Camila Cristine Gomes Nazareth

RESUMO A pesquisa contou com um total de 57 (cinquenta e sete) trabalhos científicos que incluíram artigos científicos e editoriais de revistas científicas. Ao todo foram selecionados 28 (vinte e oito) trabalhos científicos com base no delineamento da pesquisa de revisão sistemática, sendo: 22 (vinte e dois) trabalhos científicos cujo eixo era a temática da revisão de literatura e 7 (sete) trabalhos científicos discutiam especificamente as diferenças e semelhanças entre revisão de literatura e revisão sistemática. Estes sete artigos serviram de base para o estudo no presente trabalho já que versam exclusivamente sobre o assunto. O objetivo do presente trabalho é realizar uma análise objetiva das diferenças entre a revisão de literatura comparada com a revisão sistemática de literatura. Palavras Chave: Revisão de Literatura; Revisão Sistemática; Revisão Narrativa  ABSTRACT A survey included a total of 57 (fifty-seven) scientific papers, including scientific articles and editorials from scientific journals. When 28 (twenty-eight) scientific papers were selected based on systematic review research, 22 (twenty-two) scientific papers focused on literature review and 7 (seven) scientific studies discussed as the similarities between literature review and systematic review. These seven articles served as the basis for the study in the present work since they deal exclusively with the subject.The objective of the present work is to carry out an objective analysis of the differences between a literature review compared to a systematic review. Key words: Literature Review; Systematic Review; Narrative Review

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-114
Faisal Khalil-Ur-Rehman

Application-based mobile learning (ABML) has a significant impact on the university students learning process and results from the past decade. As a result, the high number of scientific papers have been published that focus on application-based M-learning globally. Thus, ABML related literature from the past 6 years has rather fragmented focusing on the advancement of LMS available on smartphones. In this context, a Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) was developed that offers a holistic literature review of application-based M-Learning in Pakistan.  The Systematic Review was done based on 65 systematically selected articles from 2 databases Elsevier and Springer Nature. The results of this study show that the number of scientific papers on M-learning has been increased from the past 3 years. Therefore, among many aspects application-based M-learning is the most popular research trend in Pakistan, also some of the occurring in the near future are also be illuminated in this research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (60) ◽  
pp. 118-133
Luciana Santos Costa Vieira da Silva ◽  
Fabíola Kaczam ◽  
Anderson de Barros Dantas ◽  
Josenilde Mario Janguia

The objective of the research is to map the literature based on a Systematic Literature Review on the theme of startups and to highlight some theoretical gaps based on publications of high-reputation scientific journals. The period from 1990 to 2019 was defined for the elaboration of this study. We use the excel spreadsheet, in addition to the HistCite ™, VOSviewer, IRATUMEQ, and R Studio packages. The results show that the typology of the startups evaluated, after reading 68% of the articles, organizations are characterized as a group of new companies, that is, relatively young and inexperienced when compared to the most stable and mature in organizational development. They refer to those that are in the initial stage and are susceptible to the influence of various factors, such as investors, supplier customers, partners, etc., and should think strategically about how to act and, this concerns a group of dynamic startups that work with innovations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Widya Rahmah

Kanker merupakan suatu penyakit yang diakibatkan karena pertumbuhan yang tidak normal sel jaringan tubuh yang akan menjadi sel kanker. Penyakit kanker sampai saat ini masih merupakan salah satu penyakit yang menjadi problem dunia. Kanker menyebabkan kematian yang cukup besar, pada tahun 2018 tercatat 17 juta kasus kanker yang menyebabkan 9,5 juta kematian penduduk dunia disebabkan karena penyakit kanker. Indonesia tercatat sebagai negara yang memiliki jenis mangrove terkaya di dunia. Tumbuhan mangrove memiliki banyak sekali manfaat bagi kesehatan, salah satunya adalah sebagai antikanker. Tujuan dari penulisan literature review ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi dan gambaran mengenai kandungan metabolit sekunder dan senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat didalam tanaman mangrove, serta untuk mengetahui potensi tanaman mangrove sebagai agen antikanker. Pada penyusunan literature review ini digunakan suatu metode penelitian sekunder tanpa panduan tertentu dalam penulisannya (non-systematic review) yaitu metode pendekatan narrative review. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data-data terkait  topik penelitian yang berasal dari berbagai pustaka elektronik dan non elektronik. Berdasarkan beberapa hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa ekstrak tanaman mangrove memiliki aktivitas sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker myeloma dengan IC50 sebesar 508,19 μg/mL. Hasil isolasi senyawa squalene mempunyai efektivitas sebagai antikanker pada lambung dengan potensi aktivitas sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker MCF-7 dengan nilai IC50 masing-masing, yaitu 644,008 dan 595,164μg/mL.  Maka sangatlah sayang bila potensi ini tidak kita gali dan manfaatkan semaksimal demi kepentingan bersama. Banyak perguruan tinggi dan lembaga penelitian yang telah mengeksplorasi berbagai tumbuhan sebagai sumber obat namun belum banyak melirik khasiat pada tumbuhan mangrove.

