scholarly journals Rasch Modeling: A Multiple Choice Chemistry Test

2019 â—˝  
Vol 2 (1) â—˝  
pp. 1-9
Atiek Winarti â—˝  
Al Mubarak

The study aimed to reveal the difficulty level of items and the suitability of items of Chemistry test with the Rasch model. In addition to detecting this item quality, the Rasch model shows the student's answer pattern as well, so that the assessment can imply the quality of the instrument as an assessment of chemical learning. As many as 20 numbers of multiple-choice questions in chemical bonding material were analyzed by using WINSTEPS 3.73. The samples consisted of 200 senior high school students in Banjarmasin Indonesia. The results revealed that the average item measure was 0.00 with items (Measure Order = 4.64) which has the highest difficulty level. The Q10 was the item that has a level of conformity with the model, and outliers or misfit in Rasch were MNSQ=+0.97, ZSTD=-0.2, Pt Mean Corr=+0.58. In other words, assessment of learning with test techniques such as multiple choice based on Rasch model analysis was an effective way for teachers to review the progress of students in the learning process, guidelines for designing chemical learning strategies, and identifying students' understanding of chemical material.

2020 â—˝  
Vol 3 (1) â—˝  
pp. 45-50
Azizah Azizah â—˝  
Sapti Wahyuningsih

This research was conducted to analyze the test instruments used to measure the ability of students in actuarial mathematics courses in mathematics department, State University of Malang. Participants in this course consist of 40 students. The form of questions given were  multiple choice questions totaling 50 items related to the premium calculation material on life insurance. The Rasch model is used to get fit items. This analysis is carried out with the help of Winsteps software. From the Winsteps program output, 25 items were obtained fit to the Rasch model with an average MNSQ Outfit score for person and item 0.98 and 0.98, respectively. While the Outfit ZSTD value for person and item are 0 and -0.01 respectively. While the reliability of the instrument stated in alpha cronbach is 0.85

LITERA â—˝  
2020 â—˝  
Vol 19 (2) â—˝  
Burhan Nurgiyantoro â—˝  
Beniati Lestyarini â—˝  
Dwi Hanti Rahayu

Literasi fungsional menyiratkan bahwa literasi dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat, meraih tujuan, dan meningkatkan kemampuan diri. Penelitian validatif ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi konstruk asesmen literasi fungsional untuk siswa SMP dan mengalisis butir soalnya dengan Model Rasch. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, FGD, dan tes. Sebanyak 5 orang guru dan 246 siswa dari 5 SMP di DIY, serta 3 pakar dilibatkan dalam proses pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian berupa konstruk literasi fungsional dari National Assessment for Adult Literacy (NAAL) dimodifikasi dalam 15 jenis literasi, yaitu literasi prosa, digital, dokumen, numerik, lingkungan, kesehatan, pariwisata, transportasi, keselamatan jalan, kesantunan berbahasa, mitigasi bencana, finansial, budaya, visual, dan sosial. Hasil analisis 60 butir soal dengan Model Rasch berbantuan program QUEST menunjukkan probability level 0,50 dengan indeks reliabilitas 0,98. Mean INFIT MNSQ sebesar 1.00 dengan SD 0,04 yang fit dengan Model Rasch. Butir soal yang layak berada pada rentang threshold (± 2) adalah 51 buah (85%), sedangkan yang di luar rentang tersebut 9 butir (15%). Siswa dengan skor ≥75 sebesar 38,2%, sedang yang belum memenuhi standar sebanyak 61,8%.  Indikator esensial dan batang soal menjadi bagian penting untuk melihat kemampuan literasi fungsional siswa. Kata kunci: literasi fungsional, asesmen, analisis butir soal, Model Rasch  THE CONSTRUCTS OF FUNCTIONAL LITERACY ASSESSMENT FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AbstractFunctional literacy implies that literacy can be used for improving society capacities, obtaining goals, and increasing self-capabilities. The present study is aimed at identifying the constructs of the functional literacy assessment of junior high school students and analysing the item responses by using the Rasch Model. The data were collected through observation, interview, FGD and testing. Five teachers, 246 students from five junior high schools in Yogyakarta Province, and 3 experts were involved in the research processes. Results show that the constructs of the functional literacy from the National Assessment for Adult Literacy (NAAL) concepts have been modified into 15 types of literacy: prose, digital, document, numerical, environmental, health, tourism, transportation, road safety, language civility, disaster mitigation, financial, cultural, visual, and social). The results of the item analysis (60 items) using the Rasch Model with the QUEST program produce a probability value of 0.50 with a reliability index of 0.98. The INFIT MNSQ mean of 1.00 with an SD of 0.4 fits with the Rasch model. Items are eligible for an appropriate threshold range (± 2) of 51 grains or 85% while items outside the range of ± 2 is 9 (15%). Students with a score of ≥ 75 are 94 in number (38.2%). Meanwhile, students who have not fulfilled the standard amount to 61.8%. Essential indicators and item stems have an important role in reflecting the students’ functional literacy competences. Keywords: functional literacy, assessment, item response, Rasch model

