Lina Yuliana

<p>Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) is one of the risks for nurses in the hospital. Several diseases related to the HAIs, such as HIV and hepatitis. The level of compliance behavior in using PPE is one of the solutions in controlling the hazards caused by illnesses and injuries (accident). Hospital X is one of the general hospitals in Surabaya. Accident rates for patient's body fluids and needle stick injury are 51.1% and 46.7%.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Aims:</strong> This study was aimed to analyze the correlated factor with the  level of   compliance behavior in using personal protective equipment (PPE) on nurses at inpatient installation.<strong> </strong></p><strong>Methodology and results:</strong> This research was a quantitative method with cross sectional design and observational study. The total sample technique was used to get sample (n = 29). The result of this study is the correlation coefficient of employment status (r = 0.340), working shift (r = 0.446), knowledge (r= 0,394), Attitude (r= 0,215 ). From the result of correlation test, that is shown the work shift is stronger correlation than knowledge with the level of compliance behavior. From the result of regression test simultanly, that is showing the variables of working shift and knowledge were significant values. Then, the value of Pseudo R-Square, the variables of working shift andd knowledge is about 46,9%.. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Work shift and knowledge have a correlation to the level of compliance behavior in using PPE, both in bivariate and multivariate test.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 981-990
Suzana Indragiri ◽  
Hendri Firnanda

Menurut PT Jamsostek (Persero) yang saat ini telah berubah menjadi Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan, sepanjang tahun 2014 jumlah pesertanya yang mengalami kecelakaan kerja sebanyak 129.911 orang. Kurangnya kesadaran para pekerja untuk senantiasa menggunakan APD dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup besar terhadap tindakan penggunaan alat pelindung diri pada pekerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor determinan perilaku dengan penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) pada pekerja pemboran PT. PDSI (RIG 38.2/D1000-E) di Desa Kaplongan Lor Kecamatan Karangampel Kabupaten Indramayu Tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan di PT. PDSI (RIG 38.2/D1000-E) di Desa Kaplongan Lor Kecamatan Karangampel Kabupaten Indramayu tahun 2017 dengan jumlah 50 responden. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 34 sampel responden yang diambil menggunakan proportional random sampling. Instrument menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan  uji Chi Square pada tingkat kemaknaan 5% (0,05). Hasil uji statistik didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengetahuan, ketersediaan APD, kenyamanan APD, peraturan dan pengawasan, serta tidak ada hubungan antara sikap dan pelatihan dengan penggunaan APD pada pemboran PT. PDSI (RIG 38.2/D1000-E) di Desa Kaplongan Lor Kecamatan Karangampel Kabupaten Indramayu Tahun 2017.Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Sikap, Ketersediaan APD, Perilaku Penggunaan APD   ABSTRACTAccording to PT Jamsostek (Persero), which has been transformed into Social Security Agency (BPJS) Employment, throughout 2014 the number of participants injured at work as much as 129 911 people. Lack of awareness of the workers to always use PPE is influenced by several factors that have a considerable influence on the action the use of personal protective equipment to workers. The purpose of this study was to determine Relation Determinant factor with the Behaviour of the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on Drilling PT. PDSI (RIG 38.2 / D1000-E) in the village of Kaplongan Lor, Karangampel District of Indramayu Regency in 2017. This study uses a quantitative approach to the cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all employees at PT. PDSI (RIG 38.2 / D1000-E) in the village of Kaplongan Lor Karangampel District of Indramayu regency in 2017 with a total of 50 respondents. The total sample of 34 respondents in a sample taken using proportional random sampling. Instrument using a questionnaire. Data were statistically analyzed using Chi Square test at the 5% significance level (0.05). Results of statistical test showed that there is a relationship between knowledge, availability of APD, APD comfort, regulation and supervision, and there is no relationship between attitude and training with the use of PPE in the Drilling PT. PDSI (RIG 38.2 / D1000-E) in the village of Kaplongan Lor Karangampel District of Indramayu Regency in 2017.Keywords : Knowledge, Attitude, availability of APD, Behavior use of PPE

