2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Ananda Dwinanti Kinasih , ◽  
M. Hudi Asrori S ,

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims for reviewing how the settlement of compensation as the consequences of the tenure <br />of land rights unlawfully in civil law Surakarta state court verdict number 106/pdt.g/2017/PN.SKT and <br />number 103/pdt.G/2006/PN.SKT where the court’s decision has a permanent legal force. This research is <br />a juridical normative legal research. The location of this research at Notary Office and PPAT Adib Sujarwadi <br />and the State Court Surakarta Class 1A Specific. Kinds and the sources of data in this research are <br />consist of primary data and secondary data. The technique of data collection through interview and library <br />study. The analytical technique used by the author is by the method of syllogism that uses the deduction <br />mindset. Regarding the settlement of compensation due to unlawful tenure of land rights is a compensatory <br />damages, in the form of payment to the victim amounting to a loss that is actually experienced. Based on <br />the decision of the Panel of Judges. Regarding the non-granting of immaterial compensation because <br />the Plaintiff does not attach the appropriate evidence. After the verdict is declared incracht, outside the <br />court, the Defendant and the Plaintiff may hold deliberations to determine the amount of the indemnity or <br />the Plaintiff waived the indemnity obligation, but the Defendant must leave the land of the object of the <br />dispute voluntarily. In the case of still occupy it will be executed by the bailiff from the Court.<br />Keywords: Compensation; Tort; Tenure Of Land Rights.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana penyelesaian ganti rugi akibat penguasaan hak atas <br />tanah secara melawan hukum pada perkara perdata Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta Nomor 106/<br />Pdt.G/2017/PN SKT dan Nomor 103/Pdt.G/2006/PN SKT, dimana putusan pengadilan tersebut telah <br />berkekuatan hukum tetap. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yuridis. Lokasi penelitian <br />yaitu di Kantor Notaris dan PPAT Adib Sujarwadi dan Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta Kelas IA Khusus. Jenis <br />dan sumber data penelitian ini meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui <br />wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah dengan metode <br />silogisme yang menggunakan pola pikir deduksi. Penyelesaian ganti rugi akibat penguasaan hak atas <br />tanah secara melawan hukum yaitu dengan ganti rugi kompensasi, berupa pembayaran kepada korban <br />sebesar kerugian yang benar-benar dialami. Berdasarkan keputusan Majelis Hakim. Mengenai tidak <br />dikabulkannya ganti rugi immateriil dikarenakan Penggugat tidak melampirkan bukti-bukti yang sesuai. <br />Setelah putusan dinyatakan incraht, di luar pengadilan, Tergugat dan Penggugat dapat mengadakan <br />musyawarah untuk menentukan jumlah ganti rugi atau Penggugat membebaskan kewajiban pembayaran <br />ganti rugi, namun Tergugat harus meninggalkan tanah obyek sengketa secara sukarela. Dalam hal masih <br />tetap menempati maka akan dilakukan eksekusi oleh juru sita dari Pengadilan.<br />Kata Kunci : Ganti Kerugian; Perbuatan Melawan Hukum; Penguasaan Hak Atas Tanah.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Lintang Wistu Malindi

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>This study aims to analyze the legal protection on Surrogate Mother who bound into Surrogate Mother Agreement alongside the existence of Surrogate Mother Agreement based on Indonesia’s Civil Law. This tudy is normative legal research with analysis descriptive characteristic. The approach which was used in this research was statute approach. Type of data which   was used in this research was secondary data which included primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The technique of collecting the data in this research was literature study. Analytical technique in this research was done by law interoretation.The result shows that there are many violation on ther rights against Surrogate Mother cause there is no strong legal protection. Therefpre, there is a eed for strong legal protection from the state through its legislations policy. </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Surrogate Mother, Surrogacy  Agreement, Legal Protection.</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa perlindungan hukum terhadap ibu pengganti yang mengikatkan diri dalam perjanjian sewa rahim sekaligus eksistensi oerjanjian sewa rahim dalam perspektif hukum perdata di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang ebrsifat deskriptif analitis. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah pendekatan undang-undang. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah data sekunder yang terdiri atas bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah melalui studi kepustakaan. Analisis data dilakukan melalui penafsiran hukum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pelanggaran hak-hak asasi ibu pengganti karena tidak adanya perlindungan hukum yang kuat. Maka dari itu diperlukan perlindungan hukum yang kuat dari negara melalui legistasinya.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Ibu Pengganti, Perjanjian Sewa Rahim, Perlindungan Hukum.</p>

