scholarly journals Typology of creative skills of future music teachers and pedagogical conditions for their effective development

Yu Peng

The article analyses the problems related to the development of future Music teachers’ creative skills; the classification of varieties of creative skills that are necessary for a future teacher of Musical Arts and the substantiation of the pedagogical conditions for their successful development are specified. The essence of the concepts “skills”, “abilities” and “creative skills” has been clarified. Acquisition of skills is associated with the result of mastering coordinated actions of a reproductive type. Creative skills are considered as the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in non-standard conditions, in new ways, in order to obtain qualitatively new, socially significant material or spiritual values. The varieties of creative skills that are typical for the activities of future teachers of Musical Arts are characterised, their classification being based on their analysis. As a result, these categories of creative skills are distinguished: performing-interpretative, verbal-hermeneutic, musical-productive, methodological and practical. The forms of their implementation in the process of interpreting and performing musical works, interpreting their artistic and figurative meanings from the pedagogical point of view, creating musical and creative products in the forms of arranged musical material, its scientific and pedagogical creativity have been determined. The pedagogical conditions for the successful development of the future Music teachers’ creative skills have been grounded. They include: presence of personal attributes which ensure person’s psychological readiness for conscious and persistent mastery of creative skills; maturity of the teaching staff of the pedagogical institution to demonstrate their attitude towards the implementation of the student-centred approach to organising classes; a dialogical, democratic style of communication; creation of a psychologically comfortable psychological climate. The complex and integrative nature of creative skills explains the importance of enhancing systemic interdisciplinary connections and interdisciplinary coordination in the process of training students as the second pedagogical condition for the formation of their creative skills. The substantiation of the third pedagogical condition is based on the analysis of two types of creativity: artistic-figurative and intellectually-creative and the need to achieve their organic combination and interpenetration in the activities of a Musical Arts teacher. The solution to this condition provides the ability of future specialists to mobilise the achievements of their own musical, artistic and scientific searching experience, integrate them in the process of acquiring professional and creative skills, developing a flexible strategy for creative self-improvement, expanding areas and ways of applying innovative and creative actions. The creation of these pedagogical conditions is to facilitate the effectiveness of the acquisition of creative skills by the future teachers of Music.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (192) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Volodуmуr Сherkasov ◽  

The article substantiates the formation of musical and aesthetic culture of future teachers of music by means of the festival movement. The substantiation of the festival-competition «Steps to Mastery» is just being held on the basis of the Centralukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko. Music culture in the context of training future music teachers in higher education is interpreted by us as a complex dynamic phenomenon that integrates knowledge, skills and abilities in major musicological disciplines, experience in various types of music performance, the level of intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers art, readiness for active musical and creative activity and increase of values of musical art. Aesthetic culture of the future music teacher is defined as a holistic, complex personal education, characterized by globalization of aesthetic worldview, level of aesthetic education and development, refined aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception and response to works of music, as well as the creation of aesthetic values in life and art. Musical and aesthetic culture of the future music teacher is the core of his professional culture, spiritual values and personal intellectual and artistic image. In the process of studying music-theoretical, instrumental and vocal-choral disciplines, future music teachers form an emotional and value attitude to the creative heritage of composers who were able to recreate the style, character and atmosphere of the era, which forms a holistic picture of the world, allows to think and focus those events that affected social change and contributed to progressive neoplasms in society. Participation in the festival movement promotes the creation of relationships between innovation, technology and creativity, the search for innovative and creative ideas. There is a presentation of the professional level of performers and musical groups, creative interaction is formed in the context of a new system of communication and a new model of cultural life. Music festivals have a positive impact on the preservation of cultural heritage, the promotion of national and world values.

Hanna Polishchuk

The article is devoted to the problem of the educational environment of higher educational establishments as the factor of forming the future foreing languages teachers’ conflict competence. In this article, the essence of the following notions has been analyzed: educational environment in higher educational establishments, teaching environment, educational space. The notions of «educational space» and «teaching environment» have been given detailed description; the notion of «educational environment» is regarded in contemporary scientific literature from the point of view of institutional approach (social environment) and substantial approach (personal environment). The author of the article notes that the educational environment of a higher educational establishment is viewed as the system of different impacts and conditions for creating personality with the help of modern technologies and educational content. Also it is regarded as complex phenomenon of requirements and modes of behavior which are used for professional and personal growth of future teachers. The author claims that the notions of «educational environment» and «educational space» are closely connected: an educational space is defined as a special sphere of sociocultural practices that includes educational environment as the total of social and educational conditions which influence the personality of a student and its future professional orientation. While analyzing the structure of educational environment the author examined its components taking into consideration the peculiarities of professional growth of the future teachers of foreign languages: resourse-technological, intrapersonal, strategic-technological, sociocultural and communicative. These structural elements of analyzed phenomenon have been given detailed observation. It is also noted that the investigation of the structure of educational environment is interconnected with the topic under consideration – the formation of conflict competence of the future foreign languages teachers. The prospects for further exploration are seen by the author in highlighting a strategic line for the formation of the future foreign languages teachers’ conflictual competence with the application of certain pedagogical technologies in the educational environment of higher education institutions.

