scholarly journals Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Beyond: Laboratory of Computer Applications for Health Care at University of São Paulo

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-42
Fatima Nunes ◽  
Renan Aranha ◽  
Rafael Testa ◽  
Matheus Ribeiro

The Laboratory of Computer Applications for Health Care at University of São Paulo develop multidisciplinary research involving Computer Science areas and other knowledge fields such as Physiotherapy, Psychiatry, Radiology, and Cardiology. Most studies use concepts besides Computer Science, by aggregating knowledge to solve real problems. In this paper we present the main projects in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality areas, highlighting serious games, computer-aided diagnosis and therapy, simulation and training. Besides the social and scientific impact inherent to the type of the developed research, some systems are available to health professionals in order to allow technology transfer and consequent technological and economic impact in daily activities of health tasks.

Fátima Nunes ◽  
Renan Aranha ◽  
Rafael Testa ◽  
Matheus Ribeiro

The Laboratory of Computer Applications for Health Care at University of São Paulo develop multidisciplinary research involving Computer Science areas and other knowledge fields such as Physiotherapy, Psychiatry, Radiology, and Cardiology. Most studies use concepts besides Computer Science, by aggregating knowledge to solve real problems. In this paper we present the main projects in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality areas, highlighting serious games, computer-aided diagnosis and therapy, simulation and training. Besides the social and scientific impact inherent to the type of the developed research, some systems are available to health professionals in order to allow technology transfer and consequent technological and economic impact in daily activities of health tasks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-175
Wécio Pinheiro Araújo