Yogi Maron ◽  
Ismansyah Ismansyah ◽  
Azmi Fendri

<p align="center"> </p><p><em>As happened to the Notary Eli SatriaPilo, S.H, Mkn, who was appointed as the Notary who made the Deed of Relinquishment of Land Rights in the Land Acquisition activities for the Construction of Campus III of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Padang which was located in Sungai Bangek District, Padang</em><em> </em><em>in 2010. The method used was descriptive, in which describing the applicable legislation associated with legal theory in the facts and realities about the Notary’s Responsibility in Making Deed of Land Acquisition for the construction of Campus III of IAIN Padang in Sungai</em><em> </em><em>Bangek. This study used a Normative Juridical approach, in which researching by using and processing secondary data or literature related to the</em><em> </em><em>study. The data collected were in the form of primary data obtained from the District Court of Padang, secondary data obtained from secondary legal materials and primary legal materials. Based on the study, it was found that the role of Notary Eli</em><em> </em><em>Satria</em><em> </em><em>Pilo, in the land acquisition of campus III IAIN was proven to have misused the authority resulting in violation of the Notary Ethics Code and was responsible for accepting termination disrespectfully. Furthermore, he was also shown to be committing a Criminal Corruption made based on the Deed of Relinquishment of Land Rights in the land acquisition for the construction of Campus III of IAIN Padang, so that the State incurred losses of Rp. 1</em><em>.</em><em>946</em><em>.</em><em>701</em><em>.</em><em>050 (one billion nine hundred forty-six million seven hundred one thousand and fifty rupiahs). And he was responsible for receiving and carrying out the sentence that had been handed down by the District Court of Padang, a prison sentence of 4 (four) years, and paying a fine of Rp. 200</em><em>.</em><em>000</em><em>.</em><em>000 (two hundred million rupiahs)</em><em>.</em></p><p> </p>

Acta Comitas ◽  
2016 ◽  
Ni Ketut Supasti Darmawan ◽  
I Nyoman Sumardika ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Paramartha

Home ownership credit faciliities are very much needed by the people who have low and medium buying power. In theory, as set forth in Article 1, paragraph (2) of the Regulation of the State Minister of Agrarian Services/Head of National Body for Land Affairs (BPN) No. 4 of 1996, with the binding of SKMHT is only granted to secure certain credits ,i.e. to finance simple ownership , modest homes, condominiums with land area of 200m2 and the building has not more than 70m2. In practice many home ownership credit facilities are granted to buy a house with a land area of more than stated by the provision above. Problems also occurs with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (1) of UUHT which require SKMHT regarding land rights which are already registred, SKMHT must be followed by the making of APHT as late as 1(one) month. Rights to land that has not been registered, should be followed by creating APHT as late as 3(three) months after the SKMHT is granted in accordance with Article 15 of UUHT paragraph (2). However, in granting Home ownership credit, the provision applied is Article 1, paragraph (2) of the Regulation of the State Minister of Agrarian Services/Head of Nation Body for Land Affairs (BPN) No. 4 of 1996 confirming that SKMHT is not mandatory until the end of the principal agreement. The principle issue in this study is the factors that cause the developer defaults on the SKMHT agreement completed with buy back guarantee and the efforts made by a bank if a developer defaults on yhe agreement of buy back guarantee. Type of research used in this thesis was empirical legal research, which departed from the gap between Government Regulation State Minister of Agrarian Services/Head of Nation Body for Land Affairs (BPN) No. 4 of 1996, and the prevailing reality. The Approach used was a qualitative approach. Primary data collection technique was conducted using the method of taking sample interview with the Non-Random Sampling; secondary data collection was done through the technique of documentary studies and tertiary legal materials in the form of dictionaries and encyclopedias. The results showed that the factors that caused the developer defaults on the agreement of SKMHT equipped with buyback guarantee are internal and external factors. The internal factor is the missue of credit facilities and bad character of developers. External factors that make economic recession are that the bank interest rate jump dramatically, as a result many debitors are unable to pay loans. Efforts made by the bank if a developer defaults on the agreement of buy back guarantee can be an effort in litigation and non-litigation paths. The best solution for creditors is through non-litigation paths.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Nurul Hikmah

Abstract;                      Nurul Hikmah, (2019). Teacher performance class in organizing and developing learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. Guided By Syarifuddin Cn Sida and Idawati.This study aims to study the performance of the teachers in developing and expanding learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive research methods. The location in this research is the state elementary school KIP Maccini Makassar. The types of data in this study are primary data obtained directly from the informant and secondary data in the form of documents relating to the issues and the research reports. The instruments in this research are own researchers and supporting data collection tools are interview guidelines. Based on the results of the study that the performance of teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI in the planning of learning received an average score of 18.32 in the category quite effective. The assessment showed that teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI were well-performing in the planning of learning. Keywords: teacher performance; Learning devices

