scholarly journals Road-kill of Mammals in Nova Scotia

2007 ◽  
Vol 121 (3) ◽  
pp. 265 ◽  
David Fudge ◽  
Bill Freedman ◽  
Michael Crowell ◽  
Tony Nette ◽  
Vince Power

We examined road mortality of wild mammals in Nova Scotia using data from (a) five years of province-wide data on wildlife collisions involving larger mammals, and (b) 20 months of observations of smaller mammals along a 160-km route near Halifax. An average of 2079 White-tailed Deer was reported killed annually on highways during 1999 through 2003, along with 14 Moose and 33 Black Bear. Female White-tailed Deer were more likely to be road-killed than males (by a factor of 1.8), yearlings more so than older animals, and there were peaks of mortality in the late spring and late autumn. The road-kill of smaller mammals was highest in the summer and least in the winter, and the most frequent mortalities were of Raccoon (28% of observations), Porcupine (27%), Skunk (17%), Snowshoe Hare (6%), Coyote (4%), and Groundhog (3%). The standardized kill-rate (number/100 km) was highest on a 100-series highway compared to trunk highways or urban streets, but the rate standardized to vehicle density was highest on trunk highways.

Mammalia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 83 (5) ◽  
pp. 487-495 ◽  
Faraz Akrim ◽  
Tariq Mahmood ◽  
Shaista Andleeb ◽  
Riaz Hussain ◽  
Wendy Jane Collinson

Abstract The current study investigated the impact of roads on native wildlife fauna in Pothwar Plateau, Pakistan. By conducting driven transects over a period of 24 months (March 2012–February 2014), we identified 131 carcasses resulting from wildlife-vehicle collisions or “road kill”, comprising 18 vertebrate species from seven different orders. The Asiatic jackal (Canis aureus; Linnaeus, 1758) was the most common road kill (37.4%), followed by the small Indian mongoose (Urva auropunctatus; Hodgson, 1836; 9.9%) and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes; Linnaeus, 1758; 8.4%). Road kill incidences included both nocturnal (55.6%) and diurnal species (44.5%). The maximum number of road kills were encountered in the Rawalpindi district area (46.6%), followed by Chakwal (36.6%), Jhelum (8.4%) and Attock (8.4%). The majority of road kills occurred on paved roads (93.9%; 0.009 road kill/km) with significantly fewer occurrences on unpaved roads (6.1%; 0.004 road kill/km). Similarly, 77% (0.009/km) of the road kills were found adjacent to protected areas. The majority of road kills (33%) occurred during the spring (February–April) but less in summer (May–July) and winter (November–January) (19.8% for both). The study provides important data on road mortality of wildlife species in the region bordering protected areas in the Pothwar Plateau, Pakistan, to initiate management and conservation strategies.

2006 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 5 ◽  
Ulrike Klöcker ◽  
David B. Croft ◽  
Daniel Ramp

Kangaroo–vehicle collisions are frequent on Australian highways. Despite high economic costs, detrimental effects on animal welfare, and potential impacts on population viability, little research has been done to investigate the impact of road mortality on kangaroo populations, where and why accidents occur, and how the collisions can be mitigated. We therefore collected data on species (Macropus rufus, M. giganteus, M. fuliginosus, M. robustus), sex and age of kangaroos killed on a 21.2-km bitumenised section of outback highway over 6 months in far western New South Wales, Australia. The spatial and temporal distribution of road-killed kangaroos was investigated in relation to the cover and quality of road-side vegetation, road characteristics, the density of kangaroos along the road, climatic variables and traffic volume. A total of 125 kangaroos were found killed on the road at a rate of 0.03 deaths km–1 day–1. Grey kangaroos of two species (M. giganteus, M. fuliginosus) were under-represented in the road-kill sample in comparison with their proportion in the source population estimated during the day. No bias towards either sex was found. The age structure of road-killed kangaroos was similar to age structures typical of source kangaroo populations. Road-kills mainly occurred in open plains country. In road sections with curves or stock races, road-kill frequencies were higher than expected. Greater cover and greenness of roadside vegetation at the verge probably attracted kangaroos to the road and variation in this vegetation affected the spatial distribution of road-kills. The temporal distribution of road-kills was positively correlated with the volume of night-time traffic. The probability of a kangaroo–vehicle collision increased exponentially with traffic volume. Results are discussed in relation to the potential for mitigation of kangaroo–vehicle collisions.

