scholarly journals Situs Makam-Makam Kuna di Kabupaten Kuningan Bagian Timur: Kaitannya dengan Religi

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Effie Latifundia

Site of ancient tombs in the eastern part of Kuningan regency, West Java shows the indication of religion and tradition. This is reflected in the lives of the communities  that adopted the practice of honoring the well known figures of the past. The graves of these famous figures such as religious leaders, community leaders, ancestors receive certain treatments. The ancient tombs have been seen as the sacred site, as well as an object of pilgrimage, and used as the media to ask for something to include offerings. This paper aims to uncover these ancient tombs with their religious background. The data have been collected  by a survey to gain information and describe the forms of ancient tombs. The results showed  that although Islam flourishes, the belief in ancestors as religion before Islam still ongoing and sustained. Essentially any form of tribute to the ancestors is a continuation of the megalithic tradition in prehistoric times. It was concluded, at the time of the influence of Islamic religious life particularly associated with death there is a reduction in pre-Islamic era.Situs makam-makam kuna di Kabupaten Kuningan bagian timur, Jawa Barat menunjukkan adanya unsur religi dan tradisi. Hal ini tercermin dalam kehidupan sebagian masyarakat adanya suatu konsep penghormatan kepada tokoh yang sudah meninggal dunia. Makam para tokoh terkenal  seperti  pemuka agama, tokoh masyarakat, leluhur mendapat perlakuan tertentu. Makam-makam kuna tersebut dikeramatkan, sebagai objek ziarah, dan dijadikan media meminta sesuatu dengan dilengkapi sesaji. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap makam-makam kuna berlatar religius. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan survei untuk mengumpulkan informasi dan mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk makam kuno. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan meskipun Islam berkembang namun kepercayaan terhadap leluhur sebagai religi sebelum Islam masih terus berlangsung dan dipertahankan. Secara esensial adanya bentuk penghormatan kepada leluhur merupakan kelanjutan tradisi megalitik pada masa prasejarah. Disimpulkan, pada masa pengaruh Islam kehidupan religi khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kematian terdapat suatu reduksi dengan masa pra Islam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-296
Nur Hizbullah

Abstrak Dampak Penjajahan bagi kondisi umat Islam di Indonesia terasa sampai kepada kehidupan beragama masyarakat. Situasi ini menimbulkan keprihatinan dan memicu sejumlah tokoh ulama di nusantara untuk bergerak mempelopori perbaikan khususnya kehidupan keislaman masyarakat. Di antara tokoh yang terkemuka dalam jajaran ulama nusantara adalah Ahmad Hassan. Belliau aktif membina dan membesarkan organisasi Persatuan Islam dengan menjadi guru pada sekolah-sekolah binaan lembaga itu di Bandung. Setelah itu, beliau pindah ke Bangil, Jawa Timur, dan perjuangannya semakin meluas dan kontribusinya diakui banyak orang. Selain membesarkan Pesantren Persatuan Islam di Bangil, beliau juga aktif menulis sejumlah artikel dan buku. Yang paling termasyhur adalah al-Furqan Tafsir Quran dan inilah yang mengangkat namanya di jajaran ulama besar nusantara bahkan semenanjung Melayu. Di masa kini, semakin penting arti karya-karya beliau dan para ulama nusantara lainnya. Sudah saatnya ada gerakan nasional mengumpulkan kembali dokumentasi karya-karya besar di masa lalu dan mengabadikannya agar mereka semua senantiasa dikenang oleh Umat Islam nusantara lintas generasi,---Abstract Impact of Colonialism for the condition of Muslims in Indonesia feel up to the religious life of the community. This situation raises concerns and triggered a number of prominent religious leaders in the country to move spearhead improvements, especially the life of the Islamic community. Among the prominent figures in the ranks of the clergy archipelago is Ahmad Hassan. Belliau actively nurture and raise the Union of Islamic organizations to become teachers in the target schools that institution in Bandung. After that, he moved to Bangil, East Java, and struggles are widespread and recognized the contribution of many people. In addition to raising the Union of Islamic boarding school in Bangil, he also writes a number of articles and books. The most famous is al-Furqan Quran Tafsir and that which bears his name in the ranks of the great scholars of the archipelago and even the Malay peninsula. At the present time, the more important the sense of the works of the scholars he and other archipelago. It is time there was a nationwide movement collect the documentation of the great works of the past and preserve it so that they all always be remembered by Muslims archipelago across generations,

Sosial Budaya ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hasbullah Hasbullah