2021 â—˝  
Vol 2 (1) â—˝  
pp. 123-131
Salha U. Amil

This study investigated the perception on Multiple Choice Questions: Its challenges and implications among Grade 12 Senior High Students of Mindanao State University-Sulu. Descriptive survey method was used in this study. Random sampling was used to select 100 students, 50 from GAS strand and 50 from STEM strand Grade 12 Senior high school students. The researcher prepared a survey questionnaire to obtain the necessary data. Mean was used to analyze the perceived challenges and implication while an independent T-test sample was used to test the hypotheses at alpha level of 0.05.The following were the highlight of the study: Multiple Choice Questions is a test format only used as an assessment tool during their Quarterly Examinations and it was revealed that MCQ is challenging foremost due to the need to answer critically under time pressure. Consequently, they need to manage their time in order to answer every subject. The challenge of MCQ also lies in the difficulty of the subject Also, the result revealed the implications of MCQ tends to urge students to answer each subject at limited time pressure students that they experience test anxiety. Meanwhile, there is a need to look into the level of difficulty of the subject matter which requires student rigorous preparation before exam. More so, MCQ develop student’s analysis on problem solving which provides them a real time experience of taking major exams and develop time management in studying and strategies in answering as it encourages them to answer with persistence and resilience. The study recommended that the school administration should encourage the applicability of this test format to other colleges in the institution that require licensure examination, Setting programs and intervention for the improvements of this endeavour  and Creating more research studies.

2021 â—˝  
Vol 2098 (1) â—˝  
pp. 012003
T P Heryani â—˝  
P Sinaga â—˝  
D T Chandra

Abstract This study aims to analyze the students’ mastery of concepts on the topic of energy during the distance learning when Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this study is descriptive quantitative. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, where the determination of the study sample is based on gender. The sample in this study is 116 people. Students’ mastery of concepts refers to Bloom’s Taxonomy, namely C1 to C4. The instrument used was a cognitive ability test with 22 multiple choice questions. Data were analyzed using scoring techniques with the Guttman scale. The scores obtained are made into percentages and the results are grouped by category. The results showed that during the distance learning process, the students’ mastery of concepts was in the “enough” category with a percentage of 54%. Based on each aspect, the mastery of the concept in the C1 aspect shows an achievement of 81% with the “very well” category, 49% for the C2 aspect in the “enough” category, 57% for the C3 aspect in the “enough” category and 48% for the C4 aspect with the “enough” category. From the results of the study, efforts are needed to improve students’ mastery of concepts through appropriate learning strategies.

