scholarly journals Exploring Perceptions of Elementary School Teachers on the Importance of School-Based Life Skills Education. A Case Study

Bushra Mairaj ◽  
Najmonnisa Khan

There is an unusual increase in the cases of child abuse, early marriages, suicide, physical and mental violence causing a large number of school dropouts in elementary classes. This calls for the requirement to investigate or evaluate the perceptions of teachers about life skills education in public sector elementary schools. The study was conducted using qualitative interviews from twelve teachers of two public schools where life skill education is being taught. Thematic analysis was used for data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that teachers are aware and have a positive attitude towards life skills education. This study will contribute to raising awareness.T

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Fatihatu Nurul Ulya ◽  
Ashif Az Zafi

Like in general, Islamic boarding schools only provide education to students with religious knowledge and morals as the main substance but do not provide the students with skills. As a result, the Pondok Pesantren alumni arose in their hearts a feeling of not mastering their skills when they brought them to their hometowns. Given such a situation, providing life skills is expected to be an alternative to this problem. This study provides an overview of what strategies are applied in implementing life skills education at the Darussa'adah Jekulo Kudus Islamic boarding school. This research uses a field case study. The data collection technique was used by pins in the form of observation methods, interviews with informants, and documentation. While the data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. This research was conducted at the Darussa'adah Hadipolo Jekulo Kudus Islamic boarding school. The results showed that the strategies used in improving life skills education ran quite effectively and yielded results. These results can be seen from the material presented by the management and caregivers and the high enthusiasm of all students in carrying out gardening and entrepreneurship activities owned by the Islamic Boarding School. The strategies used in developing entrepreneurial skills at the Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School were quite successful, as evidenced by the development of plantations and entrepreneurship belonging to the Islamic Boarding Schools.Keywords: Education, Life Skill, Islamic Boarding School�

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-67
Sutini Sutini ◽  
Pardamean Daulay

This article aims to describe the development of models of educational research skills (life skills) for school dropouts Lapindo mudflow victims. Collecting data dropouts and the desired type of life skills is done through interviews and kuesinoer. While the development of life skills education model using the methods of research and development by modifying the model Plomp. Data were analyzed descriptively and the average percentage and kualitatiof analysis model of Miles and Huberman (1992). The results showed that the characteristics of school dropouts in the Lapindo mudflow victims Siring village and sub-district Renojoyo Porong, Besuki village and Pejarakan Jabon subdistrict, and village districts Sentul Tanggulangin Kedungbendo and numbered 67 people. Of these the majority of high school education or equivalent, ie 30 people or 44.78%, while 26 people or 38.80% junior high school graduates, and 11 people, or 16.41% of primary school graduates or equivalent. Mostly aged between 16 and 18 years of age, ie 39 (58.20%). Type the desired skills are service motorcycles, sewing, mobile phone service, and home industries. Memindaklanjuti desire for school dropouts Lapindo mudflow victims (APSKLL), the three modules developed life skills education, the service module motorcycles, sewing skills module, and mobile phone service modules. Writing module is made as simple as possible, the basic material content, word choice tailored to the educational level, and comes in the form of examples and illustrative pictures are clear. However, the module has not been tested because it was before used in the training of life skills education for APSKLL advisable to conduct research trials modu use. Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian pengembangan model pendidikan keterampilan hidup (life skills) bagi anak putus sekolah korban lumpur Lapindo. Pengumpulan data anak putus sekolah dan jenis keterampilan hidup yang diinginkan dilakukan melalui metode wawancara dan kuesiner. Sementara pengembangan model pendidikan keterampilan hidup menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan dengan memodifikasi model Plomp. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif persentase dan rata-rata serta analisis kualitatif model Miles dan Huberman (1992). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik anak putus sekolah korban lumpur Lapindo di desa Renojoyo dan Siring kecamatan Porong, desa Besuki dan Pejarakan Kecamatan Jabon, dan desa Kedungbendo dan Sentul kecamatan Tanggulangin berjumlah 67 orang. Dari jumlah tersebut sebagian besar berpendidikan SLTA atau sederajat, yakni 30 orang atau 44,78%, sedangkan 26 orang atau 38,80% lulusan SMP atau sederajat, dan 11 orang atau 16,41% lulusan SD atau sederajat. Sebagian besar berusia antara 16 sampai usia 18 tahun, yakni 39 orang (58,20%). Jenis keterampilan yang diinginkan adalah service sepeda motor, menjahit, service handphone, dan home industri. Untuk memindaklanjuti keinginan anak putus sekolah korban lumpur Lapindo (APSKLL) tersebut, dikembangkan tiga modul pendidikan keterampilan hidup, yakni modul service sepeda motor, modul keterampilan menjahit, dan modul service handphone. Penulisan modul dibuat sesederhana mungkin, isi materi yang mendasar, pilihan kata disesuaikan dengan tingkat pendidikan, serta dilengkapi ilustrasi berupa contoh dan gambar-gambar yang jelas. Namun, modul tersebut belum diujicoba, karena itu sebelum dipergunakan dalam pelatihan pendidikan keterampilan hidup bagi APSKLL disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian uji coba penggunaan modu.

