Acta Comitas ◽  
2016 ◽  
Ni Wayan Tirtawati ◽  
I Dewa Gde Atmadja ◽  
Gde Marhendra Wijaatmadja

Pawnshop Company is a State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), which is engaged in the business of providing credit services and applicable statutory lien for anyone with a moving objects collateral requirement. In order to develop the business, so Government Regulation No. 103 of 2000 was issued, stated of the granting of the loan based on the collateral of fiduciary money. As an institution that provides credit to guarantee the fiduciary shall comply with the provisions set out in Law No. 42 of 1999, especially Article 11, paragraph (1) which states that the objects are burdened with fiduciary collateral required to be registered, but in reality there is no Pawnshop Company comply with Article 11 paragraph (1) of Law No. 42 of 1999 on Fiduciary. Based on the gap das sein and das sollen, then can be formulated the problem of how fiduciary guarantee enrollment application pursuant to Article 11 paragraph (1) of Law No. 42 of 1999 on Company Pawnshop and how execution of fiduciary insurance company that is not registered by the Company Pawnshop when borrowers are in default. Empirical legal research is used in this thesis, because it’s getting out of the gap between das Sein and das sollen. The approach used in this thesis is the legislation approach, case-based approach, and the analytical approach. The nature of the research in this study was a descriptive study, sites in the Pawnshop Company branch Denpasar and Tabanan. The data used in this thesis is the primary data / field data and secondary data / literature. Data collecting techniques used in this thesis is planned interview techniques and reading literature. Sampling techniques used in this thesis is purposive sampling and the data obtained are presented in descriptive qualitative. The results of this problem study is application of fiduciary guarantee enrollment on the Pawnshops Company, that disobedience to law number 42 of 1999 Article 11 paragraph (1) was happened, while the execution of fiduciary insurance company that is not registered by Pawnshop Company if debtor in default is done by a family way.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Gusti Muhammad Faruq Abdul Hakim Sutikno ◽  
Hudi Asrori

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims to find out why a marriage agreement should be registered to the Department of Population and Civil Registration, and find out what if the marriage agreement is not registered. This research is a descriptive empirical legal research. The types of data used consist of primary data, secondary data including primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, tertiary legal materials. The location of this research is in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Surakarta. Data collection techniques used are interviews and literature study. Analysis of data used is with the data collection stage in the study sites and analyzed more thoroughly, then after presented the verification and drawn a conclusion. Based on the results of the study the conclusions are derived, First, the marriage agreement needs to be registered because the marriage agreement is an orderly administration of population, to fulfill the principle of publicity and binding on third parties, as a means of verification and judge consideration in court, as a measure of public legal awareness. Second, a marriage agreements which is not registered to the Department of Population and Civil Registration will apply only to the party that created it, and will not bind on any third party.</p><p>Keywords: Legal Power; Marriage Agreement; Registration of Marriage Agreement.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  perjanjian perkawinan harus dicatatkan ke Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil, dan mengetahui apabila perjanjian perkawinan tersebut tidak didaftarkan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris yang bersifat deskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan terdiri dari data primer, data sekunder yang mencakup bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, bahan hukum tersier. Lokasi penelitian ini berada di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan tahap pengumpulan data di lokasi penelitian dan dianalisis secara lebih teliti, kemudian setelah tersaji dilakukan verifikasi dan ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dihasilkan simpulan, Kesatu, perjanjian perkawinan perlu dicatatkan karena perjanjian perkawinan sebagai tertib administrasi kependudukan, untuk memenuhi asas publisitas dan mengikat pihak ketiga, sebagai alat pembuktian dan pertimbangan hakim didalam persidangan, sebagai alat ukur kesadaran hukum masyarakat. Kedua, perjanjian perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan ke Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil hanya akan berlaku bagi pihak yang membuatnya, dan<br />tidak mengikat pihak ketiga.</p><p>Kata Kunci: Kekuatan Hukum; Perjanjian Perkawinan; Pencatatan Perjanjian Perkawinan</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 379-383
I Gede Bagus Indra Baskara ◽  
I Made Suwitra ◽  
I Ketut Sukadana