This research was carried out on the basis that none of the people in this world, both simple and advanced who do not have a religion, even though they understand the religion in the simplest sense. The Akit Tribe is one of the Remote Indigenous Communities (KAT) that still survive in Riau Province. These people have interacted and interacted with other communities and their lives were no longer isolated. Thus, their culture has come into contact with the culture of other communities, including in religious life. Based on this phenomenon, this study was conducted to see their religious life after interacting and touching other cultures. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative methods. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews and observations. The informants of this research are the chiefs, traditional leaders, community leaders, religious leaders, and formal leaders. The results of this study indicate that the process of contact with other cultures slowly leads to changes in the culture of the Akit tribe, including in matters of religion. Nevertheless, formally they have embraced certain formal religions, but in practice they still retain their old beliefs and traditions. Thus, in religious life, the Akit Tribe people practice syncretism.

Petro Yarotskiy

The study of processes and trends in the development of Protestant denominations in Ukraine is one of the most important areas of Ukrainian academic religious studies. These Protestant currents occupy a prominent place in the modern religious life of Ukraine and generally constitute a rather powerful segment of the Ukrainian confessional field. Some sayings of the so-called historical (or traditional) churches - the Orthodox and Catholic, and, after them, separate representatives of the socio-political wing of Ukrainian society and the media, traditionally or tendentiously, call Baptists, Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, the "Sectarians" of the 19th Century, despite the changes that have taken place in these denominations over the past 20 years.

1962 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 266-281 ◽  
Thomas E. McCollough

In 1960 a unique encounter between East and West took place. Paul Tillich visited Japan for a lecture visit of three months. In a recent article appearing in The Christian Century in the series ‘How My Mind Has Changed’, Tillich declares that this encounter was perhaps the most significant experience of the past ten years of his life. His discussions with Japanese religious leaders, especially those of Buddhism, ‘served to bring to full awareness elements of thought which had been present for a long time’ (‘On the Boundary Line’, Christian Century, 6th Dec. 1960, p. 1435). While not becoming a convert to Zen Buddhism (as he puts it), he was impressed with the ultimate concern he found in forms of religious life uninfluenced by Christianity. He declares that his observations strengthened his theological conviction that the concept of religion in its larger sense ‘transcends the concrete existence of any religion, as God transcends each of his manifestations’ (ibid.).

2018 ◽  
pp. 114-146
Chitra Nagarajan

This article examines the binary of culture/ religion/ tradition and modern/ secular/ foreign and its impact on women’s human rights struggles in particular in northern Nigeria. This binary is commonly perpetuated by state and non-state actors, including politicians, community leaders and religious leaders, who weaponise culture, religion and tradition to resist the struggle for gender equality. It highlights how progress around some concerns, such as rape of young girls, has occurred concurrently with attacks on other rights, particularly sexual and reproductive rights including abortion and sex outside marriage, and of those with non-normative sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. This hardening of attitudes and narrowing of what is seen as permissible not only obscures the diversity of how people lived and thought in the past but is also far from the reality of how people live their lives presently. It further reflects the increased influence of religious fundamentalism and conservatism in northern Nigeria.[1]   [1] I used the term religious fundamentalism as distinct from religious conservatism and to signify the project whereby those engaged in it ‘construct ‘tradition’ in a way that is highly selective, at the same time as dogmatically insisting that their reconstructions of text are ‘sacred’ and so unable to be questioned’ (Cowden and Sahgal, 2017, 15), deny ‘the possibility of interpretation and reinterpretation even while its adherents engage in both’ (Bennoune, 2013, 16) and centre the importance of control of women’s bodies and sexuality and rigid gender roles. Religious fundamentalists ‘believe in the imposition of God’s law, something called the Sharia – their version of it  rather than others’ – on Muslims everywhere and in the creation of what they deem to be  Islamic states or disciplined diasporic communities ruled by these laws,’ denounce secularists, seek to bring politicised religion into all spheres, want to police, judge and change the behaviour, appearance and comportment of others and aim to sharply limit women’s rights, sometimes in the name of protection, respect and difference (Bennoune, 2013, 16). In contrast, while religious conservatism remains problematic, it does not make claims to possessing the only true interpretation and can be ‘protective of certain traditional spaces for women as well as being capable of reform and change’ (Cowden and Sahgal, 2017, 18).

