scholarly journals Learning for Children with Special Needs of Dyscalculia

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 475
Budi Azhari ◽  
Muhammad Yacoeb ◽  
Ade Irfan

This study aimed to develop mathematics learning tools to help children with special needs of dyscalculia in elementary school. The procedural development of the device was through a 4-D model consisting of four phases; defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. However, based on the research objectives, this development was limited only to the development stage (develop), which is to the learning device testing activities. So the development of learning tools in this study consisted of three main stages, namely: defining, designing, and development. The results of this study illustrated that learning devices for children with dyscalculia learning disorders could help children more easily deal with learning difficulties. Specifically, it is on the topic of sequencing numbers, addition, and subtraction of integers.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-145
Zavgorodniy I.V., Lazarenko K. P., Chekhovskaya I.M.

The article deals with the problem of school adaptation of elementary school pupils studying in specialized boarding schools for children with special needs and musculoskeletal disorders. The article studies special materials and methods for diagnosis of school desadaptation. The authors presented the findings of the research identifying the peculiarities of school desadaptation diagnosis.Key words: сhildren with special needs, school adaptation, specialized boarding school, elementary school children with musculoskeletal disorders. АнотаціяДіагностика шкільної адаптації дітей з особливими потребами. Завгородній І.В., Лазаренко К.П., Чеховська І.М.         У статті розглядаються проблеми шкільної дезадаптації дітей з патологією опорно-рухового апарату, що навчаються у спеціалізованому начальному закладі. Описані методики для визначення рівня шкільної адаптації першокласників. Надані результати проведених досліджень серед учнів першого класу спеціалізованого навчального закладу.Ключові слова: діти з особливими потребами, шкільна адаптація,спеціалізований навчальний заклад,першокласники,  захворювання опорно-рухового апарату. АннотацияЗавгородний И.В., Лазаренко К.П., Чеховская И.М.Диагностика школьной адаптации у детей с особыми потребностями. В статье рассматриваются проблемы школьной дезадаптации детей с патологией опорно-двигательного аппарата, обучающихся в специализированном учебном заведении. Описанны методики для определения уровня школьной адаптации первоклассников. Представлены результаты проведенных исследований среди учащихся первого класса специализированного учебного заведения.Ключевые слова: дети с особыми потребностями, школьная адаптация, специализированное учебное заведение, первоклассники, заболевания опорно-двигательного аппарата.

Genevieve Marie Johnson

Twelve special education teachers and teacher assistants who have instructional experience using iPads with children with special needs completed a survey that queried their practices and perceptions. In general, teachers and assistants were extremely positive about the value of iPads for children with special needs, particularly for children with autism, attention deficits and limitations of fine motor control. Special education teachers and teacher assistants reported most frequently using iPads to promote student language and literacy skills, although mathematics learning activities were also commonly reported. Enhanced student motivation was the most frequently reported benefit of using tablet computers in school followed by instructional planning advantages. Tablet computers appear to have the potential to be an essential aspect of individual program plans. Teaching tasks might reasonably include downloading and organizing specific applications on specific children’s tablets and professional development might increasingly focus of evaluation of tablet applications. Douze professeurs en éducation spéciale et aides-enseignants utilisant les iPads dans leur enseignement avec des enfants à besoins spéciaux ont rempli un questionnaire relatif à leurs pratiques et à leurs perceptions. En général, les enseignants et les aides-enseignants se sont révélés extrêmement positifs quant à la valeur des iPads pour les enfants à besoins spéciaux, en particulier pour les enfants avec autisme, avec un déficit d’attention et avec un contrôle limité de la motricité fine. Le plus souvent, les enseignants en éducation spéciale et les aides-enseignants ont indiqué avoir utilisé les iPads pour améliorer les compétences linguistiques et de littératie des élèves, bien que des activités d'apprentissage des mathématiques aient aussi été mentionnées fréquemment. Le renforcement de la motivation des élèves constituait l'avantage le plus souvent associé à l’utilisation des tablettes à l'école, suivi par des avantages liés à la planification de l’enseignement. Les tablettes pourraient devenir un élément essentiel des plans de programme individuel. Les tâches d'enseignement pourraient inclure le téléchargement et l'organisation d’applications spécifiques sur les tablettes particulières des enfants, et le perfectionnement professionnel pourrait de plus en plus être consacré à l'évaluation des applications pour tablettes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 469-478
Fitria Devirita ◽  
Neviyarni Neviyarni ◽  
Daharnis Daharnis