Resumo: Em O Capital, Marx nos alertou que a mercadoria tem um caráter misterioso que carrega “sutilezas metafísicas e argúcias teológicas”. Este artigo tenta decifrar um pouco desse mistério buscando decodifica-lo naquilo que denominamos como a estranha objetividade do valor. Para isso, analisamos a relação entre a ideologia e o valor a partir da crítica marxiana à mercadoria, consignada à lógica de Hegel. Vemos que o valor se constitui como razão ontológica da mercadoria enquanto produto do processo de trabalho que carrega uma racionalidade imanente, isto é, um espírito socialmente produzido que se objetiva à medida que é vivenciado pelos indivíduos como uma lógica social que rege as relações nesta sociedade. Isso se dá por meio de “sutilezas metafísicas” na formação da realidade social marcada por contradições estabelecidas entre, de um lado, o conteúdo objetivo das relações sociais, e de outro, a forma como essas relações são vivenciadas pela consciência na sociedade capitalista. Nesta relação entre conteúdo e forma, encontramos determinações de profundidade ontológica entre o valor e a ideologia, enquanto forma social que opera harmonizando as contradições constituintes da realidade social, a exemplo do que acontece no trabalho assalariado. A mediação ideológica se põe como uma progressão imanente à materialização da vivência concreta da relação entre capital e trabalho no salário, de maneira a naturalizar a exploração que se esconde na estranha objetividade do valor que se realiza na troca de mercadorias. Concluímos que a conexão ontológica entre o ser social e a mercadoria é socialmente ubíqua, precisamente por conta do seu caráter ideológico na formação da sociabilidade a partir do processo de trabalho subjugado ao capital.  Palavras-chave: Valor. Ideologia. Trabalho, Capital. Salário.  Abstract: In Capital, Marx warned us that the commodity has a mysterious character bearing "metaphysical subtleties and theological insights." This article attempts to decipher a little of this mystery by decoding it into what we call the strange objectivity of value. For this, we analyze the relation between ideology and value from the Marxian critique of the commodity, consigned to the Hegelian logic. We see that value is constituted as the ontological reason of the commodity as the product of the labor process that carries an immanent rationality, that is, a socially produced spirit that is objectified as it is experienced by the individuals as a social logic that governs the relations in this society. This is done through "metaphysical subtleties" in the formation of social reality marked by contradictions established between, on the one hand, the objective content of social relations, and on the other, the way in which these relations are experienced by consciousness in capitalist society. In this relationship between content and form, we find determinations of ontological depth between value and ideology, as a social form that operates by harmonizing the constituent contradictions of social reality, as in wage labor. Ideological mediation is seen as an immanent progression to the materialization of the concrete experience of the relation between capital and labor in wage, in order to naturalize the exploitation that is hidden in the strange objectivity of the value that is realized in the exchange of commodities. We conclude that the ontological connection between the social being and the commodity is socially ubiquitous precisely because of its ideological character in the formation of sociability from the labor process subjugated to capital.  Keywords: Value. Labor. Ideology. Capital. Wage.  REFERÊNCIAS  ADORNO, Theodor W. Teoria Estética. [Asthetische Theorie]. Tradução de Artur Morão. – São Paulo : Livraria Martins Fontes, 1988.  ADORNO, Theodor W. Três estudos sobre Hegel. [Drei Studien zu Hegel]. Tradução: Ulisses Razzante Vaccari. – 1. Ed. – São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2013.  ARAÚJO, Wécio Pinheiro. Ideologia e capital: crítica da razão imanente à sociedade moderna. Tese de doutorado. João Pessoa, PB; Leipzig, Saxônia, UFPB/UFPE/UFRN-HGB, 2018.  ARTHUR, Christopher J. A nova dialética e “O Capital” de Marx. Tradução de Pedro C. Chadarevian. – São Paulo : Edipro, 2016.   DUSSEL, Enrique. A Produção Teórica de Marx: um comentário sobre os Grundrisse. Tradução de José Paulo Netto. – 1 ed. – São Paulo : Expressão Popular, 2012. GERAS, Norman. Marx and the Critique of Political Economy. In: Ideology and Social Science: politics, sociology, anthropology, economics, history. – Ed. by Robin Blackburn, Fontana/Collins, 1977, p. 284-305.  JAEGGI, Rahel. Alienation: News directions in Critical Theory. Columbia Uni. Press, 2014.  HERÁCLITO, de Éfeso. Heráclito : fragmentos contextualizados. Tradução, apresentação e comentários Alexandre Costa. – São Paulo : Odysseus Editora, 2012.  HEGEL, G. W. F. Fenomenologia do Espírito [Phänomenologie des Geistes]. Tradução de Paulo Meneses; com a colaboração de Karl-Heinz Efken, e José Nogueira Machado. – 5. ed. – Petrópolis, RJ : Vozes : Bragança Paulista, Editora Universitária São Francisco, 2008.  MARX, Karl. Das Kapital: Der Produktionprozess des Kapitals. Erster Band, Erstes Buch (Kapitel XVI-LII). Hamburg, Nikol Verlag., 2016.  MARX, Karl. Grundrisse: manuscritos econômicos de 1857-1858 : esboços da crítica da economia política. – supervisão editorial Mario Duayer; tradução Mario Duayer, Nélio Schneider (colaboração de Alice Helga Werner e Rudiger Hoffman). – São Paulo : Boitempo; Rio de Janeiro: Ed. UFRJ, 2011.  MARX, Karl. Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos. [Ökonomie-philosophische Manuskripte] Tradução, apresentação e notas de Jesus Ranieri. - 2. reimp. - São Paulo : Boitempo Editorial, 2008.  MARX, Karl. O Capital – Crítica da Economia Política. Livro 1 – O Processo de Produção do Capital. Vol. I – 10 ª. Edição, Tradução de Reginaldo Sant’ Anna. Do original em alemão: DAS KAPITAL – Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (Buch I: Der Produktionsprozes des Kapitals, Quarta edição, 1890). São Paulo : DIFEL, 1985.  MARX, Karl. O Capital – Crítica da Economia Política. Livro 1 – O processo de produção do capital. Do original em alemão: DAS KAPITAL – Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (Buch 1: Der Produktionsprozess des Kapitals.  – São Paulo: Boitempo, 2013.   NICHOLS, Bill. Ideology and the Image: Social Representation in the Cinema and Other Media. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
A B Guerra ◽  
L M Guerra ◽  
L F Probst ◽  
B V Castro Gondinho ◽  
G M Bovi Ambrosano ◽  

Abstract Background The state of São Paulo recorded a significant reduction in infant mortality, but the desired reduction in maternal mortality was not achieved. Knowledge of the factors with impact on these indicators would be of help in formulating public policies. The aims of this study were to evaluate the relations between socioeconomic and demographic factors, health care model and both infant mortality and maternal mortality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods In this ecological study, data from national official open sources were used. Analyzed were 645 municipalities in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. For each municipality, the infant mortality and maternal mortality rates were calculated for every 1000 live births, 2013. The association between these rates, socioeconomic variables, demographic models and the primary care organization model in the municipality were verified. We used the zero-inflated negative binomial model. Gross analysis was performed and then multiple regression models were estimated. For associations, we adopted “p” at 5%. Results The increase in the HDI of the city and proportion of Family Health Care Strategy implemented were significantly associated with the reduction in both infant mortality (neonatal + post-neonatal) and maternal mortality rates. In turn, the increase in birth and caesarean delivery rates were associated with the increase in infant and maternal mortality rates. Conclusions It was concluded that the Family Health Care Strategy model that contributed to the reduction in infant (neonatal + post-neonatal) and maternal mortality rates, and so did actors such as HDI and cesarean section. Thus, public health managers should prefer this model. Key messages Implementation of public policies with specific focus on attenuating these factors and making it possible to optimize resources, and not interrupting the FHS. Knowledge of the factors with impact on these indicators would be of help in formulating public policies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147059312110349
Maíra Magalhães Lopes ◽  
Joel Hietanen ◽  
Jacob Ostberg

