 6 of them had mean bad OHI-S (3.5), and 3 of them had average moderate OHI-S (1,3), and 1 of them had flat good OHI-S (0.8). This study aims to determine the description of toothbrushing to the level of oral hygiene in grade V students in MIN 9 Banda Aceh. This research is descriptive, conducted on 13 June to 14 June 2013. The population is 35 students MIN 9 Banda Aceh. The sample in this research is 35 students. The results showed that the dental and oral hygiene status in terms of tooth brushing frequency in the students of MIN 9 Banda Aceh City has OHI-S criteria being as many as 10 people (58.8%). While the status of dental and oral hygiene in terms of how to brush teeth on Elementary School students Lameu Sakti district Pidie has OHI-S criteria are as many as 9 people (56.3%). And dental and oral hygiene status in terms of brushing time on students MIN 9 Banda Aceh city has OHI-S criteria being as many as 10 people (58.8%). It can be concluded that students who brush once-daily teeth have moderate OHI-S criteria and students who brush their teeth in the morning bath also have moderate OHI-S criteria. It is suggested to students of MIN 9 Banda Aceh to pay more attention to oral hygiene.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Riani Setiadhi ◽  
Rosiliwati Wihardja

Pendahuluan: Umur merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku kesehatan seseorang.  Semakin bertambahnya umur dan semakin tingginya pendidikan maka semakin tinggipengetahuan mengenai kebersihan mulut sehingga diharapkan kebersihan mulut akan lebih baik sejalan dengan pertambahan umur. Rongga mulut terdiri dari jaringan keras dan jaringan lunak. Jaringan lunak rongga mulut terdiri dari mukosa labial, mukosa bukal, palatum, gingiva, frenulum dan lidah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh umur terhadap jaringan lunak mulut siswa. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan analitik crossectional terhadap  data /catatan kesehatan gigi siswa SDK Yahya meliputi umur dan keadaan jaringan lunak mulut. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh data /catatan kesehatan jaringan lunak siswa SDK Yahya tahun ajaran 2012–2013. Jumlah sampel dihitung dengan rumus besaran sampel minimal : n = N/N(d)2 + 1 dan didapatkan jumlah sampel adalah 180.12 Setelah mendapatkan jumlah sampel minimal, metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampling sistematis. Hasil: Secara umum kondisi jaringan lunak mulut siswa-siswa yang diperiksa adalah baik. Uji t menunjukkan pengaruh parsial signifikan pada 3 kondisi jaringan mulut yaitu bibir normal, bibir kering dan lidah normal. Uji hipotesis  (Uji F) menunjukkan pengaruh umur terhadap kondisi jaringan lunak mulut menunjukkan nilai F hitung (4,224) > F tabel (1,686), sehingga Ho ditolak artinya secara simultan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari umur terhadap kondisi jaringan lunak mulut. Simpulan: Terdapat pengaruh umur terhadap kesehatan jaringan lunak mulut siswa usia sekolah dasar.Kata kunci: Umur, jaringan lunak mulut, siswa sekolah dasar ABSTRACTIntroduction: Age is one of the factors that influence an individual's health behaviour. The more you get older and the higher the education, the higher your knowledge about oral hygiene thus expected that oral hygiene would be better in line with aging. The oral cavity consists of hard and soft tissue. Oral soft tissue consists of labial mucosa, buccal mucosa, palate, gingiva, frenulum and tongue. This study was aimed to determine the influence of age on the oral soft tissues of elementary students. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional analytic of dental records of Yahya students, including the students’ age and oral soft tissue condition. The population in this study were all dental records of Yahya Christian Elementary School students' regarding the health of soft tissue, from 2012 to 2013 school year. The number of samples was calculated with a minimum sample size formula: n = N / N (d) 2 + 1 and the number of samples obtained is 180.12 After getting the minimum number of samples, the sampling method used was systematic sampling. Results: In general, the oral soft tissue condition of the students examined was good. The t-test showed a significant partial effect on 3 conditions of oral tissue, namely age lips, dry lips, and normal tongue. Hypothesis test (F-test) on the effect of age on the condition of oral soft tissue showed the calculated F-value (4.224) > F table (1.686) so that Ho was rejected, meaning that simultaneously, there was a significant effect of age on the condition of oral soft tissue. Conclusion: There was an influence of age on the health of elementary school-age students’ oral soft tissue.Keywords: Age, oral soft tissue, elementary school students

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 280-294
Zaki Al Fuad ◽  
Helminsyah ◽  
Aprian Subhananto

