2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Nurul Farida ◽  
Rina Agustina

Teaching materials are learning resources in the form of materials or materials arranged systematically to help educators in learning so that learners are able to master the competence to be achieved. Based on the results of prasurvey obtained results that not yet available teaching materials that are able to facilitate, find, and develop mathematical concepts in advanced calculus course. Inquiry is a learning activity that emphasizes the critical thinking process and analysis to find and solve the problems until get a conclusion.This study aims to analyze the process of preparing the teaching material based inqury in Advanced Calculus course. The results obtained from this study are the teaching material based inqury in Advanced Calculus course which received an average validation score of 63% in the eligible categories of language, instructional design, and materials, and it can be implementation in advanced calculus learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Vivi Astuti Nurlaily ◽  
Husna Imro’athush Sholihah

One of the 2013 curriculum transformation elements in elementary schools is strengthening the learning process and familiarizing the development of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) for students.  This needs to be supported by teaching materials to support HOTS-based learning.This research aims to analyze the need for HOTS-based mathematics teaching materials in elementary schools. This research uses a descriptive approach. The subjects of this research were fourth-grade students of public elentary school in Tunjungan Blora area. The data collected in this research uses observation sheets, interviews, and document studies. Observations and interviews were carried out to teachers and fourth-grade students. Otherwise, the document studies were carried out on learning resources used in mathematics learning. The validity test data was conducted by using triangulation techniques. The results showed that:  first, the characteristics of mathematics teaching materials used in elementary schools of Blora Regency have not described the HOTS material. Second, the need for teachers shows that the problems faced by teachers in learning mathematics have limited learning resources. Third, the student's need toward teaching material products is shown by the low interest of students in learning mathematics. Fourth, students have not been invited to think critically in learning mathematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-104
Diyana Septiningrum ◽  
Nur Khasanah ◽  
Nur Khoiri

The purpose of research is to know the characteristics, feasibility and effectiveness of developing teaching materials viruses based on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) to improve critical thinking skills. Research method using Research and Development (RD) with a 4D step (define, design, develop, disseminate) Thiagarajan et all. The subjects of the study are 34 students class X MIPA 1 as the experimental class and 34 students class X MIPA 4 as the control class. The eligibility of teaching material is derived from the results of expert validation questionnaires, responses of biology teachers and students' responses, and effectiveness of critical thinking skills from the results of the test questions pretest and posttest. The results of the characteristics teaching material viruses based SSI include: cover, introduction, news analysis, material, summary, evaluation, bibliography and glossary. The results of the eligibility from the material expert validation questionnaire were 88,67%, 94,67% of media experts, 83,55% of teacher responses and 82,29% of students' responses. The effectiveness of teaching materials used was obtained from the difference in the average value of experimental learning outcomes of 81.84 and 76.84 kontrol class with tcount = 4.338 and ttable = 1.6682 which means tcount ttable and Ha accepted, concluded that there were differences in posttest results experimental class with kontrol class. The n-gain results obtained the value of the experimental class of 0.63 and the control class of 0.54 with their respective categories being moderate. So it can be concluded that the use of biological material teaching material based on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) is effective to improve students' critical thinking skills class X SMA 12 Semarang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 372-391
Aziza Syaila Amilyana ◽  
Tjandra Kirana M. Sjaifullah Noer ◽  

Student's critical thinking has not been maximally train in learning, learning activities are only memorizing demands of passing the assessment. Students are less understand, build, and criticize arguments about a problem, especially in science learning. This is the introduction for the development of teaching materials based on Science, Environment, Technology, and Society (SETS). This study aims to determine how the feasibility of science teaching materials based on SETS in ecosystem materials to improve the critical thinking skills of grade 5 students. This type of research is research and development (Research and Development) with a 4D model. This research was conducted online using Microsoft Teams which was carried out synchronously and asynchronously due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The data collection technique is the expert validation stage, the implementation of learning observation sheets, critical thinking tests (pretest and posttest), and student response questionnaires and then analyzed using quantitative and descriptive techniques. The results show that: (1) teaching materials were in the feasible category with an average of 3.4, (2) practical based on observations of the implementation of learning with an average of 93% and the categories are good, and 95% of the student activity was active, ( 3) effective based on the acquisition of N-gain on the critical thinking test is 0.77 (high category), and the student response questionnaire that is 97% very good category. This teaching material based on SETS is expected to improve students' critical thinking skills, in this study students can be categorized as having high critical thinking skills.

