2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Amry Mangihut Tua

The drowning of foreign fishing vessels of illegal fishing actors in Indonesia teritory is one of law enforcement efforts to against the eradication of illegal fishing and to enforce the sovereignty of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. It is a special act mandated in Article 69 paragraph (4) of Law No. 45 of 2009 on fisheries. This sinking policy invites controversy from neighboring countries because it is considered as an action that violates the principle of peaceful dispute resolution and is not regulated in international law. Indonesia keep continues to enforce this policy because it is considered the most effective step in reducing massive illegal fishing in Indonesian waters and has a deterrent effect for the actors. Keywords: drowning policy of foreign ship, illegal fishing, international law

Bambang S. Irianto ◽  
Made Warka ◽  
Otto Yudianto

For law enforcement in the IEEZ in the context of Indonesia's national interest in the marine sector, the Indonesian Navy, the Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla), and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) have carried out the execution of the sinking of foreign fishing vessels caught carrying out illegal fishing practices in the territorial waters Indonesia. This policy is intended as a stern warning to the perpetrators of illegal fishing as well as a form of Indonesia's commitment in monitoring and enforcing the law in Indonesian marine areas, which will continue to be carried out in order to have a deterrent effect on the perpetrators. However, the act of catching foreign fishing vessels is carried out, still based on the applicable rules and regulations, as well as the fulfillment of sufficient initial evidence.  Sufficient preliminary evidence to arrest a foreign-flagged fishing vessel is evidence that suspects a criminal act in the field of fisheries by a foreign-flagged fishing vessel.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Yusuf Nur Arifin

<p>The MV Hai Fa case has taken the public's attention for almost the last 5 years after the court ruling was issued by the Ambon Court. MV Hai Fa was declared proven to have captured 15 tons of spike shark (<em>Carcharhinus spp</em>) and hammerhead shark (<em>Sphyrna lewini</em>) which are some of the protected species of marine animals as stated in the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 59 of 2014 concerning Prohibition of Fish Expenditures Cowboy sharks (<em>Carcharhinus spp</em>) and hammerhead sharks (<em>Sphyrna lewini</em>) outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and violating Article 100 in conjunction with Article 7 paragraph (2) letter m law No. 45 of 2009 concerning amendments to Law No.31 of 2004. This study uses normative legal research methods with a case, concept, law and comparison approach with the aim of knowing and analyzing the law enforcement process against illegal fishing cases by MV Hai Fa in Indonesian waters as well as analyzing comparative reviews of national law and international law in MV Hai Fa case and the government system owned by Vietnam and Australia. The results of the study concluded that the need for a government institution which is appointed by the President could carry out full coordination and supervision until the judicial process and that the revision of fisheries law which has more severe sanctions were adjusted to international law and the material and immaterial losses caused by the crime.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Sri Dwi Retno Ningsih ◽  
Adi Sulistyono

The theft of fish resources in the Indonesian sea has caused huge losses to the fisheries sector in order to realize the welfare of the community. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries adopted a strict policy to eradicate illegal fishing through the act of sinking illegal fishing vessels. The magnitude of Indonesia's marine and fisheries wealth cannot be utilized optimally. Law enforcement is very important to deal with violations of law in Indonesian waters. One form of law enforcement is to implement policies such as sinking foreign vessels that steal fish in Indonesian waters while taking into account the efficiency and effect of deterrent effect on perpetrators of fish theft. The sinking policy of foreign fish-stealing vessels in Indonesian waters was pursued to secure the sea from looting by foreign parties. This policy will continue even though it could risk creating friction with the countries of origin of the foreign ship. Based on economic analysts on illegal fishing crimes, criminal fines can be used as an alternative to criminal punishment in addition to imprisonment in order to minimize operational costs of law enforcement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-129
Muhammad Syaiful Anwar ◽  
Rafiqa Sari

