scholarly journals Thomas Aquinas on the subject of the metaphysics

2016 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-58
Predrag Milidrag

The article analyzes the concept of the subject of the metaphysics in Aquinas?s Proem. of the Commentary on the Metaphysics and in question five of the Exposition of the De Trinitate by Boethius. Aquinas?s interpretation of the Aristotelian formula ens inquantum ens is analysed, as well as the relation between God and ens commune, immateriality of common being and the difference among metaphysics and the other two speculative sciences, physics and mathematics.

The magnetic and other related properties of neodymium sulphate have been the subject of numerous investigations in recent years, but there is still a remarkable conflict of evidence on all the essential points. The two available determinations of the susceptibility of the powdered salt at low temperatures, those of Gorter and de Haas (1931) from 290 to 14° K and of Selwood (1933) from 343 to 83° K both fit the expression X ( T + 45) = constant over the range of temperature common to both, but the constants are not the same and the susceptibilities at room temperature differ by 11%. The fact that the two sets of results can be converted the one into the other by multiplying throughout by a constant factor suggested that the difference in the observed susceptibilities was due to some error of calibration. It could, however, also be due to the different purity of the samples examined though the explanation of the occurrence of the constant factor is then by no means obvious. From their analysis of the absorption spectrum of crystals of neodymium sulphate octahydrate Spedding and others (1937) conclude that the crystalline field around the Nd+++ ion is predominantly cubic in character since they find three energy levels at 0, 77 and 260 cm. -1 .* Calculations of the susceptibility from these levels reproduce Selwood’s value at room temperature but give no agreement with the observations-at other temperatures. On the other hand, Penney and Schlapp (1932) have shown that Gorter and de Haas’s results fit well on the curve calculated for a crystalline field of cubic symmetry and such a strength that the resultant three levels lie at 0, 238 and 834 cm. -1 , an overall spacing almost three times as great as Spedding’s.

Religions ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Barbara Aniela Bonar

In this paper, I explain the problem of the dreamer in the Zhuangzi. I aim to show that no difference exists between dreaming states and waking states because we have a fluctual relationship with these two stages. In both, “we are dreaming.” Put another way, from a psychoanalytical point of view, one stage penetrates the other and vice versa. The difference between dreaming and non-dreaming disappears because dreaming is a structural process. Also, from a psychoanalytical perspective, all confirmations and negations about dreams and non-dreams leads to one point: the being, or rather the becoming, of the subject. How does this solve the problem of the True Person/True Human Being (zhenren真人)? Does such a person have dreams or not? Does the True Person sleep without dreams, as we find in the Zhuangzi? From a psychoanalytic perspective, this is not possible. To prove this, I will present few passages from the Zhuangzi and offer a psychoanalytic explanation of them based on Jacques Lacan’s theory of the fantasy and desire.

1981 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-46 ◽  
D.P. Fourie

It is increasingly realized that hypnosis may be seen from an interpersonal point of view, meaning that it forms part of the relationship between the hypnotist and the subject. From this premise it follows that what goes on in the relationship prior to hypnosis probably has an influence on the hypnosis. Certain of these prior occurences can then be seen as waking suggestionns (however implicitly given) that the subject should behave in a certain way with regard to the subsequent hypnosis. A study was conducted to test the hypothesis that waking suggestions regarding post-hypnotic amnesia are effective. Eighteen female subjects were randomly divided into two groups. The groups listened to a tape-recorded talk on hypnosis in which for the one group amnesia for the subsequent hypnotic experience and for the other group no such amnesia was suggested. Thereafter the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale was administered to all subjects. Only the interrogation part of the amnesia item of the scale was administered. The subjects to whom post-hypnotic amnesia was suggested tended to score lower on the amnesia item than the other subjects, as was expected, but the difference between the mean amnesia scores of the two groups was not significant.

Adeptus ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 19-39
Tatiana Busygina-Wojtas