Juju Saepudin

abstrakPesantren as one of the institutions of Islamic education in Indonesia is considered to  have  contributed  quite  signiicantly  in  the development of national education. However, the issue encountered by people from various social stratiications in education, including pesantren, is the low quality and relevance of education to the labor market needs. In fact, many pesantren alumni have no choice of employment to meet their needs in the real life. This paper presents the results of research on independence-based education life  skills  and  local  potential  in  Pesantren  Darul Hikam Banjaran Bandung regency. The study was conducted using qualitative approach and case study designed naturalistically. Data was collected through observation, interview and documentation methods. Inductive data analysis identiied models of life skills education for students with self-reliance and local potential capitals. Two-wheeled vehicle mechanical  skill  in  Pesantren  Darul  Hikam  that uses  local  curriculum  with  a  ratio  of  20%  theory and 80% practice empowers senior students to be the  teachers  assisted  by  local  BLK has  been able to  equip  the  students  with  skills  in  automotive detailing allowing them to be ready to enter the professional world.Keywords: education, Life skills, PesantrenabstrakPesantren sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan Islam di Indonesia dinilai memiliki kontribusi yang tidak kecil dalam pembangunan pendidikan nasional. Namun persoalan masyarakat dari berbagai stratiikasi sosial dalam dunia pendidikan termasuk pesantren adalah rendahnya mutu dan relevansi pendidikan dengan kebutuhan pasar kerja. Bahkan, banyak alumni pesantren yang tidak memiliki pilihan lapangan kerja untuk menenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya di masyarakat. tulisan ini menyajikan hasil penelitian tentang pendidikan kecakapan hidup berbasis kemandirian dan potensi lokal di Pesantren Darul Hikam Banjaran Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan rancangan studi kasus yang bersifat naturalistik. tehnik pengumpulan melalui pengamatan, wawancara mendalam dan metode dokumentasi. Analisa data secara induktif menemukan model pendidikan kecakapan hidup bagi santri dengan modal kemandirian dan potensi lokal. Pendidikan kecakapan hidup otomotif roda dua di Pesantren Darul Hikam menggunakan kurikulum lokal dengan perbandingan 20 % teori dan 80 % praktek, memberdayakan santri senior sebagai guru dan dibantu dari BLK setempat telah mampu membekali keterampilan santri dibidang otomotif sehingga siap memasuki dunia kerja.Kata Kunci:  Pendidikan, Kecakapan Hidup, Pesantren 