 Environmental law enforcement put forward settlement of dispute through administration law as well as civil and criminal law. Based on the principle of state responsibility, the state will guarantee that the utilization of natural resources will provide benefits for the greater well-being and quality of life, both present and future generations as a goal of the implementation of sustainable development.The formulation of the problem a point issue is environmental management in Indonesia by the state in accordance with the principle of state responsibility? And, how is the implementation of sanctions as environmental law enforcement based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management? The method used in this research is juridical normative with regulation approach. The results of the study conclude that Indonesia has not been maximized in carrying out the function of the principle of state responsibility because there is still a lot of forest destruction that has occurred, and law enforcement, both administrative, civil and criminal, should be carried out in a balanced manner so that the deterrent effect of law enforcement can be a reflection for the parties who will do environmental damage

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-130
Elvinda Rima Harliza ◽  
Tomy Michael

Indonesia is a country that has a large area in the waters, so that foreign fishermen always escape illegal fishing activities. This theft occurred because of the lack of attention from the water inspectors. Until now, fish theft is still common. Because of this, Indonesia must suffer a huge loss of up to Rp 30 trillion each year. When viewed with a percentage reaching 25% with the amount of 1.6 million tons annually. These problems have resulted in many parties being harmed because of illegal fishing, so law enforcement is needed to regulate these actions. This is the reason the author writes a journal with the title Illegal Fish Enforcement. With the formulation of the problem as follows: "What are the arrangements for the enforcement of Illegal Fishing in Indonesia?". And "What is the legal arrangement of Illegal Fishing in international law?". This study uses a normative method that has been well applied by Indonesia today, also applied internationally. In this study the law is enforced by applying the reference of the 2009 Law on Fisheries contained in No. 45. This can be seen from all aspects starting from the investigation, its investigation, to the re-hearing. This is also explained in the Criminal Procedure Code issued in 1981 in Law No. 8. Under UNCLOS international sea law regulated by the United Nations regarding fishing sovereignty is only permitted if at any time it has obtained a shipping and fishing permit. And between the two countries must have bilateral agreements on sea territories.Indonesia merupakan sebuah negara yang punya wilayah besar dalam perairan, hingga membuat para nelayan asing selalu lolos dalam kegiatan illegal fishing. Terjadinya pencurian ini karena tidak adanya perhatian dari para pengawas perairan. Sampai saat ini, pencurian ikan ini masih sering terjadi. Karena hal ini, Indonesia harus mengalami kerugian yang besar mencapai Rp 30 triliun di tiap tahunnya. Jika dilihat dengan persenannya mencapai 25% dengan jumlah 1,6 juta ton setiap tahunnya. Persoalan-persoalan ini mengakibatkan banyak pihak yang dirugikan karena perbuatan Illegal Fishing, maka sangat diperlukan penegakan hukum yang mengatur tentang perbuatan tersebut. Inilah alasan penulis menulis jurnal dengan Judul Penegakan Hukum Illegal Fish. Dengan rumusan masalah “Bagaimana pengaturan penegakan hukum Illegal Fishing di Indonesia ?” dan “Bagaimana pengaturan hukum Illegal Fishing dalam hukum internasional ?”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif yang telah diberlakukan dengan baik oleh di Indonesia saat ini, juga diberlakukan di Internasional. Di dalam penelitian ini hukum ditengakkan dengan memberlakukan acuan dari Pasal 45 Undang-Undang Tahun 2009 tentang Perikanan. Ini dapat dlihat dari segala aspek mulai dari penyidikannya, penunututannya, hingga dilakukannya siding ulang. Hal ini dijelaskan juga dala Hukum Acara Pidana yang dikeluarkan tahun 1981 di Undang-Undang di Nomor 8. Berdasarkan hukum laut internasional UNCLOS yang diatur oleh PBB tentang kedaulatan pengkapan ikan hanya diperbolehkan jika kapan tersebut telah mendapatkan sebuah izin pelayaran dan penangkapan ikan. Dan antar kedua negara harus memiliki perjanjian bilateral tentang teritorial laut.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Jaidun Jaidun

