scholarly journals The Construction of the Other: (Re)producing Bare Life

Sebastjan Leban

This paper proposes a critical reading of the formation of the Other within capitalism and coloniality. Through an analysis of the master/slave relation, the master/slave dialectic and bare life/sovereignty, the research intends to prove that the construction of the Other is essential for the construction of Western hegemony. In the first part, we are presented with the construction of the Other within Aristotle’s master/slave relation that is in the second part related to the master/slave dialectic and racial classification. The paper concludes with a critical reflection on Agamben's term homo sacer and gives a short overview of its possible reinvention. The analysis provides an understanding of the construction of the Other in the current state of exception and seems to be crucial in a time where processes of oppression, dispossession and segregation executed upon the Other are increasing. Article received: June 5, 2017; Article accepted: June 12, 2017; Published online: October 15, 2017; Original scholarly paperHow to cite this article: Leban, Sebastjan. "The Construction of the Other: (Re)producing Bare Life." AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 14 (2017): 69-79. doi: 10.25038/am.v0i14.200

Profanações ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 269
Maria Do Socorro Catarina de Sousa Oliveira

Um dos temas de maior relevância abordado por Giorgio Agamben diz respeito ao estado de exceção como paradigma político, ou seja, o estado de exceção não se restringe aos Estados totalitários, mas a uma prática governamental que vem se propagando rapidamente, inclusive nas sociedades democráticas. Assim, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar, a partir de duas obras que compõem o Projeto Homo Sacer, a saber, Homo Sacer: o poder soberano e a vida nua I (2002), e Estado de Exceção: homo sacer II (2004), os principais elementos que formatam a teoria agambeniana do estado de exceção como paradigma de governo e como o delineamento de suas teses nos permite falar em “eclipse político”, o qual está concretizado na impotência do cidadão diante do poder soberano, a figura híbrida que tem a sua disposição não apenas a máquina governamental, mas o próprio ordenamento jurídico desvirtuado de seu objetivo original de proteção e segurança jurídica para um complexo e malicioso mecanismo de manutenção da “ordem social”. AbstractOne of the most relevant topics addressed by Giorgio Agamben is the state of exception as a political paradigm, that is, the state of exception is not restricted to totalitarian states, but to a government practice that is spreading rapidly, even in democratic societies. Thus, this article aims to analyze, from two works that make up the Homo Sacer Project, namely Homo Sacer: sovereign power and naked life I (2002), and State of Exception: homo sacer II (2004) ), the main elements that form the agambenian theory of the state of exception as a paradigm of government and how the delineation of its theses allows us to speak in "political eclipse", which is concretized in the impotence of the citizen before the sovereign power, the hybrid figure which has at its disposal not only the governmental machine, but the legal system itself distorted from its original objective of protection and legal security for a complex and malicious mechanism of maintenance of the "social order".

Profanações ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 122
Elijames Moraes dos Santos

Este artigo propõe analisar como as categorias do estado de exceção e da vida nua são dramatizados nos textos Antígona, de Sófocles, e Lavoura Arcaica, de Raduan Nassar. Para alcançar o objetivo estabelecido, consideramos os estudos sobre esses conceitos propostos no projeto Homo Sacer, de Giorgio Agamben (2007; 2014), entre outras fontes que respaldam este estudo. Seguindo a proposta agambeniana, enfatizamos a relação de soberania com o estado de exceção, culminando, muitas vezes na eliminação do vivente. Aspecto este que fica evidente no desenrolar das ações presentes em ambas as narrativas em análise.AbstractThis article proposes to analyze how the categories of the state of exception and bare life are dramatized in the texts Antigone, by Sophocles, and Ancient tillage¸ by Raduan Nassar. To reach the established objective, we consider the studies on these concepts proposed in the project Homo Sacer, by Giorgio Agamben (2007, 2014), among other sources that support this study. Following the Agambenian proposal, we emphasize the relationship of sovereignty with the state of exception, culminating, often in the elimination of the living. This aspect is evident in the unfolding of the actions present in both narratives under analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Agus Sunarto