T. I. Kremeshna

The article deals with the problem of pedagogical self-efficacy, which is closely related to the search for new ways to improve pedagogical activity, to increase the level of professionalism and competitiveness of the future teacher. The author investigates the essence of this concept, its role in the professional development of future teachers, determines the factors and mechanisms of development of pedagogical self-efficacy of future music teachers, in particular: previous experience of success and failures, observation of students’s observation of professional achievements of other people, verbal belief, physical and emotional state of personality, self-cognition as a futuremusic teacher, self-regulation, etc.

2021 ◽  
pp. 92-97
Iyevlyev O.M. ◽  
Chorna I.I.

The article defines and characterizes the criteria (motivational-value, cognitive-activity, personal creative, communicative-foreign) indicators and levels of professional mobility of future teachers studying in economic specialties. It is determined that such criteria as motivational-value, cognitive-activity, personal-creative and communicative-foreign language play a significant role in the formation of professional mobility of the future teacher of higher education. An attempt is made to draw attention to the components of the structure of professional mobility of the future teacher of higher education. The following criteria are considered: motivational and value (awareness of the importance of mastering a large amount of knowledge for effective professional activity of the future teacher; the presence of values for constant updating of knowledge acquired in the learning process to achieve success in professional activities; skills in future professional activities for career growth); cognitive-activity (possession of professionally significant knowledge in the field of their specialty at the international level; possession of professional terminology; familiarity with the methods of performing professional tasks using professionally important knowledge and skills); personal and creative (focus on self-development and self-improvement through awareness of the need to solve professional problems of greater complexity; free mastery of the profession in the form of creative use of acquired general and professional; willingness to produce new ideas, ability to make quick creative decisions); communicative-foreign language (availability of priority ideas about communicative processes in teaching; possession of means of verbal and nonverbal communication in a foreign language within professional activities; the ability to find and process foreign authentic professional sources to obtain information at the international level). It is determined that the possession of professionally important knowledge and the acquisition of new knowledge in the professional field in accordance with these components will help future teachers of higher education to achieve a high level of professional mobility, which in turn will affect the outcome and quality of training. A professionally mobile future teacher must be ready for professional communication, speak a foreign language to advance in his career; able to adapt to the needs of society, solve problem situations; establish professional contacts with colleagues; take into account cooperation with research and teaching staff at the international level; have knowledge of information technology; navigate in computer technology, work on the Internet, use e-mail, Web platforms; to have knowledge of culture, to be able to behave correctly in the professional sphere.Key words: professional mobility, criteria, indicators, teacher, teaching (pedagogical) activity, profession-al-pedagogical mobility. У статті визначено та охарактеризовано критерії (мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-діяльнісний, особистісно-креативний, комунікативно-іншомовний), показники та рівні сформованості професійної мобільності майбутніх викладачів, що навчаються на економічних спеціальностях. Визначено, що такі критерії, як мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-діяльнісний, особистісно-креативний та комунікативно-іншомовний, відіграють значну роль у формуванні професійної мобільності майбутнього викла-дача закладу вищої освіти. Зроблено спробу привернути увагу до складових компонентів структури професійної мобільності майбутнього викладача закладу вищої освіти. Розглянуто критерії, до яких віднесено мотиваційно-ціннісний (усвідомлення важливості опанування великої кількості знань для ефективної професійної діяльності майбутнього викладача; наявність ціннісних орієнтирів на постійне оновлення набутих у процесі навчання знань для досягнення успіху у професійній діяльності; бажання ефективно використовувати професійно значущі знання, вміння та навички у майбутній професійній діяльності для кар’єрного росту); когнітивно-діяльнісний (володіння професійно-значущими знаннями у галузі своєї спеціальності на міжнародному рівні; володіння професійною термінологією; обізнаність із методами виконання професійних завдань із застосуванням професійно важливих знань та вмінь); особистісно-креативний (орієнтація на саморозвиток та самовдосконалення через усвідомлення необхідності вирішувати професійні завдання більшої складності; вільне оволодіння професією у формі творчого використання набутих загальних та професійних навичок; готовність до продукування нових ідей, здатність приймати блискавичні творчі рішення); комунікативно-іншомовний (наявність пріори-тетних уявлень про комунікативні процеси у викладацькій діяльності; володіння засобами вербальної та невербальної комунікації іноземною мовою у межах професійної діяльності; здатність знаходити та опрацьовувати іншомовні автентичні професійні джерела для отримання інформації міжнародного рівня). Визначено, що володіння професійно важливими знаннями та засвоєння нових знань у професійній галузі відповідно до цих компонентів допоможе майбутньому викладачу закладу вищої освіти досягти високого рівня професійної мобільності, що вплине на результат та якість підготовки майбут-ніх фахівців. Професійно мобільний майбутній викладач має бути готовим до професійного спілкування, володіти іноземною мовою для просування у своїй кар’єрі; спроможним пристосовуватись до потреб соціуму, вирішувати проблемні ситуації; встановлювати професійні контакти з колегами; вра-ховувати співпрацю з науково-педагогічними працівниками на міжнародному рівні; володіти знаннями з інформаційних технологій; орієнтуватись у комп’ютерних технологіях, працювати у мережі Інтернет, користуватись електронною поштою, вебплатформами; володіти знаннями культури, вміти правильно поводитись у професійній сфері.Ключові слова: професійна мобільність, критерії, показники, викладач, викладацька (педагогічна) діяльність, професійно-педагогічна мобільність.

