2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Mujahidin Mujahidin

Land is part of the earth as the ultimate gift of God which is governed by the State and used for the greatest prosperity of the people as mandated by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This research will raise the concept of iqtha 'in Islamic government through Al-Mawardi's thought in his book al-ahkam al-sultaniyyah by comparing it with the Indonesian land management sistem. The purpose of this study was to find out the concept of iqta 'in Islamic governance through the thinking of AlMawardi in his book al-ahkam al-sultaniyyah. Al-Mawardi in his book that iqtha is the giving of land to the community by the head of state, but the land that can be given is land which is his authority, namely no-man's land and abandoned land and no one manages it in the Indonesian context. bertuan but wild land (waste land) or referred to as vacant land and it is all controlled by the State except those cultivated by the community or residents with rights originating from the right to open land.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-50
Nadirsah Hawari ◽  
Rachma Octariani ◽  
Eva Rosalia ◽  
Sinta Arifka ◽  
Asep Candra

Abstract According to Islamic Shari'a, holding a public office is not a right for an individual, but an obligation for the State. Therefore, the government, both the regional head and all its officials, must select the most suitable and most suitable person for every government job. It should not be made of nepotism by looking at kinship, friendship, or faction from any relationship with the eligibility of someone to hold a position .The existing rulers should appoint officials from the best people (al-ashlah), the Prophet said which means "whoever holds a Muslim's business (meaning being a ruler) then he appoints someone to be an official even though he knows there are more people good for (benefit) of the Muslims, then really he has betrayed Allah and His Messenger "(Ibn Taimiyah). If the head of state or other officials do not find the right person for a certain position, in this situation they must choose the person who is more representative. Representative here means the person who is the most appropriate from the one for each government position. And also in this selection process, the head of state and other officials must know about the standards of eligibility al-quwwah (strength) and al-amanah (trust). Al-Quwwah is the ability and feasibility of a job assignment. Whereas trusteeship is a behavior that focuses on the management process regarding the position or function of a position that is in accordance with Islamic Shari'a with the intention of only devoting to Allah and not based on fear of humans and expecting their self-interest. nominating yourself is required to convey the vision and mission and the state program that will be implemented. In this case, the community or community is very necessary to obtain information on the candidate pairs who nominate themselves, and the campaign that can be used as a means of communicating politics and public education. The leaders, servants of the State, civil servants or the military, judges and so on, are essentially representations of the voices of the people they lead. The leaders are no more than public servants who must devote and dedicate their leadership to the benefit of the people. The leaders are only representatives of the fulfillment of the rights of the people, so that they are obliged to run the government properly.    Abstrak Menurut syariat islam, memegang suatu jabatan-jabatan umum bukanlah hak  bagi individu, melainkan kewajiban atasnya bagi Negara. Oleh sebab itu, pemerintah baik kepala daerah dan seluruh pejabatnya harus menyeleksi orang yang paling cocok dan paling layak bagi setiap pekerjaan pemerintahan.Tidak boleh beerbuat nepotisme dengan memandang kekerabatan, persahabatan, atau golongan dari manapun yang tidak ada hubunngannya dengan kelayakan seseorang untuk memegang suatu jabatan.Para penguasa yang telah ada hendaknya mengangkat para pejabat dari orang orang terbaik (al-ashlah), Nabi bersabda yang artinya“barang siapa memegang suatu urusan kaum muslimin (maksudnya menjadi penguasa) kemudian ia mengangkat seseorang menjadi pejabat padahal ia mengetahui ada orang yang lebih baik bagi (kemaslahatan) kaum muslimin, maka sungguh ia telah mengkhianati Allah dan Rasul-Nya” (Ibnu Taimiyah).Apabila kepala Negara atau para pejabat lainnya tidak menemukan orang yang tepat untuk suatu jabatan tertentu, dalam keadaan ini mereka harus memilih orang yang lebih representative. Representative disini memiliki arti yakni orang yang paling tepat dari yang ada untuk setiap jabatan pemerintahan. Dan juga dalam proses penyeleksian ini, kepala Negara dan pejabat lainnya harus mengetahui tentang standar kelayakan  al-quwwah (kekuatan) dan al-amanah (kepercayaan).Al-Quwwah ialah kemampuan dan kelayakan suatu tugas jabatan. Sedangkan amanah, merupakan perilaku yang dititik beratkan pada proses  pengelolaan perihal jabatan atau fungsi dari suatu jabatan yang sesuai dengan syariat islam dengan niat hanya bertaqwa kepada Allah dan bukan berdasar pada ketakutan kepada manusia dan mengharap pamrih dari mereka.Didalam pelaksanaan kampanye, pasangan calon kandidat yang mencalonkan diri diharuskan untuk menyampaikan visi dan misi serta program kenegaraan yang akan dijalankan. Dalam hal ini, umat atau khalayak masyarakat sangat perlu untuk memperoleh informasi atas pasangan calon kandidat yang mencalonkan diri tersebut, dan kampanyelah yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana berkomunikasi politik dan pendidikan masyarakat. Para pemimpin, abdi Negara, pegawai sipil atau militer, hakim dan lain sebagainya, pada hakikatnya merupakan representasi suara rakyat yang mereka pimpin. Para pemimpin tidaklah lebih dari pelayan masyarakat yang harus mengabdikan dan mendedikasikan kepemimpinannya untuk kemaslahatan rakyat. Para pemimpin hanyalah wakil akan pemenuh hak hak umat, sehingga mereka wajib menjalankan roda pemerintahan dengan baik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 991