Development of Creative Montage Learning Model with View, Scissor, Paste, and Tell Techniques to Improve Speaking Skills of Elementary School Students. The purpose of this study is to find out (1) whether the model of creative montage learning with LGTC techniques can facilitate teachers in improving the skills of elementary students. (2) the design of creative montage learning model with LGTC technique can improve the speaking skill of elementary school students. (3) description of success rate of creative montage learning model with LGTC technique toward students' speaking skill. This research was conducted in class III SDIT Al-Azhar Banda Aceh with population of 31 students. Research begins with early observation to school and discussion with teachers at the school. The next activity is an instrument test. Instruement used in the form of observation sheet of students' speaking skill, skill test sheet and implementation plan of learning model. Data collection techniques used are observations, tests, and interviews. Observations were made to the learning process which included teacher and student activities. While the test is used to measure the level of ability or speaking skills of students after learning by mengguanakan model creative montage with LGTC techniques. The result of the research shows that the improvement of students' speaking skill in grade IV. The test results show, the initial value obtained is 61.65 increased to 80.45 after extensive testing. The response from siswapun shows that this model is very popular with students, and also very helpful for teachers in teaching.   Abstrak Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Montase Kreatif dengan Teknik Lihat, Gunting, Tempel, dan Ceritakan untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui (1) apakahmodel pembelajaran montase kreatif dengan teknik LGTC dapat memudahkan guru dalam meningkatkan keterampilan siswa SD. (2) rancangan model pembelajaran montase kreatif dengan teknik LGTC dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa SD. (3) gambaran tingkat keberhasilan model pembelajaran montase kreatif dengan teknik LGTC terhadap keterampilan berbicara siswa SD.Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas III SDIT Al-Azhar Banda Aceh dengan populasi 31 siswa. Penelitian dimulai dengan observasi awal ke sekolah dan diskusi dengan guru-guru di sekolah tersebut. Kegiatan selanjutnya ialah uji coba instrument. Instruement yang digunakan berupa lembar pengamatan keterampilan berbicara siswa, lembar tes keterampilan dan lembar keterlaksanaan rencana model pembelajaran. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, tes, dan wawancara. Observasi dilakukan terhadap proses pembelajaran yang meliputi aktivitas guru dan siswa. Sedangkan tes digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kemampuan atau keterampilan berbicara siswa setelah dilakukan pembelajaran dengan mengguanakan model montase kreatif dengan teknik LGTC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas IV. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan, nilai awal yang didapat yaitu 61,65 meningkat menjadi 80,45 setelah dilakukan uji coba secara luas. Respon dari siswapun menunjukkan bahwa model ini sangat digemari oleh siswa, dan juga sangat membantu guru dalam mengajar. Kata kunci: Montase Kreatif, Teknik LGTC

e-GIGI ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Claudiette Brigita Pantow ◽  
Sarah M. Warouw ◽  
Paulina N. Gunawan

Abstract: Dental health education conducted to the elementary school students is one of promotive effort to increase oral and dental health. The aim of this study was to know the influence of dental health education about tooth-brushing method toward dental plaque index in the elementary school students of Inpres Lapangan. Research was done in Inpres Lapangan elementary school using quasy experimental method. Samples were taken using total sampling method in a total of 50 respondents. This research used Wilcoxon statistical analysis test. The result showed that before dental health education conducted to the students dental plaque index was moderate category after dental health education conducted, dental plaque index increased to good category. Wilcoxon analysis test showed value of significance p<0,001. This statistical analysis concluded that there was influence of dental health education about tooth brushing method toward dental plaque index of the elementary students in Inpres LapanganKeywords: dental health education,tooth brushing method,plaque indexAbstrak: Penyuluhan cara menyikat gigi pada siswa sekolah dasar merupakan salah satu upaya promotif dalam meningkatkan kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan cara menyikat gigi terhadap indeks plak gigi pada siswa SD Inpres Lapangan. Penelitian dilakukan di SD Inpres Lapangan, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian quasy eksperimental. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 50 siswa dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu total sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji analisis statistik Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan cara menyikat gigi indeks plak awal ialah kategori sedang dan setelah dilakukan penyuluhan cara menyikat gigi indeks plak akhir ialah kategori baik. Hasil uji analisis statistik Wilcoxon ini menunjukkan p<0,001. Hasil analisis ini menunjukan ada pengaruh yang bermakna dari penyuluhan cara menyikat gigi terhadap indeks plak gigi pada siswa SD Inpres Lapangan.Kata kunci: penyuluhan kesehatan gigi, cara menyikat gigi, indeks plak

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Almujadi Almujadi ◽  
Dwi Eni Purwati

Cleaned toothbrushing is an activity to clean all the surface of teeth by using tooth brush and tooth paste. This study purposes to know the relationship between tooth brushing with and without toothpaste and plaques score in elementary school students. This study used quasi experiment study design. This study population and subject were all of students in class IV and V SD Negeri Kandangan I and SD Negeri Kandangan II. Seventy students were divided into intervention and control group, with each group contained 35 students. Plaque data was evaluated by using plaque coloring material disclosing solution which was dropped on the tip of the tongue then spread on teeth surfaces. Plaque score was measured by Personal Hygiene Performan-Modified (PHP-M) technique using all plaque scores on the index teeth. Data analysis were performed by independent t-test, with normality and homogeneity test were performed before it. This study showed that there was significant difference in tooth plaque scores decline between experimental group and control group. Experimental group declined as much or 22,94, wherias control group declined at much as 11,00. This study concluded Tooth brushing with toothpaste could reduce plaque score in elementary school students compared to tooth brushing without toothpaste.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Valerii Budak ◽  
Nadia Lutsan ◽  
Tetiana Stepanova ◽  
Kateryna Shapochka ◽  
Anna Struk

The article examines the development of speech in elementary school students. The research objective is to determine the status of coherent speech development in 3rd-grade students in the process of constructive and artistic activity. The article defines the criteria (structural and compositional, communicative and productive, and communicative and creative), indicators, and levels of development of coherent speech in elementary school students in the process of constructive and artistic activity. Each criterion includes a group of qualitative content-disclosing indicators and characterizes the achievements of students in the intended type of activity. Based on this, the authors have developed a methodological tool that allows them to diagnose coherent speech development in 3rd-grade students in the process of constructive and artistic activity and to conduct a precise quantitative differentiation by high, sufficient, medium, and low levels of coherent speech formation with specific characteristics for qualitative measurements that open up prospects for the development of appropriate effective measures for improving the quality of training students for such activity.

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