National identity and conflicts in Polish-Russian marriages Conflicts concerning the shared Polish-Russian historical background and attitude towards it with the politics involved in it are a frequent issue in Polish-Russian marriages. These are the reasons these conflicts can frequently lapse into family quarrels. The conflicts are closely examined in their progress and analyzed from different perspectives, referring both to national identity and the historical memory agendas. In this paper we also present some examples of the most typical misunderstandings that may take place. The main factor is the difference in identity models, and as a consequence, the failure to understand the logic of one’s opponent’s arguments. Information asymmetry as well as the well-known habitual ways of historical conceptualization of events and figures interfere in the successful cognition and enclose the spouses in a rigid frame of their own native models. In this context the biggest problems appear at the level of interpretation and categorization of the object of the discussion. Both Poles and Russians refer to different fundamentals while talking about independence, war and homeland, and this can lead to complete  misunderstandings. Each couple has their own way of lessening the ideological conflicts. The first strategy the spouses will consider is to avoid talking about conflicting subjects up to an absolute taboo on the subject. The other strategy is related to auto-education, self-reflection, conscientious reappraisal of judgments and, eventually, open-mindedness. The effort put into this leads to the creation of a new, mutual way of looking at the above mentioned difficult themes.Tożsamość narodowa a konflikty w małżeństwach polsko-rosyjskich Konflikty, których zarzewiem są rozmowy o historii i polityce w aspekcie stosunków polsko-rosyjskich, to bardzo częsty problem małżeństw polsko-rosyjskich. W artykule omówione zostały przyczyny i przebieg takich dyskusji (nierzadko przeistaczających się w awantury) z perspektywy problematyki tożsamości narodowo-kulturowej oraz pamięci historycznej. Przytoczone zostały również przykłady najbardziej typowych nieporozumień. Kluczowym czynnikiem jest odmienność wzorców konstruowania tożsamości. Konsekwencją tych różnic jest niezdolność do głębszego rozumienia argumentacji rozmówcy. Asymetria wiedzy na poziomie znajomości faktów oraz przywiązanie do rodzimych wzorców oceny wydarzeń i postaci historycznych zaburza proces przyswajania nowych informacji i zamyka w sztywnych ramach nabytych schematów myślenia. Najpoważniejsze problemy we wzajemnym rozumieniu swoich racji powstają na poziomie interpretacji i kategoryzacji zjawisk. Snując rozważania o swojej przynależności do ojczyzny, Polacy i Rosjanie odwołują się do zupełnie innych kategorii wartościujących. Każda para opracowuje własną strategię radzenia sobie z konfliktami ideologicznymi. Rozwiązaniem stosowanym najczęściej jest unikanie jakichkolwiek rozmów na drażliwy temat, aż do jego całkowitej tabuizacji. Druga strategia zakłada samoedukację, autorefleksję, przewartościowanie własnych poglądów i otwartość na tezy głoszone przez małżonka. Włożony w te działania świadomy wysiłek prowadzi do wypracowania nowego, wspólnego spojrzenia na trudne tematy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 739-749 ◽  
Piotr Roszak ◽  
Tomasz Huzarek

Abstract: How to recognize the presence of God in the world? Thomas Aquinas' proposition, based on the efficient, exemplary and intentional causality, including both the natural level and grace, avoids several simplifications, the consequence of which is transcendent blindness. On the one hand, it does not allow to fall into a panentheistic reductionism involving God into the game of His variability in relation to the changing world. The sensitivity of Thomas in interpreting a real existing world makes it impossible to close the subject in the ''house without windows'', from where God can only be presumed. On the other hand, the proposal of Aquinas avoids the radical transcendence of God, according to which He has nothing to do with the world.

2021 ◽  
pp. 50-73
Sergey Smirnov

This article is a continuation of the previous publication published under the same title (part 1). Both parts are devoted to the problem of understanding the split that once occurred in world philosophy and was embodied in the division of philosophy into two directions, continental and analytical philosophy. In the second part, the author continues to discuss the reasons for the split and the argumentation cited by various authors, proving the conceptual difference of directions. The article analyzes the main ideas of the authors of the Vienna Circle Manifesto and the argumentation of R. Carnap in his dispute with M. Heidegger, the subject of which is devoted to the so-called overcoming of metaphysics. The reason for writing both parts was the work of M. Fridman “Parting of the Ways: Carnap, Cassirer and Heidegger”, translated into Russian. The result of the second part is the conclusions formulated by the author of the article regarding the difference between the named directions. The author believes that it makes sense to discuss their differences not in the categories of truth and falsity of teachings and concepts, but in the categories of different orientations and attitudes, which do not deny but complement each other. On the one hand, analytical philosophy claims to be scientific orientation, clear and precise language, logic and mathematics. In contrast to it, continental philosophy does not pretend to be scientific, to a clear and precise language, but prefers innuendo, rejection of doctrinalism, and the exploratory nature of philosophizing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 01 (02) ◽  
pp. 52-57
Mehriban Zeynal qızı Hacızadə ◽  

The role and place of word combinations in modern English has been the subject of research from time to time. Research on word combinations shows that in most cases there is no difference between free word combinations and phraseological combinations. As for the difference between word combinations, one is ready in the language, and the other is formed in the process of speech. The main reason for the combination of words in the speech process is the interconnectedness of the concepts they express. Thus, the basis of word combinations is the mutual compatibility of the concepts they express. A popular approach to word combinations is to compare the meanings of words in foreign and native languages. Key words: word combination, speech process, concept, category, typology

