2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 33
Silvia Ridanta ◽  
Nursaid Nursaid

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe cultural values in the context of character education consisting of: (1) the value of discipline, (2) the value of hard work, (3) the value of responsibility, (4) creative value, (5)independent value, (6) the value of curiosity, (7) the value of appreciation, (8) the value of friendly/communicative, (9) the value of peace love, (10) the value of reading fondness, (11) the value pf caring for the environment, and (12)the value of caring for social character education in the novel Circus Pohon by Andrea Hirata. the research method is descriptive with the type of qualitative method. The background of this research is the novel Circus Pohon by Andrea Hirata. the research entry is an event unit in the novel Circus Pohon by Andrea Hirata. the presence of researchers in this study as observers. In this research there is no specific information. The main instrument of this research is the researcher himself. Data collection techniques in this study are observation techniques. This type of observation in this study is non-participant because the subject under study is a novel. Analyzing research data adjusted to the flow of analyzing qualitative research data. The research data are cultural values in the context of character education consisting of 12. The indicators of this study consist of 12. Kata kunci : Teks novel, novel Sirkus Pohon,  nilai pendidikan karakter 

Alfa Rosyid Abdullah ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Nugraheni Eko Wardani

Character education is a form of cultivation of noble character in students. The aspect of 'social care' character is one of the most important of the eighteen character education in Indonesia, this is because the sense of sensitivity and help towards others in the environment around students begins to diminish. There are various kinds of media to succeed in internalizing character education, one of which is a novel. The novel Merindu Baginda Nabi by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy can be said to be a complete novel in instilling character in Indonesia. Therefore, researchers will explore how the value of social care character education in the novel Merindu Baginda Nabi. The research method used is qualitative descriptive qualitative research. The novel Merindu Baginda Nabi as a source of data in this study, in the form of dialogue and narrative stories about character education about social care. Based on the results of the analysis, seventeen data were found that were divided into four important parts, namely: giving help to others, caring for others, mutual respect, and sympathy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Arinal Haqqiyah Ahmad ◽  
Bukhari Daud ◽  
Dohra Fitrisia

The purpose of this research was to analyze ten covers of 2019 best-seller fantasy novels through multimodal. The research method used was qualitative research. The objects in this research were ten book covers of 2019 best-seller fantasy novels. The instruments used were documentation that aimed at obtaining data, including relevant books, study, activity reporting, relevant research data. Content analysis was used to obtain the data. This study used five phased cycles in analyzing the data; compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. The result of analyzing the novels is emphasized in two focuses, including representation and interactive function. Several novels have a narrative aspect, while others contain conceptual interpretation, which is part of a representative function. It was very challenging to interpret some implicit meaning of the symbols in some of the novels as it requires mythical knowledge. Therefore, it is expected that understanding the implicit meaning comprehensively will make readers easier to understand the story outline of the novel.

2021 ◽  
Amtai Alaslan

AbstractThis study aims to describe, analyze the cultural values of duan lolat based on local wisdom in the Tanimbar community in West Southeast Maluku Regency (MTB). The research method used is descriptive qualitative research, data is collected through interviews, observation and literature studies as well as tracking related research results.The results of the study show that duan-lolat cultural values based on local wisdom remain alive and take root in the Tanimbar community as an entity or characteristic of the Tanimbar community, so they can contribute positively to the provision of development in this country. The spirit of mutual cooperation, social solidarity, compassion, independence and consensus in resolving community conflicts which are actually duan-lolat values, starting from being corrected (deconstructed) the meaning exchanged for the low value of duan-lolat, can also be transformed into the wisdom of the Tanimbar community.Keywords: Cultural Value, Duan Lolat and Local WisdomAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan, menganalisis Nilainilai budaya duan lolat berbasis kearifan lokal pada masyarakat Tanimbar di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat (MTB). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka serta penelusuran hasilhasil penelitian yang terkait.Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilainilai budaya duan-lolat yang berbasis kearifan lokal tetap hidup dan mengakar di masyarakat Tanimbar sebagai entitas atau ciri khas dari masyarakat Tanimbar, sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi positif dalam mengisi pelaksanaan pembangunan di negeri ini. Semangat gotong royong, solidaritas sosial, bela rasa, kemandirian dan kemufakatan dalam menyelesaikan konflik masyarakat yang sejatinya merupakan nilainilai duan-lolat muali mengalami pergeseran (dekonstruksi) makna sehingga menyebabkan rendahnya derajat nilai duan-lolat itu sendiri sebagai sebuah kearifan lokal yang dianut oleh masyarakat Tanimbar.Kata Kunci : Nilai Budaya, Duan Lolat dan Kearifan Lokal