Bali is an area that has its own uniqueness and traditions in each village, including marriage. The traditional village of Tenganan has different characteristics and traditions from other villages, namely that the marriage system must be endogamous. This study aims to explain the status of village manners for men who marry women from outside Tenganan Village and to find out the customary sanctions for men who marry women from outside Tenganan Village. The research was designed with empirical legal research, with a sociological juridical approach, a statutory approach. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The research location is in the Tenganan Traditional Village, Manggis District, Karangasem, Bali. Data obtained using non probability sampling techniques, observations, interviews. Furthermore, the data is processed and analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results showed that marriages between men from Tenganan Village and women from outside Tenganan Village who can still be invited in Tenganan Village are women who have caste or come from Pasek residents. Sanctions for men from Tenganan Village who marry women from outside Tenganan Village are in the form of sanctions decreasing the status of krama, from village krama to krama gumi home no longer becoming village manners and also not taking part in ngayah at Bale Agung Temple.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 243
Zolla Andre Pramono ◽  
Diana Tantri Cahyaningsih

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims to determine the problematic implementation of adoption in terms of the Government  Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 of 2007 concerning the Implementation of the Appointment of Children at the Putra Bakti Orphanage in Batang Regency. This legal research is a type of empirical legal research that is descriptive. The research approach uses a case and legislation approach. The type of data in the form of primary data where the main data comes from the results of empirical research conducted, and secondary data obtained from literature related to research. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that, the implementation of the adoption carried out by the Putra Bakti Orphanage in the Regency of Batang experienced various problems, which in the implementation of adoption were carried out directly without going through court decisions. The reason for the Putra Bakti Orphanage in Batang Regency to appoint children without conducting a court decision is that parents who raise their children want to establish kinship with their biological parents by adopting children because they assume that the appointment of children in a court is complex and the regulations are too complicated. convoluted and requires a lot of money, takes a long time, the orphanage does not provide special costs in the process of implementing adoption, cultural factors that emphasize the appointment of adoption without going through the court and assume that the community is together, lack of socialization and guidance given or carried out by the government and society, this raises a discrepancy with the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 of 2007 concerning the Implementation of Child Appointment which explains that the adoption of the child must be carried out through the court and broken off by the judge.<br />Keywords: Problem; Appointment of Children; Orphanage</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui problematika pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak ditinjau dari  Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 54 Tahun 2007 tentang Pelaksanaan Pengangkatan Anak di Panti Asuhan Putra Bakti Kabupaten Batang. Penelitian hukum ini merupakan jenis penelitian hukum empiris yang bersifat deskriptif. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kasus dan perundang-undangan. Jenis data berupa data primer dimana data utama berasal dari hasil penelitian empiris yang dilakukan, serta data sekunder diperoleh dari bahan kepustakaan yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa, pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak yang dilakukan oleh Panti Asuhan Putra Bakti Kabupaten Batang mengalami berbagai problematika, dimana dalam pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak dilakukan secara langsung tanpa melalui putusan pengadilan. Alasan Panti Asuhan Putra Bakti Kabupaten Batang melakukan pengangkatan anak tanpa melakukan penetapan pengadilan adalah orang tua yang mengangkat anak ingin menjalin kekeluargaan dengan orang tua kandung dengan cara melakukan pengangkatan anak karena mereka beranggapan bahwa pengangkatan anak yang dilakukan di pengadilan tergolong rumit serta peraturan tersebut terlalu berbelit-belit dan membutuhkan banyak biaya, membutuhkan waktu yang lama, pihak panti asuhan tidak menyediakan biaya secara khusus dalam proses pelaksanan pengangkatan anak, faktor budaya masyarakat yang mengedepankan pengangkatan anak tanpa melalui pengadilan dan beranggapan bahwa masyarakat bersifat kebersamaan, kurangnya sosialisasi serta bimbingan yang diberikan atau dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat, hal tersebut menimbulkan tidak efektifnya Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 54 Tahun 2007 tentang Pelaksanaan Pengangkatan Anak yang menjelaskan bahwa pengangkatan anak harus dilakukan melalui pengadilan dan di putus oleh hakim. <br />Kata Kunci: Problematika; Pengangkatan Anak; Panti Asuhan</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Rio Saputra ◽  
Mokhammad Najih

