scholarly journals Retorika Simbol Islam pada Akun Instagram Ridwan Kamil

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-26
Fathayatul Husna

Ridwan Kamil as a mayor of Bandung is known as a successful leader to build his region. Most of his government programs were published through his Instagram account @ridwankamil. Besides, his Instagram images mostly contain Islamic symbols. This study aims to analyze the practice of rhetoric through the symbols of Islam on Instagram account @ridwankamil. This research used a qualitative content analysis based on rhetorical discourse theory from Aristotle. This theory is used to analyze three photos containing Islamic symbols on Instagram account of Ridwan Kamil. The results of this study indicated that each photo containing Islamic symbols showed him as an Islamic figure. This study concludes that social media not only plays an important role to strengthen social interaction but also advance political strategy. Keywords: Ridwan Kamil, Rhetoric, Islamic Symbols, Instagram

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 205630512110197
Chesca Ka Po Wong ◽  
Runping Zhu ◽  
Richard Krever ◽  
Alfred Siu Choi

While the impact of fake news on viewers, particularly marginalized media users, has been a cause of growing concern, there has been little attention paid to the phenomenon of deliberately “manipulated” news published on social media by mainstream news publishers. Using qualitative content analysis and quantitative survey research, this study showed that consciously biased animated news videos released in the midst of the Umbrella Movement protests in Hong Kong impacted on both the attitudes of students and their participation in the protests. The findings raise concerns over potential use of the format by media owners to promote their preferred ideologies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Indrawati Indrawati

The Form of Persuasion and Milennials Respon in Facebook Social Media inPresidential Election 2019. This research aims to reveal how the persuasion andresponse of millennials on social media Facebook in the 2019 presidentialelection. This research uses methods of qualitative content analysis. The data theauthor takes is data on Facebook social media from February to April 2019. Formof data in the form of sentences that have a persuasion message used by millennialson social media Facebook in the presidential election 2019. The source of thisresearch data observations directly on social media Facebook which thenresearchers Screenshoot. Data analysis is done in several ways, namely: (1)Observation of the sentence upload on Facebook social media, (2) reading andunderstanding sentences that have a persuasion meaning, (3) grouping,identifying, and analyzing existing data, (4) Conclude the results of researchanalysis. Data analysis is done during and after the data is collected. This researchimplements triangulation and data checking to obtain the validity of data. Basedon the research, there are several form of persuasion in uploading sentences ofmillennials in facebook social media in presidential election 2019. Thatpersuasion form are: (1) persuasion form and millennials respond with strongarguments, (2) persuasion form and respond with neutral arguments, (3)persuasion form and millennials respond with weak arguments, (4) persuasionform and millennials respond with peripheral.Key words: persuasion, milenialls, facebook social media AbstrakWujud Persuasi dan Respon Kaum Milenial di Media Sosial Facebook padaPilpres 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan bagaimana wujud persuasidan respon kaum milenial di media sosial facebook pada pilpres 2019. Penelitianini menggunakan metode analisis isi kualitatif. Data yang penulis ambil adalahdata yang terdapat di media sosial facebook dari bulan Februari sampai denganApril 2019. Wujud data berupa kalimat yang memiliki pesan persuasi yang dipakaikaum milenial di media sosial facebook pada pilpres 2019. Sumber data penelitianini pengamatan langsung di media sosial facebook yang kemudian penelitiscreenshoot. Analisis data dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, yaitu: (1)pengamatan terhadap unggahan kalimat di media sosial facebook, (2) membacadan memahami kalimat yang memiliki makna persuasi, (3) mengelompokkan,mengidentifikasi, dan menganalisis data yang ada, (4) menyimpulkan hasilanalisis penelitian. Analisis data dilakukan selama dan setelah data terkumpul.Penelitian ini menerapkan triangulasi dan pengecekan data untuk memperolehkeabsahan data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan beberapa wujudpersuasi dalam kalimat unggahan kaum mileniual di media sosial facebook padapilpres 2019. Wujud persuasi tersebut meliputi: (1) Wujud persuasi dan responkaum milenial dengan argumen kuat (strong argumens); (2) Wujud persuasi danrespon kaum milenial dengan argumen netral (neutral argumens);(3) Wujudpersuasi dan respon kaum milenial dengan argumen lemah (weak argumens); dan(4) wujud persuasi dan respon kaum milenial dengan argumen sampingan(peripheral).Kata-kata kunci: persuasi, kaum milenial, media sosial facebook