The research objective was to develop thematic teaching materials based on Problem Based Learning in the two sub-theme of the diversity of living things in grade IV elementary schools. The development of teaching materials is motivated by the need for learning that can improve students' ability in problem solving, the ability to think critically, and foster curiosity. This type of research is development research (research and development). The development model used is the 4-D model which consists of the stages of defining, designing, developing and disseminating. The define stage will carry out an analysis of the curriculum, student analysis and needs analysis. The design stage is carried out by designing the lesson plans and teaching materials. The development stage is carried out by testing the validity, practicality and effectiveness test. The disseminate stage cannot be carried out because of the covid pandemic 19. The results of the research at the design stage obtained RPP and teaching materials designed by following PBL steps. The development stage based on the validity test of teaching materials is categorized as valid. At the effectiveness stage, the results showed that the teaching materials were effective so that they were easy to use by fourth grade students of SDN 03 Muaro. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the thematic learning tools based on Problem Based Learning on the sub-theme of the Diversity of Living Things for grade IV SD that have been produced can be declared valid, practical and effective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Rustiani S ◽  
Hafsyah Hafsyah ◽  
Putriyani S

This study was a research and development which aimed at developing and producing mathematics learning tool for Geometry learning which was valid, reliable, objective, and practical.The product expected from this study was the learning tools on the topic of Geometry which was valid (R>85%), practical ( observe = 2) , and effective (THB = 85,7%, students activity > 80%, and positive response 98,7%). The product was consisted of 8 components, namely (1) Lesson plan; (2) Text book; (3) Worksheet; (4) Evaluation test of learning tools; (5) Observation sheet of students activity; (6) Observation sheet on implementation of learning tool; (7) questionnaire of students respons; and (8) validation sheet. The development process of authentic evaluation instrument used the modification of 4-D Model from Thiagarajan.The tried out was conducted at SMAN 1 Enrekang to grade X students. The result of the study revealed that the development of authentic evaluation instrument for Geometry learning which was valid, reliable, objective, and practical. Suggestion for this study are (1) other researchers who are interested in developing this study should learn the limitation of this study and (2) the development of authentic evaluation instrument for Geometry learning should also develop other subject materials to assist teachers in evaluating student’s based on their competence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Irdamurni Irdamurni ◽  
Mega Iswari ◽  
Asep A Sopandi ◽  
Johandri Taufan ◽  
Yarmis Hasan

Reforms on inclusive education began to be carried out in Tua Pejat area, North Sipora District, Mentawai Islands by conducting training on the implementation of inclusive education by Padang State University lecturers in the context of carrying out community service for special education lecturers, followed by elementary school teachers from six elementary schools and special school teachers from two special schools in the North Sipora sub-district of the Mentawai islands. The training was conducted with a question and answer lecture method, accompanied by a demonstration simulation method and assignments on developing a learning plan (RPP) in an inclusive class, namely modified lesson plans and modified lesson plans adapted to the characteristics and learning needs of children with special needs in the classroom. The results of the training show that collaboration between elementary and high school teachers is established, both by collaborating and cooperating in serving children with special needs in primary schools, where ing to assist elementary school teachers in matters related to the identification and assessment of children with special needs in inclusive schools, as well as working together in developing lesson plans and PPI for children with special needs in inclusive classes, and learning strategies in inclusive settings.

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 988
Daniela Sarti ◽  
Marinella De Salvatore ◽  
Emanuela Pagliano ◽  
Elisa Granocchio ◽  
Daniela Traficante ◽  