Smart and faithful people will never argue, that the State of the Republic of Indonesia is falling apart, debts mounting, to the point of reaching Rp. 4,000 (Four Thousand) Trillion is due to the crime of corruption that has taken root, curbed, thrived as if allowed to happen continuously. While law enforcement in this country does not provide a judicial verdict that has a deterrent effect for corruptors. It is difficult to understand in general, whether the legal verdict for corruption perpetrators by the Panel of Judges who hear and decide the case of corruption is influenced by the interference of fellow law enforcers ..., in this case, Advocates and Public Prosecutors (Prosecutors). Decisions of Corruption Courts often cause disparity in decisions, resulting in speculation from the public and assessing such decisions as being disproportionate and giving rise to public assumptions of a conspiracy between law enforcers, namely with several categories of interests, including: (1) The interests of the Prosecutor and Judges are in the interest of getting bribes (2) Advocates as law enforcers who accompany the defendant in defence of the interests of the accused by dirty and disgusting bribes. The role of advocates is very important in creating and maintaining a clean, authoritative and civilized justice system for the realization of the legal authority in this country.Thus, legal advocates must have faith and devotion to God strong and sturdy table and must dare to appear clean and first cleanse themselves from dirty thoughts in the midst of carrying out the legal profession, so that the noble profession is not polluted into contempt resulting from violation of legal norms and professional code of ethics by advocates. Based on the outputs achieved in this research program, namely the willingness and bottomlessness of the Advocates in defending the interests of the defendant must comply with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations and uphold the Code of Ethics Procession.The analysis of this paper shows that lawyers have made a legal defence of corruption defendants in a professional manner in accordance with applicable legal provisions and upholds the code of ethics of the legal profession, even though there is also information about an advocate who is trying to bribe one of the Corruption Crimes judges in a case. which is being handled by the Advocate concerned. The description of the results of this survey is expected to be used as input and advice that can help realize the Court's decision which has a deterrent effect on corruptors and potential corruptors in the future.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-118
Rizki Zakariya

The many cases of Illegal Fishing, threaten the wealth of fisheries and sovereignty of Indonesia. This study aims to explain the urgency of the Follow the Money approach in handling fisheries crime cases by PPNS Fisheries. Then provide concrete recommendations for the Follow the Money implementation in handling fisheries crime cases. This paper is a  normative  juridical study,  which  is  processed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate the urgency of the Follow the Money approach in handling fisheries crime cases by PPNS Fisheries due to Indonesia's large fishery wealth; the magnitude of the threat of illegal fishing in Indonesia; lack of fisheries crime cases handled by PPNS Fisheries; and the development of the modus operandi of fisheries criminals. Then, the efforts made in the Follow the Money approach are by increasing collaboration with PPATK institutions; increased cooperation with international law enforcement agencies; and the use of electronic transaction evidence as evidence at court.

2021 ◽  
Ferdinand Pusriansyah

The Indonesian Sea has an area of 5.8 million km2, with 17,480 islands offering a coastline of 95,181 km2, with has a large and diverse fishery potential. The economic potential of fisheries offers a substantial and significant sustainable base for national development. However, there are a number of irresponsible parties who take Indonesian marine products illegally. The implementation of Act No. 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries is a positive step and is a basis or rule in deciding legal issues related to illegal fishing. The Fisheries Law adopts several provisions of international law on maritime affairs, one of which is the 1982 United Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and Indonesia has ratified the UNCLOS through Act No. 17 of 1985. The government through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) issued several policies to prevent illegal fishing practices, including Improving Facilities and Infrastructure, Supervision of Law Enforcement in the Fisheries Sector, Establishing a Task Force to Eradicate Illegal Fishing. Keywords: Foreign Ships, Illegal Fishing, International Law

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 531-546
Adwani Adwani ◽  
Sulaiman Sulaiman

