Ruhul Yusuf ◽  
Muhammad Yaumi ◽  
Muhammad Khalifah Mustami

Abstrack: The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of emotional and spiritual quotient in learning Islamic religious education at SMA Negeri 20 Pangkep. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a phenomenological and pedagogical-psychological approach. The location of this research is SMA Negeri 20 Pangkep in class X. The data source is the primary data of all Islamic religious education teachers, while the secondary data is RPP documents related to the object under study. Data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation, then data processing using the Milles and Huberman model (data reduction, data presentation and conclusion) with analysis using triangulation to ensure data validity against the focus under study. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of emotional and spiritual quotient in Islamic religious education learning at SMA Negeri 20 Pangkep is an Islamic religious education learning activity in which several emotional and spiritual quotient indicators are integrated, including; managing self-emotion, empathy, building relationships (relations), meaning and high self-awareness. This concept is combined by the Islamic religious education teacher at SMA Negeri 20 Pangkep in implementing Emotional and Spiritual quotient.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
R. A. Mufidah ◽  
K. Budiraharjo ◽  
D. Sumarjo

The purpose of this research are to determine the factors that affect the volume of premium rice sales of Perum Bulog Sub Division Regional Region V Kedu and to know the effect of rice quality and price on it. Method that been used in this research is case study. Data collection used observation and interview method. Data source uses primary data and secondary data. Data analyze uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the research show that quality and price have simultaneous and partial effect on the sales volume of premium rice and both of them have same effect on sales volume of premium rice.Keywords: Premium rice, Bulog, quality and price, sales volume.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-31
Muslim ◽  
Muqowim ◽  

This articles discusses the implementation of Mukti Ali’s thought ‘Scientific Cum Doctrinaire in the study of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in Madrasa. This article written based on a qualitative research approach to the type of literature review of Mukti Ali’s works in the form of books, articles, papers, magazines, and other scientific works that are relevant to the research topic. In this study, there are two sources of data, primary and secondary data sources. Primary data sources in the form of Mukti Ali’s works and secondary data source in the form of scientific work in the form of articles, papers, research reports, and other that discuss Mukti Ali’s thoughts. This study shows that the application of Mukti Ali’s ‘Scientific Cum Doctrinaire’ thinking in learning Islamic Religious Education in madrasas must be based on factual and objective data. Although in its application the scientific method does not have to be applied procedurally, bearing in mind that in PAI learning there is material which cannot be rationalized and internalized internally, such as material relating in the form of Islamic teachings, principles, and dogmas to suit religious phenomena and current scientific developments so that the understanding of Islamic religious teaching is not rigid (textual) but flexible and remains in the corridor of valid methodology.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 423-442
Rizka Khuswanal Mala