Svitlana Radiushyna ◽  
Maryna Tkachenko

The article analyses the essence, content and specificity of future music teachers’ interpretive skills. The purpose of the article is to substantiate pedagogical conditions favourable for effective development of future music teachers’ interpretive skills in the process of their choral and conductorial training. These methods of theoretical research are used: analysis, generalisation, synthesis, extrapolation, deduction, systematisation. Interpretation is seen as the basis and the necessary condition for understanding a piece of music, the subjective (personal) attitude and creative imagination of a teacher of music being of great importance. The essence of interpretation in the context of the activity of the Musical Arts teacher lies in the interpretation of an artistic text which reflects the content of the author's message in key note symbols. In the activity of the Musical Arts teacher, there are two forms of interpretation: performing and verbal-pedagogical. The interpretation of the choral work is considered in the article as an artistic-performing conception of the conductor which is based on his/her artistic and imaginative ideas, knowledge; it is realised in his/her creative interaction with the choral team. The list of specific interpretive skills to be demonstrated by the future Music teachers in the context of choral and conductorial training has been clarified. A system of interrelated pedagogical conditions has been offered, it includes these constituents: increase of future specialists’ motivation for the choral and conductorial activities through realisation of the axiological potential of choral music; the implementation of the coaching pedagogical technologies into the choral and conductorial training intended for the future Music teachers; a systematic widening of future specialists’ thesaurus of artistic and imaginative ideas. Further research involves the development of a step-by-step methodology for the development of future Music teachers’ interpretative skills in the process of their choral training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (117) ◽  
pp. 235-243
B.J. Aıdarov ◽  
Iý.N. Kamalov ◽  

In the article, the author aims to bring to readers a generalized structure of professional mobility of future teachers for the successful implementation of tasks defined in the course of professional training of professional training specialists from the author's point of view. During the implementation of this goal, the main components of professional mobility of future teachers of vocational training are defined and the main concepts are formulated. In the life of the person can be mobile, flexible to change and creative self-realization in the framework of the acquired profession. But only if he has certain personal and professional qualities. It is formulated that the structural elements of professional mobility are: the quality of the individual; human activity; the process of transformation of the individual and the environment; types of mobility (vertical and horizontal); characteristics (objective, subjective and characterological). Автор мақалада кәсіптік оқыту мамандарын кәсіби даярлау барысында анықталған міндеттерін табысты жүзеге асыру үшін, болашақ педагогтардың кәсіби ұтқырлығының жалпы құрылымын авторлық көзқарас тұрғысынан оқырмандарға жеткізуді мақсат етеді. Осы мақсатты жүзеге асыру барысында болашақ кәсіптік оқыту педагогтарының кәсіби ұтқырлығының негізгі құрылымын құраушылар анықталып, негізгі ұғымдар айқындалды. Адам өмірінде меңгерген мамандығы шеңберінде икемді түрде жаңғырып, шығармашылық тұрғыдан өзін-өзін жетілдіре алатындай ұтқыр бола алады. Бірақ ол үшін белгілі бір жеке және кәсіби қасиеттерге ие болуы керек. Кәсіби ұтқырлықтың құрылымдық элементтері: жеке тұлға сапасы; адамның іс-әрекеті; адамның өзін және қоршаған ортаны түрлендіру процесі; ұтқырлық түрлері (тік және көлденең); сипаттамалары (объективтік, субъективтік және мінезін зерттеу) екендігі тұжырымдалды.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 196-209
Lei Siao

