Majd Musa

This article investigates the role real-estate advertising discourse of early-twenty-first-century megaprojects in Amman, Jordan, plays in creating an image of the city. It addresses power relations through which real-estate advertising in the city is produced and interpreted, including the power of corporations and the public. The research draws upon major theoretical understandings of discourse, analyses texts and images of advertisements and marketing brochures of three megaprojects designed for the city in the 2000s – The New Downtown of Amman (Abdali), Jordan Gate, and Sanaya Amman, and interprets the city residents’ readings of advertising materials, which were sought through in-person interviews. The article finds that real-estate advertising discourse that promotes recent megaprojects in Amman constructs the city as a competitive regional and global centre. The article infers that advertisement of Amman’s megaprojects hides the real power relations involved in the production of these developments, where the private developers have the greatest agency followed by the agency of state and city officials. The article concludes that although the city inhabitants have the least agency in the generation of megaprojects and advertising discourse surrounding them, they exercise some power as they make sense of the advertisements, sometimes resisting and other times accepting the developers’ preferred reading of these advertisements. In addition to testing the applicability of discourse theories to advertising in Amman, this article helps stimulate critical readings of real-estate advertisements, which can undermine the role advertisement texts and images play in shaping the city’s built environment and its perception.

2009 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Angela Araujo Nunes

Este trabalho objetiva o exame da atuação da Carteira Imobiliária do Montepio do Estado da Paraíba na produção estatal de habitação na cidade de João Pessoa, de 1932 a 1963, período entre a designação da instituição para a produção de moradias em benefício do funcionalismo público até sua última realização antes da criação do BNH. Através de exaustiva pesquisa documental, realizada em acervos locais, e tendo como principal fonte o jornal A União, registro oficial das realizações do Executivo estadual, foram recolhidos dados sobre as realizações habitacionais do instituto, possibilitando a identificação das suas vilas e conjuntos populares e, posteriormente, a classificação das unidades construídas e a reconstituição da planta e fachada originais. Palavras-chave: Montepio; João Pessoa; carteira imobiliária; habitação popular. Abstract: This work analyzes the constructive actuations of the real estate portfolio of Montepio Paraíba State in the statal housing production in the city of João Pessoa, from 1932 to 1963, established between the institutional designation for the production of housing in benefit of the public functionalism and its last popular realization before the work of BNH. Through exhausting documental research, done in local collections and especially through the newspaper A União, official record of the realizations of the state executive, data was found regarding the realizations of the housings by the institution, identifying the cities and popular aggregation and later on classifying the built unities and the reconstitution of thehouse plans and the front elevation. Keywords: Montepio; João Pessoa; real estate portfolio; popular housing.

2013 ◽  
Vol 87 (4) ◽  
pp. 679-701 ◽  
James Taylor

Many commentators believe that the business press “missed”thestory of the twenty-first century—the 2008 economic crisis. Condemned for being too close to the firms they were supposed to be holding to account, journalists failed in their duties to the public. Recent historical studies of business journalism present a similarly pessimistic picture. By contrast, this article stresses the importance of the press as a key intermediary of reputation in the nineteenth-century marketplace. In England, reporters played an instrumental role in opening up companies' general meetings to the public gaze and in warning investors of fraudulent businesses. This regulation by reputation was at least as important as company law in making the City of London a relatively safe place to do business by the start of the twentieth century.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 547-562
Karin Tybjerg

Abstract Surgical instrument collections have been used in a multitude of ways – as tools, taxonomies, teaching aids, representation, historical highlights and public displays – and they provide a key to understanding the shifting relations between surgery, medical museums and medical history. Tracing the uses of the surgical instrument collections from the Royal Danish Academy of Surgery and the Medical Historical Museum at the University of Copenhagen reveals a network of disciplinary and institutional changes from the late nineteenth to early twenty-first century. The history of the collections maps relations between scientific and cultural historical collections and between medicine and history. In the same way as surgical instruments have connected the surgeon’s hand to the patients’ body, the surgical instrument collections connect together the public, medical practice and history.

Mark Rush

This article discusses the evolution of U.S. civil rights and civil liberties through the lens of Supreme Court decisions. It traces the evolution of negative rights against the state and positive liberties from nineteenth-century property rights decisions through early-twenty-first century decisions regarding same-sex marriage. It also traces the shift in the Court’s approach to rights cases from one in which the state is regarded as a threat to individual rights to one in which the state plays a complex role of balancing rights claims. As well, the article demonstrates that rights claims and cases have become more complex as notions of the “public interest” become more contested when the pursuit of general interests has a disproportionate effect on the interests of particular social groups.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-336 ◽  
James Pamment

Summary This article examines the relationship between theories of the ‘new’ public diplomacy and recent attempts by foreign ministries in the United Kingdom, United States and Sweden to develop public diplomacy strategies for the early twenty-first century. It provides a summary of policy debates in each nation alongside analysis of the evaluation methods that have been designed to support them. The article argues that expressions of a new public diplomacy are best explained within the constraints of different institutional and national cultures. Innovations in public diplomacy have typically taken place within the context of domestic demands for public accountability and value for money, pressures for empirical data to inform policy-making, and the increased centralization of public diplomacy activities. Evaluation plays an important role in improving actors’ capacities for newer forms of public diplomacy, but often by measuring the public diplomacy institution and its objectives, rather than whether the needs of foreign publics are met. This suggests that any paradigm shift from old to new public diplomacy has in practice centred on domestic and organizational concerns rather than the achievement of normative goals such as increased dialogue with foreign citizens.