Abstract The focus of in this study is examining (1) the role of single mother and single father in developing the character of the children; (2) character of sons and daughters who are under the care of single mothers; (3) character of sons and daughters who are under the care of single fathers. This research uses qualitative method in the form of case study. The location of this research is, first, MTs Ma'arif Kawedusan Ponggok Blitar. Second, the home of the children and the single parent in Ponggok. Data source used is primary data source and secondary data. Data collection techniques used is observation, interview and documentation. The data validity technique uses source triangulation. Qualitative data analysis uses data analysis techniques proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that there are three aspects of single parent roles: motivator, facilitator, and mediator. The facilitator and mediator aspects are the most frequently performed by single parent, while the aspect of the motivator is the least done by a single parent. This is because a single parent is more focused on the economic condition of the family. Single mothers are better able to portray the three aspects of roles as motivators, facilitators, and mediators than parent fathers. ملخص -2 - دور الوالدة الوحيدة والوالد الوحيد في تنمية شخصية الولد. 1ويركز هذا البحث على الأمور التالية: - شخصية الابن والبنت تحت إشراف الوالد الوحيد. 3شخصية الابن والبنت تحت إشراف الوالدة الوحيدة. ويستخدم هذا البحث المنهج الكيفي ونوع البحث هو دراسة الحالة. ومكان البحث هو الأول: المدرسة الثانوية المعارف كاويدوسان بونجوك بليتار، وهي مؤسسة التعليم يدرس فيها الطلبة أولاد الوالدة الوحيدة/ الوالد الوحيد. والثانية: منزل هؤلاء الأولاد والوالدة الوحيدة/ الوالد الوحيد بمنطقة بونجوك. وأما مصدر البيانات فينقسم إلى المصدر الأساسي والمصدر الثانوي. وطريقة جمع البيانات هي الملاحظة، والحوار والتوثيق. ويكون توثيق البيانات عن طريق المقارنة بين المصادر. ويستخدم في تحليل بيانات المنهج الكيفي طريقة تحليل ميلس و هوبرمين. وتدل نتائج البحث على أن ثلاثة عناصر دور الوالدة الوحيدة/ الوالد الوحيد وهي: المشجع، والميسر، والوسيط، فعنصر الوسائل والوسيط هما الذين يفعلهما الوالد الوحيد/ الوالدة الوحيدة كثيرا. أما عنصر المشجع فهو الدور الذي يقل فعله من قبل الوالد الوحيد أو الوالدة الوحيدة. وذلك لأن الوالدة الوحيدة تتركز كيثرا على استمرارية اقتصاد الأسرة. والوالدة الوحيدة أقدر من الوالد الوحيد على فعل العناصر الثلاثة المشجع والميسر، والوسيط. Abstrak Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Peran ibu single parent dan ayah single parent dalam mengembangkan karakter anak. (2) Karakter anak laki-laki dan perempuan yang berada di bawah asuhan ibu single parent. (3) Karakter anak laki-laki dan perempuan yang berada di bawah asuhan ayah single parent. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Pertama, MTs Ma’arif Kawedusan Ponggok Blitar merupakan lembaga pendidikan tempat menutut ilmu anak single parent. Kedua, rumah/ kediaman anak dan orang tua tunggal tersebut di wilayah Ponggok. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Analisis data kualitatif menggunakan teknik analisis data dari Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga aspek peran single parent yaitu motivator, fasilitator, dan mediator, bahwa aspek fasilitator dan mediator merupakan peranan yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh single parent. Sedangkan aspek motivator merupakan peranan yang paling sedikit dilakukan oleh single parent, hal ini karena seorang single parent itu lebih fokus pada kelangsungan ekonomi keluarga. ibu single parent lebih mampu memerankan ketiga aspek peran sebagai motivator, fasilitator, dan mediator dari pada ayah single parent.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Aprina Chintya ◽  
Latifatul Khoiriyah

Social media on the one hand brings a positive impact for students. But, on the other hand, it’s brings a negative impact if users are not selective and wise in use it. Abuse of the use of social media causes the decline of morals on the students. This study aims to see the influence of social media on morality students in Metro City. This research is field research, conducted at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro, Ma'arif Institute of Islam (IAIM) Nahdatul Ulama Metro and Muhamadiyah Metro University. Primary data source is done by interview to student and secondary data source obtained by conducting literature study. Data analysis is done from the beginning to the end of the research with triangulation of data. Furthermore, data analysis results are described in the discussion. The result show that the high intensity of social media users (social networking) on students in Metro City affect the morals of students, both the influence of negative and negative. Therefore, students must be selective and wise in order to utilize social media only for positive things.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 383
Muhammad Arif Hakim ◽  
Nur Faizah

This research is to know: (a) how the image of PT. AR Tour & Travel by service users, (b) how the efforts of PT. AR Tour & Travel in build the image as a form of differentiation marketing, (c) marketing advantages by use dimension of image done by PT. AR Tour & Travel. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. Data source used is primary data and secondary data. Technique of collecting data with observation, interview, and documentation. Test of data validity use triangulation. The results are: First, some images that apply to the PT. AR Tour & Travel by service users, (a) PT. AR Tour & Travel has an expensive package price, (b) PT. AR Tour & Travel provides the best facilities, (c) PT. AR Tour & Travel is able to provide a manasik that is easily understood and followed by the pilgrims, (d) PT. AR Tour & Travel has a variety of packages that can be adapted to the needs of pilgrims, (e) The employees of PT. AR Tour & Travel has a friendly attitude in service. Second, the efforts made by PT. AR tours & Travel in image building are, (a) utilizing the charismatic image of the leader of the AR Foundation, (b) varying product packages, (c) applying work traditions and culture, (d) maintaining good communication with service users. Third, the advantages of marketing differentiation using image dimension is quite effective, the indication can be seen from the data of the number of service users who always show well.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 423-442
Rizka Khuswanal Mala