<p><em>Suspects have the right to obtain legal assistance, especially for suspects who are classified as economically disadvantaged in accordance with Article 56 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP). The facts show that there are many irregularities in the implementation of legal aid, therefore it is necessary to know about the implementation of free legal aid for suspects who are incapacitated at the level of investigation and the factors that become obstacles in the implementation of legal aid. This legal research is an empirical legal research and this research is descriptive in nature. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The techniques used to collect data were document study techniques and interview techniques. Inhibiting factors affecting the implementation of free legal aid for suspects who are unable at the level of investigation can be classified and differentiated into 3 factors, namely, legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture).</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Legal Aid, Criminal Cases</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Ananda Dwinanti Kinasih , ◽  
M. Hudi Asrori S ,

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims for reviewing how the settlement of compensation as the consequences of the tenure <br />of land rights unlawfully in civil law Surakarta state court verdict number 106/pdt.g/2017/PN.SKT and <br />number 103/pdt.G/2006/PN.SKT where the court’s decision has a permanent legal force. This research is <br />a juridical normative legal research. The location of this research at Notary Office and PPAT Adib Sujarwadi <br />and the State Court Surakarta Class 1A Specific. Kinds and the sources of data in this research are <br />consist of primary data and secondary data. The technique of data collection through interview and library <br />study. The analytical technique used by the author is by the method of syllogism that uses the deduction <br />mindset. Regarding the settlement of compensation due to unlawful tenure of land rights is a compensatory <br />damages, in the form of payment to the victim amounting to a loss that is actually experienced. Based on <br />the decision of the Panel of Judges. Regarding the non-granting of immaterial compensation because <br />the Plaintiff does not attach the appropriate evidence. After the verdict is declared incracht, outside the <br />court, the Defendant and the Plaintiff may hold deliberations to determine the amount of the indemnity or <br />the Plaintiff waived the indemnity obligation, but the Defendant must leave the land of the object of the <br />dispute voluntarily. In the case of still occupy it will be executed by the bailiff from the Court.<br />Keywords: Compensation; Tort; Tenure Of Land Rights.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana penyelesaian ganti rugi akibat penguasaan hak atas <br />tanah secara melawan hukum pada perkara perdata Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta Nomor 106/<br />Pdt.G/2017/PN SKT dan Nomor 103/Pdt.G/2006/PN SKT, dimana putusan pengadilan tersebut telah <br />berkekuatan hukum tetap. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yuridis. Lokasi penelitian <br />yaitu di Kantor Notaris dan PPAT Adib Sujarwadi dan Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta Kelas IA Khusus. Jenis <br />dan sumber data penelitian ini meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui <br />wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah dengan metode <br />silogisme yang menggunakan pola pikir deduksi. Penyelesaian ganti rugi akibat penguasaan hak atas <br />tanah secara melawan hukum yaitu dengan ganti rugi kompensasi, berupa pembayaran kepada korban <br />sebesar kerugian yang benar-benar dialami. Berdasarkan keputusan Majelis Hakim. Mengenai tidak <br />dikabulkannya ganti rugi immateriil dikarenakan Penggugat tidak melampirkan bukti-bukti yang sesuai. <br />Setelah putusan dinyatakan incraht, di luar pengadilan, Tergugat dan Penggugat dapat mengadakan <br />musyawarah untuk menentukan jumlah ganti rugi atau Penggugat membebaskan kewajiban pembayaran <br />ganti rugi, namun Tergugat harus meninggalkan tanah obyek sengketa secara sukarela. Dalam hal masih <br />tetap menempati maka akan dilakukan eksekusi oleh juru sita dari Pengadilan.<br />Kata Kunci : Ganti Kerugian; Perbuatan Melawan Hukum; Penguasaan Hak Atas Tanah.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
H.M. Ikhwan Rays

