scholarly journals Metaphor Variation in Economic Discourse

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 9-20
T. V. Andryukhina

This integrated cognitive-discourse study looks at the role of context in the variation of conceptual metaphor in economic discourse, which abounds in metaphors. The study is motivated by a general current interest in situational aspects of metaphorical conceptualisation in different professional discourses. The first research question is to test the relevance of metaphor variation for economic discourse and to investigate conceptual evolution of biological, mechanical and path/journey metaphors in this discourse type. Another research question is to determine particular types of context and contextual factors inducing metaphor variation in economic texts. The theoretical framework of the study is formed by the seminal theories of conceptual metaphor, conceptual evolution, knowledge framing and recent abundant research sharing an integrated cognitive-discourse approach to studying metaphor. The investigation revealed the salience of metaphor variation for economic discourse in a broad social context of its production: scientific, technological, career development, and discrimination at work contexts. The study adds to the understanding of the role contextual factors play in metaphorical meaning making and processing discourse. It can also have implications for further metaphor investigation in different professional discourses. Awareness of metaphor variation mechanisms in meaning making can also be instrumental in English for Specific Purposes pedagogy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-13
T. V. Andryukhina

This study takes an integrated discourse-cognitive approach to the analysis of contextual factors that motivate conceptual evolution of metaphorical frames in economic discourse. In contrast to looking at conceptual metaphor models in isolation or out of context, doing metaphor research from the perspective of contextual factors gives insight into the motivation of metaphor choice and origins of conceptual evolution as well as facilitates understanding and interpretation of metaphorical meaning construction. The evolutionary aspects of metaphorical frames in extra linguistic context of economic discourse have not been thoroughly covered in Russian research literature. This paper attempts to identify some contextual effects on metaphorical framing in economic discourse and analyze some examples evidencing the importance of discourse-cognitive approach for metaphorical frames evolution research. The theoretical framework of this study is formed by the groundbreaking theories of conceptual metaphor, metaphorical framing, conceptual evolution and abundant research examining metaphor dynamics in different types of discourse. The empirical data gleaned and analyzed in this paper indicate the dynamic variation of metaphorical frames motivated by the social context of economic discourse production.

Lyn Spillman

This article examines the role of culture in economic life. Research about economic meaning-making challenges economists’ universalistic assumptions about the microinteractional and motivational meaning of economic action. It also improves on vague sociological stereotypes of “market society,” especially by emphasizing meaningful market action in firms and industries. However, the proliferation of so many different conceptual languages and lines of inquiry that now address “economic culture” threatens to undermine the promise of cultural explanation of economic life. This article first discusses the various “cultural production” accounts of meaning in economic action before outlining three different dimensions of meaning-making in economic sociology. It then considers some proposals and models for putting economic discourse at the center of analysis, arguing that proliferation and eclecticism reflect the need for a more comprehensive and explicit engagement with cultural theory.

2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 498-516
Neil O'Sullivan

Of the hundreds of Greek common nouns and adjectives preserved in our MSS of Cicero, about three dozen are found written in the Latin alphabet as well as in the Greek. So we find, alongside συμπάθεια, also sympathia, and ἱστορικός as well as historicus. This sort of variation has been termed alphabet-switching; it has received little attention in connection with Cicero, even though it is relevant to subjects of current interest such as his bilingualism and the role of code-switching and loanwords in his works. Rather than addressing these issues directly, this discussion sets out information about the way in which the words are written in our surviving MSS of Cicero and takes further some recent work on the presentation of Greek words in Latin texts. It argues that, for the most part, coherent patterns and explanations can be found in the alphabetic choices exhibited by them, or at least by the earliest of them when there is conflict in the paradosis, and that this coherence is evidence for a generally reliable transmission of Cicero's original choices. While a lack of coherence might indicate unreliable transmission, or even an indifference on Cicero's part, a consistent pattern can only really be explained as an accurate record of coherent alphabet choice made by Cicero when writing Greek words.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-133 ◽  
Ruth Kevers ◽  
Peter Rober ◽  
Lucia De Haene