2020 ◽  
María Teresa Lozano López ◽  
Sinta Gamonal Limcaoco ◽  
Nerea M Casado Espada ◽  
Ana Macia Casas ◽  

Objetives: To begin with, this systematic review arises from the interest to know about the appearance of psychotic and opioid symptomatology. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to establish the appearance of psychotic symptoms in the removal of oxycodone and tramadol. Methods: As far as the research procedure is concerned, a systematic review has been carried out which focuses on the relation of the psychotic symptoms caused by the withdrawal of buprenorphine. In this way, we have selected those scientific papers filed in the database PubMed looking for the key words: “Tramadol; Oxycodone” AND “psychosis, psychotic symptoms; schizophrenia”. Results and conclusions: In current literature, there are three publications dealing with clinic cases where patients suffered from psychotic symptoms after the removal of tramadol or oxycodone. Two of them are case reports about patients who presented psychotic symptoms after stopping these opioids. It is necessary to continue observing and reporting all cases of psychotic symptoms after an opioid withdrawal, as well as the potential antipsychotic effect of the drugs

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Gustina - Gustina ◽  
Hidayatul Ihsan

Communal ownership has proved successful in supporting and improving the welfare of society, including education. Many sectors in society that can already be supported by waqf, such as facilities of worship, hospitals, education, economic facilities and others. Study waqf in higher education was still relatively rare for Indonesia. In the world, however, there are many universities that carry out of the principle of communal ownership, such as Al-Azhar University at Cairo University of Cordoba Spain and so on. This artilce aimed to explore the application of communal ownership for higher education from management and economics. The method used literature review of books, manuscripts and publications of scientific journals. The results of the study indicated that the continuity and sustainability of the use of communal ownership in society was determined by the management of communal ownership by the manager (Nazhir) and the foundation of the trustee holder of the communal ownership. Key words: Management Communal Ownership, Communal Ownership in Education

Joel Rey U. Acob ◽  
Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho

In the development of scientific investigation, traditionally, a researcher identifies prevailing issues as the focus of study. Following the institutional format gives way to decide within the box since conventional approach of accomplishing research are utilized. This article guides the neophyte researchers to alter the “customary” dealings of analyzing phenomenon under study without deviating the protocol. Keywords: Literature, Literature review, Integrative review, Systematic review

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Joko Prasetyo

This research aims to: (1) know the criteria of a graph that has a -factor, (2) know the conditions of a regular graph that has a 1-factorization , (3) know the conditions of a regular graph that has a 2-factorization.This research is a qualitative descriptive study using the method of literature study or literature review where a study of books, scientific journals, and other literature languages is carried out relating to factorization on regular graphs. This research begins by discussing the definitions and examples of euler graphs and regular bipartite multigraphs. Next in reviewing the terms of a regular graph which has a 1-factorization and which has a 2-factorization, it starts by discussing the definition and theorem of matching on bipartite graphs, definitions and examples of factorization graphs, then discussing the proof of theorem of regular graphs that have a 1-factor and a regular graph which has a 2-factor.The results of this study indicate that: (1) Graph  is said to be -factorable  or can be factored into -factor , if can be decomposed or be eksplained into spanning subgraphs , where each  has a -factor and is edge-disjoint from , that is 1)  2)  … n) = . (2) The condition for a graph that has a 1-factorization is, if the graph is a -regular bipartite multigraph, with . (3) The condition for a graph that has a 2-factorization is, if the graph is a -regular graph, with .               Key words: Bipartite graphs, Factorization, Decomposition, Regular graph.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Akhmadu Muradi

