Rivaldo Mark Frans Valentino Tumbelaka ◽  
Suryono Herlambang

Along with the rapid development of the creative fashion industry in Indonesia, fashion designers are required to be more creative to compete internationally. Streetwear has become a fashion stream loved by millennials & gen-z in the city of Jakarta. Lack of space to accommodate their creativity in the city of Jakarta is the problem of this project. Tebet area is an area located in South Jakarta, Kelurahan Tebet, South Jakarta city. The Tebet area has developed quite rapidly. This area is surrounded by commercial office buildings. This area is surrounded by streetwear fashion distros, some have been developing for a long time and some are just starting to enter the fashion industry. As the streetwear fashion industry develops in Indonesia, it can improve Indonesia's economy, but it can also become a boomerang due to the government's lack of attention to increase the creative streetwear fashion sector. The Tebet area is very suitable to respond to this problem because with the surrounding fashion distributions it can be concentrated into a fashion hub to work and collaborate. Keywords: Community; Public; Tebet; Streetwear AbstrakSeiring berkembang pesatnya industri kreatif fashion di Indonesia, para fashion designer dituntut untuk lebih kreatif untuk bersaing secara internasional. Streetwear sudah menjadi aliran fashion yang digandrungi oleh millenial dan gen-z di kota Jakarta. Kurangnya tempat untuk mewadahi kreatifitas mereka di kota Jakarta menjadi permasalahan proyek ini. Kawasan Tebet adalah suatu kawasan yang berlokasi di Jakarta Selatan, Kelurahan Tebet, kota Jakarta Selatan. Kawasan Tebet sudah berkembang lumayan pesat. Kawasan ini dikelilingi oleh bangunan perkantoran komersil. Kawasan ini dikelilingi oleh fashion distro streetwear, ada yang sudah lama berkembang dan ada juga baru mulai memasuki industri fashion. Seiring berkembangnya industri fashion streetwear di Indonesia, itu bisa menaikan perekonomian Indonesia, tetapi itu bisa juga menjadi boomerang karena kurangnya perhatian dari pemerintah untuk menaikan sektor kreatif fashion streetwear. Daerah Tebet sangat cocok untuk merespon masalah ini karena dengan adanya fashion distro disekilingnya itu bisa dipusatkan ke dalam fashion hub untuk berkarya dan berkolaborasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-40
Diwan Setiawan ◽  
Sri Wulandari

Bandung is a city that has a variety of culinary, it makes this city as a culinary tourism destination that highly demanded by both domestic and foreign tourists. Based on data from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Bandung, Bandung has a legendary street food culinary that is highly favored by culinary enthusiasts who visit this city. Street food culinary is snacks that have been around for a long time with authentic flavors and stories behind, some of popular street food culinary are bandros, combro, colenak, ketan bakar, cireng ​​and others. The rapid development of culinary potential in this city has caused many new street foods that enriches culinary diversity in Bandung so that culinary enthusiasts need an information media contains of information about culinary in this city, especially authentic street food culinary which is starting to be hard to find. Through qualitative methods and data collection techniques by means of field studies such as observation, interviews and questionnaires, it is necessary to design an application-based information media. The final results of this research is user interface design for the media that informs Bandung street food culinary. Inspired by the word kabita which comes from Sundanese means tempted to taste food, was chosen as the name of the application that informs culinary street food in the city of Bandung that aims to facilitate culinary enthusiasts to get that information