The focus of in this study is examining (1) the role of single mother and single father in developing the character of the children; (2) character of sons and daughters who are under the care of single mothers; (3) character of sons and daughters who are under the care of single fathers. This research uses qualitative method in the form of case study. The location of this research is, first, MTs Ma'arif Kawedusan Ponggok Blitar. Second, the home of the children and the single parent in Ponggok. Data source used is primary data source and secondary data. Data collection techniques used is observation, interview and documentation. The data validity technique uses source triangulation. Qualitative data analysis uses data analysis techniques proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that there are three aspects of single parent roles: motivator, facilitator, and mediator. The facilitator and mediator aspects are the most frequently performed by single parent, while the aspect of the motivator is the least done by a single parent. This is because a single parent is more focused on the economic condition of the family. Single mothers are better able to portray the three aspects of roles as motivators, facilitators, and mediators than parent fathers. ويركز هذا البحث على الأمور التالية: 1 دور الوالدة الوحيدة والوالد الوحيد في تنمية شخصية الولد. 2 شخصية الابن والبنت تحت إشراف الوالدة الوحيدة. 3 شخصية الابن والبنت تحت إشراف الوالد الوحيد. - ويستخدم هذا البحث المنهج الكيفي ونوع البحث هو دراسة الحالة. ومكان البحث هو الأول: المدرسة الثانوية المعارف كاويدوسان بونجوك بليتار، وهي مؤسسة التعليم يدرس فيها الطلبة أولاد الوالدة الوحيدة/ الوالد الوحيد. والثانية: منزل هؤلاء الأولاد والوالدة الوحيدة/ الوالد الوحيد بمنطقة بونجوك. وأما مصدر البيانات فينقسم إلى المصدر الأساسي والمصدر الثانوي. وطريقة جمع البيانات هي الملاحظة، والحوار والتوثيق. ويكون توثيق البيانات عن طريق المقارنة بين المصادر. ويستخدم في تحليل بيانات المنهج الكيفي طريقة تحليل ميلس و هوبرمين. وتدل نتائج البحث على أن ثلاثة عناصر دور الوالدة الوحيدة/ الوالد الوحيد وهي: المشجع، والميسر، والوسيط، فعنصر الوسائل والوسيط هما الذين يفعلهما الوالد الوحيد/ الوالدة الوحيدة كثيرا. أما عنصر المشجع فهو الدور الذي يقل فعله من قبل الوالد الوحيد أو الوالدة الوحيدة. وذلك لأن الوالدة الوحيدة تتركز كيثرا على استمرارية اقتصاد الأسرة. والوالدة الوحيدة أقدر من الوالد الوحيد على فعل العناصر الثلاثة المشجع والميسر، والوسيط. Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Peran ibu single parent dan ayah single parent dalam mengembangkan karakter anak. (2) Karakter anak laki-laki dan perempuan yang berada di bawah asuhan ibu single parent. (3) Karakter anak laki-laki dan perempuan yang berada di bawah asuhan ayah single parent. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Pertama, MTs Ma’arif Kawedusan Ponggok Blitar merupakan lembaga pendidikan tempat menutut ilmu anak single parent. Kedua, rumah/ kediaman anak dan orang tua tunggal tersebut di wilayah Ponggok. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Analisis data kualitatif menggunakan teknik analisis data dari Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga aspek peran single parent yaitu motivator, fasilitator, dan mediator, bahwa aspek fasilitator dan mediator merupakan peranan yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh single parent. Sedangkan aspek motivator merupakan peranan yang paling sedikit dilakukan oleh single parent, hal ini karena seorang single parent itu lebih fokus pada kelangsungan ekonomi keluarga. ibu single parent lebih mampu memerankan ketiga aspek peran sebagai motivator, fasilitator, dan mediator dari pada ayah single parent.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-295
Sri Waluyo