2000 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 289 ◽  
Menna E. Jones

The impact of road mortality on local populations of wildlife has rarely been quantified. In June 1991, the access road into the northern end of the Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair National Park in Tasmania was widened and sealed. This occurred part-way through an ecological study of the dasyurid carnivore guild, during which populations were being monitored. In 17 months, the resident population of 19 eastern quolls became extinct and the devil population, of 39 individuals, halved. Concurrently, there was a dramatic increase in the number of road-kills. The main causal factor was probably an increase in modal speed of about 20 km h–1 and a greater increase in maximum speed. Measures were implemented to reduce the incidence of vehicle/wildlife collisions. Measures directed at people included physically slowing traffic speed (using ‘slow points’) and increasing driver awareness (signs and pamphlets). Those directed at wildlife included deterring wildlife from crossing the road in the path of approaching vehicles (wildlife reflectors), and encouraging escape off the road (ramps across gutters and banks, and pipes for shelter). The ‘slow points’ were effective in reducing vehicle speeds by 20 km h–1. Wildlife used the ramps and pipes. The eastern quoll population was re-establishing within six months, and after two years, had recovered to 50% of its former level. There was some indication that devil populations were recovering.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Arwan Apriyono ◽  
Sumiyanto Sumiyanto ◽  
Nanang Gunawan Wariyatno

Gunung Tugel is an area that located Patikraja Region, Southern Banyumas. Thetopography of the area is mostly mountainous with a slope that varies from flat to steep. Thiscondition makes to many areas of this region potentially landslide. In 2015, a landslideoccurred in Jalan Gunung Tugel. The Landslide occurred along 70 meters on the half of theroad and causing traffic Patikraja-Purwokerto disturbed. To repair the damage of the road andavoid further landslides, necessary to analyze slope stability. This study is to analyze landslidereinforcement that occurred at Gunung Tugel and divides into 3 step. The first step is fieldinvestigation to determine the condition of the location and dimensions of landslides. Thesecond step is to know the soil parameters and analyzes data were obtained from the field. Andthe final step is analyzed of the landslide reinforcement by using data obtained from thepreceding step. In this research, will be applied three variations of reinforcement i.e. retainingwall, pile foundation and combine both of pile foundations and retaining wall. Slope stabilityanalysis was conducted using limit equilibrium method. Based on the analysis conducted onthe three variations reinforcement, combine both of pile foundations and retaining wall morerecommended. Application of and combine both of pile foundations and retaining wall is themost realistic option in consideration of ease of implementation at the field. From thecalculations have been done, in order to achieve stable conditions need retaining wall withdimensions of 2 meters high with 2,5 meters of width. DPT is supported by two piles of eachcross-section with 0.3 meters of diameter along 10 meters with 1-meter in space. Abstrak: Gunung Tugel adalah salah satu daerah yang terletak di Kecamatan PatikrajaKabupaten Banyumas bagian selatan. Kondisi topografi daerah tersebut sebagian besar berupapegunungan dengan kemiringan yang bervariasi dari landai sampai curam. Hal inimenyebabkan banyak daerah di wilayah Gunung Tugel yang berpotensi terjadi bencana tanahlongsor. Pada tahun 2015, peristiwa longsor kembali terjadi di ruas Jalan Gunung Tugel.Kelongsoran yang terjadi sepanjang 70 meter pada separuh badan jalan tersebut menyebabkanarus lalu lintas patikraja-purwokerto menjadi terganggu. Untuk memperbaiki kerusakan jalandan mencegah kelongsoran kembali, diperlukan analisis perkuatan tanah terhadap lerengtersebut. Studi analisis penanggulangan kelongsoran jalan yang terjadi di Gunung Tugel inidilakukan dengan tiga tahapan. Tahapan pertama adalah investigasi lapangan untukmengetahui kondisi lokasi dan dimensi longsor serta mengambil sampel tanah di lapangan.Tahap kedua adalah melakukan pengujian parameter tanah dan analisis data yang diperolehdari lapangan. Tahapan yang terakhir adalah analisis penanggulangan longsor denganmenggunakan data yang diperoleh dari tahapan sebelumnya. Pada penelitan ini, akanditerapkan tiga variasi perkuatan lereng yaitu dinding penahan tanah (DPT), turap dan DPTyang dikombinasikan dengan pondasi tiang. Analisis stabilitas lereng dilakukan dengan metodekeseimbangan batas. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan terhadap ketiga variasiperkuatan, DPT dengan kombinasi tiang pancang lebih direkomendasikan. Penerapan DPTyang dikombinasikan dengan minipile merupakan pilihan yang paling realistis denganpertimbangan tingkat kemudahan pelaksanaan di lapangan. Dari perhitungan yang telahdilakukan, untuk mencapai kondisi stabil diperlukan DPT dengan dimensi tinggi 2 meterdengan lebar bawah 2,5 meter. DPT tersebut ditopang oleh dua tiang tiap penampangmelintang dengan diameter 0,3 meter sepanjang 10 meter dengan jarak antar tiang 1 meter.kata kunci: tanah longsor, perkuatan tanah, metode keseimbangan batas