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 392
Mamat Ruhimat

ABSTRAKTradisi tulis merupakan bukti kemajuan peradaban suatu bangsa. Naskah-naskahSunda Kuno yang ada saat ini merupakan peninggalan sejarah perjalanan bahasa dan budayaNusantara. Penelitian terhadap naskah-naskah Sunda Kuno tidak begitu banyak karenajumlah penelitinya sedikit. Bahkan katalog yang khusus mencatat naskah Sunda Kuno dimasyarakat pun belum ada. Katalogisasi Naskah Sunda Kuno di Jawa Barat merupakanupaya menginventarisasi dan mendokumentasi naskah-naskah Sunda Kuno di masyarakat.Katalogisasi juga merupakan direktori penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap naskah SundaKuno sehingga menjadi pembuka jalan bagi para peneliti yang ingin menggali kekayaanintelektual masa lalu. Katalogisasi naskah Sunda Kuno dimulai dari koleksi KabuyutanCiburuy di Kabupaten Garut. Kabuyutan ini menyimpan kurang lebih 30 kropak naskahSunda Kuno yang diperkirakan ditulis pada abad XVI-XVIII Masehi. Sebagian besar naskahlontar ini kondisinya rusak parah dan perlu penanganan yang serius. Dari ketiga puluhnaskah tersebut baru 15 naskah yang dapat diidentifikasi dan dibuat deskripsi lengkapnya.Kata kunci: Naskah, Katalog, Bahasa, BudayaABST RACTWritten tradition is evidence of the development of civilization of a nation. OldSundanese manuscripts still existing today is a historical heritage of linguistic and culturaljourneys of the Indonesian Archipelago. Unfortunately, most of the manuscripts are notappropriately preserved and from time to time continue to be damaged. Furthermore,the research on the Old Sundanese manuscripts is not so many due to the limited numberof the researchers. Even a catalogue especially listing Old Sundanese manuscripts in thesociety has not been made yet. The existing catalogues have only listed the manuscriptskept by the official institutions such as libraries and museums. Cataloging the OldSundanese manuscripts in West Java is one of the efforts to inventory and document theOld Sundanese manuscripts that are still scattered in the society, both stored in customaryinstitutions and personal collections. Cataloging is also a research directory that has everbeen conducted on Old Sundanese manuscripts, so it can be a pioneer for researchers whowant to explore the intellectual property in the past. As the first stage, cataloging theOld Sundanese manuscripts is started from the collection of Kabuyutan Ciburuy in GarutRegency. Kabuyutan stores approximately 30 compartments (kropak) of Old Sundanesemanuscripts that are estimated to have been written in the 16 to 18 century AD. Most ofthese manuscripts are badly damaged and need to be seriously taken care of. From thethirty manuscripts, only 15 manuscripts can be identified and can be completely described.Keywords: manuscript, catalogue, language, culture

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4(13)) ◽  
pp. 31-50
Shiyu Zhang ◽  

Over the past decade, bilateral relations between China and Russia have attracted the attention of the whole world. As neighbors and rapidly developing countries, China and Russia are becoming increasingly important in the international arena. The strategic partnership and interaction between China and Russia occupy a significant place in the politics of both countries. Cooperation is developing dynamically in various fields, primarily in politics. After 2012, a change of government took place in China and Russia, which brought new changes to international relations. Studying the involvement of the media in this process can clarify their impact on international relations, in particular, their role in the relationship between China and Russia.

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-32
ShiPu Wang

This essay delineates the issues concerning AAPI art exhibitions from a curator’s perspective, particularly in response to the changing racial demographics and economics of the past decades. A discussion of practical, curatorial problems offers the reader an overview of the obstacles and reasons behind the lack of exhibitions of AAPI works in the United States. It is the author’s hope that by understanding the challenges particular to AAPI exhibitions, community leaders, and patrons will direct future financial support to appropriate museum operations, which in turn will encourage more exhibitions and research of the important artistic contribution of AAPI artists to American art.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-49
Uroš Matić

AbstractThe paper examines epistemological problems behind a recent study claiming to provide a synthesis of a vocal sound from the mummified remains of a man named Nesyamun and behind racial designations in Egyptian mummy studies more generally. So far, responses in the media and academia concentrated on the ethical problems of these studies, whereas their theoretical and methodological backgrounds have been rarely addressed or mentioned only in passing. It seems that the media reaction has targeted the synthesis of a sound rather than other, equally problematic, assumptions found in Egyptian mummy studies. By focusing on the epistemological problems, it will be demonstrated that the issues of greatest concern are endemic to a general state of a considerable part of the discipline of Egyptology and its unreflective engagement with the material remains of the past, especially human remains.

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