While collective identifications of diasporic Kurds have attracted considerable scholarly interest, their possible role in familial processes of post-trauma reconstruction has hardly been studied. The aim of this article is therefore to develop an explorative understanding of the deployment and meaning of collective identifications in intimate family contexts by examining the interconnectedness between the transmission of cultural and political belonging and post-trauma meaning-making and coping in Kurdish refugee families. After contextualising diasporic Kurds’ collective identifications through an ethnographic depiction of the Kurdish diasporic community in Belgium, this article reports on findings from a small-scale, exploratory study with five Kurdish refugee families in Belgium. Thematic analysis of family and parent interviews indicates how cultural and political identifications may operate as sources of (1) dealing with cultural bereavement and loss; (2) commemorating trauma; and (3) reversing versus reiterating trauma. Overall, this study’s findings support an explorative understanding of collective identifications as meaningful resources in families’ post-trauma reconstruction.ABSTRACT IN KURMANJIRola nasnameyên komelî di pêvajoyên malbatî yên vesazkirina paş-trawmayê de: Xebateke raveker li ser malbatên kurd ên penaber û civakên wan ên dîasporayêTevî ku nasnameyên komelî yên kurdên dîasporayê ta radeyeke baș bûye mijara lêkolînan, rola wan a muhtemel di pêvajoyên malbatî yên vesazkirina (selihandin) paş-trawmayê qet nehatine vekolîn. Lewma armanca vê gotarê ew e têgihiştineke raveker pêş bixe li ser rol û wateya nasnameyên komelî yên di çarçoveya mehremiya malbatê de, ku vê yekê jî dê bi rêya vekolîna wê têkiliya rijd bike ya di navbera neqlkirina aidiyetên çandî-siyasî û rêyên sazkirina wateyê û serederîkirina li dû trawmayê di nav malbatên kurd ên penaber de. Piştî diyarkirina çarçoveya nasnameya komelî ya Kurdên diasporayê bi rêya teswîreke etnografîk a cemaeta diasporaya Kurd li Belçîkayê, ev gotar encamên ji xebateke biçûk a bi pênc malbatên kurd ên penaber ên li Belçîkayê pêşkêş dike. Tehlîla babetî ya hevpeyvînên ligel malbatan û dayik û bavan nîşan dide ka çawa nasnameyên çandî û siyasî dikarin bibin çavkanî ji bo (1) serederîkirina bi mehrûmiyeta çandî û windahiyên xwe; (2) bibîranîna trawmayê; û (3) kêmrengkirin an, beramber vê yekê, dubarekirina trawmayê. Bi giştî, encamên vê xebatê wê têgihiştineke raveker tesdîq dikin ku nasnameyên kolektîf çavkaniyên kêrhatî ne di vesazkirina paş-trawmayê ya malbatan de. ABSTRACT IN SORANIDewrî nasname bekomellekan le prose binemalleyîyekanî sazkirdinewey paş-trawmayîda: lêkollîneweyekî şirovekarî binemalle penabere kurdekan û civatî ewan le diyasporaLe katêkda nasname bekomellekanî kurdekanî diyaspora le layen şarezakanewe giringîyekî berçawî pê drawe û serincî ewanî bo lay xoyî rakêşawe, bellam sebaret be egerî dewrî prose binemalleyîyekanî sazkirdinewey paş-tirawma be degmen lêkollîneweyek encam drawe. Ke wate, amancî em wutare perepêdan be têgeyîştinêkî şirovekarane lemerr bekarhênan û manay nasname bekomellekan le bestênekanî têkellawîy binemalleyîdaye, ke le rêgey peywendîy nêwan rewtî gwastineweyî grêdraweyî kultûrî û siyasî, sazbûnî mana û herweha rahatin legell kêşekanî qonaẍî paş tirawma le binemalle kurde penaberekanda taqî krawetewe. Dway awirrdanewe le civakî diyasporay kurd le Belcîka, nasname bekomellekanî kurdekanî diyaspora le bestênî xoyda xwêndinewey bo krawe û bem gêreye lem wutareda lêkollîneweyekî şirovekarane bo qebareyekî biçûk le pênc binemalley kurdî penaber le Belcîka dekrê û encamekanî billaw dekrêtewe. Şîkarîyekî babetiyaney wutuwêj legell binemalle û dayk û bawkekan nîşanî dedat ke çon dekrê nasname kultûrî û siyasîyekan wek serçaweyek bo em sê mijare derbikewn: (1) gîrodebûn be ledestçûn û bizirbûnî kultûr; (2) webîrhênanewey tirawma; û (3) pêçewanebûnî tirawma leberamber dûbarebûneweyda. Beşêweyekî giştî, encamekanî em lêkollîneweye piştgîrî le têgeyîştinêkî şirovekarane le nasname bekomellekan dekat ke wekû serçaweyekî giring bo sazkirdinewey binemallekan le dway qonaẍî paş-tirawma seyr dekrêt.