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Bachtiar Bachtiar ◽  
Tono Sumarna

ABSTRAKWanprestasi dalam perjanjian konstruksi kerap ditemui dalam praktik, baik yang dilakukan oleh pemberi pekerjaan, maupun pihak pelaksana pekerjaan. Konsekuensinya, pihak yang melakukan wanprestasi dibebankan memulihkan kerugian yang timbul dari pelaksanaan perjanjian. Hal demikian tercermin dalam Putusan Nomor 72/PDT.G/2014/PN.TGR, di mana Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang Selatan selaku pihak pemberi pekerjaan proyek terbukti melakukan wanprestasi. Menarik untuk dicermati, majelis hakim dalam putusannya justru membebankan Walikota Tangerang Selatan untuk bertanggung jawab secara keperdataan. Isu hukum yang hendak dijawab dalam tulisan ini, terkait apakah penafsiran hakim dalam Putusan Nomor 72/PDT.G/2014/PN.TNG tentang pembebanan tanggung jawab perdata kepada kepala daerah akibat wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh kepala dinas telah sesuai dengan ajaran hukum administrasi negara, dan ajaran hukum perdata. Untuk menjawab isu hukum tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan bersandar pada data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa majelis hakim telah keliru dalam menafsirkan konsep pertanggungjawaban kepala daerah. Menurut ajaran hukum administrasi negara, walikota selaku kepala daerah tidak dapat dimintai tanggung jawab secara perdata akibat wanprestasi yang dilakukan kepala dinas. Demikian pula dari perspektif Pasal 1340 KUHPerdata, walikota bukanlah merupakan pihak dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian yang dibuat oleh kepala dinas, sehingga tidak dapat dibebani tanggung jawab secara keperdataan.Kata kunci: tanggung jawab perdata, kepala daerah, wanprestasi. ABSTRACT Breach of contract in construction agreements is often found in practice, whether carried out by the employer, or the implementing party. As a consequence, the defaulting party is charged to recover losses arising from the implementation of the agreement. This was reflected in Court Decision Number 72/PDT.G/2014/ PN.TGR, which is the Head of South Tangerang City Health Office, as the project employer, has been proven in breach of contract. It is interesting to note that the panel of judges in its decision actually charged the Mayor of South Tangerang with a contractual liability. The legal issue in this paper is whether the interpretation of judges in Court Decision Number 72/PDT.G/2014/ PN.TNG concerning the imposition of civil liability to the regional head due to default committed by the head  of office is in accordance with the teachings of the law of state administration and civil law. To answer these issues, the author uses normative legal research methods based on secondary data obtained through literature studies. The results of the analysis show that the panel of judges has erred in interpreting the concept of regional head accountability. According to the teachings of the state administration law, the mayor as the head of the region cannot be privately liable for the default committed by the head of office. Likewise, from the perspective of Article 1340 of the Civil Code, the mayor is not a party to the implementation of the agreement made by the head of office, therefore civil liability cannot be burdened to him. Keywords: civil liability, regional head, default.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 425
Rifan Agrisal Ruslan ◽  
Umar Ma’ruf

