2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Zulkifli Rusby

This paper discusses the phenomenon of strengthening the culture of patriarchy that so long rooted in Islamic education process. In the process of education for example, are in the form of drawings in which the topic of haughty (arrogant) described a group of women who were talking about a woman who overbearing. That during this time the role of women have been cornered by misrepresents the moral values of Islam by scholars in part. This cornered position, has been so strong both the role of women in the political area, in terms of liberating education process, and in terms of interpretation and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, the emergence of gender bias in the interpretation of Islamic education came from scholars who tend to provide a significant opportunity for the defense of the masculine; among them is the issue of polygamy, inheritance of women, and women's leadership.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Tabrani ZA

<p>Islam as a religion of rahmatan li al'alamin, very much its contribution to the national development which is oriented to the whole human development. The presence of religion is always accompanied by "two faces". On the one hand, inherently religion has an identity that is exclusive, particularistic, and primordial. At the same time, however, it is also rich in inclusive, Universalist and transcending identities. In its role as a directive system, religion is placed as the main reference in the process of change. Religion will serve as a supreme morality that provides the basis and strength of the society's spiritual elite as they dialectics with change. Likewise as a defensive system, religion becomes a kind of resistance force for society when it is in an increasingly complex circle of life issues amid the rapid flow of change. Islamic education as agents of social change that is in the atmosphere of modernization and globalization today is required to be able to play its role dynamically and proactively, both at the theoretical and practical intellectual level. Islamic education is not just a process of cultivating moral values to fortify itself from the negative excesses of globalization. But the most important thing is how the moral values that have been invested in Islamic education are able to act as a liberating force from the crush of poverty, ignorance and socio-cultural and economic backwardness. This paper aims to explore the role of Islamic education in public social education which is the main foundation of a nation's development.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-53
M. Asep Rahmatullah ◽  
Siti Munawati ◽  
Sugih Suryagalih

Abstarct The Political Direction of Islamic Education In the 21st century, history has noted that Islamic education in Indonesia has taken root since the entry of Islam into the archipelago, that Islamic education is perfectly upright and perfect is inseparable from the role of the sultans, scholars, and Muslims continues to try to carry out the study of science majors , discussion, writing in the context of jihad fi sabillilah tafaqohu fiddien for the glory of Islam. It is also supported by Islamic political policies that are very beneficial for the interests of the world of Islamic education. Since the destruction of the Caliphate of the Ottoman Turkish Islamic government and the destruction of the Islamic kingdoms in Indonesia and the world. Then the condition of Islamic education experienced ups and downs and the lack of support from the Indonesian government. Therefore, after Indonesia's independence and the increasingly open world of globalization and modernization, it is necessary to look for ideas and ideal forms that are integrally holistic for the world of Islamic education. As well as being able to influence the policies of the Indonesian government and master the political policies of 21st century Islamic education for the future of Indonesian Muslims.Abstark Arah Politik Pendidikan Islam Abad ke 21, sejarah telah mencatat bahwa pendidikan Islam di Indonesia telah mengakar dari sejak masuknya Islam ke nusantara, pendidikan Islam tegak secara sempurna dan paripurna tidak lepas dari peranan para sultan, ulama, dan kaum muslimin yang terus berupaya melakukan kajian majlis ilmu, diskusi, menulis serta aktif dalam gerakan dakwah dan jihad fi sabillilah untuk kejayaan islam. Setelah menancapkan kekuasaan Islam, maka sistem pendidikan islam di topang oleh kebijakan politik Islam yang sangat menguntungkan bagi kepentingan dunia pendidikan Islam. Sejak kehancuran kekhalifahan pemerintahan Islam turki utsmani dan kehancuran kerajan-kerajaan Islam di Indonesia dan dunia. Maka kondisi pendidikan Islam mengalami pasang surut kemunduran dan kurangnya dukungan pemerintah Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, setelah Indonesia merdeka dan semakin terbukanya dunia globalisasi dan modernisasi, maka perlu mencari ide, dan format yang ideal secara integralistik holistik untuk dunia pendidikan Islam. Serta dapat mempengaruhi kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dan menguasai kebijakan politik pendidikan Islam abad ke 21 untuk masa depan umat Islam bangsa Indonesia.

Women Rising ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 354-362
Layla Saleh

Giving a personal voice to the role of women in the Syrian revolution, Layla Saleh places the account of one Syrian woman, Um Ibrahim, exiled in the second year of the uprising, in the larger context of women’s participation in the revolutionary popular mobilization, after the Assad regime’s “women’s rights” proved unsatisfactory and insufficient. The narrative culminates in Um Ibrahim’s own participation in the protests in Damascus before the full-fledged war took hold. Um Ibrahim recounts how women took on a central role in the Syrian revolution, hiding protesters, cooking, delivering food and weapons, and serving in the political and armed opposition. However, they have been victimized by the war, their activist role has been diminished, and their security and physical well-being have become precarious as the country is bloodily entrenched in civil and proxy warfare.