Philosophy ◽  
1935 ◽  
Vol 10 (37) ◽  
pp. 40-52 ◽  
B. M. Laing

No one who is interested in the problem of value and attempts to read through the literature on the subject can fail to be struck by the extraordinary diversity of opinion. Some of this difference of view is traceable to ambiguities in language; there are various terms employed, each of which, of course, may or may not express any valid idea—terms like value, values, kinds of value, sorts of things that have value, value-objects, things that have value. The terms value and values are subject to and lead to much confusion, even on the part of those who are aware of the existence of such a danger. Much of the difference may probably be due to two other important factors: first, the education and training in earlier years whereby emotional reactions to words instead of intelligent understanding of their meaning and validity are induced, and, second, the continual reliance upon moral experience, which reliance may seem to be necessary, but which may be invalidated by the consideration, generally overlooked and unappraised, that moral, like social, experience might not be what it is if certain views were not entertained and did not prevail. The latter possibility would put moral and social studies on a plane quite different from that of physical investigations, for the moral and social inquirer would always have to bear in mind that the facts with which he is confronted, and to which he seeks to appeal, may exist to confront him and his fellowmen only in the sense that they arise from the acceptance and effectuation of a belief or theory, and would not be but for the effectuation of the belief or theory. The other factor, that of the influence of education and training upon emotional reactions, is also important in relation to a study of value, for it is necessary to be on guard against confusing reactions to words and reactions to objects, things, or situations.

Aqlania ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Ruyatul Fauziah

The dogma of resurrection after death is a very interesting subject to discuses since it contains controversy among Moslem schoolers. It hase being by philosophers since medieval era. Al-Ghazali outlined rejection against the philosophers about bodily resurrection in his book entitled Tahafut al-Falasifah (Confusions of the Philosophers), precisely in the last issue of the twenty issuesdiscussing the absence of a physical generation. Responding to the attack, Ibnu Rushd appeared to defend the philosophers of the attack and pagan. It is in this context Ibnu Rushd wrote is book Tahafut al-Tahafut (The Ambiguity of the Book Ambiguity).Departing from this background the author proposes research questions as follows : 1). How the thought of Al-Ghazali and Ibnu Rushd about human resurrection in the afterlife. 2). What are the causes and implications of about Al-Ghazali, as and Ibnu Rushd different talk about human resurrection in the afterlife. Goals to a achiev from the study are : 1). to comprehend the thought ofAl-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd about human resurrection in the afterlife. 2). to determine the causes and implications of Al-Ghazali and Ibnu Rushd thoughts on the respective issue.In terms of methodology, the author follows several steps : Determinain data sources, collecting data, and arrange data, and analyzing data. Primary data is retrieved from Al-Ghazali’s book Tahafut al-Falasifah especially on the twenty issues and that of Ibnu Rushd Tahafut al-Tahafut. Secondary data is retrieved from books related to Al-Ghazali and Ibnu Rusyd. The collected datais analyzed by comparative method.Conclusions of this study are as follow: First, Al-Ghazali holds that the surrection will occur in body and soul. On the other hand, Ibnu Rushd and other philosophers maintain that the revival will occur only in soul. Secondly, the cause of this disagreement is the difference in interpreting the Qur’anic verses of resurrection. As for Ibnu Rushd, philosophers’ exegesis does not mean toreduce sense of primacy of the hearafter. Therefore, this implies that the philosophers should not be the subject of infidel accuse just because of their thoughts. Nevertheless, their exegesis to the verses should not be exposed publicly to general.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-199
Syafrizaldi Syafrizaldi ◽  
Shafira Pratiwi

This study aims to find The Correlation between Social Environment and Self-Esteem on Teenagers at Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah Orphanage in Binjai. The subject were 56 teenagers who lived in the orphanage. The sample was collected by using total sampling technique. The data was collected by using social environment and self-esteem scales. The data was analyzed by using correlation technique (rxy) in the amount of 0,792 with p = 0,000 < 0,050 which means there was a positive and significant relationship between social environment and self-esteem, it showed that the better the social environment, the higher self-esteem. Conversely, the worse the environment, the lower self-esteem. Social environment in this study was classified as high, due to (empirical mean = 111,32 > hypothetical mean = 90 where the difference exceeds the numbers of SD = 13,087). Self-esteem was also classified as high, due to (empirical mean = 120,68 > hypothetical mean = 95 where the difference exceeds the numbers of SD = 13,051). Coefficient of determination and correlation was r2 = 0,627 which means the social environment contributed 62,7% to self-esteem. Based on this study, there were still 37,3% influence of the other factors which weren’t revealed in this study. 

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