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 69-92 ◽  
Carlos Oliveira Cruz ◽  
Joaquim Miranda Sarmento

Roads are a central element of transportation systems, enabling economic and social development, fostering territorial cohesion and facilitating the movement of people and cargo. Governments have devoted significant financial resources to developing and improving their road networks, and are still facing increasing pressure to ensure proper maintenance and payments to those concessionaires that developed roads under public–private partnership arrangements. As in other sectors, digitalization is paving a way towards significant changes in the way we build, operate and finance infrastructure. These changes will have a profound impact on the entire life cycle of an infrastructure, from the design and/or construction stage, to its operation and transfer. This article provides an overall overview of the main technological developments which are, or could impact road infrastructure in the short, medium and long term. For each technological development identified in our research, we analyse the potential impact on Capex, Opex and revenues as well as their level of maturity and expected lifetime for mass adoption, and also the main bottlenecks or barriers to implementation. Additionally, we explore potential savings on investment (capex) and operational costs (opex) and increase in revenues, using data from the Portuguese highway companies. Savings can represent almost 30% of capex and opex. Overall, savings and increases in revenues can represent an impact similar to 20–40% of current revenues. The findings show that digitalization and technological development in the road sector can significantly impact the economic performance of roads, thus enhancing the value of money for the society. The findings also show that there might be some excess capacity of road systems once autonomous vehicles achieve higher market penetration. However, there are still some relevant legal, regulatory, institutional and technological and economic barriers that are slowing down the digitalization process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Supiyono, Dwi Ratnaningsih, Rudy Ariyanto

Abstract Highway in Malang there that needs to be analyzed is Intersections Letjend S. Parman Street – Ciliwung Street and Letjend Sutoyo Street – Letjend Selorejo. The road is an arterial road in the city of Malang with a high vehicle density level (Saputra, 2013). The Street was a high traffic flow led to queues or long saturated flow that is not supported by the settings of the light signals in accordance with the conditions in the field so often causes congestion. From finding a solution the traffic density in the study Letjend S Parman Street – Ciliwung Street and Letjend Sutoyo Street – Letjend Selorejo with Indonesia Highway Capasity Manual (IHCM). After stages 3-signal coordination calculation in Ciliwung Intersection of Malang, Intersection obtained time peak hours at the intersection area occurred at 11.00 – 12.00 GMT. Performance 3-waay junction on the Ciliwung Malang at this time has not met the target. Seen from there is still a Degree of Saturation (DS) which do not meet the targets ( ≤ 0,75), namely 0,83. After having don e engineering into 3 phases and cycle time 100 minutes Degree of Saturation (DS) be 0,77. Keywords: intersection, peak hours, capacity and degree saturation