This research is intended to study what factors are causing the follow-up of child molestation in Banggai Regency and what efforts have been made by the Banggai Resort Police in an effort to overcome the crime of sexual abuse by children in the District. Be proud To find out the objectives needed, this study uses empirical juridical where the method or method used in this legal research is to use primary data, that is the data obtained by the author from the research location and use secondary data obtained from data / existing library materials. Outcome factors, factors that cause child abuse in Banggai Regency are: educational factors, environmental factors, alcoholic drinks factors and technological factors. Whereas the efforts carried out by the Banggai Regional Police consist of: pre-emptive efforts, preventive measures and repressive efforts

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 443
Muhammad Adib ◽  
Sri Kusriyah Kusriyah ◽  
Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah

Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 regarding the discipline of the Civil Servant loading obligations, prohibitions, and disciplinary action which could be taken to the Civil Servant who has been convicted of the offense, is intended to foster a Civil Servant who has committed an offense, the form of disciplinary punishment is mild, moderate, and weight. Disciplinary punishment for the Civil Servant under Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 Concerning the Discipline of Civil Servants. The formulation of this journal issue contains about how the process of disciplinary punishment, and constraints and efforts to overcome the impact of the Civil Servant disciplinary punishment in Government of Demak regency. The approach used in this study is a sociological juridical approach or juridical empirical, that is an approach that examines secondary data first and then proceed to conduct research in the field of primary data normative. The process of giving disciplinary sanctions for State Civil Apparatus in Government of Demak regency begins with the examination conducted by the immediate supervisor referred to in the legislation governing the authority of appointment, transfer and dismissal of civil servants. The results showed that in general the process of sanctioning / disciplinary punishment of civil servants in the Government of Demak be said to be good and there have been compliance with the existing regulations / applied in Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010, although it encountered the competent authorities judge still apply tolerance against the employee, but also a positive impact among their deterrent good not to repeat the same offense or one level higher than before either the Civil Servant concerned or the other. Obstacles in carrying out disciplinary punishment in Government of Demak regency environment is still low awareness of employees to do and be disciplined in performing the tasks for instance delays incoming work, lack of regulatory discipline, lack of supervision system and any violations of employee discipline. There must be constraints to overcome need for cooperation with other stakeholders comprising Inspectorate, BKPP, and the immediate superior civil servants in this way can be mutually reinforcing mutual communication, consultation, coordination so that if later there is a problem in the future could be accounted for.Keywords: Delivery of Disciplinary Sanctions; Civil Servant; Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010.

Hikmah Pratiwi Hafid ◽  
Salma Said ◽  
Wahyuddin Abdullah

This study discusses the Performance Allowance in the perspective of al-'Adl in the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Gowa Regency. This type of research is a type of qualitative descriptive study with a phenomelogical approach that explains the phenomena and their meaning for individuals by conducting interviews with a number of individuals and the location of the study was conducted at the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Gowa Regency. Sources of data obtained consisted of primary data sources of 12 informants, as well as secondary data. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the process of receiving performance allowances in the manner of payment and giving, addition, and reduction of performance allowances is in accordance with government regulations. In addition, the value of Al-'Adl is an imbalance in the receipt of performance benefits with employee performance which is assessed through employee performance appraisal. The value of Al-'Adl is that there is no equality in providing training opportunities and infrastructure for employees. The value of Al-'Adl is that there is a mismatch in the receipt of performance allowances based on the time of payment, employee workload, and employee obligations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Andrew Malahasa Karambut ◽  
Jenny Morasa ◽  
Jessy D.L Warongan

This study aims to determine how the Administration of State Property Through the Use of SIMAK-BMN applications at the Office of State Assets and Auction Manado to find out whether the Administration of State Property at the Office of State Assets and Auction Manado is in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations in regulating administration BMN. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with the data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that the Office of State Assets and Auction Services in Manado as the Accounting Unit for the Authorization of Goods Users (UAKPB) has carried out the Administration of State Property as well as recording through the use of the SIMAK-BMN application.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 211
Magmun Migfar ◽  
Amin Purnawan