Mu'afiah Mu'afiah ◽  
M. Misbakhul Munir ◽  
Indriati Paskarini

Introduction: Equipment that must be used by workers for work safety when working with potential work hazards or accidents is personal protective equipment (PPE). The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with the use of PPE in the workforce of technicians at PT. APRS in terms of PPE usage. Methods: This research was an analytic observational study, with cross sectional design. The subjects of this study were all of the technician workforce in the section of Blow molding, Maintenance and Injection Molding unit, totalling 39 respondents. Results: This study showed that activator factors such as perception (r = 0.108), knowledge of occupational health and safety (r = -0.104), and PPE regulation (r = -0.166) had a weak relationship with safety behavior on compliance with PPE implementation. Conclusions: The workforce behaved poorly in using PPE in the workplace. In the Blow Molding, Maintenance and Injection Molding unit, workers who had a moderate level of perceptions, workers who had a moderate level of knowledge, and workers who had a enough ability to comply with PPE regulations.Keywords: knowledge, perception, personal protective equipment, policy

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Jufri Hidayat ◽  
Mei-Chen Lee ◽  
Ming-Der Lee ◽  
Chen-Hsiu Chen

Tuberculosis (TB) remains the highest priority among infectious diseases in the world today with increasing morbidity and mortality every year. Adherence to treatment plays an important role in the success of therapy among TB patients. This study aims to explore the relationship between demographic characteristics, knowledge, and medication compliance behavior among patients with tuberculosis in Indonesia. This study was descriptive correlational and cross-sectional design with the total sample was 150 tuberculosis confirmed in Medan Pulmonary Hospital, Indonesia. In this study found that there is a significant relationship between ethnicity and medication adherence (continues variable) with p = 0.01. Meanwhile when medication compliance behavior was treated as categorical variables, a significant relationship was found between medication compliance behavior and medical history (p = 0.03), smoking (p = 0.005), and alcohol (p = 0.03) among tuberculosis patients in Indonesia. In the multivariate analysis, multiple linear regression was performed which surprisingly shows that education was significantly associated with knowledge of TB (p = 0,02), and ethnicity (0.04).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Edy Prasetiyo

Introduction: The high incidence of fires in the DKI Jakarta area certainly increases the risk for DKI Jakarta Firefighters, so Personal Protective Equipment is mandatory for officers when carrying out firefighting operations to prevent and control potential hazards for firefighters. It was recorded that 76 officers were injured and 1 officer died while carrying out firefighting operations in the last 5 (five) years. So it is necessary to know the factors that influence the behavior of using the SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) respiratory Personal Protective Equipment. Methods: This quantitative descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach was carried out at the DKI Jakarta Provincial Fire and Rescue Service in 2021 with a population of all DKI Jakarta firefighters and a total sample of 208 firefighters. The instrument used is a questionnaire. Results: The results of data analysis carried out univariate and bivariate using the chi square test with = 0.05 showed a significant relationship between the behavior of using PPE SCBA with the availability of PPE (Pvalue = 0.000), Regulations (SOP) related to the use of PPE (Pvalue = 0.000) and Supervision (Pvalue = 0.000). However, there is no significant relationship between the behavior of using PPE SCBA with knowledge of PPE (Pvalue = 0.180), Age (Pvalue = 0.111), years of service (Pvalue = 0.065), training (Pvalue = 0.087) and PPE comfort (Pvalue = 0.513). Discussion: The behavior of using SCBA PPE for DKI Jakarta firefighters in 2021 is still relatively low because only 54.5% of respondents from firefighters stated that they used SCBA PPE in every fire fighting operation. So it is necessary to increase knowledge related to PPE and skills in using PPE for operational officers through education and training activities, training and technical guidance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1238-1245
Suzana Indragiri ◽  
Liha Salihah