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 235
Dwi Kurniasih

This study aims to deliver the message of representation for the milenial generation in the digital era. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, which describe the objects based on reality. Data from this research are the lyrics of Jaran Goyang song and The Reply Song of Jaran Goyang. The technique used to analyze data is qualitative content analysis. Results of this study indicate that the milenial generation utilizes Youtube social media accounts to carry out da'wa activities by changing the song Jaran Goyang which is titled The Reply Song of Jaran Goyang intos lyrics filled with da’wa messages. Results of this study indicate that the da'wa language in the songs analyzed uses cognitive-linguistic aspects in a cognitive semantic perspective that contains the meaning of da'wa, namely the invitation to perform night prayers, recites the Al-Qur’an, and avoid shirk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 205630511982612 ◽  
Judith E. Rosenbaum

This study extends current research into social media platforms as counterpublic spaces by examining how the social media narratives produced by the #TakeAKnee controversy negotiate technological affordances and existing discourses surrounding American national identity. Giddens’ Structuration Theory is used to explore the nature of user agency on social media platforms and the extent to which this agency is constrained or enabled by the interplay between the systems and structures that guide social media use. Exploratory qualitative content analysis was used to analyze and compare tweets and Instagram posts using the #TakeAKnee hashtag shared in September 2017. Results showed that narratives are dominated by four themes, freedom, unity, equality and justice, and respect and honor. Users actively employ technological affordances to create highly personalized meanings, affirming that agency operates at the intersection of reflexivity and self-efficacy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-81 ◽  
Petros Iosifidis ◽  
Nicholas Nicoli

The recent spread of online disinformation has been profound and has played a central role in the growth of populist sentiments around the world. Facilitating its progression has been politically and economically motivated culprits who have ostensibly taken advantage of the digital freedoms available to them. At the heart of these freedoms lie social media organisations that only a few years earlier techno-optimists were identifying as catalysts of an enhanced digital democracy. In order to curtail the erosion of information, policy reform will no doubt be essential. The UK's Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Disinformation and ‘fake news’ Report and Cairncross Review, and the European Commission's Report on Disinformation are three recent examples seeking to investigate how precisely such reform policy might be implemented. Just as important is how social media organisations take on more responsibility and apply self-regulating mechanisms that stifle disinformation across their platforms (something the aforementioned reports identify). Doing so will go a long way in restoring legitimacy in these significant institutions. Facebook (which includes Instagram and Whatsapp), is the largest social media organisation in the world and must primarily bear the burden of this responsibility. The purpose of this article is to offer a descriptive account of Facebook's public announcements regarding how it tackles disinformation and fake news. Based on a qualitative content analysis covering the period November 16th 2016–March 4th 2019, this article will set out some groundwork on how to hold social media platforms more accountable for how they handle disinformation.

2020 ◽  
Young Argyris ◽  
Kafui Monu ◽  
Pang-Ning Tan ◽  
Colton Aarts ◽  
Fan Jiang ◽  

BACKGROUND Exposure to anti-vaccine content on social media has been associated with delays and refusals of vaccinations, while pro-vaccine campaigns devised to disseminate the preventive benefits of vaccines have not succeeded in increasing vaccine uptake rates. Reasons remain unknown why anti-vaccine messaging hampers uptake while pro-vaccine campaigns do not improve it. OBJECTIVE We aim to identify reasons for the disparate effectiveness of anti- versus pro-vaccine social media content on vaccine delivery rates. In so doing, we apply the perspectives of message framing used in interpersonal health communication to explain why individuals refuse to adopt preventive behaviors. Specifically, we compare (1) the diversity, coherence, and distinctiveness of topics discussed by pro- and anti-vaccine communities and (2) message frames used to portray vaccines as a public health accomplishment or harmful agents. METHODS We developed a multimethod that combines the collection of a large amount of data from Twitter (~40,000 tweets), an automatic tweet classification algorithm, the K-means clustering algorithm, and a qualitative content analysis. RESULTS Our results show a larger number of topics (20 versus 17 clusters), greater coherence of topics (0.99 vs. 0.97) and distinctiveness of topics (1.22 vs. 1.31) among anti-vaccinists in comparison to pro-vaccinists. In addition, while anti-vaccinists use all four message frames known to make narratives persuasive and influential, pro-vaccinists neglect the problem statement. CONCLUSIONS Based on our results, we attribute the diversity, coherence, and distinctiveness of topics discussed among anti-vaccinists to their higher engagement, and we ascribe the influence of vaccine debate on uptake rates to the comprehensiveness of the message frames. These results show the urgency of developing value propositions for vaccines to counteract the negative impact of anti-vaccine content on the uptake rates. CLINICALTRIAL This study was determined to be a non-human subject study by Michigan State University’s Institutional Review Board (#STUDY00004514).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 540-572
Nadine Keller ◽  
Tina Askanius

