scholarly journals Pengembangan Modul Ajar Berbasis Project Based Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Menggabungkan Audio Kelas XI Multimedia di SMK Negeri 1 Sawan

Ni Komang Yesiati . ◽  
Gede Saindra Santyadiputra, S.T., M.Cs . ◽  
Dr. Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana, S.Kom., M .

Abstrak- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan modul ajar berbasis Project Based Learning pada mata pelajaran menggabungkan audio kelas XI Multimedia di SMK Negeri 1 Sawan; (2) mengetahui respon siswa kelas XI Multimedia terhadap modul ajar berbasis Project Based Learning pada mata pelajaran mengganungkan audio kelas XI Multimedia di SMK Negeri 1 Sawan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan dengan model ADDIE (Analyze, design, Development, Impementation, Evaluation). Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa kelas XI Multimedia di SMK Negeri 1 Sawan. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, angket dan dokumentasi. Validasi modul ajar berbasis Project Based Learning pada mata pelajaran menggabungkan audio diperoleh dri enilaian ahli dengan menggunakan angket. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjukan bahwa modul ajar berbasis Project Based Learning pada mata pelajaran menggabungkan audio dakam kriteria baik. Hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan analisis uji ahli isi, uji ahli desain, dan uji ahli media. Berdasarkan pengujian pada tahap implementasi yaitu uji individu, uji kelompok kecil dan uji lapangan bahwa modul ajar berbasis Project Based Learning pada mata pelajaran menggabungkan audio dalam kriteria baik. Dalam modul ini menggunakan model pembeajaran Project Based Learning (PJBL) adapun tahapan-tahapan dari model pembelajaran ini yaitu (1) tahap eksplorasi(orientasi masalah), (2) tahap merencanakan proyek, (3) tahap elaborasi (melakukan investigasi), (4) tahap , Konfirmasi (Presentasi), (5) tahap evaluasi. Hasil analisis data respon siswa menunjukan rata-rata persentase 85.40% sehingga jika dikonversikan ersentase tersebut dalam kualifikasi baik. Hasil uji efektifitas yang dianalisis menggunakan gain score menghasilkan 0.84 sehingga efektifitas modul dalam kategori tinggi. Kata Kunci : modul ajar, menggabungkan audio, Project Based Learning Abstract- The purpose of this research are to (1) produce a design and implementation of the teaching module based on project based learning in combining audio subject in class XI Multimedia at SMK Negeri 1 Sawan. (2) to know the response of class XI Multimedia students about the teaching module according to the project based learning on the combining audio subject in class XI Multimedia at SMK Negeri 1 Sawan. The method of the research that is used in this research is Research and Development with ADDIE (Analyze, design, Development, Impementation, Evaluation). This research involves students of class XI Multimedia at SMK Negeri 1 Sawan. The techniques of data collection are interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The validation of the teaching module which is based on project based learning on combining audio subject is obtained from expert judgment by using a questionnaire. The criteria of teaching module based on project based learning on subjects combine audio obtained from students' responses which is analyzed by descriptive analysis The results of research and development shows that the teaching module based on project based learning on the subject combining audio subject has a good criteria. The results obtained are based on the judgment of the content expert test analysis, design expert test, and media expert test. Based on testing on the implementation stage i.e. individual test, small group test and field test, it is show that the teaching module based on project based learning on the combine audio subject has a good criteria. This module is using project based learning model (PJBL), the stages of this learning model are (1) exploration stage (problem orientation), (2) project planning stage, (3) elaboration stage (investigation), (4) Confirmation stage (Presentation), (5) evaluation stage. The results of student response based on the data analysis shows that the average percentage is 85.40%, it can be classified as good qualification. The effectiveness of the test result that was analyzed by using gain score yielded 0.84, the module effectiveness can be classified as high category.keyword : modules learning, audio combine, project based learning

Rahadian Grace Amelia ◽  
Sri Poedjiastoeti ◽  
Mohammad Thamrin Hidayat

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the project-based learning model on laboratory-scale ethanol production material on the vocational skills of class X students majoring in Industrial Chemistry at SMK PGRI 1 Gresik. The effectiveness criteria are evaluated from student learning outcomes of students' vocational skills scores and student responses to project-based learning. This type of research is research and development (research and development / R&D) with field trials using one group pre-test post-test design. The research subjects were 40 students of SMK PGRI 1 Gresik. The instrument for measuring the effectiveness of project-based learning models on students' vocational skills is the vocational skills observation sheet and the student response questionnaire sheet. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive. The data obtained as follows: All students mastered vocational skills with the highest score obtained was 92.31. Student responses to project-based learning were 91%. Obstacles in carrying out learning activities are a limited number of tools and less time in carrying out experimental activities.Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the project-based learning model on laboratory-based ethanol-making materials is effective for training vocational skills of vocational students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Ageng Sandiyanti ◽  
Rosida Rakhmawati M

