Case Study of Educational Psychology Using Behavioristic Theory

Upi Lutpiah ◽  
Ajat Rukajat ◽  
Yayat Herdiana

The goal of this research is to look at a case study of educational psychology that uses behavioristic theory at Edelwis PAUD in Bekasi Regency, West Java. Teachers and students at PAUD Edelwis were the subjects of this study. Interviews, documentation, and observation were utilized as research tools in a qualitative approach that was documented descriptively. The research was conducted based on the study's findings. Indicates that practically all of the teachers at PAUD Edelwis have applied behavioristic theory since the school's inception. As in the case of the instructor who explains in front of the class and writes the alphabet and numbers on the blackboard, when the learning process begins, the pupils write in their respective books under the teacher's instruction and model. The students hand in their notebooks to the teacher. The application of this behavioristic theory to PAUD (Early Childhood Education) is very appropriate and effective in learning, according to the author. When the learning process began, the students that attended the lesson were quite eager and active in the classroom. Keywords: Behavioristic Theory; Educational Psychology Case Study on the Application of Behavioristic Theory

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Rahimah Rahimah ◽  
Muhammad Majdi ◽  
Muzdhalifah Muzdhalifah

AbstractThis study aims to find out the management of supervision in auditing institutions in one of the schools in central Kalimantan, namely RA Nahdlatussalam. The study used a qualitative approach with case study, interviews or observations with the principal about management supervision in the RA. From the results of the study, it was found that the supervision of education was carried out once in a month, the supervisor in the implementation of supervision was a person from outside the school. Among those carried out in the implementation of supervision is the supervisor seeing or observing the teachers when learning takes place by assessing according to established assessment guidelines. After completion of the assessment when the learning takes place then the teachers along with the meeting supervisor together discuss about the way the teacher teaches, and so on. If there are deficiencies, the supervisor will provide input and direction to make the teacher better in learning activities. Aside from outside the school who is a supervisor, the principal becomes a supervisor once a month assessing the learning of teachers in the RA. Keyword: Management, Educational Supervison, Early Childhood Education Programs

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-30
Kalis Stevanus ◽  
Dwiati Yulianingsih

Learning strategies are very important as a means of carrying out the learning process so that learning objectives are effective and learning materials can be absorbed properly by students. Learning will not be effective if the learning strategy is not suitable for the situation of the students. Early Childhood Education (PAUD) has unique characteristics, namely in the form of direct activities and various situations related to concrete interests and experiences that can be observed with motor activities. By using a descriptive qualitative approach, this article is intended to describe four learning strategies that can be applied to teach Christianity in Early Childhood, namely edutaintment learning strategies, expository learning strategies; problem-based learning strategies and learning strategies through storytelling. Strategi pembelajaran sangatlah penting sebagai sarana untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran agar tujuan pembelajaran menjadi efektif dan materi pembelajaran dapat diserap dengan baik oleh anak didik. Pembelajaran tidak akan efektif bila strategi pembelajarannya tidak cocok dengan keadaan peserta didiknya. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) memiliki karakteristik yang unik, yakni berupa aktivitas langsung dan pelbagai situasi yang berkaitan dengan minat dan pengalaman yang konkrit yang dapat diamati dengan aktivitas motorik. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikan empat strategi pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengajarkan Agama Kristen pada Anak Usia Dini, yaitu strategi pembelajaran edutaintment, strategi pembelajaran ekspositori; strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan strategi pembelajaran melalui mendongeng.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Musyafa Ali ◽  
Mukhamad Hamid Samiaji ◽  
Cesilia Prawening