The purpose of writing in this study is the first, to know and analyze factors Some people in Tinanggea Sub-District South Konawe Regency of Southeast Sulawesi that has not yet had legal awareness in the act of buying and selling land ownership in the presence of PPAT. Second, To know and Analyze Efforts - Local Government efforts in awakening the community in District Tinanggea South Konawe Southeast Sulawesi against the sale and purchase of land ownership in the presence of PPAT. Third To know to be done in order to Maasyarakat in Tinanggea Sub-District of Konawe Selatan Regency in Sulawesi Teggara performs the sale and purchase of land ownership in the presence of PPAT.The approach method used in this research is empirical juridical. Juridically, this research is based on the rule of law of Basic Agrarian Law and Government Regulation Number 37 Year 1998 juncto Government Regulation Number 24 Year 2016. Empirically, this study aims to know about the rules related to the transfer of land rights with the fact that occurred that deviate from the rules that prevail in the District Tinanggea South Konawe Southeast Sulawesi. Specification of Research that is the object of research is the plot of land is the transfer of Rights to Land with the act of buying and selling of land ownership in the presence of PPAT conducted. Sources and Techniques Data collection is primary data obtained from interviews conducted by 30 respondents and secondary data obtained from the opinions of scholars and literature review. Then Theory in use is Position Theory, Authority Theory and Theory of Legal Certainty.From the results of research can be concluded that the legal consciousness of the people of Tinanggea Sub-District of South Konawe Regency of Southeast Sulawesi is related to the transfer of land rights due to the sale and purchase of land ownership in the presence of the First PPAT: Caused by lack of PPAT and PPATS in the community, which is set by the competent authorities, Caused by a very high kinship and Due to a very low legal community awareness. The second is the government's efforts in the form of socialization held by the local revenue agency related Value Object Tax (NJOP), Tinanggea sub-district office along with jejerannya Kelurahan and village appealed and made a place for reporting / consultation related to the transfer of rights of Sale and Purchase of Land, Cooperation undertaken by Tinanggea Subdistrict Sub-District and Village that make the Letter of Statement of Physical Land Mastery (SPPFT) that the letter is known by Kecamatan Kelurahan and Desa. The third is: The ideal concept of the author's research is the legal counseling to the public to grow knowledge to the public about the importance of legal awareness of the act of buying and selling land ownership in the presence of PPAT, Socialization of the sale and purchase of land ownership in the presence of PPAT. As a form of government service to the public in awakening the rights and obligations of the people in the eyes of the law and Data Collection and the making of Land Book is aimed to record and provide a legal protection for the community so that no land grab or land disputes.Keywords: Legal Awareness, Sale and Purchase, Tinanggea Sub-district.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-110
Abdul Jamil ◽  

This study aimed to examine two objectives: first, legal considerations of court decision Number 05/G/2011/PTUN.Yk regarding state administrative decision on intermittent termination and replacement (PAW) a member of the Bantul Regional Representative Council (DPRD), and second, panel of judges rationale concluded that the decision on PAW was not absolute competence of PTUN. This research is classified as normative legal research using  both  primary  data by conducting interviews with PTUN judges and the expert, and secondary data in the form of legal material. The results showed: first, there are three main legal considerations used by judges: 1. the decision on PAW is a decision in the field of politics and constitutionality; 2. the decision on PAW does not fullfil the unilateral will element; 3. the existence of jurisprudence. Second, the judge's judgments rested on the conclusion that the decision did not fulfill the 'state administration' element and was emphasized in the 'initial process' of the PAW stage series, not to the 'final process' in the form of issuing decisions. The judgments put forward the interpretation based on doctrine, while if compared with the provisions of the Law on Administrative Court, the decision on PAW had actually been fulfilled as the KTUN which was the absolute competence of PTUN.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Gusti Muhammad Faruq Abdul Hakim Sutikno ◽  
Hudi Asrori

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims to find out why a marriage agreement should be registered to the Department of Population and Civil Registration, and find out what if the marriage agreement is not registered. This research is a descriptive empirical legal research. The types of data used consist of primary data, secondary data including primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, tertiary legal materials. The location of this research is in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Surakarta. Data collection techniques used are interviews and literature study. Analysis of data used is with the data collection stage in the study sites and analyzed more thoroughly, then after presented the verification and drawn a conclusion. Based on the results of the study the conclusions are derived, First, the marriage agreement needs to be registered because the marriage agreement is an orderly administration of population, to fulfill the principle of publicity and binding on third parties, as a means of verification and judge consideration in court, as a measure of public legal awareness. Second, a marriage agreements which is not registered to the Department of Population and Civil Registration will apply only to the party that created it, and will not bind on any third party.</p><p>Keywords: Legal Power; Marriage Agreement; Registration of Marriage Agreement.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  perjanjian perkawinan harus dicatatkan ke Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil, dan mengetahui apabila perjanjian perkawinan tersebut tidak didaftarkan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris yang bersifat deskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan terdiri dari data primer, data sekunder yang mencakup bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, bahan hukum tersier. Lokasi penelitian ini berada di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan tahap pengumpulan data di lokasi penelitian dan dianalisis secara lebih teliti, kemudian setelah tersaji dilakukan verifikasi dan ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dihasilkan simpulan, Kesatu, perjanjian perkawinan perlu dicatatkan karena perjanjian perkawinan sebagai tertib administrasi kependudukan, untuk memenuhi asas publisitas dan mengikat pihak ketiga, sebagai alat pembuktian dan pertimbangan hakim didalam persidangan, sebagai alat ukur kesadaran hukum masyarakat. Kedua, perjanjian perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan ke Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil hanya akan berlaku bagi pihak yang membuatnya, dan<br />tidak mengikat pihak ketiga.</p><p>Kata Kunci: Kekuatan Hukum; Perjanjian Perkawinan; Pencatatan Perjanjian Perkawinan</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-70
M Syukur ◽  
Mohammad Rizal Mamala ◽  
Nuraisyah Nuraisyah