This study aims to produce products in the form of bilingual module based on quantum learning on the material opportunities. This research includes the type of research and development (Research and Development) refers to a model consisting of five steps of activities namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The result of the research shows that the module that obtained the average percentage value from the material expert is 83,33% with the very good criterion, the average percentage value from media expert is 85% with very good criteria and the average percentage value from the linguist ie 78.67% with very good criteria. The bilingual module based on quantum learning on the opportunity meters also obtained a percentage value of 80% student response with very good criteria and obtained the percentage value of educator equal to 84% with very good criteria.

Erlan A Simarmata . ◽  
Gede Saindra Santyadiputra, S.T., M.Cs . ◽  
Dr. Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana, S.Kom., M .

Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) Untuk mengimplementasikan Pengembangan E-modul Pada Mata Pelajaran Pemrograman Desktop Kelas XI Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak di SMK Negeri 2 Tabanan. (2) Untuk mengetahui respon siswa dan guru terhadap Pengembangan E-modul Pada Mata Pelajaran Pemrograman Desktop Kelas XI dengan Model Project Based Learning di SMK Negeri 2 Tabanan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah research and development (R&D), dengan model pengembangan Dick & Carey. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas XI Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dan guru mata pelajaran Pemrograman Desktop di SMK Negeri 2 Tabanan tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Untuk mengetahui respon siswa dan guru terhadap e-modul diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Hasil implementasi e-modul yang telah dikembangkan pada mata pelajaran pemrograman desktop untuk siswa kelas XI Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning di SMK Negeri 2 Tabanan dinyatakan berhasil diterapkan berdasarkan beberapa uji yang dilakukan. 2) Hasil analisis data respon siswa menunjukkan bahwa persentase siswa yang memberikan respon sangat baik sebesar 36.84%, persentase siswa yang memberikan respon baik sebesar 63.16%, dan tidak ada siswa yang memberikan respon cukup, kurang, maupun sangat kurang dan mendapatkan presentase tingkat pencapaian e-modul sebesar 87.58%. Sedangkan hasil analisis data respon guru menunjukkan bahwa persentase guru yang memberikan respon sangat baik sebesar 94%. Kata Kunci : E-modul, Pemrograman Desktop, Model Project Based Learning, Research and Development The aim of this study is to (1) Implement the development of E-module for Desktop Progamming learning lesson of grade XI with Project Based Learning Model in SMK Negeri 2 Tabanan. (2) To know students’ and teachers’ response towards the development of E-module for Desktop Progamming learning lesson of grade XI with Project Based Learning Model in SMK Negeri 2 Tabanan. Research methodology that is used for this research was Research and Development (R&D), with Dick & Carey development model. The subject of this research was the third grade students, engineer software and Desktop Progamming teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Tabanan in Academic Year 2016/2017. To know students’ and teachers’ response towards the E-module was gained by using inquiry method. The result of this study showed that: (1) Implementation result of E-module which was developed for Desktop Progamming learning lesson of grade XI engineer software by using Project Based Learning Model in SMK Negeri 2 Tabanan has proven effective to be applied through some tests. (2) The data analysis result of students’ response showed that the percentage of students’ who give excellent response was 36.84%, students who gave good response were 63.16%, and there were no students who gave fair response, inadequate or inacceptable response and get a percentage of the level of achievement of the e-module were 87.58%. While the data analysis result of teachers’ response showed that the percentage of teaches who gave excellent response was 94%.keyword : E-Module, Desktop Progamming, project based learning, Research and Development

Ni Putu Ayu Wijayanti ◽  
Luh Putu Eka Damayanthi ◽  
I Made Gede Sunarya ◽  
I Made Putrama