Yanni Nursalim ◽  
Rudy Trisno

Innovation and creativity are prioritized in various aspects to create a new breakthrough. This phenomenon is the result from creative individuals that keeps innovating. Inspired by fashion industry fond by many people and functioning as verbal communicator from person to person, create the need of place to exchange ideas, creativity and to socialize. Pasar Baru is an area that have a chance to be a place where fashion designers can meet and gather, because as many people know Pasar Baru is known as textile industry for so long. Beside that, this area is starting to lose fame because people think it is old style and unorganized. In result, a project is designed so that it can be a place where many fashion communities and can as well functioned as leisure open area a. In this project, methaphor method is used by applying Benji Chinesse batik pattern in building shape by intangible and the using of the batik pattern on the building facade by tangible. On the ground floor, quite programs such as public and leisure areas, parks, courtyars, angkringan, exhibition, and workshop are applied. In the upper floors, programs such as fashion studios, seminar room, drapping room that is  mean to people who likes fashion are applied that is more regulated than first floor. The facilities are made, in hope that Pasar Baru will be fashion center that can influence people to talk more about local trends compared to trends outside Indonesia. Abstrak Inovasi dan kreativitas merupakan hal yang diprioritaskan saat ini dalam berbagai aspek untuk menghasilkan suatu terobosan baru. Fenomena ini tentu tidak terlepas dari peran individu ataupun kelompok di dalam industri kreatif yang terus berinovasi. Dilatarbelakangi oleh dunia fesyen yang semakin digemari oleh berbagai kalangan dan merupakan alat komunikasi non verbal antar individu, maka diperlukan sebuah tempat bagi para pecinta fesyen untuk bertukar pikiran, bersosialisasi, dan berkreativitas. Pasar Baru merupakan salah satu kawasan yang berpeluang untuk dijadikan kawasan berkumpulnya para fashion designer, karena seperti yang banyak orang ketahui Pasar Baru merupakan pusat perbelanjaan tekstil yang terkenal sejak lama. Selain darpada itu, kawasan ini juga sudah mulai ditinggalkan oleh pengunjung karena dianggap membosankan dan tidak teratur. Maka dirancang sebuah proyek yang dapat menjadi tempat komunitas fesyen dan juga sebagai kawasan hiburan yang lebih terbuka dan bersifat “leisure”. Dalam hal ini metode yang digunakan adalah metafora dengan menerapkan motif batik cina benji pada bentuk bangunan secara tidak langsung (intangible) dan penerapan motif batik tersebut pada fasad bangunan (tangible). Di bagian lantai dasar diisi dengan program yang lebih bersifat publik dan leisure  seperti taman, courtyard, angkringan, pameran, dan workshop. Sedangkan dilantai atas lebih yang bersifat regulated seperti studio fashion, r. seminar, r. Drapping yang ditujukan bagi para fashion designer ataupun orang – orang yang menggemari dunia fashion. Dengan adanya fasilitas – fasilitas tersebut diharapkan ke depannya Pasar Baru akan menjadi pusat fashion yang mempengaruhi masyarakat untuk lebih banyak membincangkan tren lokal dibandingkan tren luar negeri.

Costume ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-122 ◽  
Kevin Almond ◽  
Caroline Riches

This article was prompted by the discovery of the archive of international fashion designer Gerald McCann, hidden in a garage in Fleetwood, Lancashire, UK. The contents of the archive revealed a treasure trove of press cuttings, photographs, fashion drawings and interviews as well as designs and costings from a once well-known designer, whose significance to the global fashion industry is sparsely documented and largely forgotten. The article reveals the history of the designer, who graduated from the Royal College of Art in London in the 1950s, during the tenure of Professor Madge Garland, and forged a career at the heart of ‘Swinging London’ in the 1960s. He was lured to the USA in the 1970s, returning to the UK in the 1990s as a designer for House of Fraser and Harrods. The research offers the first significant assessment of McCann's position in global fashion and the value and relevance of his legacy, as well as exploring the rationale for documenting the history of forgotten fashion designers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-145
İsmail Güllü