Sri Rejeki ◽  
Bernadus Iker Willem

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui upaya dan kendala-kendala guru pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter pada siswa SMA Negeri 2 Donggo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subyek informasi adalah guru PPKn, Kepala Sekolah, dan Siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan pursposif sampling. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Jenis data berupa data kualitatif. Sumber data yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data yang dipakai adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verivikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa upaya guru pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter pada siswa sudah terlaksana dengan baik. Hal ini terlihat dari pengintegrasian pendidikan karakter oleh guru dalam setiap kali pertemuan melaui mata pelajaran dan di luar mata pelajaran atau partisipasi nyata. Sedangkan  kendala-kendala guru pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter terhadap siswa yaitu faktor sikap dari siswa, faktor keluarga, dan faktor lingkungan pergaulan. The purpose of this research is to know the effort and constraints civics and Citizenship teachers in implementing character education in students of SMA Negeri 2 Donggo community. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The subject of the information is PPKn teachers, principals, and students. The technique of sampling using purposive sampling. Research data obtained through the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The type of data in the form of qualitative data. Data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. Analysis of the data used is the reduction of the data, the presentation of data, and verify. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the efforts of the civics and Citizenship teachers in implementing character education on students have already done well. This is apparent from the integrating character education by teachers in every time the meeting via the subjects and outside subjects or real participation. While constraints civics and Citizenship teachers in implementing character education towards students i.e. students of attitude factors, family factors, and environmental factors in socialization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-99
Devi Setiawanti ◽  
Faika Burhan

This study aims to describe the struggle of women during the DI / TII rebellion in the novel Azizah by Emmah Azra. This type of research is classified as library research. The research method used  descriptive qualitative method. The research data were in the form of story texts relating to the structure of the novel and the struggle of women during the DI / TII rebellion in the novel of Azizah by EmmahAzra. The technique used in this study was the technique of reading and taking notes. The theory used to analyze the data in this study was Genetic Structuralism by Lucien Goldmann. Based on the results of this study it could be concluded that through the novel of Azizah by Emmah Azra, the author described the conditions and struggles of women. This novel described the lives of women during the DI / TII rebellion in South Sulawesi in the 1950s. The novel of Azizah by EmmahAzra also told about Kahar Muzakar's resistance in fighting for the application of Islamic law. Emmah also described the impact of the war on the lives of women and society at that time. At that time, society, especially women, had to move places to avoid war and save them. Keyword: Azizah's novel, Women's Struggle, Genetic Structuralism, and World View

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Lailatul Magfiroh ◽  
Ellyn Sugeng Desyanty ◽  
Rezka Arina Rahma

Abstract: The Character is not born based on descent, but throughout the process of the character education which starts from early childhood. The phenomenon which occurs in ABA Kindergarten 33 is when the researcher come to the institute, the researcher see that the children can take a line behind their friends and  accompanied by the teachers, thus the researcher  interested to do the research about the formation of  thedisciplin  character in ABA 33 kindergarten through the habituation method. The purpose of the research is for: (1) to describe the process of the formation of the discipline character through the habituation methods in ABA 33 kindergarten; (2) to describe the behavior which showed by the children after they get the habituation; and (3) to find out the supporting  and inhibitors factors in ABA 33 kindergarten. The research method which used by the researcher that is qualitative method. The research uses data collection technique, through observation, interview, documentation studies. The subject which are use in this research are teacher, cleanness employee, learners. There are three data analysis techniques which used that is: (1) data reduction; (2) data display; and (3) drawing conclusionAbstrak: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul athfal 33 melakukan pembentukan karakter disiplin melalui metode pembiasaan, hasil dari temuan penelitian tentang proses pembentukan karakter disiplin anak usia dini melalui metode pembiasaan adalah: (1) guru membiasakan anak untuk datang tepat waktu; (2) guru membiasakan anak untuk mengembalikan barang ke tempat semula; (3) guru membiasakan anak untuk membereskan mainan setelah bermain di dalam kelas; (4) guru membiasakan anak untuk bersabar dan tertib dalam menunggu giliran cuci tangan; dan (5) petugas kebersihan membiasakan anak untuk mengantri ketika ke kamar mandi.  Pembiasaan yang dilakukan di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 33 tidak hanya pembiasaan melalui ucapan atau kata motivasi saja, namun pembiasaan melalui perilaku juga dilakukan di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 33, perilaku yang ditunjukkan oleh anak setelah mendapatkan pembiasaan dari guru yaitu: (1) anak datang tepat waktu, akan tetapi ada beberapa anak yang belum bisa datang tepat waktu, hal ini mengacu pada jumlah anak yang terlambat setiap hari mengalami naik turun; (2) anak mengembalikan barang yang telah digunakan pada tempatnya, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan kesadaran anak mengembalikan barang yang telah digunakan pada tempatnya tanpa diminta oleh guru, baik itu mainan ataupun alat tulis; (3) tertib dalam menunggu giliran, hal ini di tunjukkan dengan kesadaran anak berbaris di belakang temanya ketika cuci tangan tanpa didampingi oleh guru. Faktor pendukung pembentukan karakter disiplin di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 33 yaitu adanya contoh dari pendidik, dan konsistensi yang dilakukan pendidik. Faktor yang menghambat pembentukan karakter disiplin di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 33 yaitu ada beberapa orang tua yang tidak peduli dengan perkembangan anaknya,dan tidak adanya kerja sama antara orang tua dan sekolah, dan kematangan usia anak juga mempengaruhi pembentukan karakter disiplin anak usia dini di TK ABA 33