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis bagaimana koordinasi struktur dalam penegakan hukum terhadap penangkapan ikan ilegal di perairan Aceh. Analisis ini berdasarkan pemahaman bahwa pemanfaatan sumber perikanan yang dilakukan oleh kapal perikanan harus selalu berdasarkan izin. Khusus bagi nelayan kecil dikecualikan. Realitasnya penangkapan ikan banyak terjadi secara ilegal, sehingga perlu dilakukan penegakan hukum terhadap pelaku pelanggaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sosio-legal, dengan melihat hukum yang tidak terpisahkan dari berbagai faktor lain. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penegakan hukum belum terlaksana secara efektif. Struktur yang terlibat dalam penegakan hukum di laut adalah Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut, dan Kepolisian Air dan Udara. Penegakan hukum dilakukan melalui pengawasan dan penangkapan terhadap kapal-kapal yang melakukan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal. Sebanyak 36 kapal ditangkap dan dikenakan sanksi hukumnya. Koordinasi struktur dalam penegakan hukum masih kurang. Disarankan supaya dilakukan penegakan hukum secara terus-menerus yang efektif dan dilakukan koordinasi secara intensif antara para penegak hukum dengan memperkuat personil dan peralatan dalam penegakan hukum di laut. Improvement of Structural Coordination in Illegal Fishing Law Enforcement in Aceh This study aims to analyze the structural coordination in law enforcement against illegal fishing on the Aceh coast. This analysis is based on the understanding that the use of fisheries by fishing vessels must always be based on a permit. Especially for small fishermen it is excluded. In fact, many fishing occurs illegally, so it is necessary to enforce the law against the perpetrators. This research uses the socio-legal method, by looking at the law that is inseparable from various other factors. Research findings indicate that law enforcement has not been implemented effectively. The structures involved in the law enforcement are Civil Servant Investigators, the Indonesian National Army, the Navy, and the Air and Water Police. Law enforcement is carried out through the supervision and arrest of vessels fishing illegally. A total of 36 ships were arrested and subject to sanctions. Structural coordination in law enforcement is lacking. It is recommended that effective continuous law enforcement and intensive coordination between law enforcement agencies be carried out by strengthening personnel and equipment in law enforcement at sea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-48
Fathi Hanif

Abstrak Saat ini perlindungan jenis satwa atau hidupan liar diatur dalam instrumen hukum internasional seperti Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) tahun 1973. Undang-undang No.5 tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya danperaturan pelaksanaan lainnya mengatur perlindungan jenis satwa atau hidupan liar di Indonesia. Hingga saat ini masih banyak kasus kejahatan yang berkaitan dengan perburuan dan perdagangan satwa atau hidupan liar yang dilindungi, seperti kasus penyelundupan kakatua jambul kuning di Surabaya pada medio Maret 2015. Implementasi perundang-undangan bidang ini belum efektif dari sisi perlindungan satwa di habitatnya maupun menjerat maksimal pelaku kejahatan. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa instrumen hukum nasional yang melindungi satwa dan tumbuhan liar belum memiliki kelengkapan ketentuan yang mengacu pada CITES sepenuhnya, dan ancaman sanksi yang ada juga tidak menimbulkan efek jera pelaku kejahatan. Dibutuhkan revisi perundang-undangan dibidang konservasi, perlindungan satwa atau hidupan liar yang sejalan dengan perkembangan instrumen hukum internasional. Abstract The protection of wildlife stated in the international law instruments such as Convention on International Trade in as Critically Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973. Law No. 5 of1990 regardingNatural Resources Conservation and ItsEcosystems and related goverment regulations governprotection of wildlife in Indonesia. Recently, there are still many criminal cases related to poaching and trade of wildlife or protected animals, such as yellow-crested cockatoo smuggling cases in Surabaya on March 2015. Implementation of regulation and the law enforcement concerning wildlife is not effective to protect animals in their habitat. The legal instrument in the national leveltoprotect wildlife isnot complete and comprehensive yet,especially compared with the norms ofCITES and its regulations;andthe punishment did not make the deterrent effect to the perpetrators. There is aneed to push the goverment to make a revision the regulation regarding conservation and wildlife protection that are in line with the international law instruments.

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