Poonam Tiwari

Life Skills Education is a value addition programme for children and youth to understand self and enable them to analyze their capacity to enhance the function in most productive way so they empower efficiently in challenging situations. Life Skills include psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, empathize with others, and manage their lives in a healthy and productive manner. Life Skills are needed at all stages and phases of life, but it becomes important for children and adolescents because this is crucial stage on which future of individual depends. The Life Skills programme is a very important and integral part of the educational system worldwide. It is a school based programme where Life Skills are imparted in a supportive learning environment. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), India has introduced Life Skills Education as an integral part of its curriculum and provides guidelines for transaction of the ten core Life Skills. Though Life skills are often learned indirectly through experience and practice but it would be enhanced directly by implementing through a dedicated Life skills curriculum by using proper and suitable transaction methods. In school based programme to teach Life Skills in supportive leaning environment teacher’s role is very crucial. Teachers should be act as positive role models for students as Life Skills are better caught then taught. So it is significant to know what strategies teachers build to inculcate the Life Skills among students. The present paper focuses on the ten core Life Skills necessary for students and the strategies used by CBSE teachers at upper primary level of Varanasi City to transact and internalize these Life Skills among students. Survey method was used for the study. Sample consisted of 225 teachers teaching at upper primary level from 31 CBSE schools selected purposively. Content analysis was used to analyse data obtained from questionnaire prepared by reseacher, frequency and percentage were calculated. The findings provide information regarding strategies practiced by CBSE teachers would be helpful for designing Life Skills Training Module.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 366-378
Ibnu Syamsi

Introduction. In this article, social data on adolescent school dropouts are presented alongside a discussion of efforts to improve their life skills and employability. A focus on life-skills education for dropouts living in rural areas reveals how important business skills are for improving employability. The research context and efficient activities for coping with the addressed issues are com prehensively described. Materials and Methods. A previously developed Life-Skills Education model, involving field study, needs analysis, action research and evaluation, is elaborated to facilitate the collection of data related to the dropout rate and efforts to build soft skills to facilitate employability. Grounded theories on developing employability skills for dropouts are elucidated alongside real-world endeavours to provide a clear picture of what research objectives are achievable and how they can be achieved. Two districts – in Bantul Regency and Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia – were selected for the study, in which two sample groups of dropouts were involved in a set of planned activities. Observation, interview, survey and documentation were the main techniques employed. Results. The obtained results allow a fresh perspective to be obtained on the number and quality of school dropouts in the researched districts, as well as potential solutions for improving their life skills. Specifically, they include the following: (1) As many as 164 identified adolescent dropouts were found to live in the researched rural areas, of which 75% were unemployed, thus requiring appropriate life-skills education. (2) Twenty trainer-tutors were selected according to specific criteria and provided with a set of developed materials of respective knowledge and skills to be taught over the course of a one-month training programme. (3) In both districts, tutors accomplished the pedagogical content knowledge based training programme had improved their knowledge, attitudes, and motivation by the average gain score of 32.30, 3.15, and 5.55 respectively. Discussion and Conclusion. This paper suggests that the study has successfully prepared the implementation of Life-Skills Education model through its applied stages and recommends that (1) continuous Life-Skills Education programmes to improve the business skills of teenage dropouts should be carried out by managing and developing the qualifications of the tutors and by providing appropriate vocational skills suitable with their needs, and (2) that the contribution of educational interventions on pedagogical content knowledge in interdisciplinary domains might be further analysed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Iis Prasetyo ◽  
Entoh Tohani ◽  
Al. Setya Rohadi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan:1) pandangan masyarakat di kawasan wisata karst terhadap pengembangan kawasan wisata karst; 2) kebutuhan pendidikan kecakapan hidup bagi masyarakat di kawasan wisata karst dalam upaya memberdayakan masyarakat; dan 3) kendala yang dihadapi dalam pengembangan kawasan wisata karst. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan unit analisis adalah kawasan wisata karst Kecamatan Pracimantoro, Wonogiri. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara/FGD, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif dengan triangulasi, diskusi terfokus, dan pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan kawasan karst dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup, membuka peluang pekerjaan. Pengembangan pendidikan kecakapan hidup bersentuhan dengan keberadaan kawasan karst dapat mengoptimalkan fungsinya sebagai sarana pendidikan dan wisata. Kendala yang muncul, berkaitan dengan teknis pengelolaan sumber daya manusia dan lingkungan; kurangnya koordinasi antar instansi menyebabkan pengembangan aset belum berjalan dengan baik; kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam menyukseskan kegiatan pariwisata; tidak adanya pengembangan dari pihak eksternal; dan infrastruktur yang masih terbatas.This study aimed to describe: 1) the views of community in the tourist area of karst on the development of the tourist area of karst; 2) need for life skills education for community in the tourist area of karst in empowering communities; and 3) the obstacles encountered in the development of the tourist area of karst. This research is a case study with the unit of analysis is the tourist area of karst Pracimantoro Subdistrict, Wonogiri. Data were collected by interview/FGD, documentation, and observation. The data analysis was performed using qualitative analysis techniques. As for the validity of the data obtained in this study triangulation, the discussion focused, and the extension of the observations will be used. The results showed that the development of karst areas can improve the quality of life, be able to open up job opportunities. The development of life skills education should be developed to optimize its function as a means of education and travel. The constraints that arise are related to the technical management, human resources and the environment, there is no coordination among related agencies led to the development, public awareness has not been proactive in ensuring the success of tourism activity, the absence of external development, and the infrastructure are still limited.