Pada era modern saat ini, Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) atau kedokteran berbasis bukti baik dalam diagnosis maupun tatalaksana merupakan suatu keharusan. Khususnya dalam lingkup ilmu bedah, penelitian dan publikasi untuk mendukung terwujudnya EBM yang baik masih kurang.1 Hanya 3.4% artikel yang dipublikasi di 5 besar jurnal jurnal ilmu bedah dalam rentang 1996-2000 yang berbentuk RCTs.2 Untuk menjawab tantangan ini, muncul banyak grant penelitian dan jurnal bedah yang membawa nama research sebagai bagian dari penyadaran, dorongan dan penyediaan sarana. Lebih lanjut lagi, hasil penelitian dan rekomendasi tatalaksana yang berasal dari populasi negara maju belum tentu langsung bisa diterapkan di Indonesia karena perbedaan karakteristik dalam banyak aspek.3 Oleh karena itu masih terbentang lebar lahan yang bisa diteliti baik dalam hal ilmu dasar maupun teknik operasi dan teknologi yang diaplikasikan dalam penatalaksanaan kasus-kasus bedah. Permasalahan yang muncul saat ini adalah jargon bahwa penelitian dan publikasi itu susah, kompleks dan menyita banyak waktu harus dapat kita ubah sedikit demi sedikit. Budaya membaca dan menulis merupakan hal dasar yang harus ditekankan. Pertanyaan atau ide penelitian sering muncul setelah banyak membaca jurnal, selain tentunya dari praktek keseharian yang dihadapi. Ilmu dan skill meneliti dapat dipelajari dan ditingkatkan dengan mengikuti kursus atau diintegrasikan selama pendidikan. Implementasi surgical research methodology program dalam kurikulum terbukti mampu meningkatkan produktivitas penelitian dan performa residen bedah.4 Program tersebut merupakan program terstruktur dengan topik orientasi, penelusuran literatur sistematik, etika, statistik, dan berbagai bentuk penelitian.4 Hal lain yang sangat mendukung suatu penelitian adalah sistem rekam medik yang ditulis dengan baik, lengkap dan mudah diakses. Permasalahan yang berikutnya adalah penghargaan terhadap suatu penelitian masih minim apalagi bila memiliki tingkat evidence yang rendah seperti laporan kasus dan serial kasus. Perlu digaris bawahi bahwa laporan kasus hingga saat ini masih dapat ditemukan pada jurnal-jurnal internasional dengan impact factor yang tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bentuk penghargaan dan penerimaan terhadap sekecil apa pun bentuk penelitian, terlebih bila merupakan kasus yang sangat jarang ditemukan atau menggunakan inovasi baru dalam penatalaksanaannya. Kumpulan dari laporan kasus yang sama dapat menghasilkan bentuk penelitian yang memiliki tingkat evidence yang lebih tinggi. Hal lain yang harus kita ingat adalah meskipun RCTs merupakan bentuk penelitian dengan tingkat evidence yang paling baik, terkadang sulit diterapkan dalam ilmu bedah dibanding penelitian medis lainnya apalagi bila menggunakan placebo sebagai kelompok kontrol.3 Mari kita bersama memajukan penelitian dan publikasi dalam ilmu bedah untuk mendukung praktek kedokteran berbasis bukti. Publikasikan hasil karya kita agar dapat bermanfaat untuk ahli bedah lainnya dan kami siap menerima semua jenis karya ilmiah: laporan kasus, serial kasus, evidence base case report, literature review, systematic review, dan original article. Terakhir, kami mengajak kepada semua ahli bedah untuk mensukseskan dan membawakan hasil kerjanya dalam acara pertemuan ilmiah tahunan ke-22 IKABI pada akhir Juli 2017 di Jakarta.

2019 ◽  
pp. 121-143
Riccardo Resciniti ◽  
Federica De Vanna

The rise of e-commerce has brought considerable changes to the relationship between firms and consumers, especially within international business. Hence, understanding the use of such means for entering foreign markets has become critical for companies. However, the research on this issue is new and so it is important to evaluate what has been studied in the past. In this study, we conduct a systematic review of e-commerce and internationalisation studies to explicate how firms use e-commerce to enter new markets and to export. The studies are classified by theories and methods used in the literature. Moreover, we draw upon the internationalisation decision process (antecedents-modalities-consequences) to propose an integrative framework for understanding the role of e-commerce in internationalisation

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