This paper discusses the content of Q.S. al-Baqarah ([2]: 67-73). The data used in the preparation of this paper is the data that is primary and secondary. The primary source is data obtained from the core source. In conducting a study of a verse, it is clear that the primary data source is derived from the Qur'an,precisely on Q.S. al-Baqarah ([2]: 67-73). Secondary data is dataobtained from other sources that are still related to the problemand provide interpretation of the primary source. The method usedin analyzing this paper is the tahlili method. This method describesthe meaning contained by the Qur'an, verse by verse, and letterafter letter according to the order in the Mushaf. The descriptionincludes the various aspects which the interpreted verses contain,such as the meaning of the vocabulary, the connotation of thesentence, the background of the verse down, its relation to otherverses, both before and after. And do not miss the opinion that hasbeen given regarding the interpretation of these verses, whetherdelivered by the Prophet, companions, the tabi'in, as well as othercommentators. This study shows that in Q.S. (2): 67-73) there arevalues of moral education which include: 1) morals in asking, (2)morals to parents, (3) patience of educators, (4) educator honesty,and (5) obedience of learners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-190
Nur Khosiin

Abdullah Nasih Ulwan’s provides several points of view in the realm of methods of planting Islamic education in children which can later be used as a means to achieve the goals of Islamic education. This research uses the documentation method with a descriptive-interpretative approach, namely an attempt to describe the interpretation of some of the texts of the book at-tarbiyah al-aulad fi al-Islam in the third chapter. As for the primary data source is the book at-tarbiyah al-aulad fi al-Islam, the secondary data source is books and related literature, while the data analysis used descriptive analysis. The results of this study there are five methods of planting Islamic education for children, namely educating by example, customary habits, advice, supervision, and through punishment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 987
Devi Merina Tuz Sa’diyah ◽  
Ahmad Ahmad ◽  
Nilna Sa’adayah

<p>The focus of this research is to describe the strategy of adversity quotient for the management of the Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) to develop innovations in turning barriers into opportunities for non-formal education programs. Qualitative research with this type of case study was carried out at PKBM Mentari, using structured interviews as the primary data collection method, in order to obtain primary data and document matrix methods to obtain secondary data. the data were analyzed using interactive techniques belonging to Miles and Huberman with the stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are the adversity quotient strategy that generally implemented by PKBM is very good, this can be seen from the indicators including: 1) Organizing learning activities flexibly in terms of time, so that it does not interfere with the daily activities of the community; 2) Provide learning at affordable costs so as not to burden the community in participating in learning; 3) Making the community the main partner in the continuation of teaching and learning activities at PKBM and 4) Building synergies with local village officials. The relatively short research time is the main limitation in compiling this study, so that it only maximizes the statements of the main informants. </p><p><strong> </strong></p>

Umi Choirun Nisak ◽  
Mirwan Akhmad Taufiq

This study discusses the analysis of the book translation of the book Ta'lim Muta'allim published by al-Hidayah. The book is one of the santri (moslem student) reference books to support students' understanding of the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) curriculum which uses the yellow book in their learning. The yellow book uses Arabic, so the translation of the book becomes very important. The focus of this research lies in the pattern of translation errors and justification of translations in accordance with the rules of Arabic and Indonesian dealing with lexicon, syntax and semantics. This qualitative research method uses an applied linguistic approach that focuses on error analysis. The primary data source in this research is the book translation of Ta'lim Muta'allim published by al-Hidayah, while the secondary data used in the study is a documentation technique by studying books and literacy that discusses the technique of translating properly and correctly according to structural , semantic and precise in terms of terminology. The results showed, including: Errors in the preparation of sentences in the target language, errors in the use of sentence effectiveness, errors in translating vocabulary, errors in aspects of omission or not translating aspects of vocabulary, phrases and sentences and errors in translating foreign terms.

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