Nunung Azizah ◽  
Budi Usodo ◽  
Dewi Retno Sari Saputro

The most significant concern in teaching mathematical concepts is developing and improving mathematical communication skills. However, the reality reveals that communication skills possessed by students are still relatively low. This causes students’ difficulty in understanding the material, solving problems, and conveying mathematical ideas both in oral or written form. Furthermore, students’ teaching material is not adequate to support the expected learning goals. It creates students’ difficulty in understanding the materials and it doesn’t integrate mathematical communication skills. This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of mathematics module based on reciprocal teaching to improve students' mathematical communication skills. This is a research development that employs Four-D model. Subjects of the study are the teachers and the seventh grade Junior High School. In collecting the data, the researchers employ observation, interviews, questionnaires, and mathematical communication skills test. The results show that teaching material in the form of module that is assessed by experts has reached excellent criteria in terms of material and media. The module is also practically used by students and teachers in the learning process. It means, module based on reciprocal teaching can improve students' mathematical communication skills

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-226
Febri Hartono ◽  
Rulianto Rulianto

This research development aims to produce an effective learning media which is more effective to fulfil the needs of teachers and students in the teaching and learning process in schools. Learning Media which was produced in the form of teaching materials in the subject history. The teaching material is about the biography of Raden Inten II to improve critical thinking skills and strengthening the character of the students in SMAN 2 Sekampung.This type of research is to develop the teaching media using a model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation , Evaluation) . Population in this research is class XI IPS SMAN 2 Sekampung. The sample of this study is implemented in three classes, they were class XI IPS 1 as an experimental class, a class XI IPS 2 as the control class, and class XI IPS 3 as the trials class.The results showed that: (1) the teaching media of history at SMAN 2 Sekampung used is student worksheets, handbook and textbooks; (2) teaching materials of history in high school about the biography of Raden Inten II made through model of ADDIE and generate materials teaching media to form a module that has undergone numerous revisions and has been validated by the experts of media and the expert of materials and subsequently successfully tested in the classroom of XI IPS 3 SMAN 2 Sekampung, (3) test of the effectiveness in teaching material history of biography Raden Inten II is done by comparing the value of post-test experimental class and control class with a significance level of 5% and result of students’ ability to have critical think. It was proved from thit 3,700> 2,756 ttab and the strengthening of character with thit 4,168> 1,697 ttab. Therefore, H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that the teaching media of history in the form of teaching materials about the history of biography Raden Inten II is effective to improve critical thinking skills and strengthening the character of the students SMAN 2 Sekampung.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Inung Diah Kurniawati

Physics learning needs to be given by giving problems so that students can gain experience from their thinking abilities. Student's mindset will be more focused if they are able to think critically. The purpose of this study was to develop problem-based teaching material to improve informatics engineering students' critical thinking skills. With this teaching material development, students are expected to be able to maximize their thinking skills. This study used development research design that aimed to produce a problem-based physics teaching material. The trial subjects for this teaching materials were 3 lecturers and 12 informatics engineering students from University of PGRI Madiun. From this study, quantitative and qualitative data were obtained. The obtained data from the assessment of lecturers and students will be analyzed by average analysis technique. From the average value obtained, the feasibility level of problem-based teaching material will be determined. Based on the results of the analysis, the average value of 3.33 with good category were obtained. Furthermore, the results of this teaching materials development can be used in the implementation test. Teaching materials were needed by students to gain direct experience in learning physics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-117
Siti Nur Rohmah ◽  
Yuniawatika Yuniawatika ◽  
Suhel Madyono