     The concept of the State's Right to Control over Land in Land Law (UUPA) and the Constitution are things that need to be clarified based on law. The type of research in this research is normative research, namely research on legal principles related to the concept of the State's right to control over land seen from the aspects of the Basic Agrarian Law and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The approach method used in this research is the statutory approach (the statute approach), the conceptual approach, which utilizes the views and thoughts of experts regarding the concept of the rule of law and the historical approach is carried out by examining what background. which underlie a development of the implementation of the right to control the State. The results of the study show that the concept of the right to control of the State which is regulated in the 1945 Constitution and the UUPA, is different from the legal relationship which is ownership between the State and land based on the Domeinverklaring principle which is regulated in the Land Law for the Administration of the Dutch East Indies Government which has been revoked in the UUPA. The principle of Domeinverklaring contradicts the legal awareness of the Indonesian people and the principles of an independent and modern State, especially in the 1945 Constitution which regulates State control of all agrarian resources which are essentially intended for the greatest prosperity of the people (Article 33 paragraph (3)).

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Rory Jeff Akyuwen

The role of the state through BUMN becomes so important when it is formulated in a provision as formulated in Article 33 Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, where the production branches which are important for the State and which affect the livelihood of the public must be controlled by Country. Here it indicates the authority of the State to participate in economic activities through the operation of production branches that can be categorized as important for the State and considered vital and strategic for the interest of the State.This is based on the reasons as formulated in the explanatory section of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, so that the benefits of the production branches do not fall into the hands of individuals, the State actively takes the role to cultivate it because the production branch is considered important and which control the livelihood of the people for the greatest prosperity of the people. State-Owned Enterprises is formed with the aim of contributing to the development of the national economy in general and the state's revenue in particular; The pursuit of profit; To hold general benefit in the form of providing goods and / or services of high quality and adequate for the fulfillment of the livelihood of the public; Pioneering business activities that have not yet been implemented by the private sector and cooperatives and actively providing guidance and assistance to weak economic entrepreneurs, cooperatives, and communities.SOEs are given the right to monopoly in the economic field which is considered to control the livelihood of many people.

2019 ◽  
pp. 253-260
Philipp Nielsen

The conclusion retraces the major developments within the German Right since the 1871 and the space of German Jews within it. In particular, it describes the fate of the three projects of the Right in which German Jewish conservatives were involved: Germandom in the East, agricultural settlement, and the commemoration of the community of the trenches as a possible basis for a future German state. Though the Great War and the revolution also gave a basis, not least, for the community of the trenches, all of these projects came under strain following the establishment of the republic. The people rather than the state, race rather than soil or language, came markers of German identity on the Right and increasingly excluded Jews. The conclusion also traces developments after 1935, the analytical endpoint of the book.