An increasingly organized culture of hate is flourishing in today’s online spaces, posing a serious challenge for democratic societies. Our study seeks to unravel the workings of online hate on popular social media and assess the practices, potentialities, and limitations of organized counterspeech to stymie the spread of hate online. This article is based on a case study of an organized “troll army” of online hate speech in Germany, Reconquista Germanica, and the counterspeech initiative Reconquista Internet. Conducting a qualitative content analysis, we first unpack the strategies and stated intentions behind organized hate speech and counterspeech groups as articulated in their internal strategic documents. We then explore how and to what extent such strategies take shape in online media practices, focusing on the interplay between users spreading hate and users counterspeaking in the comment sections of German news articles on Facebook. The analysis draws on a multi-dimensional framework for studying social media engagement (Uldam & Kaun, 2019) with a focus on practices and discourses and turns to Mouffe’s (2005) concepts of political antagonism and agonism to operationalize and deepen the discursive dimension. The study shows that the interactions between the two opposing camps are highly moralized, reflecting a post-political antagonistic battle between “good” and “evil” and showing limited signs of the potentials of counterspeech to foster productive agonism. The empirical data indicates that despite the promising intentions of rule-guided counterspeech, the counter efforts identified and scrutinized in this study predominantly fail to adhere to civic and moral standards and thus only spur on the destructive dynamics of digital hate culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 205630512110423
Moa Eriksson Krutrök

This study looks at how mourning is expressed using the hashtag #grief on the social media app TikTok using qualitative content analysis. In a dataset of 100 TikTok videos, this article explores how the TikTok ranking algorithms, which orders content based on previous user engagements, may connect people in mourning across the platform and how these platform-enabled interactions may shape grief expressions. The study shows how grief was narrated on TikTok, which sociotechnical templates (such as duets, stitches, and audios) were incorporated into such expressions, and how these expressions of grief challenged societal mourning norms. This article ends with a discussion about how different subcultural norms on TikTok are linked to the way in which ranking algorithms create social connections across the platform. This study proposes that the “algorithmic closeness” of TikTok users in grief allows them to challenge societal mourning norms in imagined safe spaces, shaped by the algorithmic ranking systems on the platform.

Rosa Repo ◽  
Juho Pesonen

AbstractVirtual tourism allows people to see and experience the world without physically travelling to the destination. The objective of this study is to identify service elements critical to the development of customer-oriented live guided virtual tours. A total of three focus group discussions were conducted, with 4–5 participants in each group. All the participants were Japanese who had previously participated in live guided virtual tours. The data was analysed with qualitative content analysis, where an inductive approach was used. The findings reveal that the main expectations of the participants are related to experiencing the local culture and way of life, feeling of actually being in the destination (sense of connection), social interaction and active participation. These factors make the virtual tour feel realistic and attractive and the tourism businesses need especially to focus on these when designing virtual tours for example by providing ample opportunities for the virtual tour participants to discuss with each other and learn from each other. This study brings valuable insights into the virtual tours research from the customer perspective, especially in a non-Western context.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-104
Siti Tarwiah ◽  
Uwes Fatoni

This study is to know the extent of netizen's response to the preaching by writing of ustadz Arifin Ilham on social media Facebook. The aim is to know the attention, understanding, and acceptance of netizens to the preaching by writing of ustadz Arifin Ilham. This research used qualitative content analysis method, which is analyzing data in the form of comments given by netizens through emoticons, symbol and comment by finding symbols, classifying data, and analyzing. Based on the research results found: 1) attention of netizens in responding to the preaching by writing of ustadz Arifin Ilham in the form of emoticons and comments responses, 2) their understanding are positive, negative, neutral, and inappropriate comments on the theme, and 3) their acceptance are to desire to change for the better, to avoid the aqidah deviant, to more diligent worship, and to better morals.   Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui sejauh mana respon netizen terhadap dakwah bi al-qalam ustadz Arifin Ilham di media sosial Facebook. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui perhatian, pengertian, dan penerimaan dari netizen terhadap dakwah bi al-qalam ustadz Arifin Ilham. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi kualitatif, yaitu menganalisis data berupa komentar-komentar yang diberikan netizen melalui simbol emotikon dan komentar dengan cara menemukan simbol, mengklasifikasi data, dan menganalisis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan: 1) perhatian netizen dalam memberikan respon terhadap dakwah bi al-qalam ustadz Arifin Ilham berupa respon emotikon dan komentar, 2) pengertian dalam bentuk komentar positif, negatif, netral, dan tidak sesuai tema, dan 3) penerimaan berupa keinginan untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik, yaitu terhindar dari aqidah yang menyimpang, semakin rajin beribadah, dan semakin baik akhlaknya.

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