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-103 ◽  
Audrius Vaitkus ◽  
Judita Gražulytė ◽  
Rita Kleizienė ◽  
Viktoras Vorobjovas ◽  
Ovidijus Šernas

According to the European Asphalt Pavement Association, more than 90 per cent of the European road network is paved with asphalt. Constantly increasing traffic volume and climate change accelerate deterioration of current pavements. As a result, there arises a need to rehabilitate them prematurely. Repair and rehabilitation work lead to traffic congestion, which is one of the most significant concerns in highly trafficked roads and urban streets. Concrete modular pavements consisting of precast concrete slabs are a reasonable solution to deal with the road works since their construction, as well as repair, is time-saving. Repair works typically are implemented during a low traffic period (usually at night). A primary purpose of concrete modular pavements is heavily trafficked roads and other transport areas. This paper focuses on concrete modular pavements, their types, issues and challenges related to their design, slab fabrication and pavement construction. The conducted analysis revealed 15 different types of concrete modular pavements that differ from the techniques of slab joints and load transfer between the adjacent slabs. More than 20 issues and challenges related to the design of modular elements, slab fabrication and pavement construction were identified. Finally, the existing practice of concrete modular pavements was summarised and the gaps of scientific knowledge, as well as a need for comprehensive research, were defined.

2019 ◽  
Philip Held ◽  
Randy A Boley ◽  
Walter G Faig ◽  
John A O'Toole ◽  
Imran Desai ◽  

UNSTRUCTURED Electronic health records (EHRs) offer opportunities for research and improvements in patient care. However, challenges exist in using data from EHRs due to the volume of information existing within clinical notes, which can be labor intensive and costly to transform into usable data with existing strategies. This case report details the collaborative development and implementation of the postencounter form (PEF) system into the EHR at the Road Home Program at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL to address these concerns with limited burden to clinical workflows. The PEF system proved to be an effective tool with over 98% of all clinical encounters including a completed PEF within 5 months of implementation. In addition, the system has generated over 325,188 unique, readily-accessible data points in under 4 years of use. The PEF system has since been deployed to other settings demonstrating that the system may have broader clinical utility.

UKaRsT ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Nur Azizah Affandi ◽  
Rasio Hepiyanto

Damage to the dradah-kedungpring road is not only caused by the amount (volume) of the vehicle that exceed the capacity of the road, but in it is also related to various factors namely human factor and natural factor. Overload is a vehicle's axle load condition exceeding the standard load used on the pavement design assumption or the number of operational paths before the age of the plan is reached, or often referred to as premature deterioration.The method of rigid pavement road planning which is made by Depaterment of Public Works that is Bina Marga method cannot be applied in standard planning in the field implementation maximally so that it has weakness which resulted in the early damage on the highway before the achievement of plan age In this final project will produce the planning of rigid Pavement Thickness on Dradah – Kedungpring road Using Bina Marga Method 2002 ", the thickness is produced calculation with actual vehicle load for traffic data in the calculation Thick pavement has been using data from the results of traffic surveys that exist.In the research that has been done on the thickness rigid pavement dradah-Kedungpring road obtained thickness of 24 cm is expected to provide a good service life in accordance with the expected age of the plan. Keywords: Pavement, LHR, CBR, Vehicle Overloading Expenses.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
pp. 8154 ◽  
R. K. Sony ◽  
P. R. Arun

<p><strong> </strong>Anaikatty Hills of the Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu witness the annual spectacle of mass movement of lakhs of butterflies.  The present paper examines the impact of vehicular traffic on this ‘butterfly migration’ through a survey of butterfly mortality along a road stretch in Anaikatty Hills.  A high rate of mortality due to road traffic was observed during the mass movement of butterflies.  One-hundred-and-thirty-five butterfly road kills belonging to three families, nine genera and 12 species were recorded during the study.  The proportion of nymphalid butterflies among the road kills (70%) was very high compared to their respective share in the background population (39%), indicating a higher road mortality risk for nymphalids.  The conservation significance of the road traffic impact on butterfly assemblage and management options are discussed.</p><div> </div>

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