Yarım aşırı aşan bir geçmişe sahip Almanya’ya göç olgusu beraberinde önemli bir edebi birikimi (Migrantenliteratur) de getirmiştir. Farklı adlandırmalar ile anılan bu edebi birikim, kendi içinde de farklı renkleri de barındıran bir özelliğe sahiptir. Edebi yazını besleyen en önemli kaynaklardan biri toplumdur. Yazarın içinde yaşadığı toplumsal yapı ve problemler üstü kapalı veya açık bir şekilde onun yazılarına yansımaktadır. Bu bağlamda araştırma, 50’li yaşlarında Almanya’ya giden ve ömrünün sonuna kadar orada yaşayan, birçok edebi ve düşünsel çalışması ile Türk edebiyatında önemli bir isim olan Fakir Baykurt’un “Koca Ren” ve Yüksek Fırınlar” adlı romanları ile birlikte Duisburg Üçlemesi’nin son kitabı olan “Yarım Ekmek” romanında ele aldığı konu ve roman kahramanları üzerinden din ve gelenek olgusu sosyolojik bir yaklaşımla ele alınmaktadır. Toplumcu-gerçekçi çizgide yer alan yazarın, uzun yıllar yaşadığı Türkiye’deki siyasi ve ideolojik geçmişi bu romanda kullandığı dil ve kurguladığı kahramanlarda kendini göstermektedir. Romanda Almanya’nın Duisburg şehrinde yaşayan Türklerin yeni kültürel ortamda yaşadıkları çatışma, kültürel şok, arada kalmışlık, iki kültürlülük temaları ön plandadır. Yazar romanda sadece Almanya’daki Türkleri ele almamakta, aynı zamanda Türkiye ile hatta başka ülkeler ile de ilişkilendirmeler yaparak bireysel ve toplumsal konuları ele almaktadır. Araştırmada, romanda yer alan dini ve geleneksel unsurlar sosyolojik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Genel anlamda bir göç romanı olma özelliği yanında Yarım Ekmek romanında dini, siyasi ve ideolojik birçok yorum ve tartışma söz konusudur. Romandaki bu veriler, inanç, ritüel, siyaset ve toplumsal boyutlarda kategorize edilerek ele alınmıştır.  ENGLISH ABSTRACTReligion and identity reflections in literature of immigrant: Religion and Tradition in Fakir Baykurt’s novel Yarım EkmekThe immigration fact which has nearly half century in Germany have brought a significant literal accumulation (Migrantenliteratur) in its wake. This literal accumulation, which is named as several denominations, has a feature including different colours in itself. One of the most important source snourishing literature is society. Societal structure and problems that the writer lives inside, directly or indirectly reflect on his/her compositions. In this context, the matter of religion and tradition by way of the issue and fictious characters in the novel of Fakir Baykurt who went to Germany in her 50’s and lived in there till his death and who is a considerable name in Turkish literature with his several literal and intellectual workings; “Yarım Ekmek” which is the third novel of Duisburg Trilogy with “Koca Ren” and “Yüksek Fırınlar” are discussed sociologically in the study. The political and ideological past of the socialist realist lined writer in Turkey where he spent his life for a long time, manifest itself on the speech and fictious characters of novel. In the novel, themes of new Turks’ conflict, cultural shock, being in the middle, bi culturalism in their new cultural nature in Duisburg which is the city they live in. The writer not only deals with Turks in Germany but also personal and social subjects via comparing them to Turkey and even other countries. In the study, religious and traditional elements analyzed sociologically. Besides the speciality of being a migration novel in general, there are a lot of religious, political and ideological interpretations and discussions in the novel. These datum in the novel are examinated in the context of belief, ritual, politics and social categorisation. 

Muhammad Ghifari Arfananda ◽  
Surya Michrandi Nasution ◽  
Casi Setianingsih ◽  

The rapid development of information and technology, the city of Bandung tourism has also increased. However, tourists who visit the city of Bandung have problems with a limited time when visiting Bandung tourist attractions. Traffic congestion, distance, and the number of tourist destinations are the problems for tourists travel. The optimal route selection is the solution for those problems. Congestion and distance data are processed using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. Route selection uses the Floyd-Warshall Algorithm. In this study, the selection of the best route gets the smallest weight with a value of 5.127 from the Algorithm process. Based on testing, from two to five tourist attractions get an average calculation time of 3 to 5 seconds. This application is expected to provide optimal solutions for tourists in the selection of tourist travel routes.