Purpose – The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many lives, especially in the field of education. These changes start from the level of early childhood education, elementary education, to higher education. The learning process initially done conventionally in early childhood education has now been transformed into distance-learning or online. This sudden transformation of learning is essential to present an innovative distance learning model in the early childhood education environment. This study describes the distance learning model innovation for early childhood, implemented by PAUD Wadas Kelir, South Purwokerto, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers designed this learning model at PAUD Wadas Kelir by combining fun and unique online and offline learning. Design/methods/approach – This type of research is field research with a descriptive qualitative method. In collecting data, researchers used three methods, i.e., observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used, i.e., reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Moreover, the validity of the data is tested using triangulation techniques. Findings – The results of this study show that there are ten learning model innovations implemented by ECE Wadas Kelir, i.e., learning with parental involvement, work projects, study visits, quizzes, online learning, creativity competitions, films and videos, creative and interactive stories, recording materials, and learning appreciation. Research implications/limitations – This case study focuses on Early Childhood Education (ECE) learning models applied to early childhood education institutions during the pandemic in PAUD Wadas Kelir, South Purwokerto, but it is unlikely that the situation is different elsewhere because the pandemic is Indonesia and global. Practical implications – This case study demonstrated how the application learning models of ECE during the pandemic are effective for children's growth and development. Originality/value – This paper contributes to knowledge and understanding of applying several learning models for ECE during the pandemic as reference material in implementing the learning process for early childhood. Paper type Case study

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Lisna Sulinar Sari

Abstrak: Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dari jumlah lembaga PAUD yang ada diKota Banjarmasin belum semuanya memiliki perencanaan khususnya pada analisispeningkatan legalitas kelembagaan PAUD dan analisis kebutuhan pendidikan untuk anak usiadini (AUD). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dengan analisis data deskrtifkuantitatif dan kualitataif. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa: i) Disdik Kota Banjarmasin danLembaga PAUD sampel tidak melakukan perencanaan yang baik untuk pendataan analisiskebutuhan pendidikan AUD; ii) Belum semua lembaga PAUD sampel memiliki izinoperasional dikarenakan adanya persyaratan yang belum dapat dipenuhi karena memerlukanbiaya yang cukup besar seperti, pembuatan akta notaris; iii) Belum semua lembaga PAUDmemiliki sarpras sesuai dengan pedoman sarana dan prasarana dari pusat; iv) untuk membantuketersediaan sarpras, Disdik Kota Banjarmasin sudah mengalokasikan dana APBD II berupabantuan RKB, rehab kelas rusak ringan dan berat, serta bantuan APE Dalam dan Luar berupabarang. Abstract: The problem in this study is from the number of early childhood institutions in thecity of Banjarmasin not all have plans in particular to the analysis of institutional legalityincrease early childhood education and educational needs analysis for early childhood (AUD).This study uses a case study approach to data analysis of quantitative and qualitative deskrtif.The study shows that: i) Disdik Banjarmasin and Institutions ECD sample is not doing betterplanning for data analysis AUD educational needs; ii) Not all the samples of early childhoodinstitutions have an operating permit because of the requirements can not be met because itrequires significant costs such as notary deed; iii) Not all early childhood institutions haveinfrastructure accordance with the guidelines of the central infrastructure; iv) to assist theavailability infrastructure, Disdik Banjarmasin already allocated budget II in the form ofclassroom assistance, rehabilitation of damaged light and heavy classes, as well as the In andOut APE assistance in the form of goods.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Zul Fa

Kurikulum merupakan bagian integral dari pendidikan. Kurikulum juga merupakan media untuk menumbuhkan nilai-nilai agama pada anak-anak, terutama di bidang pendidikan anak usia dini (usia 0-6 tahun). Fokus utama dari penelitian ini adalah beberapa Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) di Kota Salatiga dan Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh suatu tujuan, faktual, akurat dan sistematis proses pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan Islam dan strategi yang diterapkan pada objek penelitian. Data dikumpulkan dengan beberapa metode yaitu observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Kemudian data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam di PAUD di Salatiga dan kabupaten Semarang sudah mengacu pada standar di Permendiknas Nomor 58 tahun 2009. Beberapa dari mereka belum mengacu patokan dasar pemerintah. Mereka juga melakukan pengembangan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik masing-masing lembaga. Bahan pendidikan agama Islam yang diberikan cocok dengan tahap perkembangan peserta didik. Materi tersebut disampaikan melalui bercerita, bercakap-cakap, tugas, Iqro ', simulasi dan praktek. Curriculum is an integral part of education. The curriculum is also a medium to cultivate of religious values in children,especially in early childhood education (ages 0-6 years). The main focus of this study is some early childhood education in Salatiga and Semarang district. This study is aimed to gain an objective, factual, accurate and systematic of curriculum implementation process of Islamic education and its strategies that applied in the research object. The data is collected by several methods namely, observation, documentation and interviews. Then the gathered data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative approach. The results indicate the implementation of Islamic religious education curriculum in early childhood education in Salatiga and Semarang districts already refers to the standards in Permendiknas No. 58 of 2009. Some of them have not referring to the government's basic benchmark. They also undertake the development which is appropriate with the characteristics of each institution. The materials of Islamic religious education is given suited with stage of learners’ development. It is delivered by storytelling, chatting, assignments, Iqro ', simulation and practice. Kata kunci: implementasi, kurikulum pendidikan Islam, strategi