This study aims to present the results of a needs analysis teaching material booklet flat build and its characteristics in class III B MI Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek students. This research is descriptive research. The data were obtained from interviews with class III B MI Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek teachers, the results of the documentation, and the results of a needs analysis questionnaire filling by 15 students of class III B MI Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek in 2019/2020 academic year. From the results of a needs analysis questionnaire, it was obtained that students in class III B MI Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek 86,7% needed teaching materials that had practical size, 93,3% needed additional learning resources about flat build and its characteristics more complete material, 93,3% needed practice exercises to measure understanding of the material flat build and its characteristics, 93,3% needed teaching materials that could be used for independent learning, and 100% agreed if booklet flat build and its characteristics were developed. It can be concluded that students of class III B MI Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek agreed if booklet flat build and its characteristics were developed. The booklet developed was adjusted to the results of interviews with class III B MI Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek teachers, the results of the documentation, as well as the results of filling the needs analysis questionnaire of students class III B MI Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek namely: having a practical size, more complete material, there were exercises, and can be used for independent learning

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Nurul Ilmi R.H ◽  
Nurhayati B Nurhayati B ◽  
Adnan Adnan

Abstract. Teaching materials for electronic blood circulation systems based on electronic books were developed based on the lack of learning resources and media available in schools. This product development will make students learn independently and use learning resources that can be used anytime and anywhere. This study aims to produce products in the form of teaching materials for electronic bookbased circulatory systems in which there are media in the form of text, images, videos, virtual labs that are done through e-learning media ( and are valid. Electronic book-based teaching material developed using the Kvisoft application so that the display of teaching materials is like a printed book in general. The fundamental differences in teaching materials developed have a variety of media in the form of videos that can be played directly in teaching materials. The development research model conducted refers to the four D (4D) model initiated by Thiagarajan. Model four D (4D) consists of the defining stage (define), the design phase (design), the stage of development (develop) and the stage of deployment (disseminate). Based on the research results obtained that the product in the form of teaching materials based on electronic books and e-learning media ( is valid. The valid value of the teaching material obtained is 4.36 while the valid value of e-learning is 4.43. The two products produced are valid so it is feasible to use. Keywords: teaching materials, electronic books, virtual Labs, elearning

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 314-324
Imam Muddin

In Permendikbud No. 65 of 2013 concerning process standards, the characteristics of learning on curriculum 2013 use a scientific approach. The essence of the scientific approach curriculum learning includes: observing, asking, reasoning, trying, and communicating for all subjects, including Islamic Education. Teaching materials are one of the important components in advancing students in learning, especially in Islamic Education subjects that contain characteristics with a scientific approach, so that interactions can occur well for students, because the core of learning is the occurrence of interactions between students and learning resources. The core of the development of teaching materials is how to develop teaching materials with a scientific approach to the subjects of Islamic Education and how the results of the implementation of teaching materials with a scientific approach to PAI subjects. Based on the results of field trials, this teaching material general is good. This can be proven by responses, assessments made by the expert team, by using SPSS 16.0 calculations by testing the pretest, posttest on the control class, and the experimental class which confirms that there are differences significant between learning outcomes using teaching materials through a scientific approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-271
Farida Martiani ◽  
Fenny Roshayanti ◽  
Joko Siswanto

Penerapan kearifan lokal pada materi tumbuhan biji sangat penting dalam pengembangan bahan ajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas VII di SMP Muhammadiyah Terpadu Moga. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas VII B sebanyak 30 siswa di SMP Muhammadiyah Terpadu Moga. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, tes dan wawancara. Teknik analisis yang dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik keabsahan data dengan menggunakan triangulasi metode. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pengembangan bahan ajar konsep tumbuhan biji melalui penerapan kearifan lokal dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas VII B di SMP Muhammadiyah Terpadu Moga. Kata kunci: bahan ajar; berpikir kritis; kearifan lokal. ABSTRACTAnalysis of SMP Muhammadiyah Terpadu Moga students’s critical thinking ability to develop the spermatophytes teaching material based on local wisdom. Application of local wisdom to planting materials is very important in the development of teaching materials. This study aims to improve the thinking skills of students of class VII in Junior High School Integrated Muhammadiyah Moga. This study was included in a quantitative study with research subjects in class VII B as many as 30 students in the Junior High School Integrated Muhammadiyah Moga. Data collection techniques used were observation, tests and interviews.  The analysis technique is done by data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The data validity technique is using the triangulation method. The results of this study are the development of teaching materials for the concept of seed plants through the application of local culture can improve the ability of students of class VII B in Junior High School Integrated Muhammadiyah Moga. Keywords: teaching material; critical thinking; local wisdom

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