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini (1) Untuk mengimplementasikan hasil Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Project Based Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Simulasi Digital Untuk Siswa Kelas X Studi Kasus Di SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja, (2) Untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Project Based Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Simulasi Digital Untuk Siswa Kelas X Studi Kasus Di SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan Research and Development (R & D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas X Tata Boga 5 SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap e-modul yang dikembangkan, diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode kuisioner dengan alat pengumpulan data berupa angket.Hasil analisis respon siswa menunjukkan bahwa persentase siswa yang memberikan respon sangat baik sebesar 60%, persentase siswa yang memberikan respon baik sebesar 40%, dan tidak ada siswa yang memberikan respon cukup, kurang maupun sangat kurang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap pengembangan e-modul pada mata pelajaran simulasi digital secara keseluruhan persentase respon siswa menunjukkan angka 90,6 % dapat dikategorikan sangat baik. Kata kunci:  E-Modul, R&D, ADDIE, Respon, Simulasi Digital. AbstractThe purposes of this study were (1) to impelements design of the E-modul development by the Project Based Learning model in the Digital Simulation subject for X grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja, (2) To know the response of the students toward the E-modul development by the Project Based Learning model in the Digital Simulation subject for X grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja.The type of this study was using Research and Development (R&D) with applied the method ADDIE model. The subject of this study was class of X Tata Boga 5 SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja in study year 2015/2016. The response of the students toward the e-modul development, was obtained by using questionnaire method.The result of the student’s responses were indicated that the percentages were 60% for the Very Good-response by 40% of the Good-response. Overall on the result of this study, by the percentage of 90% can be categorized as Very Good. Keywords : e-modul, Research and development, ADDIE, response, simulasi digital

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 364-375
Vivin Muthoharoh ◽  
Norida Canda Sakti

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi banyaknya peserta didik menjadi murid yang pasif serta kurang termotivasi terhadap metode pembelajaran konveksional yang biasa digunakan oleh guru, yang mana pembelajaran dilakukan menyampaikan materi secara lisan lalu mengerjakan soal evaluasi. Dari paparan permasalahan tersebut penelitian dilakukan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif yang mampu memacu peserta didik agar lebih bersemangat dan meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Penelitian pengembanagn ini menggunakan jenis penelitian yakni Research and Development (R&D) serta model penelitian 4D (Define, Design, Development dan Disseminate). Uji coba terbatas sebanyak 20 peserta didik. Penelitian dilakukan guna meninjau kelayakan media jika diketahui dari penyajian media dan kesesuaian materi, efektivitas media, kepraktisan media serta guna menganalisis respon peserta didik dan perbandingan hasil belajar ketika sebelum dan setelah mengakses media dengan desain uji coba Pre-Test dan Post-Test. Sedangkan hasil belajar dianalisa melalui uji N-Gain Score. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba terbatas diperoleh yakni media pembelajaran diketahui layak karena mendapatkan hasil sebesar 85,7%, efektif sebab diperoleh skor 100%, dan praktis dengan presentase 100% apabila digunakan. Selain itu diketahui peserta didik merespon positif dengan menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran perpajakan memberikan rasa antusias jika digunakan. Hasil belajar juga meningkat secara signifikan setelah mengakses media pembelajaran perpajakan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1925
Anggi Desviana Siregar ◽  
Lenni Khotimah Harahap

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul elektronik (E-Modul) berbasis project based learning terintegrasi media komputasi hyperchem pada materi bentuk molekul. Pengembangan e-modul sebagai implementasi teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi dalam media pembelajaran di Universitas Negeri Medan. E-modul disusun sesuai kurikulum Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pengembangan (research and development) dengan model pengembangan Analysis-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation (ADDIE). Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah lembar uji kelayakan e-modul berdasarkan BSNP  dan tes hasil belajar mahasiswa untuk uji coba penggunaan e-modul. E-modul dianalisis menggunakan uji Independent Sample T-test pada program SPSS 21.0 for  windows. E-modul yang dikembangkan telah divalidasi menggunakan skala likert pada aspek kelayakan isi, kelayakan bahasa, kelayakan penyajian dan kelayakan kegrafikan.  Hasil validasi terhadap e-modul diperoleh nilai rata-rata keseluruhan dari keempat aspek sebesar 3,64 yang dinyatakan sangat layak untuk digunakan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba penggunaan e-modul diperoleh n-gain pretest dan posttest hasil belajar mahasiswa sebesar 0,78 yang tergolong kategori tinggi.

