scholarly journals Institutionalization of sociology of social movements: integration of scientific and educational aspects

Natalia Anatolyevna Skobelina

Modern scholars pay attention to the tendency towards consolidation and unification of the various elements of the system of science education, which is also relevant for sociology. The article lays emphasis on institutionalization of the sociology of social movements and application of integrated approach in studying the indicated sociological direction. The goal of this article is the determination of integration process of scientific and educational aspects in sociology of social movements through the strategy of integralism that is understood as a method of organization f integration process. The article suggests the model of institutionalization of sociology of social movements, which has the structure comprised of the consecutive levels of integration. The research is based on the integrated approach, uses general scientific methods, including the analysis of scientific literature. The dependence of integration process on the type of used strategy is demonstrated within the framework of integrated approach. The integration process that underlies the institutionalization of sociology of movements is characterized by the internal, external and complex strategies in accordance with the micro-, meso- and macro-levels, as well as defined by the three stages of institutionalization of the sociology of social movements. In conclusion, the author underlines that the integration approach contributes to the development of sociological knowledge in the area of studying the modern social movements. The article is recommended to the pedagogues of sociology of social movements of the higher education facilities and all interested in the indicated topic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-100
Ekaterina V. Avdeeva

The subject of the research is the criminal-legal aspects of the implementation of a fine as a type of criminal punishment. In this regard, an analysis of the materials of judicial practice is carried out, which makes it possible to reveal the current trends in the appointment of a criminal fine by the court. The dynamics of the appointment of a fine by the court as the main and additional punishment has been established. The purpose of the study is to uncover the problems of implementing a criminal fine as a type of punishment and to develop proposals for improving the mechanism for imposing a criminal fine by a court. The methodological basis of the research is formed by a set of general scientific and private scientific methods that predetermined an integrated approach to the study of the purpose of a fine as a type of punishment. In the course of achieving the goal of the study, special legal methods of cognition were used to facilitate the analysis of the legal regulation of the appointment of a fine, the determination of the property status of a person, and other income of the convict. The main results of the study contain conclusions and proposals aimed at improving the measures for the appointment of a fine in relation to minors, for the aggregate of crimes, when replacing a fine in case of malicious evasion from its payment. Conclusions are formulated regarding the methodological, organizational and practical aspects of the legal impact of a fine as a type of punishment aimed at achieving the goals of punishment. The novelty of the research topic lies in the formulation and solution of the problem associated with the appointment of a fine: 1) for the aggregate of crimes; 2) in relation to minors. Conclusions and proposals for improving the criminal law governing the basis and procedure for imposing a criminal fine are formulated.

Anatoliy M. Kolodiy ◽  
Olexiy A. Kolodiy

The relevance of this problem is considered in the fact that in modern conditions of the state's process of developing a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, and legal state, the people's awareness of its place and role is one of vital aspects. The Ukrainian people's awareness of their rights and obligations, in this case law-making ones, will contribute to a real opportunity for the people to take part in the management of state affairs. Despite the fact that the problem of the powers of the Ukrainian people is extremely relevant at this stage of the Ukrainian history, it is understudied by Ukrainian researchers. Therefore, considering the above, this study is investigates such types of law-making powers of the Ukrainian people as the rights to: people's initiative, and within its framework – people's legislative initiative and people's referendum initiative; people's veto; people's survey, including regarding regulations; people's examination of regulations and draft regulations. The purpose of the present study is to consider theoretical material concerning the state of possibility of using the above-mentioned types of law-making powers of the Ukrainian people, as well as foreign practices in their implementation. The methodological framework of this study included an integrated approach, which involves a combination of numerous philosophical, general scientific, and special scientific methods. Based on the obtained conclusions and generalisations, the study aims to develop original proposals and recommendations for improving national legislation on this matter

Alexander Fedyunin

The subject of this research is the issues emerging in consideration of jurisdiction of the material on extradition of a foreign citizen by the Russian Federation. The article touches upon the peculiarities of national and territorial aspect of jurisdiction, and its specific regulation in the criminal procedure law. The article employs the general scientific and private scientific methods, such as scientific analysis, generalization, comparative-legal, formal-logical, which allowed to most fully reflect the essence and problematic aspects of the selected topic. The question at hand is of major importance for the theory of criminal procedure and law enforcement practice, as the mistakes in determination of jurisdiction of the material are a severe violation of the rights, including the convict, and entail the unconditional annulment of court decision. The analysis of the most common mistakes occurred in application of the norms regulating the jurisdiction of extradition of a foreign citizen convicted by the court of the Russian Federation, as well as theoretical issues associated with determination of the court that deals with the particular issue allows outlining the vector and finding solution to the indicated problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 ◽  
pp. 03001
Aleksander Nikolaevich Varygin ◽  
Irina Alekseevna Efremova ◽  
Vladimir Gennadievich Gromov ◽  
Pavel Anatolievich Matushkin ◽  
Anastasia Mikhailovna Shuvalova