Nidup Gyaltshen ◽  
Pema Lethro

The research study titled “School Based Action Research on the implementation of Life Skills Education in schools”, broadly aimed to observe positive behavioral change in teachers and students through the implementation of Life Skills Education in schools. This is to be achieved by converging on a sub theme: “Can Life Skills Education address and deal with disciplinary issues in Tshangkha Central School”. The research is carried out at Tshangkha Central School, Trongsa with classes IX – XII students. This paper assesses whether life skills education can curb out the disciplinary problems in the school. It begins with a review of the literature on indiscipline; its types; causes; life skill education, and utilizes that literature to identify how ten core life skills could be applied to address and deal with disciplinary issues. Research methodology implored are questionnaire, applicability and transferability test, interview and school disciplinary records register. It is primarily a mixed method. After the analysis of the data there has been evidence of Life Skills Education (LSE) being successful in addressing and dealing with disciplinary issues in Tshangkha Central School (TCS).

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Olubunmi Adeyemi ◽  
Olufunmilayo Fawole ◽  
Adedayo Adeyemi

Reduction in HIV transmission needs continuous, comprehensive and effective communication methods to motivate adolescents to reduce risk of HIV infection. Life skills education, an integral part of school-based AIDS programs, is a timely prevention effort. The main goal of the life skills approach is to enhance young people ability to take responsibility for making healthier choices, resisting negative pressures, and avoiding risk behaviors. A cross sectional study design was done. The number of students was 1467. This study showed that family life and HIV/AIDS education with some socio demographic factors contributed to the improvement of life skills education program.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147-167
Erin Murphy-Graham

AbstractDrawing upon an extensive case study of a sports-based, life skills job training program for at-risk youth in Honduras and Guatemala, this chapter examines how program participants described the process of building skills, and how, if at all, this skill-building led to greater well-being. Second, it asks, to what extent are these experiences of program participants aligned with theories of education within the capability approach? These questions are addressed through a qualitative case study that was embedded within an experimental design (a randomized control trial) that took place over 5 years in urban areas of Honduras and Guatemala. The analysis suggests that the combination of exposure to new ideas and information in the three phases of the A Ganar program, coupled with concrete opportunities to test out such ideas, enabled youth to experience changes in their attitudes and behaviors around work, around themselves, and to develop new relationships and friendships. Based on these empirical results, the chapter identifies several elements that might better inform life skills education research and practice in s in the future. These include: (1) conceptualizing life skills as preconditions of capabilities (some of which might be better classified as values); (2) conceptualizing life skills as both ends and means of interventions, and (3) giving more consideration to the conversion factors, meaning the ability to convert resources into functionings, that limit the robustness of capabilities that life skills programs develop.

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