Abstrak Penelitian ini mencoba untuk memahami politik kolonial yang dilakukan terhadap bangsa Turkistan dalam novel Nights in Turkistan karya Najib Al-Kailani melalui perspektif filsafat politik Giorgio Agamben. Lokus utama penelitian ini dengan perspektif tersebut mencoba menyibak proses normalisasi paradigma politik kolonial yang terdiri dari kekuasaan berdaulat, state of exception, bare life (ketelanjangan hidup), dan homo sacer. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Metode ini digunakan karena sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa data tekstual yang terdiri dari kata, kalimat, paragraf dari objek material penelitian. Praktik kolonial yang dijalankan oleh pihak Cina dan Rusia menjadikan bangsa Turkistan mengalami degradasi eksistensinya baik dari aspek sosial, politik, maupun budaya. Karena itu penelitian ini akan menyibak lebih dalam proses kolonial yang dilakukan oleh Cina dan Rusia dari kritik filsafat politik Giorgio Agamben. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama, praktik kolonialisme membawai konsekuensi kekuasaan berdaulat yang mencari legalitas hukum sekaligus penangguhan hukum terhadap aksi koloni; kedua, bangsa Turkistan yang tereduksi dan terdegradasi eksistensinya rentan terhadap tindakan koersif kolonial sehingga mereka tidak memiliki aksesibilas yang sempurna. Kata kunci: State Of Exception, Homo Sacer dan Layaly Turkistan Abstract This paper examines to understand the colonial politics that was carried out against the Turkistan people in Najib Al-Kailani's novel Nights in Turkistan through the framework of Giorgio Agamben's political philosophy. The main focus of this research with this perspective is trying to uncover the process of normalizing the colonial political paradigm, which consists of sovereign power, state of exception, bare life, and homo sacer. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. This method is used because the data of this research is textual data consisting of words, sentences, paragraphs by the material object. The colonial practices carried out by the Chinese and Russians made the Turkistan nation experience a degradation of its existence from both social, political, and cultural aspects. Thus, this research will reveal more deeply the colonial process carried out by China and Russia than Giorgio Agamben's critique of political philosophy. The results of this study indicate that first, the practice of colonialism carries the consequences of sovereign power seeking legality as well as legal suspension of colony actions; second, the Turkistan peoples who were reduced and degraded in existence were vulnerable to colonial coercive action so that they did not have perfect accessibility. Keyword: State Of Exception, Homo Sacer dan Layaly Turkistan

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-228
Esin Hamdi Dinçer

Suriye’de 2011 yılında başlayan iç savaş, 6 milyonun üzerinde nüfusun ülkeyi terk etmesine neden olmuştur. Yaklaşık 3,6 milyon sığınmacıyı Türkiye’de yaşamaya zorlayan bu süreç, Türkiye hukuk sisteminde de önemli değişikliklere neden olmuştur. Avrupa Birliği ile yapılan “Geri Kabul Anlaşması” ve ona binaen Türkiye iç hukuk mevzuatına eklenen “Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu” önemli iki düzenleme olarak karşımıza çıkar. Söz konusu hukuksal normlar, toplumsal değişim bağlamında ele alınabileceği gibi “özne”, “ayrımcılık”, “dışlama” gibi kavramlar çerçevesinde de tartışılabilir. Bu makale, iki düzenlemeyi, söz konusu kavramları siyasal kuramının önemli konuları arasına yerleştirmiş olan Giorgio Agamben’in düşünceleriyle tartışmaya açmaktadır. Çalışmada, “kutsal insan”, “istisna durumu”, “çıplak yaşam” gibi kategorilerle öne çıkan İtalyan siyaset kuramcısının günümüz hukuksal rejimini yorumlamada önemli fırsatlar sunduğu öne sürülmektedir.ABSTRACT IN ENGLISHAgamben's Political Theory and Legal Status of Syrians in TurkeySyria’s civil war, started in 2011, has caused over 6 million people flee abroad. This process forced around 3,6 million refugees to live in Turkey, leading significant changes in Turkish legal structure. The EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement and the Law on Foreigners and International Protection that is added into domestic law as a result of this agreement, are two main legislations in this regard. Such legal norms can be evaluated around the framework on social change as well as in accordance with concepts such as “subject”, “discrimination” and “exclusion”. This article, discusses these two legislations based on Giorgio Agamben’s thought, who has succeeded in putting these concepts at the center of political theory. The article argues that, this Italian political theorist well-known with his catogeries of “homo sacer”, “state of exception” and “bare life”, provides significant opportunities in interpreting the goals of contemporary legal regimes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 156-175
Cahyaningrum Dewojati ◽  
Moch. Zainul Arifin

This research aims to analyse the biopolitics and sovereignty crisis in Arafat Nur’s novel, Lampuki (2011). The method used in this research was the literary method with data collection, which was by utilising the listening and dialectical methods. This research used Giorgio Agamben’s biopolitical theory. The results indicate that the biopolitical transformation of the Achehnese society to the Indonesian state moved into the inclusion process from zoe to bios. However, there are research gaps in the area of inclusion, namely bare life. The Achehnese were not automatically brought into a new political order, but they were circling the area between inclusion and exclusion as well as the politicisation of life. In addition to the past history, the sovereignty crisis occurred and was officially declared by the government. As a consequence from the state of exception, the homo sacers in the novel, Lampuki tend to be civilians. The novel does not merely re-present past conflicts, but also implicitly shows root causes of conflict from biopolitics. Keywords: Biopolitics, State of Exception, Homo Sacer, Novel Lampuki.