The main purpose of the research is to determine the goals, objectives and functions of administrative supervision and develop proposals for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating issues related to the implementation of administrative supervision. Research methods: general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, logical methods) and private scientific methods of cognition (formally-legally, specifically-sociological etc.). Outcome: the author’s version of the administrative supervision goals and objectives set out in the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation is proposed: 1. Administrative supervision is established to prevent the commission of crimes and other offences by persons. 2. The administrative supervision focuses on implementation by the internal affairs bodies of supervision over the observance by supervised persons of temporary restrictions on their rights and freedoms, as well as over the fulfillment of their duties stipulated by the related federal law; identification of violations by those under the supervision and taking measures in accordance with the law; individual preventive treatment of such persons. The novelty of the study is due to an integrated approach to the research into the goals, objectives and functions of administrative supervision and the developed proposals for improving the Russian legislation regulating issues in that area.

Irīna Poļevaja

A defence attorney is a significant and notable figure in criminal proceedings who for the whole procedural activity in a criminal case, in theory, should facilitate detecting and correcting possible judicial mistakes. In this respect, it is vital to conduct a series of research in order to highlight prevalent problems and issues of a defence attorney’s participation in criminal trials and to work out relevant recommendations for trial attorneys that would help to forestall, detect and prevent judicial mistakes. A specific condition of a defence attorney’s activity in the process of evidencing at a judicial examination is his awareness of the entire system of evidences presented by the prosecution and accusation conclusions in disputable classification situations. They should rely upon the fact that a judicial examination is performed under circumstances of direct examination of evidence, oral proceedings, publicity, invariability of the body of the court, as well as the fact that both the court and the representatives of the parties take part at the examination. Rather short deadlines of a judicial examination entails working under circumstances when decisions must be taken under extreme conditions, by applying tricks and methods that would allow examining all evidence in the most productive way. It makes sense for a defence attorney to state his activity position and determination of taking an active part in evidencing already at the beginning of court hearings, by filing a motion to summoning new witnesses, experts and specialists, disclosure of material evidence and documents or exclusion of evidence obtained in the way of violating the law. 
The author of the study applied general scientific methods of studying objective reality, peculiar to legal sciences: systematic document analysis, structural-functional analysis, critical approach, generalisation and prediction. As a result, the author provides numerous recommendations and rules for successful and immaculate defence in criminal trials. Aizstāvis ir nozīmīga, ievērojama figūra kriminālprocesā, jo aizstāvja procesuālajai darbībai krimināllietā teorētiski būtu jāatvieglo iespējamo tiesas kļūdu konstatēšana un labošana. Un šajā sakarā ir vitāli svarīgi veikt virkni pētījumu, lai izceltu problēmjautājumus, kas saistīti ar aizstāvja piedalīšanos krimināllietās, un izstrādātu tādas rekomendācijas aizstāvjiem, kas praktiskajā darbībā sekmētu tiesas kļūdu paredzēšanu, konstatēšanu un novēršanu. 
Par specifisku priekšnoteikumu aizstāvja darbībai pierādīšanas procesā tiesas izmeklēšanā ir uzskatāma viņa pilnā informētība par visu pierādījumu sistēmu lietā, kuru piedāvā valsts apsūdzība, un par valsts apsūdzības apsvērumiem strīdus krimināltiesiskās kvalifikācijas gadījumos. Aizstāvim jāņem vērā, ka tiesas izmeklēšana norit pierādījumu tiešas un nepastarpinātas pārbaudes apstākļos, ievērojot mutiskuma, publicitātes un tiesas sastāva nemainīguma principus. Pierādījumu pārbaudē piedalās gan tiesa, gan visi pārējie procesa dalībnieki, kas nav aizstāvības pusē. Likuma prasība ievērot saprātīgus lietas iztiesāšanas termiņus paredz saspringtu darbu, svarīgus lēmumus pieņemot ekstremālos procesuālos apstākļos, izmantojot tādus paņēmienus un metodes, kas veicinātu efektīvu pierādījumu kopuma pārbaudi un novērtēšanu. Aizstāvim būtu ieteicams deklarēt savu aktīvu procesuālo pozīciju un paust gatavību aktīvi piedalīties pierādīšanā jau tiesas izmeklēšanas sākumā, piesakot lūgumus par jauno liecinieku, ekspertu un/vai speciālistu aicināšanu uz tiesas sēdi, kā arī piesakot lūgumus par lietisko pierādījumu un/vai dokumentu pieprasīšanu un par pierādījumu, kas iegūti, pārkāpjot likumu, izslēgšanu no pierādījumu kopuma. 
Šajā pētījumā ir izmantotas vispārīgās zinātniskās metodes, kas sekmē objektīvās realitātes izzināšanu un ir raksturīgas tiesību zinātnei, proti: sistēmiskā dokumentu analīze, strukturāli funkcionālā analīze, kritiskā pieeja, vispārināšana un prognozēšana. Secinājumos tiek piedāvātas vairākas rekomendācijas veiksmīgai, efektīvai un nevainojamai aizstāvībai pirmās instances tiesā.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 361-384
Liudmyla Shytyk ◽  
Alina Akimova