Ujang Khiyarusoleh

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya pendidikan yang diperuntukkan bagi semua anak, termasuk anak berkebutuhan khusus. Anak berkebutuhan khusus memiliki karakter yang berbeda-beda, khususnya slow learner dalam pembelajaran mengalami keterlambatan dalam memahami materi. Oleh karena itulah diperlukan peran orangtua dan guru pembimbing khusus untuk membantu memberikan pendidikan yang lebih baik sesuai dengan karakternya. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana peran orangtua dan guru pembimbing khusus kepada slow learner di SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui peran orangtua dan guru pembimbing khusus kepada slow learner di SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa peran orangtua yaitu meliputi: orangtua sebagai pendamping utama, orangtua sebagai advokat, orangtua sebagai guru, orangtua sebagai diagnostian. Serta peran guru pembimbing khusus yang meliputi: merancang dan melaksanakan program kekhususan, melakukan identifikasi, asesmen dan menyususn program pembelajaran individual, memodifikasi bahan ajar, melakukan evaluasi, dan membuat laporan program dan perkembangan anak berkebutuhan khusus. Dengan peran peran tersebut, maka sebagian besar anak berkebutuhan khusus di SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun dapat memberikan layanan dengan baik. Saran untuk penelitian ini orangtua senantiasa mendorong anaknya untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh di rumah dan di skolah, serta menyediakan fasilitas belajar yang mendukung perkembangan pendidikan bagi anaknya. Kata Kunci: peran guru pembimbing khusus, peran orangtua, slow learner   ABSTRACT Background of the study was the existence of education aimed at all children, including children with special needs. Children with special needs have different characters, thus affecting their learning achievement. Therefore, the role of parents and special tutors were needed to help them improve learning achievement. The research question of this research was how the role of parents and special guidance teachers towards learning achievement of children with special needs in SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun. The focus of this research was the role of parents and special guidance teachers on learning achievement of children with special needs in grades 1, 2 and 3 of SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of parents and special guidance teachers on the learning achievement of children with special needs in Arcawinangun 5 Public Elementary School. This type of research was qualitative research with a case study approach. Technique of data collection was observation, interviews, documentation and source triangulation. The results of this research indicated that there were several roles of parents, namely: parents as the main companion, parents as advocates, parents as teachers, parents as diagnostics. As well as the role of a special mentor teacher which includes: designing and implementing specific programs, identifying, assessing and arranging individual learning programs, modifying teaching materials, evaluating, and making program reports and development of children with special needs.With this role, most of the children with special needs in SD Negeri 5 Arcawinangun can improve their learning achievement well.Suggestions of this research were parents always encourage their children to study seriously at home and at school, and provide learning facilities that support the development of education for their children. Keywords: role of parents, role of special guidance teachers, slow learner

2018 ◽  
Brett Buttliere

Over the last decade, there have been many suggestions to improve how scientists answer their questions, but far fewer attempt to improve the questions scientists are asking in the first place. The goal of the paper is then to examine and summarize synthesize the evidence on how to ask the best questions possible. First is a brief review of the philosophical and empirical literature on how the best science is done, which implicitly but not explicitly mentions the role of psychology and especially cognitive conflict. Then we more closely focus on the psychology of the scientist, finding that they are humans, engaged in a meaning making process, and that cognitive conflict is a necessary input for any learning or change in the system. The scientific method is, of course, a specialized meaning making process. We present evidence for this central role of cognitive conflict in science by examining the most discussed scientific papers between 2013 and 2017, which are, in general, controversial and about big problems (e.g., whether vaccines cause autism, how often doctors kill us with their mistakes). Toward the end we discuss the role of science in society, suggesting science itself is an uncertainty reducing and problem solving enterprise. From this basis we encourage scientists to take riskier stances on bigger topics, for the good of themselves and society generally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 1-24 ◽  
Deogratius Joseph Mhella

Prior to the advent of mobile money, the banking sector in most of the developing countries excluded certain segments of the population. The excluded populations were deemed as a risk to the banking sector. The banking sector did not work with cash stripped and the financially disenfranchised people. Financial exclusion persisted to incredibly higher levels. Those excluded did not have: bank accounts, savings in financial institutions, access to credit, loan and insurance services. The advent of mobile money moderated the very factors of financial exclusion that the banks failed to resolve. This paper explains how mobile money moderates the factors of financial exclusion that the banks and microfinance institutions have always failed to moderate. The paper seeks to answer the following research question: 'How has mobile money moderated the factors of financial exclusion that other financial institutions failed to resolve between 1960 and 2008? Tanzania has been chosen as a case study to show how mobile has succeeded in moderating financial exclusion in the period after 2008.

Zoltán Kövecses

The chapter reports on work concerned with the issue of how conceptual metaphor theory (CMT) functions as a link between culture and cognition. Three large areas are investigated to this effect. First, work on the interaction between conceptual metaphors, on the one hand, and folk and expert theories of emotion, on the other, is surveyed. Second, the issue of metaphorical universality and variation is addressed, together with that of the function of embodiment in metaphor. Third, a contextualist view of conceptual metaphors is proposed. The discussion of these issues leads to a new and integrated understanding of the role of metaphor and metonymy in creating cultural reality and that of metaphorical variation across and within cultures, as well as individuals.

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