Four Marito Marbun

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the cooperative Student Teams Achievement Devision (STAD) learning model on the ability to understand students 'mathematical concepts and students' responses to the STAD cooperative learning model type. This research method is a quasi experimental method. This research was conducted in State 2 Junior High School of Sorkam at the even semester of the 2016/2017 Academic Year. The sample of this study was class VIIIA as the experimental class and VIIIB as the control class. From the research data obtained a regression equation Y = 74,857 + 8.857X (there is a positive effect). The average value of students' understanding of mathematical concepts learned by the STAD cooperative learning model is 83,714, while the conventional learning model is 74,857. The coefficient of determination is 21.6%, meaning that 21.6% of the influence of the STAD type cooperative learning model on the ability to understand students' mathematical concepts. The results of the analysis of student responses were obtained (1) by 98.2% stating they were interested and the rest not; (2) amounting to 95.05% stating that there are benefits obtained and the rest not; (3) amounting to 86.78% stated that there were no obstacles experienced during the learning process and the rest stated there were; (4) 94.04% hoped the STAD type cooperative learning model was used in the learning process and the rest did not expect. So, it can be concluded that the student response is very positive because the average percentage of student approval responses to the STAD type cooperative learning model is ≥ 85%.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Ni Putu Ayu Wijayanti ◽  
Luh Putu Eka Damayanthi ◽  
I Made Gede Sunarya ◽  
I Made Putrama

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini (1) Untuk mengimplementasikan hasil Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Project Based Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Simulasi Digital Untuk Siswa Kelas X Studi Kasus Di SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja, (2) Untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Project Based Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Simulasi Digital Untuk Siswa Kelas X Studi Kasus Di SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan Research and Development (R & D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas X Tata Boga 5 SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap e-modul yang dikembangkan, diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode kuisioner dengan alat pengumpulan data berupa angket.Hasil analisis respon siswa menunjukkan bahwa persentase siswa yang memberikan respon sangat baik sebesar 60%, persentase siswa yang memberikan respon baik sebesar 40%, dan tidak ada siswa yang memberikan respon cukup, kurang maupun sangat kurang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap pengembangan e-modul pada mata pelajaran simulasi digital secara keseluruhan persentase respon siswa menunjukkan angka 90,6 % dapat dikategorikan sangat baik. Kata kunci:  E-Modul, R&D, ADDIE, Respon, Simulasi Digital. AbstractThe purposes of this study were (1) to impelements design of the E-modul development by the Project Based Learning model in the Digital Simulation subject for X grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja, (2) To know the response of the students toward the E-modul development by the Project Based Learning model in the Digital Simulation subject for X grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja.The type of this study was using Research and Development (R&D) with applied the method ADDIE model. The subject of this study was class of X Tata Boga 5 SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja in study year 2015/2016. The response of the students toward the e-modul development, was obtained by using questionnaire method.The result of the student’s responses were indicated that the percentages were 60% for the Very Good-response by 40% of the Good-response. Overall on the result of this study, by the percentage of 90% can be categorized as Very Good. Keywords : e-modul, Research and development, ADDIE, response, simulasi digital

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Sri Haerina Lailatul Janah ◽  
I Dewa Ayu Made Budhyani ◽  
I Gede Sudirtha