Salah satu upaya pencegahan kecelakaan tenaga kerja adalah dengan mengharuskan memakai Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) yang memenuhi syarat, yaitu nyaman dalam penggunaan, tidak menghalangi dalam proses bekerja, dan memberikan perlindungan efektif terhadap jenis-jenis bahaya. Dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan  penggunaan APD pada pekerja juga diperlukan adanya faktor pengawasan yang berfungsi sebagai pengendalian pelaksanaan setiap kegiatan yang  merupakan usaha pencapaian tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Pengawasan ini pada dasarnya adalah pengawasan terhadap proses dan hasil serta orang yang melakukan pekerjaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan pengawasan dan kelengkapan dengan tingkat kepatuhan penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) pada pekerja produksi area bagging off  di PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. Unit Cirebon tahun 2018. Rancangan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh Pekerja produksi area bagging off  PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. Unit Cirebon yang berjumlah 55 orang pada bulan Mei 2018. Jumlah sampel menggunakan total sampling karena jika jumlah populasi kurang dari 100 maka seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer berupa observasi dan wawancara dan instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Uji Chi Square pada tingkat kemaknaan 5% (0,05). Hasil uji statistik didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengawasan dengan kepatuhan penggunaan APD diperoleh p value sebesar 0,049. Dan ada hubungan antara kelengkapan APD terhadap kepatuhan penggunaan APD diperoleh p value sebesar 0,001.Kata kunci : ABSTRACTOne effort to prevent workplace accidents is to require that you wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that meets the requirements, which is comfortable in use, does not hinder the work process, and provides effective protection against types of hazards. In increasing the compliance of PPE usage to workers, it is also necessary to have a supervisory factor that functions as a control for the implementation of each activity which is an effort to achieve the stated goals. This supervision is basically the supervision of the process and results and the people who do the work. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of supervision and completeness with the level of compliance with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) on workers producing bagging off areas at PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. Cirebon Unit in 2018.The design in this study is a quantitative approach with cross sectional design. The study population was all workers producing bagging off areas of PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. The Cirebon unit which numbered 55 people in May 2018. The number of samples uses total sampling because if the population is less than 100 then the entire population is used as a sample. Data collection method uses primary data in the form of observation and interviews and data collection instruments using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Chi Square Test at a significance level of 5% (0.05).Statistical test results showed that there was a relationship between supervision with compliance with PPE obtained p value of 0.049. And there is a relationship between the completeness of PPE to the APD usage compliance obtained p value of 0,001.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-87
Marlis Silaban ◽  
Yusmidiarti Yusmidiarti

Based on the results of the data obtained from the Parks Department and the Health of Bengkulu in 2013 produced garbage 291 m3/day. and the number of officers in the waste collection market Bengkulu City numbered 40 officers of garbage collectors. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship of the application of personal protective equipment and length of employment with the incidence of occupational accidents in the garbage collector. This research used an analytical survey research methods, with a cross-sectional design. The sample was a total sampling of 40 people. Analysis used chi square with α = 0.05. The results showed no significant relationship between the application of personal protective equipment in work accident at a garbage collector (p=0.034 and OR=7.46) and there were a significant relationship between length of employment with the incidence of occupational accidents at waste collection (p=0.001 and OR=37.50).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Darmiati Darmiati

Background: Pesticides are dangerous poisons that can have positive or negative effects on humans and the environment. To prevent pesticide poisoning it is necessary to identify a number of risk factors that have an influence on pesticide poisoning on farmers.Objectives: Research Objective to determine the factors associated with the risk of pesticide poisoning to farmers in Lam Mayang Village, Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar District.Methods: Using descriptive analytic research method with cross sectional study design. Subjects are onion farmers, sample size 30 (total sample). Data collection has been carried out by interview and observation using a questionnaire. Using the Chi square test.Results: Laboratory tests showed 3 blood samples had abnormal levels of cholinesterase and 27 blood samples had normal cholinesterase levels. There are 2 variables related to cholinesterase levels, using personal protective equipment p value 0.030 < 0.05 and knowledge p value 0.041 < 0.05.Conclusion: Counseling to increase farmers' knowledge about pesticides is needed. Using  personal protective equipment and farmers' compliance with using personal protective equipment will reduce the incidence of pesticide poisoning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Friska Ayu ◽  
Muslikha Nourma R ◽  
Merry Sunaryo

Along with the rapid development of industry encourages the increasing use of machinery, work equipment in the process of produsi with accompanied the application of techniques and technology from various levels in all sector. This means that there maybe a high risk of accidents due to work and also an increase in the amount of intensity of hazard sources in the workplace. Using of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the final stage of hazard control, although the use of PPE will be maximized if other controls such as elimination, substitution, enginee was already applied. This research was conducted at PT.XYZ which is one of the companies engaged in the delivery of goods through sea lanes located in Tanjung Perak, Surabaya by using analytical observational method with a cross sectional study design with a total sample of 38 people. The characteristics of the respondents and the level of compliance with the use of PPE were obtained from interviews with mechanicalworkers in the workshop area. From the results of interviews conducted, as many as 24 mechanical workers obedient in using PPE and 14 others are not obedient in using PPE. The result of statistical test using chi square test shows that there is correlation between knowledge level (p = 0,002) with level of compliance of PPE usage on mechanical worker in workshop area. Advisable for workers to further improve compliance and self-awareness in using personal protective equipment (APD) whileworking or while in the work environment because its relates to the personal health and safety of workers. For the company should be more firm in supervising the worker in this case about the habit of using personal protective equipment in accordance with the policy set.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Febrial R. P. Mongkau ◽  
Joy A. M. Rattu ◽  
Lery F. Suoth