Tri Wahyudi Ramdhan

Traditional Islamic thought in general provides limited role of women as wives and mothers. Based on the view of classical Islamic texts and literature are still seen that women are still marginalized, or in other words, women are still under the domination of men. Therefore, women need to construct a discourse or text at will. It is undeniable that the interpretation of the classical scholars on the concept of equality of men and women from the perspective of today may well be judged as biased. For interpretations of the past can not be released to the socio-historical context of the time. Departing from the problems mentioned above then this article would like to see and analyze how the concepts offered and presented Islam in view of gender equality between men and women starting from the concept of gender so that the concept of gender bias by sex.Selanjutnyan followed by a discussion of the word gender mufrodat in the Qur'an and concludes with the interpretation of the discourse of gender equality. Dalama This commentary will set forth the extent where the equality between men and women

Tequio ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (7) ◽  
pp. 15-24
Mariana Favela Calvillo

No periodization is ever neutral, much less the dominant perspectives on how history is interpreted. Our forms of knowledge imply a patriarchal bias that constitutes a form of reductionism in at least two senses: first, the tendency to reduce the totality of human history to what I call the patriarchal horizon, and which is but the last breath of a much longer and complex story; and second, even within the patriarchal horizon, this kind of blindness tends to fade out the role of women and their contributions in any field. The bias gradually becomes a canon, it seems natural and goes unnoticed. This paper discusses the depatriarchalization of knowledge and the study of long history, both understood as indispensable strategies for the political struggle of women and the elimination of gender-generic systems of oppression.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Mayola Andika

Abstract. Nowadays, the issues of gender become hot topics to be discussed. It caused by the reality of some society who still hold the principle of patriarchal culture. Men tend to get the privileges than women. Basically, Islam upholds equality between men and women. Islam is believed as an ideal religion that is revealed for lift level and free up women from Jahiliyyah tradition in which marginalize women’s position. Verses of the Qur'an have revealed the equality of man and women and outline the equation in between both of them. As for the difference is their level of devotion. However, in religious empirical reality, the problem of gender bias arises whilst understanding and interpreting the religion texts. The misinterpretation then brought up the problem interrelated with men and women relation, for instance injustice, subordination, discrimination, and marginalization. Thus, the author assumes that a review of the interpretations of the verses and models of interpretation that tend to marginalize the role of women is needed to be conducted. In this research, the author elaborates of how the relation betwen men and women in Al-quran’s perspective through reinterpretation of Surat An-Nisa, verse 34 in contextual. The author focuses on the gender studies and connect it with the concept of men and women equality with descriptive-analitics method. Abstrak. Dewasa ini isu gender hangat diperbincangkan. Hal itu dilatarbelakangi oleh realitas masyarakat yang sebagian masih memegang prinsip budaya patriaki. Laki-laki mendapatkan hak-hak istimewa, sedangkan kaum perempuan cenderung dinomorduakan. Islam pada dasarnya menjunjung tinggi kesetaraan. Agama Islam diyakini sebagai agama yang ideal. Diturunkan untuk mengangkat derajat dan membebaskan perempuan dari tradisi jahiliyyah yang memarginalisasi kedudukannya. Ayat al-Qur’an telah mengungkapkan kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan serta menggariskan persamaan kedudukan di antara keduanya. Adapun yang membedakan adalah tingkat ketaqwaan. Namun, dalam realitas empiris keagamaan timbul problem pemahaman dan penafsiran teks-teks agama yang bias gender. Hal tersebut kemudian memunculkan masalah berkaitan dengan relasi laki-laki dan perempuan, seperti ketidakadilan, subordinasi, diskriminasi, dan marginalisasi. Untuk itu penulis menganggap perlu adanya peninjauan ulang interpretasi ayat dan model penafsiran yang cenderung meminggirkan peranan kaum perempuan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis memaparkan bagaimana relasi laki-laki dan perempuan dalam perspektif al-Qur’an melalui reinterpretasi terhadap penafsiran QS an-Nisa` ayat 34 secara kontekstual. Penulis memfokuskan kajian gender dan menghubungkannya dengan konsep kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan dengan metode deskriptif-analitis. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Achmad Faisol Haq

The Islamic education problems that are often criticized by the West are gender issues, Islamic education is considered west to overrule the role of women in Islamic education, whereas in Islamic education since the beginning of Islam Strongly uphold women's standing, especially in terms of inheritance and the similarity of rights and obligations in science. In modern eras of women's emancipation movement in Islam are more likely to follow the western mindset, the activists of Islamic feminism could take a pattern of the Muslim philosopher Greek Helereism, as in classical Islam the Muslim philosopher could put aside the philosophical thought of Greek Helenism that was incompatible with the teachings of Islam, as well as to take the thought of Helenism Greek that matched the spirit of Islam. This article is an explanation of the gender movements and emancipation of women in particular in Islamic education. It is important to reconstruct the fundamentals of Islamic perspectives, because Islam has a universal view and equal rights in education between men and women is the same as other aspects and gender should be the same. Influenced by Islamic spiritual, especially in the rules of education for Muslims

2021 ◽  
Laziza ALIMOVA ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of social changes in South Korea in the twentieth century. It is noted that Confucian traditions have been preserved in modern Korean society since the Joseon Dynasty and continue to influence the political and social institutions of modern Korea. The article analyzes how various models of social change have influenced the position of Korean women. A number of issues are considered, including the position of women in traditional society, the role of women and their contribution to revolutionary changes in society.

1956 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 664
Ruth Shonle Cavan ◽  
Maurice Duverger

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