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penilaian media moodboard berbantuan aplikasi pengolah gambar pada pembelajaran desain busana melalui uji ahli media, uji ahli isi, dan uji subjek sasaran. Jenis penilitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) adapun model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu model ADDIE yang terdiri dari analyze, design, development, implemenation, dan evaluation. Teknik analisis data dalam pengambilan data pada penelitian ini yaitu angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penilaian media moodboard berbantuan aplikasi pengolah gambar berdasarkan uji ahli materi memperoleh rerata presentase 99 % termasuk kategori sangat baik, ahli media memperoleh rerata presentase 92% (sangat baik), dan subjek sasaran memperoleh rerata persentase 94% (sangat baik). Kata Kunci : Media, Moodboard, aplikasi pengolah gambar, Desain Busana This study aims to determine the assessment of moodboard media assisted by image processing applications in clothing design learning through the media expert test, content expert test, and target subject test. This type of research is research and development. The model used in this study is the ADDIE model which consists of analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data analysis technique in collecting data in this study is a questionnaire. The results showed that the assessment of moodboard media assisted by image processing applications based on the test of material experts obtained an average percentage of 99% including the very good category, media experts obtained an average percentage of 92% (very good), and the target subject received an average percentage of 94% (very good). DAFTAR RUJUKANKeywords: Media, Moodboard, image processing application, Fashion DesignAnggrini, Anggi.2020. “ Alternatif Model Penyusunan Moodboard sebagai Metode Berfikir Kreatif dalam Pengembangan Konsep Visual” Vol 1 Juli 2020Ayu, Anggra Rucitra.2020. “ Merumuskan Konsep Dasar Interior“ Volume 5 No.1Bestari, Afif. 2016. “Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Moodboard Terhadap Pengetahuan Desain Busana Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Busana” Volume 3 No.2.Haryati, Siti. 2015. “Pengembangan Media pembelajaran Fliipbook Fisika Untuk Meningkattkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik”. Volume 4 Oktober 2015.Tegeh, Made I. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Metode Penelitian Pendiidikan dengan Model ADDIE.SE Nomor 4 Tahun 2020 Tentang Kebijakan Pendidikan Dalam Masa Darurat Penyebaran covid-19, kementerian pendidikan IndonesiaSuciati. 2008. Moodboard. Prodi Pendidikan Tata Busana. Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan IndonesiaSugiyono. 2006. Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Bandung: Alfabeta.Sugiyono. 2019. Metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan. Bandung: Alfabeta.

I Made Dwipayana . ◽  
I Made Putrama, S.T., M.Tech . ◽  
Nyoman Sugihartini, S.Pd., M.Pd. .

Tujuan penelitian ini (1) Untuk menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan pengembangan e-modul berbantuan media CAI pada mata pelajaran Desain Grafis Bitmap Berbasis Project Based Learning Kelas X Multimedia Di Smk Ti Bali Global Singaraja, (2) Untuk mengetahui respon guru dan siswa terhadap pengembangan e-modul berbantuan media CAI pada mata pelajaran Desain Grafis Bitmap Berbasis Project Based Learning Kelas X Multimedia Di Smk Ti Bali Global Singaraja. Model pembelajaran yang diterapkan dalam pengembangan modul elektronik ini adalah model pembelajaran project based learning. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas X Multimedia di SMK Ti Bali Global Singaraja tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Untuk mengetahui respon guru dan siswa terhadap e-modul desain grafis bitmap diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Hasil rancangan dan implementasi e-modul berbantuan media CAI yang telah dikembangkan pada mata pelajaran Desain Grafis Bittmap Berbasis Project Based Learning Kelas X Multimedia Di Smk Ti Bali Global Singaraja dinyatakan berhasil diterapkan berdasarkan beberapa uji yang dilakukan. (2) Hasil analisis data respon guru menunjukkan bahwa, didapatkan rata-rata skor respon sebesar 39, jika dikonversikan ke dalam tabel penggolongan respon maka termasuk pada kategori positif. Sedangkan untuk respon siswa terhadap pengembangan emodul didapatkan rata-rata skor respon sebesar 69,38, jika dikonversikan ke dalam tabel penggolongan respon siswa termasuk pada kategori positif. Kata Kunci : Kata Kunci: ADDIE, E-Modul, Desain Grafis Bitmap, Project Based Learning The purpose of this research (1) To produce the design and implement the design result of CAI media-assisted e-module development in the subject of Graphic Design Bitmap Based Project Based Learning Class X Multimedia In Smk Ti Bali Global Singaraja, (2) To know teacher and student response to the development of CAI media-aided e-module on the subject of Graphic Design Bitmap Based Project Based Learning Class X Multimedia At Smk Ti Bali Global Singaraja. The learning model applied in the development of this electronic module is a model of learning based learning. The type of research used in this study is research and development (Research and Development) with the model of ADDIE development. The subjects of this study are students of class X Multimedia at SMK Ti Bali Global Singaraja academic year 2017/2018. To find out teach and student response to e-module of bitmap graphic design obtained by using questionnaire method. The results showed that: (1) Results of design and implementation of CAI media-aided e-modules developed in the subject of Graphic Design Bitmap Based Project Based Learning Class X Multimedia At Smk Ti Bali Global Singaraja declared successfully applied based on several tests conducted. (2) The result of data analysis teacher response showed that got the average score of response equal to 39, if converted into table classification of response then included in positives category. As for the student response to the development of e-module obtained average response score of 69.38, if converted into the table classification of student responses included in the positive category. keyword : Keywords—ADDIE, E-Module Grafic Bimap desigm, Project Based Learning.

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