Nyoman Arif Budiman

This journal shall be entitled as " Implementation Of Public Interest Principles To Neglected Land In Indonesia".The existence of the land on earth must be beneficial both for the welfare and happiness that has it and for the people and the state. The purpose of this study is to know and understand the absolute limits of property rights to land; and want to understand the relationship between the principle of public interest in land. The method in this research is normative by using  conceptual  approach and statute approach. This journal’s preparation is done by legal research, and the approach method being used in this journal shall be used is the combination of the statute approach and the conceptual approach. The result of this research is the essence of the principle of public interest to the land is to create development based on the principle of humanity in the balance as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The exemption of land rights is caused by public and private interest with the provision of compensation and guided by the principle of musyawarah. While the revocation of land rights is the spirit of the provisions of Article 18 of the Basic Agrarian Laws states that for the interest of the state and the state and the common interest of the people of the right to land may be revoked by compensation. The legal effort that a third party can take to exploit the state land (abandoned land) is to apply the right to the government (Provincial or Regency / City Land Office). Jurnal ini mengambil julul “Penerapan Prinsip Kepentingan Umum Terhadap Terlantar. Keberadaan atas tanah di muka bumi ini  harus bermanfaat baik bagi kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan yang mempunyainya maupun bagi masyarakat dan negara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah ingin mengetahui dan memahami batas-batas absolut dari hak milik  terhadap tanah; dan ingin memahami hubungan antara prinsip kepentingan umum atas tanah. Jurnal ini mengangkat permasalahan yang juga menjadi tujuan penulisan yaitu apa hakikat kepentingan umum atas tanah dan apa upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga terhadap tanah terlantar. Penyusunan jurnal ini dilakukan dengan tipe penelitian normatif dan menggunakan pendekatan peaturan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konsep. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Hakekat dari prinsip kepentingan umum terhadap tanah ialah untuk menciptakan pembangunan yang berlandaskan asas perikemanusiaan dalam keseimbangan sebagaimana diatur dalam UUD NRI tahun 1945. Pembebasan hak atas tanah disebabkan oleh kepentingan umum dan swasta dengan pemberian ganti rugi dan berpedoman pada asas musyawarah. Sedangkan pencabutan hak atas tanah merupakan semangat dari ketentuan Pasal 18 UUPA menggariskan bahwa untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara serta kepentingan bersama (hanya untuk kepentingan umum) dari rakyat hak atas tanah dapat dicabut dengan memberikan ganti kerugian. Upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan pihak ketiga untuk dapat memanfaatkan tanah negara (tanah terlantar) ialah melakukan permohonan hak kepada kepada pemerintah (Kantor Pertanahan Provinsi atau Kabupaten/Kota).

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Suparto Suparto

Article 33 paragraph (3) of The Constitution Republic of Indonesia in 1945 stipulates that "Earth, water and natural resources contained therein controlled by the State and used for the people's welfare". Understanding of the earth (which is called land) according to the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (4) of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Basic Agrarian Issues is the surface of the earth and the body of the earth underneath it and which is under water. The meaning of the provisions of Article 33 paragraph (3) in The Constitution of 1945 is that the State as the highest power organization of all people (the nation) acts as the Governing Body. The right to control the State or be controlled by the State in this article does not mean "owned", but in the sense of giving authority to the State as the highest power organization of the Indonesian nation. The Constitutional Court elaborated State's Right to Control becomes 5 (five) authorities whose purpose is as much as possible for the prosperity of the people, including: (1). Formulate policy (beleid), (2). Make arrangements (regelendaad), (3). Carry out management (bestuurdaad), (4). Carry out management (beheerdaad), and (5). Supervise (toeichthoudensdaad). The earth, water and natural resources contained in the earth are the main points of people's prosperity, therefore they must be controlled by the State and used for the greatest prosperity of the people.

Yurispruden ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Nur Hadiyati

AbstractLand is part of the surface of the earth that plays an important role in the life of the people whose control is in the state, one of the forms of state control over land is the management rights. Batam Island is a sucessful example of management rights on land. However, with the presence of the local governemnt, many new issues about the management of law are feared to emerge. The Management Rights on Batam’s land is obtained directly by the President who delegated to the Board of Mastery, so that the status of Batam land is divided into three namely: (1) the land above the management right by  Enterprise (in Indonesian we called it Badan Pengusahaan); (2) land above the management of Batam City Local Government; (3) land managed by the state. Dualism of authority to manage Batam’s Land caused problems as follows: Establishment of Kampung Tua, Status quo on land in Rempang Galang area, mismatch of land condition in Batam City with letter of decision by Ministry of Forestry, and the complexity of permit process, which hampered the development of Batam City. So by understanding how the implementation of Management Rights on Land will be enlightment to find a solution to the problem of dualism of land management authority and formulate the right policy in the framework of determining Batam as a Special Economic Zone.Keywords : Batam, Management Rights, Agrarian, Special Economic Zone,  Abstrak            Tanah merupakan bagian permukaan bumi yang memegang peranan penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang penguasaannya diatur oleh negara, salah satu wujud penguasaan negara atas tanah adalah Hak Pengelolaan. Pulau Batam adalah salah satu contoh HPL “sukses”. Namun, dengan hadirnya pemerintah kotamadya Batam, dikhawtirkan banyak persoalan baru di bidang pertanahan yang muncul. Hak Pengelolaan Batam diperoleh langsung oleh Presiden yang dilimpahkan kepada Badan Penguasaan, sehingga status tanah Batam terbagi atas tiga yaitu : (1) tanah diatas Hak Pengelolaan Badan Pengusahaan; (2) tanah diatas pengelolaan Pemerintah Daerah Kota Batam; (3) tanah pengelolaan negara. Dualisme kewenangan pengelolaan lahan terjadi di Kota Batam dan menimbulkan permasalahan sebagai berikut : penetapan Kampung Tua, Status quo pada tanah dikawasan Rempang Galang, ketidakcocokan kondisi pertanahan di Kota batam dengan SK KEMENHUT, serta kerumitan proses perizinan, yangmana menghambat perkembangan Kota Batam. Maka dengan memahami bagaimana penyelenggaran Hak Pengelolaan dapat menemukan penyelesaian permasalahan dualisme kewenangan pengelolaan lahan dan merumuskan kebijakan yang tepat dalam rangka penetapan Batam sebagai Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus.Kata Kunci : Batam, Hak Pengelolaan, Tanah, Agraria, Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus.