Dachev Veliko Z ◽  
Dachev Veliko Z

The article represents a retrospective review of long time research of genesis and development of the Central beach in the City of Varna which makes possible a forecast of its further development. Both natural and anthropogenic impact on the beach evolution is taken into consideration. It is ascertained that construction of coastal protection structures at the northern part of the beach in 80’s resulted in cessation of natural beach area growth. The strengthen of a breakwater in the main port and illegal building also contributed to considerable coast recession and beach volume reducing. Because of this a recreational potential of the Central beach is gradually decreasing. New method named “cross-shore sediment bypassing” is suggested to reduce the negative trend.

Dachev Veliko Z ◽  
Dachev Veliko Z

The article represents a retrospective review of long time research of genesis and development of the Central beach in the City of Varna which makes possible a forecast of its further development. Both natural and anthropogenic impact on the beach evolution is taken into consideration. It is ascertained that construction of coastal protection structures at the northern part of the beach in 80’s resulted in cessation of natural beach area growth. The strengthen of a breakwater in the main port and illegal building also contributed to considerable coast recession and beach volume reducing. Because of this a recreational potential of the Central beach is gradually decreasing. New method named “cross-shore sediment bypassing” is suggested to reduce the negative trend.

1989 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-66
J. Margeta ◽  
J. Pupovac ◽  
B. Ivančić

Dubrovnik is the most popular tourist seaside resort in Yugoslavia. The rapid development of tourism has necessitated appropriate environmental protection, particularly with regard to the coastal sea. Consequently, the city has constructed a plant for the treatment of wastewater and a submarine outfall. The characteristics of the sewerage system and the coastal sea meant that the wastewater disposal system required a specific method of construction and treatment. This paper presents the system adopted for Dubrovnik and the methodology used to choose the system. Special attention is paid to the problems and drawbacks which occurred during design and operation of the system, as well as to the measures undertaken afterwards for reconstruction of the system.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0887302X2199594
Ahyoung Han ◽  
Jihoon Kim ◽  
Jaehong Ahn

Fashion color trends are an essential marketing element that directly affect brand sales. Organizations such as Pantone have global authority over professional color standards by annually forecasting color palettes. However, the question remains whether fashion designers apply these colors in fashion shows that guide seasonal fashion trends. This study analyzed image data from fashion collections through machine learning to obtain measurable results by web-scraping catwalk images, separating body and clothing elements via machine learning, defining a selection of color chips using k-means algorithms, and analyzing the similarity between the Pantone color palette (16 colors) and the analysis color chips. The gap between the Pantone trends and the colors used in fashion collections were quantitatively analyzed and found to be significant. This study indicates the potential of machine learning within the fashion industry to guide production and suggests further research expand on other design variables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 444
Xucai Zhang ◽  
Yeran Sun ◽  
Ting On Chan ◽  
Ying Huang ◽  
Anyao Zheng ◽  

Urban vibrancy contributes towards a successful city and high-quality life for people as one of its vital elements. Therefore, the association between service facilities and vibrancy is crucial for urban managers to understand and improve city construction. Moreover, the rapid development of information and communications technology (ICT) allows researchers to easily and quickly collect a large volume of real-time data generated by people in daily life. In this study, against the background of emerging multi-source big data, we utilized Tencent location data as a proxy for 24-h vibrancy and adopted point-of-interest (POI) data to represent service facilities. An analysis framework integrated with ordinary least squares (OLS) and geographically and temporally weighted regression (GTWR) models is proposed to explore the spatiotemporal relationships between urban vibrancy and POI-based variables. Empirical results show that (1) spatiotemporal variations exist in the impact of service facilities on urban vibrancy across Guangzhou, China; and (2) GTWR models exhibit a higher degree of explanatory capacity on vibrancy than the OLS models. In addition, our results can assist urban planners to understand spatiotemporal patterns of urban vibrancy in a refined resolution, and to optimize the resource allocation and functional configuration of the city.

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