ABSTRAKDalam memberikan kredit, Perusahaan Pembiayaan wajib mempunyai keyakinan didasarkan pada unsur perinsip kehati-hatian biasa di kenal dengan 5C, yaitu terdiri dari character (watak), capacity (kemampuan), capital (modal), collateral (jaminan), dan condition of economic (kondisi ekonomi).Di dalam penelitian penulis membuat rumusan masalahanuntuk mengetahui tanggung jawab para pihak dalam pembutan akta jaminan fidusia pada Notaris dan penyelesaian sengketanya apabila debitur mengalihkan objek jaminan fidusia tanpa persetujuan tertulis oleh pihak PT. Bussan auto Finance (BAF) Rembang.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat diskriptif dan apabila dilihat dari tujuannya teremasuk penelitian hukum empiris. Lokasi penelitian di PT. BAF Rembang. Jenis data yang digunakan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan yaitu melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan kualitatif analitis.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui dalam perjanjian pembiayaan antara kreditur dan debitur saling mengikatkan diri, debitur harus membaca dan memahami surat perjanjian pembiayaan, sebelum melakukan kesepakatan sengan Leasing, setelah menandatangi perjanjian pembiayaan, debitur harus memenuhi kewajiban membayar angsuran secara tepat waktu sesuai dengan besaran dan tanggal yang telah disepakati, kemudian timbulah hak dan kewajiban supaya jangan sampai ada konflik atau kesalah pahaman yang bias merugikan debitur dikemudian hari.Dalam hal benda jaminan yang menjadi objek jaminan fidusia dialihkan kepada pihak ketiga berlaku asas drot de suite, kreditur tetap dapat mengeksekusi benda jaminan tersebut di tangan siapaun benda tersebut berada. Pengalihan benda yang menjadi objek jaminan fidusia pada pihak ketiga dan seterusnya tidak menghalangi hak kreditur untuk tetap mengeksekusi benda jaminan fidusia tersebut. Memang dalam peneyelesain sengketa benda jamian fidusia di PT BAF Rembang masih mengedepankan cara musyawarah dahulu akan tetapi jika PT BAF Rembang berpedoman pada POJK No.29/POJK.05/2014 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Perusahaan Pembiayaan dan perlu adanya pendampingan dai pihak kepolisian maka akan sangat mudah dan mungkin untuk mengatasi debitur yang nakal.Kata kunci : Debitur, Kreditur, Eksekusi Benda Jaminan Fidusia.           ABSTRACTIn granting credit, a Financing Company must have confidence based on the usual principle of prudence known as 5C, which consists of character, capability, capital, collateral and condition of economic ( economic conditions). In the study the authors make the formulation of the problem to know the responsibility of the parties in the fiduciary guarantee certificate pembutan notary and settlement of disputes if the debtor divert the fiduciary guarantee object without written approval by the PT. Bussan auto Finance (BAF) Rembang.Penelitian is a descriptive study and when viewed from its purpose including research empirical law. Research location at PT. BAF Rembang. Types of data used include primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are through literature research and interviews. Analytical data use qualitative analytical.Based on the results of the research can be known in the financing agreement between the creditor and the debtor bind each other, the debtor must read and understand the letter of financing agreement, before making leasing agreement, after signing the financing agreement, the debtor must meet the obligation to pay installments in a timely manner in accordance with the amount and date which has been agreed, then arise rights and obligations so that there will be no conflicts or misunderstandings that bias detrimental to the debtor in the future. In the event that the collateral object becomes the object of fiduciary guarantee transferred to a third party applies the principle of drot de suite, the lender can still execute the guarantee object in the hands of whoever the object is located. The transfer of objects which become the object of fiduciary collateral to a third party and so on shall not preclude the right of the creditor to keep executing the fiduciary assurance object. Indeed, in peneyelesain dispute fiduciary jamian objects in PT BAF Rembang still put forward the first musyawarah way but if PT BAF Rembang based on POJK No.29 / POJK.05 / 2014 About the Implementation of Financing Company Business and the need for assistance from the police then it will be very easy and possibly to deal with naughty debtors.Keywords: Debtor, Creditors, Execution of Fiduciary Guarantee Items.

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