Social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic represented a golden opportunity to implement telerehabilitation for clinical groups of children. The present study aims to show the impact that telerehabilitation had on the experience of well-being of children with special needs being treated at the Foundation IRCCS Neurological Institute ‘C. Besta’ in Milan (Specific Learning Disorders and Cerebral Palsy diagnosis); it aims to do so by comparing it with experiences of those who did not undertake telerehabilitation despite the diagnosis during the pandemic, and with typically developing children. Results show that the three groups differed in the Support, Respect and Learning dimensions of well-being experience. Post hoc comparisons revealed that children with Specific Learning Disorders and Cerebral Palsy scored higher than normotypical children in Support and in Respect scales. Furthermore, children who experienced telerehabilitation showed the highest scores on the Learning scale in comparison with the other two groups. These results support the importance of reorganizing care and assistance by integrating telemedicine, which seems to have fostered a positive experience of well-being in people with special needs, particularly in the perception of a supportive environment that respects psychological needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Magdalena Tehovnik

Good verbal and non-verbal communication is of paramount importance for maintaining and building relationships. However, educators need to be as much as possible attentive when talking to parents of children with learning difficulties to such an extent that they will not be able to complete the regular program. A teacher for children with special needs and a teacher who talk with parents about pupil’s problems and new opportunities in a program with a lower educational standard must have a high level of empathy. They need to be aware that these are injured parents and they need to be able to decide when an individual parent is ready for such information. Most importantly, parents have to feel that we really only want the best for the child and them. In this case, they will be ready for re-education sooner and the child will have fewer unnecessary negative experiences. Dobra verbalna in neverbalna komunikacija je za vzdrževanje in gradnjo odnosov izrednega pomena. Z vzporedno držo telesa in očesnim kontaktom sočutno komuniciramo z vsemi starši. Pri pogovoru s starši otrok s težavami pri učenju v takšni meri, da rednega programa ne bodo zmogli, pa morajo biti še toliko bolj čuteči. Specialni pedagog in učitelj, ki staršem predstavita težave in nove možnosti na programu z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom, morata imeti veliko mero sposobnosti vživljanja. Zavedati se morata, da so to ranjeni starši in znati morata presoditi, kdaj je posamezen starš pripravljen na kakšno informacijo. Najpomembneje je, da starši čutijo, da resnično želimo otroku in njim le najboljše. Čutiti morajo našo pomoč. V tem primeru bodo na prešolanje pripravljeni prej in otrok bo tako imel manj nepotrebnih negativnih izkušenj. <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0859/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Candra Mahardika ◽  
Agung Setyawan

This study aims to describe: 1) Materials that are considered difficult in mathematics in Even Semester, 2) Characteristics of mathematics learning difficulties experienced by students in class I, 3) Factors that cause learning difficulties, 4) Teachers' efforts in dealing with mathematics learning difficulties. This type of research is qualitative research. The informants in this study were class I students who had difficulty learning mathematics and also a class I teachers in SDN Banyuajuh 9. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed through steps of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data validity checking technique is done by triangulating sources and techniques. The results showed that: 1) Material in mathematics that was considered difficult was the addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, 2) Its characteristics were visual impairment and difficulty in language and reading, 3) Factors affecting students included interest and motivation to learn low mathematics and lack of mathematics learning media used by teachers, 4) Efforts made by teachers include providing group study guidance, asking smart students to help teach students who have difficulty learning mathematics, carrying out remedial tests, giving additional assignments and giving learning media so that students' learning processes are more concrete.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan: 1) Materi yang dianggap sulit pada mata pelajaran matematika Semester Genap, 2) Karakteristik kesulitan belajar matematika yang dialami siswa kelas I, 3) Faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar, 4) Upaya guru dalam menangani kesulitan belajar matematika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas I yang mengalami kesulitan belajar matematika dan juga guru kelas I di UPTD SDN Banyuajuh 9. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis melalui langkah-langkah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Materi pada mata pelajaran matematika yang dianggap sulit yaitu penjumlahan dan pengurangan bersusun dua angka, 2) Karakteristiknya yaitu adanya gangguan persepsi visual dan kesulitan dalam bahasa dan membaca, 3) Faktor yang mempengaruhi siswa antara lain minat dan motivasi belajar matematika yang rendah dan kurangnya media pembelajaran matematika yang dipakai oleh guru, 4) Upaya yang dilakukan guru antara lain memberikan bimbingan belajar secara berkelompok, meminta siswa yang pandai untuk membantu mengajari siswa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar matematika, melaksanakan tes remidi, memberikan tambahan tugas dan memberikan media pembelajaran agar proses belajar siswa lebih konkret. Kata Kunci: karakteristik, kesulitan belajar, Matematika

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