The article discusses the issues of self-expression of future teachers of musical art in the process of their preparation for further professional activity. It was determined that self-expression is associated with cultural awareness and creativity of future music teachers. The paper analyzes different approaches to determining the characteristics of self-expression in the future musical and pedagogical activity of applicants. On the basis of scientific achievements, the structural components of self-expression of future teachers of musical art have been determined. This structure includes a motivational-axiological component (stability of motives of creative self-realization; readiness for successful creative self-expression in the process of performing and instrumental training); cognitive-search component (demonstrates the effectiveness and consistency of musical and instrumental knowledge); communicative and interpretive (students have the ability to interact with the audience and with their results of creative musical and instrumental self-expression, the ability to express themselves, to carry out creative self-disclosure and self-presentation in the process of performing and instrumental training); reflective-productive component (the ability of future teachers of musical art to realize their intentions for artistic self-expression in the process of performing and instrumental training, their creative qualities, as well as their importance for professional development, self-perception skills when performing creative musical and instrumental activities). The experience of self-expression of music teachers in different regions is analyzed. Attention is focused on the possibilities of digital means of communication in the process of self-expression in different conditions.

Olena Mamykina

The article is devoted to the scientific development of the problem related to the development of an artistic taste of the future teachers specialised in Musical Art. The purpose of the article is to theoretically and methodologically substantiate the development process of an artistic taste of the future teachers specialised in Musical Art in the process of teaching pop singing. The purpose is realised through the implementation of relevant tasks using the methods of theoretical research: analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, generalisation and extrapolation. The article considers the category "artistic taste" as a person's ability developed by social practice to evaluate aesthetic phenomena, to distinguish beautiful things from ugly ones. The artistic taste of the future teachers of Musical Art is defined as an individual, socially conditioned system of evaluation of phenomena reflected in works of art, aimed at widening the worldview of an individual. The component structure of the artistic taste of the future teachers specialised in Musical Art consists of four components: personal-motivational, sensory-perceptual, intellectual-interpretive and reflexive-projective. Professional training of the future Music teachers is considered as a platform for the formation of their artistic taste. We find the specifics of training future professionals in pop singing particularly important in the context of the study. The pop variety of vocal music is recognised as the one that provides for effective pedagogical influence; in particular, it is aimed at forming the artistic taste of the younger generation, based on the needs, interests and perception level of most students. A set of scientific approaches is considered as a methodological basis for the formation of the future Music teachers’ artistic taste in the process of teaching them pop singing: axiological, student-centred and holistic approaches. The study also presents pedagogical principles, the implementation of which ensures the formation of the future Music teachers’ artistic taste in the process of teaching them pop singing.

2012 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
В. Я. Голінська

У статті на основі наукового аналізу праць відомих учених та сучасних дослідників розкрито специфіку взаємодії інтелектуального та емоційного аспектів у вихованні естетичних потреб майбутніх учителів музики.Ключові слова: естетичні потреби, розвиток естетичних потреб, когнітивний та емоційний компоненти, структура естетичних потреб майбутніх вчителів музики.The article deals with specificity of interaction of intellectual and emotional in the formation aesthetic needs of the future music teachers. The article includes researches the process of the aesthetic necessities’ development of the future teachers with the help of music. Key words: aesthetic necessities, aesthetic necessities’ development, cognitive and emotional components, the structure of aesthetic needs of the future music teachers.

Chelovek RU ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 18-53
Sergei Avanesov ◽  

Abstract. The article analyzes the autobiography of the famous Russian philosopher, theologian and scientist Pavel Florensky, as well as those of his texts that retain traces of memories. According to Florensky, the personal biography is based on family history and continues in children. He addresses his own biography to his children. Memories based on diary entries are designed as a memory diary, that is, as material for future memories. The past becomes actual in autobiography, turns into a kind of present. The past, from the point of view of its realization in the present, gains meaning and significance. The au-thor is active in relation to his own past, transforming it from a collection of disparate facts into a se-quence of events. A person can only see the true meaning of such events from a great distance. Therefore, the philosopher remembers not so much the circumstances of his life as the inner impressions of the en-counter with reality. The most powerful personality-forming experiences are associated with childhood. Even the moment of birth can decisively affect the character of a person and the range of his interests. The foundations of a person's worldview are laid precisely in childhood. Florensky not only writes mem-oirs about himself, but also tries to analyze the problems of time and memory. A person is immersed in time, but he is able to move into the past through memory and into the future through faith. An autobi-ography can never be written to the end because its author lives on. However, reaching the depths of life, he is able to build his path in such a way that at the end of this path he will unite with the fullness of time, with eternity.

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