Objective. The purpose of the article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the ways of transmitting the characters’ internal speech (internal direct speech and non-proper direct speech) in a psycholinguistic projection. Materials & Methods. During the research we used general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, observation, description, classification, definitive analysis), linguistic and psycholinguistic methods (the methods of structural-semantic, component and opposition analysis, the method of dialogical interpretation of the text). Stepan Protsyuk’s psychologically biographical trilogy about Ukrainian writers – Vasyl Stefanyk («The rose of ritual pain»), Arkhyp Teslenko («Black Apple») and Volodymyr Vynnychenko («Masks fall slowly») served as material for research. Results. The multiplicity and multi-sectoral focus of the notion of «internal speech» from the standpoint of psychology, psycholinguistics, philosophy, literary criticism and linguistics are determined. An integrated approach to understanding the essence of internal speech is based on its dialogicality, virtual communicativeness, self-communicativeness and interdependence of language and speech. The qualification characteristics of the internal direct speech and non-proper direct speech are outlined, their structural and semantic varieties are described. The internal speech of the characters appears not only for reproduction of the monologic reflections of the character, but also as a form of inner, veiled talk of characters among themselves. With this in mind, two forms of representation of the internal direct speech are singled out: monologic and dialogic. The non-proper direct speech is differentiated into two varieties depending on stylistic reference points and the degree of approaching the direct speech: «literary» («author’s») and «character’s» («personal»). The functional-stylistic potential of ways of transferring the internal speech in the idiostyle of Stepan Protsiuk is revealed. Conclusions. It is concluded that the ways of transmitting of internal speech (internal direct speech and non-proper direct speech) widely used in the psychologically biographical novels of Stepan Protsiuk provide additional linguistic material for creating of psychological portraits of heroes and contribute to the artistic solution of the tension between the author’s speech and hero’s speech. Moreover, they help to adjust the interactions in their dialogue, reduce the distance between the narrator and the hero, the hero and the reader.

Kavkazologiya ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 154-165

The article is devoted to the study of the life and literary heritage of one of the significant creative figures in the Kabardian literature of the 60s – 80s. Of the twentieth century, which determined the features of the formation and development trends of national prose of the specified period. The relevance of the stated topic is due to the fact that until now in the Adygeyan literary criticism there are no generalizing works on the study of milestones in the biography and a comprehensive analysis of the literary work of A. Naloev. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time a comprehensive substantive and structural-compositional analysis of the writer's works is carried out, starting from the first sketches in the form of miniatures and satirical and humorous stories, ending with larger genres – a story and a novel. The aim of the study is to recreate a complete biographical and creative picture of the life of a talented writer, philologist, educator, educator who raised a whole generation of artists and workers of culture and education. To achieve the goal, a number of tasks are solved, among the main ones – the study of the milestones of the biography of A. Naloev, the analysis of works, the consideration of the ideological and thematic orientation and the genre-style paradigm of the writer's work, determination of the role and place of his creative heritage in national literature and in general in cultural development Adyghe ethnos. The study used general scientific methods with an emphasis on the method of analysis, description and generalization. The results obtained have theoretical significance for further study of national literatures. They can become a significant practical help in writing various kinds of research papers, as well as in the preparation of special courses in universities and colleges.