José Vicente de FREITAS ◽  
Felipe Nóbrega FERREIRA

This article discusses the concept of Socioenvironmental Educommunicationin the context of preschool education. An interface that emerges from the relationship between Educommunication and Environmental Education, this concept will be exposed based on a bibliographic systematization, when it becomes possible to find the contemporary intersections that arise from the use of audiovisual technology as mediation in the teaching-learning process. Such analysis will be done taking into consideration the documentary 1,2,3 Playing –Reinventing School Spaces, produced by the city of Joinville, Santa Catarina, which brings an audiovisual material made by the students. Using a quanti-qualitative approach, emerges the pedagogical power of Socioenvironmental Education, which ends up bringing to the scene language and content that project another way of thinking the school. Finally, there is a reflection on how, based on particularities, it is possible to create educational policies that contemplate the audiovisual tool in early childhood education.

Jurnal HAM ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Oksimana Darmawan

Implementasi Program Nawacita Pemerintahan Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla sebagai revolusi karakter bangsa, maka diperlukan aplikatif pembentukan karakter positif anak sejak dini melalui kearifan lokal permainan tradisional. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana potensi kearifan lokal yang terdapat dalam permainan tradisional dapat dimanfaatkan di satuan pendidikan anak usia dini dan pendidikan dasar untuk menanamkan budaya anti kekerasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai potensi kearifan lokal yang terdapat dalam permainan tradisional dapat dimanfaatkan di satuan pendidikan anak usia dini dan pendidikan dasar untuk menanamkan budaya anti kekerasan. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif melalui metode eksploratif dengan pendekatan induktif. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah potensi kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam permainan tradisional dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengenalkan budaya anti kekerasan, yaitu dengan merefleksikan dan memaknai kandungan nilai permainan tradisional dalam proses pembelajaran dan aktivitas bermain anak. Untuk itu disarankan, perlu peraturan daerah sampai peraturan gubernur sebagai peraturan pelaksana permainan tradisional agar bisa diterapkan di satuan pendidikan anak usia dini dan pendidikan dasar.AbstractImplementation of Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla’s administration Nawacita program as nation character revolution, so it is necessary to build a positive and applicative character to children, early through the local wisdom of traditional games. This purpose of this research is to assess local wisdom potencies in traditional games can make benefits at early childhood education programs and primary education to establish idea and attitude of anti-violence culture. This research is qualitative with an explorative method and inductive approach. It concludes that local wisdom potencies can be useful to recognize anti-violence culture by reflecting and interpreting values of traditional games in learning process and child playing activities. It suggested that it is important to regulate rule of traditional games both local regulation and governor regulation of early childhood education programs and primary education.

2019 ◽  
pp. 575-587
Adela González Fernández

Bilingual education at the earlier stages of education is one of the main concerns of current governments and educative policies. This is resulting in the proliferation of new methodologies and educative proposals in order to obtain the best possible results. However, most of the time, teachers and educators focus on teaching linguistic elements in isolation. The aim of this chapter is to propose the use of musical tales in bilingual education in early childhood education as a tool for teachers and students to learn to communicate fluently in the foreign language. The use of music, literature, and drama in the same activity makes the perfect combination to help children learn a new language, since it improves aspects like vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and the communicative compentence in general.

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