This research is to find out how the Camat Supervision in Government Administration at the Soyo Jaya District Office, North Morowali Regency. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques, carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. Informant withdrawal technique using purposive. The number of informants in this study amounted to 5 people. The theory used is the theory of Siagian, which consists of 2 (two) aspects, namely: direct supervision and indirect supervision. Based on the results of the research conducted, that the Soyo Jaya Camat in organizing activities carried out by his employees (subordinates), has not been able to work effectively and efficiently and the supervision process carried out by the Soyo Jaya Camat is inconsistent and not carried out properly, it has an impact on performance. the organization as a whole is primarily concerned with the discipline of the state civil apparatus (ASN). The data found by researchers in the field lead to indications that the implementation of supervision is not going well, it can be seen from the emergence of several problem phenomena, namely the Camat is less regular in checking employee attendance through attendance, so that it has an impact on the organization of activities and has an impact on employee flexibility. in committing fraud against filling absenteeism by entrusting attendance attendance. In addition, the lack of directives and explanations by the Camat to employees regarding the rules and guidelines in every work implementation given to employees, so that compliance with the implementation of work is often ignored by employees which has an impact on work results that are less than optimal. Thus, from the two aspects of supervision above, there are still several things that need to be addressed, so that the supervision provided can be maximized.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 110
Readytya Aji , ◽  
Albertus Sentot Sudarwanto ,

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims to know the legal consequences of the verdict of bankruptcy declaration of Debtor’s <br />assets as well as the legal actions of the debtor. The purpose of the legal consequences is the rights and <br />obligations arising after the Debtor has been given the verdict of bankruptcy declaration. This research <br />is descriptive normative legal research. The types and sources of data used are secondary data in the <br />form of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The data collection techniques used are <br />document studies and literature study, research instrument is the Commercial Court Judgment Number <br />03 / Pdt.Sus-Bankrupt / 2015 / PN.NIAGA.SMG. The analytical technique used is deductive syllogism. <br />The verdict regarding the bankruptcy lawsuit against PT. Riverside Indonesia as Defendant and 2 of its <br />Creditors as Plaintiff. The result of this research is that there are some legal consequences of the verdict <br />of bankruptcy declaration to Debtor’s property as well as legal actions of Debtor, that is, among others, <br />bankruptcy  decisions  which  can  be  executed  immediately,  public  confiscation  of  Debitor’s  property, <br />loss of Debtor’s authority over the control of his property, legal consequences against the engagement <br />after bankruptcy, the legal consequences for the payment of the debtor’s debtor’s account, the legal <br />consequences of the previous court decision, force the agency / gijzeling, and actio pauliana in bankruptcy.<br />Keywords : Bankruptcy, Legal Consequences, Debtor, The Debtor’s Assets</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan mengetahui akibat hukum putusan pernyataan pailit terhadap harta kekayaan Debitor <br />serta perbuatan hukum Debitor. Maksud dari akibat hukum tersebut yaitu hak dan kewajiban apa yang <br />ditimbulkan setelah Debitor dijatuhi putusan pernyataan pailit. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum <br />normatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang <br />berupa bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan <br />adalah studi dokumen dan studi kepustakaan, instrumen penelitian adalah Putusan Pengadilan Niaga <br />Nomor 03/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2015/PN.NIAGA.SMG. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deduktif silogisme. <br />Putusan tersebut mengenai gugatan pailit terhadap PT. Riverside Indonesia sebagai Tergugat dan 2 orang <br />Kreditornya sebagai Penggugat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat beberapa akibat hukum dari <br />putusan pernyataan pailit terhadap harta kekayaan Debitor serta perbuatan hukum Debitor, yaitu antara <br />lain putusan pailit yang dapat dijalankan serta merta, sitaan umum atas harta kekayaan Debitor, hilangnya <br />wewenang Debitor atas penguasaan harta kekayaannya, akibat hukum terhadap perikatan setelah pailit, <br />akibat hukum terhadap pembayaran piutang Debitor pailit, akibat hukum terhadap penetapan putusan <br />pengadilan sebelumnya, paksa badan / gijzeling, dan actio pauliana dalam kepailitan.<br />Kata Kunci : Kepailitan, Akibat Hukum, Debitor, Harta Kekayaan Debitor</p>

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