Fristzy Claudi Permatasari ◽  

This research aims at describing the types of borrowing technique in the novel “Fangirl” by Rainbow Rowell, describing the dominant type of borrowing technique, describing the dominant word of borrowing technique, found the literature meaning in the borrowing word and found the implementation of borrowing technique in teaching translation. This research applied the qualitative research method by using content analysis research design. The data of this research were collected manually from the Novel “Fangirl” by Rainbow Rowell. The data found in the novel are pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing, the researcher then serve into tables. The researcher became the main instrument of this research. The procedures in analyzing the data were collecting, classifying, analyzing, discussing, and reporting the data. The result of this research shows that there are two borrowing technique namely naturalized borrowing and pure borrowing are the types the researcher found in the novel and the researcher explained each word as a borrowing technique in the novel using literature meaning. Also, from the result it shows that the dominant type is represented by the naturalized borrowing. This is indicated in quantitative terms by 51,2% for the naturalized borrowing in contrast to 48,8% for the pure borrowing. The word “dad” from pure borrowing is the dominant word that has been found in the novel “Fangirl”. The borrowing technique is the easily technique that can help the teacher to teach translation to the student.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Hera Bintani ◽  
Lulu Alawiyah ◽  
Septia Yuhandira ◽  
Asep Supena

Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan cara guru dalam melakukan pembinaan minat dan bakat siswa berkebutuhan khusus yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu mengidentifikasi, mengasesmen, mengelompokkan, melatih, dan mengikuti perlombaan, juga bertujuan untuk menguraikan faktor penghambat yang dialami serta faktor pendukung yang dilakukan sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan metode penelitian naratif inkuiri. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Susukan 01 Pagi sebagai salah satu SD inklusi yang ada di Jakarta Timur. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Guru Pembimbing Khusus (GPK). Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara dengan GPK sebagai instrument utama dalam penelitian. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan dengan mengumpulkan berbagai informasi dari informan yang kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk rangkaian susunan cerita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pembinaan minat dan bakat di SDN Susukan 01 Pagi dilakukan melalui tahapan identifikasi, asesmen, klasifikasi, pelatihan dan perlombaan. Dalam prakteknya dukungan sosial dan GPK memiliki peranan yang penting dalam membina minat dan bakat anak berkebutuhan khusus. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan memiliki kendala yang berasal dari siswa itu sendiri seperti mood siswa yang mudah berubah. : The purpose of this research is to explain the way teachers in fostering the interests and talents of students with special needs consisting of several stages, namely identifying, assessing, grouping, training, and participating in competitions, also aims to describe the inhibiting factors experienced and supporting factors that are carried out by schools. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach using the inquiry narrative research method. This research was conducted at SDN Susukan 01 Pagi as one of the inclusive elementary schools in East Jakarta. The subject in this study was the Special Teacher/Guru Pendamping Khusus (GPK). Data collection techniques used were interviews with GPK as the main instrument in research. Data analysis was performed by presenting data and drawing conclusions by gathering various information from informants who were then presented in the form of a series of story arrangements. The results showed that the interest and talent training program at SDN Susukan 01 Pagi was carried out through the stages of identification, assessment, classification, training and competitions. In practice social support and GPK have an important role in fostering the interests and talents of children with special needs. In carrying out activities there are obstacles that come from the students themselves such as student’s moods that are easy to change.

Alfa Rosyid Abdullah ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Nugraheni Eko Wardani

Character education is a form of cultivation of noble character in students. The aspect of 'social care' character is one of the most important of the eighteen character education in Indonesia, this is because the sense of sensitivity and help towards others in the environment around students begins to diminish. There are various kinds of media to succeed in internalizing character education, one of which is a novel. The novel Merindu Baginda Nabi by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy can be said to be a complete novel in instilling character in Indonesia. Therefore, researchers will explore how the value of social care character education in the novel Merindu Baginda Nabi. The research method used is qualitative descriptive qualitative research. The novel Merindu Baginda Nabi as a source of data in this study, in the form of dialogue and narrative stories about character education about social care. Based on the results of the analysis, seventeen data were found that were divided into four important parts, namely: giving help to others, caring for others, mutual respect, and sympathy.

2019 ◽  
Rahmi Rizkya ◽  
M. Manugeren ◽  
Susi Ekalestari

This research deals with the distinctive attitude of Datuk Maringgih in Marah Rusli’s novel Siti Nurbaya. Datuk Maringgih is described as a person who is old, strong, rebellious and has a lot of money and always has a strategy in everything. The attitude shown by this person is also related to society. The research is conducted means of descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative research is a research method that focuses on understanding social phenomena that occur in society. Descriptive qualitative is usually designed to examine morality and other problems in society. The researcher uses attitude theory where attitude is a mental and neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence on the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related. The source of data is from the novel. The data in this research is the entire texts in the book. The technique used to analyze data is heuristic and hermeneutic. The research result shows that Datuk Maringgih had three distinctive attitudes: Defending land from the invaders, helping others and consistence.

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