2019 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
Neal Wyatt

As RA service has moved from its second-wave renaissance during the late twentieth century/early twenty-first century (with a steady stream of reference tools, conference programming, and think pieces) into an often underpromoted but bedrock mainstay of the public library, what do advisors continue to discuss among themselves and see as areas of need? If you could gather a handful of advisors together, over a cup of coffee one rainy morning before book group began, what would they talk about? What would they ask each other? What do they know to be foundational about the service? As important, what might they suggest we all re-think? This column invites you to eavesdrop on such a conversation. It was conducted over email between six advisors: two at the start of their careers, two helping to define the field, and two who have lead the way for librarians, for a combined eight decades. These advisors share research, hard-won and lived-in lessons, showcase the luminous nature of RA work as well as its difficulties, propose a change for RA education, and, of course, each suggests a book to read.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 236
Giuliano Orsi Marques de Carvalho ◽  
Olívia De Campos Maia Pereira ◽  
Marcos Antonio dos Santos

O texto aborda a cidade de Palmas, a última capital brasileira construída no século XX, com sua divisão sócio-espacial explícita. Estruturado em três partes, o trabalho procura entender o papel da violência primeiramente no tocante ao projeto urbanístico de 1989, enfocando a contradição entre discurso e prática; em segundo lugar, o processo de produção da cidade planejada pelo poder público e toda uma sorte de ações, muitas vezes truculentas, visando a construção do projeto; e, em terceiro lugar, a relativa autonomia do mercado imobiliário frente às características do plano original. Num prisma teórico analítico da arquitetura e do urbanismo, o texto versa aspectos históricos da criação da cidade e a violência do processo de espacialização.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Palmas; violência; projeto urbanístico; cenarização; mercado imobiliário.   ABSTRACT The text is about the city of Palmas, the last Brazilian capital built in the 20th century with its explicit social-spatial division. This work, structured into three parts, intends to comprehend the role of the violence in relation to the city’s urbanistic plannig from 1989, trying to focus the contradiction between speech and practice; the second part focuses on the planned city process of production managed by the public power and all the whole sort of actions, sometimes in a savage way, aiming at the construction of the project; and, finally, the relative autonomy of the real estate market towards to the features of the original plan. In a theoretical and analytical view of the urbanism and architecture, the text deals with historical aspects of the city creation and the violence of the space process.   KEYWORDS: Palmas; violence; urban planning; scenery; real estate market.   RESUMEN El texto es sobre la ciudad de Palmas, la última capital brasileña construida en el siglo XX, con su división socio espacial explícita. Estructurado en tres partes, el trabajo busca entender el papel de la violencia primeramente en relación al proyecto urbanístico de 1989, enfocando la contradicción entre discurso y práctica; la segunda parte, el proceso de producción de la ciudad planeada por el poder público y toda una cantidad de acciones, muchas veces violentas, pretendiendo la construcción del proyecto; y finalmente, la relativa autonomía de los mercados inmobiliarios en dirección a las características del plano original. En un modo teórico analítico de la arquitectura y urbanismo, el texto discurre sobre los aspectos históricos de la creación de la ciudad e la violencia del proceso del espacio.   PALABRAS CLAVE:  Palmas; violencia; proyecto urbanístico; escenario; mercado inmobiliário.

Chris Coffman

The coda expands on the implications of the textual and visual artefacts of Stein’s masculine homosocial desires by cross-reading her ambivalent reflections on celebrity in Everybody’s Autobiography (1936) with her frequent appearances in the public consciousness from 2011 to 2012. Although Chapter One showed that by the early twenty-first century Stein had emerged as an icon both of modernism and of queer culture, that high standing has recently been challenged because of her homonational attitudes and masculine homosocial bonds with Vichy collaborator Bernard Fäy. If Gertrude Stein’s Masculinity uses psychoanalytic theory to present Stein as an important character in the stories of modernism and queer theory, that story will continue as she circulates into new contexts. As she does so, there will likely be further changes to the ways that her masculinity is made available for view, with unpredictable consequences for her iconicity.

Ricard Zapata-Barrero

This chapter explains how the emergent controversy over multiculturalism/interculturalism resides in the logic of the necessary requirements for managing a society that recognises itself as diverse. The great multicultural debates of the late twentieth century, and even the early twenty-first century, followed a cultural rights-based approach to diversity. They were centred on questions such as the rights of cultural recognition in the public sphere and how to reassess equality and cultural rights of non-national citizens with different languages, religions, and cultural practices. This approach characterised multicultural citizenship studies until the emergence of a new paradigm that is taking shape in this second decade of the twenty-first century: intercultural citizenship.

2011 ◽  
pp. 69-86
Alejandra M. Aventín Fontana

La poesía de Ana Istarú se erige a principios del siglo XXI como un imaginario rico y de obligada visita, pues refleja el resultado del proceso histórico de la forja de la identidad del pueblo costarricense tras la independencia de la metrópoli en el marco de su historia literaria, de la centroamericana y en el de habla hispana con toda la problemática que ello implica en territorio tico. Los poemas de La estación de fiebre manifiestan el deseo de independencia e integración de la mujer en el ámbito de lo público a través del cuerpo y de la palabra en el último tercio del siglo XX. Para ello la escritora no duda en denunciar igualmente en su discurso las consecuencias negativas que ha tenido el patriarcado. Ana Istarú’s poetry began to develop in the early twenty-first century as a rich imaginary not to be missed. It reflects the result of a historical process to forge the identity of Costa Ricans after their independence in the framework of literary history and in particular of Central America and the Spanish-speaking community with all the complexity that this involves in Costa Rica. The poems in La estación de fiebre show a desire for independence and the integration of the woman in the public sphere through her body and through her words in the last third of the twentieth century. Likewise, in her writing Istarú does not hesitate to denounce the negative effects of patriarchy.

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