Through our ethnographic study of urban activism collectives in São Paulo, we propose another approach for exploring the process of collective formations and their longevity. Rather than seeking out the representational meanings of individualized communities, we approach collectivity from the perspective of crowds. Crowds are affective. Crowds are contagious. By adopting affect-based theorizing, we discuss affective intensities that bring about collectivity before the individuals awaken to narrate their meaning-makings. In our ethnographic context, collectives resist manifestations of gentrification (i.e., consumer culture in itself) and offer us a multifaceted site of being and becoming with the crowds. We explore how connections and disconnections affectively rekindle the social expression of collective bodies in consumer culture. This way, we add new dimensions to extant theorizing of consumer collectivity that tends to focus on individualized meaning, stability, and harmony.

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-96 ◽  
Aline Guerra Aquilante ◽  
Geovani Gurgel Aciole

This paper is a case study on the implementation of the Brazilian National Oral Health Policy (PNSB), known as "Smiling Brazil", in the cities of the Regional Health Department of Araraquara (DRS III) in São Paulo State. A structured questionnaire was given to the municipal oral health coordinators, an interview with oral health care professionals and managers was conducted, and the official data provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health were coded to assess the policy's scope: (i) expansion and qualification of actions; (ii) work conditions; (iii) care; (iv) access; and (v) planning and management. The quantitative and qualitative analyses were linked by methods triangulation. In terms of PNSB implementation, the majority of the cities (52.6%) were classified as "good", with 42.1% classified as "bad". Approximately 10 years after launching the PNSB, despite strides in oral health care and access to different levels of care, the cities still experience difficulties in implementing the policy's principles.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 149-172 ◽  
Liliane S. Machado ◽  
Thaise Kelly de Lima Costa ◽  
Ronei Marcos de Moraes

O desenvolvimento de aplicações computacionais deve ser guiado pelas necessidades do cliente, considerando todas as etapas do projeto de um software. Quando estas aplicações são voltadas para educação em saúde, observa-se a necessidade de abordar aspectos relacionados a pelo menos quatro áreas: educação, saúde, estatística e computação, evidenciando a necessidade de uma abordagem multidisciplinar para a produção de ferramentas efetivas e eficientes para os problemas a que se destinam. Este artigo apresenta e discute etapas consideradas fundamentais no processo de desenvolvimento de serious games e simuladores de treinamento para a saúde baseados em realidade virtual.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: realidade virtual; jogos em saúde; serious games.     ABSTRACT The development of computer applications must be guided by clients’ needs and must consider all step of software project. It is necessary to integrate knowledge of four areas: education, health, statistics and computer science when those applications are for education in health what makes evident the need of a multidisciplinar approach for the production of effective and efficient tools for the purpose expected. This paper presents and discusses fundamental steps for the development of serious games and training simulators for health based on virtual reality   KEYWORDS: virtual reality; games for health; serious games.     RESUMEN El desarrollo de las aplicaciones informáticas debe guiarse por las necesidades de los clientes y debe considerar todos los pasos del proyecto de software. Es necesario integrar el conocimiento de cuatro áreas: educación, salud, estadística e informática cuando esas aplicaciones son para la educación en salud, lo que hace evidente la necesidad de un enfoque multidisciplinario para la producción de herramientas eficaces y efectivas para el propósito esperado. Este artículo presenta y discute los pasos fundamentales para el desarrollo de juegos serios y simuladores de entrenamiento para la salud basados en la realidad virtual.   PALABRAS CLAVE: realidad virtual, juegos para salud, serious games.  

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0256092
Tatiane Fernandes Novaes ◽  
Maisa Camillo Jordão ◽  
Carlos Felipe Bonacina ◽  
André Oswaldo Veronezi ◽  
Carlos Ariel Rodrigues de Araujo ◽  

The state of São Paulo, Brazil, where more than 94.000 dentists are currently registered, has become the epicenter of COVID-19 in Latin America. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on dentists in this state. A semi-structured questionnaire was sent via e-mail to 93.280 dentists with active registration in the Dental Council of São Paulo (CROSP). The impact of COVID-19 pandemic was assessed through questions related to demographic, socioeconomic, dental practice characteristics and personal protective equipment (PPE) use. Ordinal logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the association between all the variables (p<0.05). Over 8 days, 2113 responses were received. Only 26.52% of the sample reported a low-income reduction (from 0–10%), while the majority of dentists reported a more negative financial impact, 35.6% with a reduction of more than 50% of their monthly income. Dentists who worked in the private sector and at the capital had a greater financial impact when compared to those of the public sector and countryside of the state (p<0.05). Furthermore, about 83% reported not having received any specific training to control the transmission of coronavirus in the health area. This study provides evidence of the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the routine of dentists in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Hopefully, this study will help dental and other health care professionals to better understand the consequences of disease in dental settings and strengthen preparedness throughout the dental health care system.