This article discusses the concept of public administration, its features: the problem of state and municipal government. The fundamental and modern technologies of social management are analyzed. The theoretical and important aspects of the development of public administration are revealed. The author substantiates the development of a program to ensure an effective dialogue with the people as a means of implementing the principles of humanism and measures for the implementation of topical government tasks put forward in five directions of the development strategies of the Republic of Uzbekistan The requirement of the head of state that “not the people serve the state bodies, but the state bodies must serve the people” will require in society stability of the principle of social justice, ensuring equality of all before the law, achieving the rule of law, analyzes the needs of parliament for talented, ambitious, competent representatives of parliament. Uzbekistan is in the process of reforming all spheres of public life, there are fundamental changes in the minds of citizens, democratic forms the formation of society - a simplified order of relations between people and society, a citizen and a state. There is a social and political activity in the country. In such conditions, rapid reforms of public administration, introduction of new approaches and tendencies to management based on the use of wide possibilities of information technologies are important. The article considers that if administrative staff representing the interests of civil society, first of all, understand the personal, general and specific historical and socio-political situation of the entire population of the country, and the state and society are nationalized, this can be viewed as a sufficient form of an open society, impartiality truthfulness and timeliness to meet the needs of people.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Rory Jeff Akyuwen

The role of the state through BUMN becomes so important when it is formulated in a provision as formulated in Article 33 Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, where the production branches which are important for the State and which affect the livelihood of the public must be controlled by Country. Here it indicates the authority of the State to participate in economic activities through the operation of production branches that can be categorized as important for the State and considered vital and strategic for the interest of the State.This is based on the reasons as formulated in the explanatory section of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, so that the benefits of the production branches do not fall into the hands of individuals, the State actively takes the role to cultivate it because the production branch is considered important and which control the livelihood of the people for the greatest prosperity of the people. State-Owned Enterprises is formed with the aim of contributing to the development of the national economy in general and the state's revenue in particular; The pursuit of profit; To hold general benefit in the form of providing goods and / or services of high quality and adequate for the fulfillment of the livelihood of the public; Pioneering business activities that have not yet been implemented by the private sector and cooperatives and actively providing guidance and assistance to weak economic entrepreneurs, cooperatives, and communities.SOEs are given the right to monopoly in the economic field which is considered to control the livelihood of many people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 13-25
Anggalana ◽  
Dery Putra ◽  
Chandra Reformasi

Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources. Therefore, the Government isexpected to be able to manage these natural resources with the aim of people's welfare in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 as stipulated in Article 33 paragraph (3) which reads "The Earth, water and natural resources contained therein are controlled by the state and used for the greater prosperity of the people ". Article 3 of Law Number 4 Year 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining provides guidelines for the government in the implementation of mining business activities and to support the implementation of licensing of mining business activities. The issue of how to implement the granting of exploration mining business licenses based on Article 3 of Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining in Lampung Province and how to supervise mining business activities in Lampung Province. The method used uses normative and empirical juridical research. The implementation of the granting of exploration mining business licenses based on Article 3 of Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining in Lampung Province has been running but not yet maximal because the permit process is too long so that the purpose of the implementation of mining business activities is not achieved. The suggestion is that the license for exploration mining activities must be carried out by one government agency / agency, in order to facilitate the process of obtaining the permit in order to support the effectiveness of mining activities and the cycle of domestic mining investment, especially in Lampung Province.

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