1972 â—˝  
Vol 5 (4) â—˝  
pp. 273-281 â—˝  
Ronald V. Evans

Transformational-generative grammar theory has prompted several studies on the reading comprehension of variously transformed sentences. The results have shown that verbal noun phrases, noun and relative clauses, subordinate clauses, as well as the number of modifiers embedded on any noun headword, all combine to complicate reading comprehension. This study compared two identical groups of 12th grade students, reading two versions of five prose selections. One version had simplified all of the previously mentioned structures, maintaining a twelve-word average sentence length. The other version was taken as used in The Davis Reading Test. Both groups were tested by multiple-choice questions from the reading test and by cloze-tests. The results showed a significant achievement on the multiple choice test and on three of five cloze tests for the simplified-version readers.

2017 â—˝  
Vol 1 (X3) â—˝  
pp. 42-54
Quang Ngoc Bui

The paper presents (1) a general view of the history of the development of objective multiple choice testing methods in accordance with the development of measurement science, and the evaluation process of the learners’ academic performance by this method; (2) the process of applying classic and modern test theories to analyze and evaluate the quality of multiple choice test bank for the module of Introduction to Anthropology by the RASCH model and QUEST software, which is implemented by the determination of difficulty degree of the questionnaires, the quality of the wrong opinions, the degree of difference among the test questions, the correlation factors between the test score and the whole score, the probability of each option being chosen, the measurement scale for the learners’ competence, the "threshold level" of the difficulty level for a multiple choice question, the calculation error, the reliability of the test, etc. and thereby (3) some solutions made towards the optimal application of the objective multiple choice tests at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City.

2019 â—˝  
Vol 2 (1) â—˝  
pp. 11-16
Saiyidah Mahtari â—˝  
Misbah Misbah â—˝  
Suryati Suryati

This study aims to describe aspects of students 'abilities in solving problems of students' scientific literacy problems based on the RASCH model. This research uses descriptive quantitative research design with survey research methods. The research subjects were 33 students of class XII IPA 2 of SMAN 6 Banjarmasin. Data collection techniques were carried out by using a scientific literacy test consisting of 9 items about the description of dynamic electrical matter. The results of the research data were analyzed using the RASCH model using the Winstep program to obtain logit values. The results showed that the average student logit value was 1.75 logit, this value was less than 0.0 logit. This indicates that students' ability to solve scientific literacy questions is still low, so students need to be trained in scientific literacy through classroom learning.

2021 â—˝  
Vol 7 (4) â—˝  
Veni Saputri â—˝  
Hafsah Adha Diana

Numeracy ability is one of the abilities measured in the Minimum Capability Assessment (AKM). Numeracy ability is very important to be improved because numeracy is not only doing mathematical calculations, but also a basis of knowledge and increases confidence to apply it practically. This research uses qualitative and quantitative approaches. This research method is research and development (R&D). The product developed in the form of a level 4 numeracy test instrument based on HOTS. The problem developed in the form of multiple choice questions and complex multiple choices is a number of 40 questions. The variables used as reference are validity, difficulty level, and reliability. This analysis was done with the help of Winsteps software. Based on winsteps program output obtained results according to rasch model with average values outfit MNSQ for persons and items respectively 0.89 and 0.91. The ZSTD Outfit values for persons and items are 0 and -0.01, respectively. While the reliability of the instrument expressed in alpha cronbach is worth 0.87.

2016 â—˝  
Vol 19 (1) â—˝  
pp. 42-62 â—˝  
Joseph Eastwood â—˝  
Brent Snook â—˝  
Kirk Luther â—˝  
Stuart Freedman

Although youth in many Western countries have been afforded enhanced legal protections when facing police interrogations, the effectiveness of these protections may be limited by youth’s inability to comprehend them. The ability to increase the comprehension of Canadian interrogation rights among youth through the simplification of waiver forms was assessed. High school students (N = 367) in grades 9, 10, and 11 were presented with one of three waiver forms that varied in level of complexity. Comprehension of the information in the forms was assessed using free recall and multiple-choice questions. Results showed that comprehension levels increased as waiver form complexity decreased and comprehension levels increased as the age of the youth increased. The implications of these findings for the development of comprehensible youth interrogation rights are discussed.

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