Edilaine Moraes ◽  
Marcio Mariano Moreira ◽  
Geraldo Mendes de Campos ◽  
Ronaldo Laranjeira

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 207-220
Marisol de Paula Reis

ABSTRACTThe present work has as object of study the Penitentiary Security ex-Agent (ex-ASP) who is in prison regime by the crime of passive corruption (Article 317 - Brazilian Penal Code). The study answered the following questions: 1) What do staffs and ex-staffs think on the practice of corruption exercised between institutional staffs and some prisoners inside the Sao Paulo's Prisons? 2) What are the representations for the conduct of the ASP's? 3) How do these representations explain the inclusion of some staffs in illegal activity by way of corruption? What is the relationship between corruption and violence? This is a qualitative research with questionnaires and interviews script sticking to the viewpoint of those involved in acts of corruption (the ex-ASP's) and the speeches of the staffs in the exercises of function. The social representations was used as theoretical and methodological axes to present the explanatory elements (material and symbolic) that guide the conduct of this professional category about the corruption and the relationship of this practice with the intramural violence. Authors such as Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Wieviorka, Alves-Mazzoti, Denise Jodelet and Campos Coelho contributed to the discussion proposed.RESUMOO presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo o ex-Agente de Segurança Penitenciária (ex-ASP) que se encontra em regime de prisão pela prática do crime de corrupção passiva (artigo 317 - Código Penal Brasileiro). O estudo respondeu às seguintes preocupações: 1) O que pensam Agentes Penitenciários e ex-ASP´s sobre a prática da corrupção exercida entre agentes institucionais e alguns presos no interior das prisões de São Paulo? 2) Quais são as representações para tal conduta dos ASP’s? 3) Como essas representações explicam a inserção de alguns agentes penitenciários na atividade ilegal pela via da corrupção? Qual a relação entre corrupção e violência? Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, com aplicação de questionários e roteiro de entrevistas, atendo-se ao ponto de vista dos sujeitos envolvidos em atos de corrupção (os ex-ASP´s), e às falas dos agentes de segurança penitenciária em exercício da função. Utilizou-se as representações sociais como eixos teórico e metodológico, para apresentar os elementos explicativos (materiais e simbólicos) que orientam a conduta desta categoria profissional sobre a corrupção, e a relação desta prática com a violência intramuros. Autores como Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Wieviorka, Alves-Mazzoti, Denise Jodelet e Campos Coelho contribuíram para a discussão proposta.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 637-644
Robson Amaral de Silva ◽  
Luiz Gonçalves-Junior ◽  
Jose Maria Pazos Couto

El objetivo central de este estudio fue comprender el significado atribuido al ocio en la percepción de los integrantes del Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra (MST) de la región de Ribeirão Preto, interior del estado de São Paulo, Brasil, y describir procesos educativos emergentes de esa práctica social en áreas de reforma agraria ocupadas por estos/as trabajadores/as. La metodología utilizada fue de naturaleza cualitativa inspirada en la fenomenología existencial, para la recogida de datos se utilizaron diarios de campo. Para el análisis de resultados construimos dos categorías: A) Ocio como tiempo-espacio de lucha del MST; B) Apropiación desigual del ocio por las mujeres del MST. La práctica social del ocio en el MST es un tiempo-espacio de lucha, no fragmentado de otras luchas del Movimiento, que además de la tierra, lucha también por mejor educación, salud y ocio. Percibimos la contestación de la actual estructura societaria y sus imperativos en la práctica social del ocio en el cotidiano de los/as trabajadores/as rurales con que convivimos en la investigación, pero contradictoriamente, algunas experiencias reprodujeron valores hegemónicos de la sociedad neoliberal.Abstract. The main objective of this study was to understand the meaning attributed to leisure in the perception of the members of the Movement of the Landless Rural Workers (MST) of the Ribeirão Preto region, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and to describe educational processes that allowed that social practice in areas of agrarian reform occupied by these workers. The methodology used was of a qualitative nature inspired by existential phenomenology. Field journals were used for the data collection. For the results, we constructed two categories: A) Leisure as time-space of struggle of the MST; B) Unequal appropriation of leisure by women of the MST. We consider that social practice of leisure in the MST is a time-space of struggle, not shared with other struggles of the Movement, which besides the land, also fights for better education, health, and leisure. We perceive the answer of the current societal structure and its imperatives in the social practice of leisure in the daily life of the rural workers with whom we live, but contradictorily, some experiences reproduced hegemonic values of the neoliberal society.

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