2021 ◽  
Sergei Prozorov

AbstractThe article addresses Giorgio Agamben’s critical commentary on the global governance of the Covid-19 pandemic as a paradigm of his political thought. While Agamben’s comments have been criticized as exaggerated and conspiratorial, they arise from the conceptual constellation that he has developed starting from the first volume of his Homo Sacer series. At the centre of this constellation is the relation between the concepts of sovereign power and bare life, whose articulation in the figure of homo sacer Agamben traces from the Antiquity to the present. We shall demonstrate that any such articulation is impossible due to the belonging of these concepts to different planes, respectively empirical and transcendental, which Agamben brings together in a problematic fashion. His account of the sovereign state of exception collapses a plurality of empirical states of exception into a zone of indistinction between different exceptional states and the normal state and then elevates this very indistinction to the transcendental condition of intelligibility of politics as such. Conversely, the notion of bare life, originally posited as the transcendental condition of possibility of positive forms of life, is recast as an empirical figure, whose sole form is the absence of form. We conclude that this problematic articulation should be abandoned for a theory that rather highlights the non-relation between sovereign power and bare life, which conditions the possibility of resistance and transformation that remains obscure in Agamben’s thought.

2009 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-291 ◽  
Nurhan Abujidi

This paper questions the applicability of Giorgio Agamben's understanding and articulation of the ‘State of Exception’ concept in the Occupied Palestinian territories. Through a detailed analysis of the Palestinian spatial conditions, it presents the different hierarchies, forms and experiences of exception Palestinians confront in their daily lives. It classifies four States of Exception: the State of Exile and Refuge; the State of Paradox; the State of Occupation and Siege: and the State of Urbicide. A detailed analysis of the States of Occupation, Siege and of Urbicide to demonstrate the several levels and experiences of exception is also presented. These experiences can be noted in phenomena from the legal and juridical framework of the Israeli occupation to the spatial surveillance, to the socio-cultural and economic dimensions of daily life, to the perceptual impacts of Urbicide on people's understanding of self, other and place. An analysis of the Palestinian modus of resilience and resistance is then explored. The paper's main arguments and analyses demonstrate that there are different forms of exception that are not limited to the juridical and legal aspects of Agamben's explanations of the State of Exception. These analyses also reveal how the Palestinians, through their resistance, constitute a real agency in shaping the geometry of the conflict. Agamben presents the State of Exception as the normal state of affairs versus the State of Exception, inside/outside sovereign/homo sacer, normal/abnormal, private/public and so on. The State of Exception for him is where an absolute use of power is performed by the sovereign against the victim who has no agency of resistance or rights as all laws are suspended and all notions are confused. It is argued that although these conditions are present in the Palestinian States of Occupation, Siege and Urbicide, using the previous juridical argument of Agamben alone might prove a barrier as it will hinder the understanding of the other hidden tensions and actions that take place within that State of Urbicide. However, it can be stated that there is a Palestinian State of Exception, but the Exception takes different forms and operates with different dynamics. The Palestinian States of Exception entail all aspects of life – not only the juridical and legal – creating multilevels of Exception that perpetually destroys and regenerates itself in an extreme form. Thus, this paper calls for a redefinition of the Palestinian States/Spaces of Exception that can explain this condition in its complicated, interconnected, and interactive layers, forms and dynamics.

MediaTropes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. i-xvi
Jordan Kinder ◽  
Lucie Stepanik

In this introduction to the special issue of MediaTropes on “Oil and Media, Oil as Media,” Jordan B. Kinder and Lucie Stepanik provide an account of the stakes and consequences of approaching oil as media as they situate it within the “material turn” of media studies and the broader project energy humanities. They argue that by critically approaching oil and its infrastructures as media, the contributions that comprise this issue puts forward one way to develop an account of oil that further refines the larger tasks and stakes implicit in the energy humanities. Together, these address the myriad ways in which oil mediates social, cultural, and ecological relations, on the one hand, and the ways in which it is mediated, on the other, while thinking through how such mediations might offer glimpses of a future beyond oil.

2005 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-121 ◽  
Rémy Delage

Using as the example of the pilgrimage to Sabarimala (Kerala, South India), I propose here to explore the links existing between sources, research hypothesis and research theory in social sciences. The choice of research materials in the process of investigation, sources of knowledge about the studied object, is not mere random sampling; it is processed in accordance with the questions of the researcher. It inevitably assumes a selective dimension. After a critical reading of the sources used by Indian studies, I will highlight on the connections between the sources and the methodological tools on the one hand, and the major research hypothesis about pilgrimage on the other. The links between the data taken from the field and the legitimacy of scientific discourse on India will be examined at the end before providing some keys for the interpretation of Sabarimala phenomenon in South India during the contemporary period.

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