Management ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-118
Nataliia V. Kulak

Introduction and purpose of the study. Recently, the issue of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of hotel business establishments due to the application of competitive advantages becomes of paramount importance.It is well-known that in the conditions of an integrated approach to the creation and use of competitive advantages, an enterprise is able to prevail in the demand market. Practical experience of the domestic hotel industry shows that some forms of organization of hotel activities for the domestic hotel industry are new, which creates the need to explore the features of modern forms of management of hotel enterprises in the system of competitive advantages.The hypothesis of scientific research. It is assumed that the processes of globalization and integration necessitate the formation of new forms of organization of hotel activity of the domestic hotel industry in order to improve the form of management of hotel business.The purpose is to determine the essence and content of modern forms of hotel business management in the context of the concept of competitive advantage.Methods of research: general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization and generalization.Results: modern forms of organization of hotel business management, which are used by leading specialists of the hotel industry sphere, reveal the peculiarities of their activity, the strengths and weaknesses of such forms of organizing management of hotel industry enterprises as independent hotels, voluntary associations of hotels and hotel chains.

2021 ◽  
pp. 37-46
Alona Poltoratska ◽  
Tetiana Stovba ◽  
Alona Hrebennikova

Introduction. Introduction. Innovation is an integral factor of social and economic development, which accompanied mankind from the beginning of civilization. Over the past decade, you can observe a significant increase in expenditures for innovation activity and growing interest in the topic of innovation, since technological changes and innovations are often perceived as an influential process that opens opportunities for the benefits of society, as well as social security. Particular attention is paid to the commercialization of innovation, since they are a fundamental condition for the development of both micro-and macroeconomic aspects in the context of their impact on the creation of competitive advantages and economic development. Moreover, the commercialization of innovation is, apparently, the most important challenge faced by all companies. innovations go beyond science or technology; this is what can create value through the commercialization process. The theme of commercialization of innovation apparently paid increased attention Recently, but this subject of research is quite fragmented and distributed between various fields of research and disciplines. As a result, it is necessary to investigate, arrange and aggregate various theoretical and empirical conclusions, the purpose of the article is to determine theoretical principles of commercialization of the results of innovation activity in order to formulate the relevant mechanism. Method (methodology). The study used a number of general scientific and specially scientific methods: analysis and synthesis to find out the essence of the mechanism of commercialization of the results of innovation activity; systematization – determination of the main levels of the mechanism of commercialization; Gnoseology – outlining the main contradictions for understanding commercialization. The results. The main purpose of the article is to form a model of the mechanism of commercialization of the results of innovation activity. The existing connection between phenomena is taken into account: commercialization of innovation and internationalization. A conceptual approach to the formation of a mechanism for commercialization of innovation results depending on management levels is proposed. The toolkit for implementing the proposed mechanism is determined.

Justicia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (39) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Serhii Yevhenovych Ablamskyi ◽  
Liudmyla Volodymyrivna Havryliuk ◽  
Valentyna Georgievna Drozd ◽  
Olena Volodymyrivna Nenia

Objective: The aim of the article is to analyze the various legal and theoretical provisions related to the determination of legal content of the concept of finding evidence inadmissible due to substantial violation of human rights and freedoms. Method: The authors use general scientific and special methods that enable to obtain scientifically sound conclusions and proposals. In particular, scientific methods, such as dialectical, comparative-legal, system-structural, generalization and logical, are applied. Results: The problematic issues of the procedure for finding evidence inadmissible due to substantial violation of human rights and freedoms in the criminal proceedings of Ukraine are studied. Some essential violations in collecting evidence by the prosecution are under focus. The ECHR’s case-law with regard to procedure for finding evidence inadmissible is analyzed. The implementation of the doctrine of "fruit of the poisonous tree" and specificity of its application to direct and derivative evidence by domestic courts and the case law of the ECHR is considered. Conclusions: The authors argue that the investigator is required to comply with the procedure for investigative actions prescribed by the provisions of the CPC of Ukraine in order to ensure human rights and freedoms. The analysis of the application of provisions of the CPC of Ukraine and the ECHR’s case law regarding the issue raised enables to formulate sound conclusions.

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