Abstract: Furniture worker is one of the jobs that is at risk of working accidents and illness related to work. Therefore, it is necessary to control work hazard, one of them is by using personal protective equipment (PPE). During observation, many workers had lack of understanding about the importance of using PPE. This study was aimed to obtain the relationship between knowledge and attitude and the action of using PPE among furniture workers at Leilem, Sonder. This was a quantitative study with a cross sectional design. The instruments in this study were questionnaires and chek-list sheets. We used the chi-square test with a p-value of 0.05 to analyze the relationships. The results showed that of 68 respondents, 67 had good level of knowledge about the PPE, while 1 respondent had low level of know-ledge. There were 36 respondents that had good attitude about using PPE meanwhile those with poor attitude were 32 respondents. Respondents that did not use complete PPE were 18 worker while those who did not use PPE were 50 worker. The chi-square test showed a p-value of 1.00 for the relatjonship between knowledge and the action of using PPE and a p-value of 0.418 for the relationship between attitude and the action of using PPE. In conclusion, there were no relationships between knowledge and the action of using PPE as well as between attitude and the action of using PPE among the furniture workers at Leilem, Sonder.Keywords: knowledge, attitude, action of using personal protective equipment Abstrak: Pekerja mebel merupakan salah satu pekerjaan yang berisiko kecelakan kerja dan penyakit akibat kerja. Untuk itu perlu adanya pengendalian bahaya salah satunya dengan menggunakan alat pelindung diri (APD). Dari hasil pengamatan banyak pekerja yang kurang memahami pentingnya penggunaan APD saat melaksanakan pekerjaan. Penelitian ini bvertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap dengan tindakan penggunaan APD pada pekerja mebel di Desa Leilem Dua Kecamatan Sonder Kabupaten Minahasa. Jenis penelitian ialah kuantitatif dengan desain potong lintang. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar chek-list. Analisis hubungan menggunakan uji chi-square (p=0,05). Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 68 responden penelitian. Responden dengan tingkat pengetahuan baik tentang APD sebanyak 67 orang, sedangkan yang pengetahuan kurang baik berjumlah 1 orang. Responden dengan sikap baik terhadap penggunaan APD ialah 36 orang dan yang sikap tidak baik 32 orang. Responden yang menggunakan APD tidak lengkap 18 orang dan yang tidak menggunakan APD 50 orang. Hasil uji chi-square hubungan pengetahuan dengan tindakan penggunaan APD mendapatkan nilai p=1,00 dan hubungan sikap dengan tindakan penggunaan APD mendapatkan nilai p=0,418. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah tidak terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap dengan tindakan penggunaan APD pada pekerja mebel di Desa Leilem Dua, Sonder.Kata kunci: pengetahuan, sikap, tindakan penggunaan alat pelindung diri

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Friska Ayu ◽  
Muslikha Nourma R ◽  
Merry Sunaryo

Along with the rapid development of industry encourages the increasing use of machinery, work equipment in the process of produsi with accompanied the application of techniques and technology from various levels in all sector. This means that there maybe a high risk of accidents due to work and also an increase in the amount of intensity of hazard sources in the workplace. Using of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the final stage of hazard control, although the use of PPE will be maximized if other controls such as elimination, substitution, enginee was already applied. This research was conducted at PT.XYZ which is one of the companies engaged in the delivery of goods through sea lanes located in Tanjung Perak, Surabaya by using analytical observational method with a cross sectional study design with a total sample of 38 people. The characteristics of the respondents and the level of compliance with the use of PPE were obtained from interviews with mechanical workers in the workshop area. From the results of interviews conducted, as many as 24 mechanical workers obedient in using PPE and 14 others are not obedient in using PPE. The result of statistical test using chi square test shows that there is correlation between knowledge level (p = 0,002) with level of compliance of PPE usage on mechanical worker in workshop area. Advisable for workers to further improve compliance and self-awareness in using personal protective equipment (APD) while working or while in the work environment because its relates to the personal health and safety of workers. For the company should be more firm in supervising the worker in this case about the habit of using personal protective equipment in accordance with the policy set.

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