scholarly journals The Political Essence of the State in the Teachings of V.I. Lenin and P.I. Kropotkin: comparative Legal Analysis

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 41-45
Milana Sirotinina

In connection with the search in the modern world for a more perfect model of the structure of society, the article discusses the ideas of Lenin and Kropotkin of its construction. The author analyzes the models of both politicians on reforming the state and transition to a new society. Highlights the similarities and differences of their views.

Валерия Игоревна Семенова

В данной статье автором рассматриваются особенности восприятия и понимания нетрадиционной религиозности, возможности диалога традиционных и нетрадиционных религий, перспективы их взаимоотношений, намечаются пути разрешения возможных конфликтов между ними. Особое внимание уделяется функционированию нетрадиционных религий в политическом пространстве, отношению к ним государства. In this article, the author examines the peculiarities of perception and understanding of non-traditional religiosity, the possibility of dialogue between traditional and non-traditional religions, the prospects for their relationship, and outlines ways to resolve possible conflicts between them. Special attention is paid to the functioning of non-traditional religions in the political space and the attitude of the state to them.

2019 ◽  
Vol 85 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-30
O. S. Bakumov

Special attention has been paid to the fact that the doctrine of legal liability of the state to a person is increasingly affirmed in Ukraine as a theoretical basis for the functioning of state power in general and all its agencies in particular. However, despite the large number of scientific developments, the national legal science still can not boast of an unambiguous and generally recognized understanding of the essence of the phenomenon of legal liability of the state. It has been stressed that legal liability was interpreted for a long time as a kind of “continuation” of the state itself: in the context of the concept of state coercion means it was solely perceived as an instrument of state power for punishing offenders. However, such a concept denied the question about legal liability of the state itself as an equal personality of the subject of law. It has been stated that the phenomenon of legal liability of the state one can consider a certain continuation of the political and legal strategy on self-limitation of the state by law. Such liability is naturally considered a characteristic feature of the legal type of statehood, and it directly concerns only the democratic type of states. Instead, undemocratic states do not bear or acknowledge (or only declare) any real legal liability to society. Therefore, in terms of a democracy, the state is a real subject of liability to society, which is guaranteed on the normative and institutional levels. The current stage of development of the institution of legal liability of the state is characterized by the highest normative level of its institutionalization – constitutional one. This level ensures: 1) the irreversibility of the state’s course on the establishment of legal statehood; 2) fixing the starting, the main elements of the normative model of legal liability of the state; 3) completion of the registration of legal personality of the state in the modern world, which was incomplete without constitutional establishment of its legal liability; 4) the parity nature of the relations of the state with other subjects of law on the basis of a combination of dispositive and imperative, public and private components. The constitutional model of the state’s legal liability to a human being is based on the same principles in Ukraine. Such liability, in particular, is not limited to the political or moral liability of public authorities to society, but has the features of legal liability as applying measures of public and legal (constitutional or international) nature to the state and its agencies for the failure or improper performance of the duties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 38-46
Vladimir N. Pligin ◽  

The purpose of this article is a philosophical and legal analysis of the concept of T. Parsons in the context of modern problems of the legitimation of the state and rights, since legitimization requires the existence of a social system of symbols, which allows substantiating the identity and solidarity of society, as well as the beliefs and rituals in which the symbolic system is embodied. The question of building a legitimate state and law remains the central condition for maintaining the stability of society and making its development predictable, which in turn in the modern world is possible only when taking into account and reproducing the common system of values on which they are based.

D. Hartman

Unlike the major intellectual currents that shaped religious thought in the modern world, Leibowitz’s thought is deeply anchored in the Israeli context. Both as philosopher and activist, Leibowitz lived and articulated the paradoxes of modern Israel where he lived and was best known. His reputation as a Socratic gadfly to the establishment reflected his ongoing critique of both Israeli society in the light of Judaism, and Judaism in the light of the revolutionary implications of the creation of the State of Israel. On the one hand, he was a Jewish patriot, a fighter for Jewish independence from all forms of foreign rule; on the other hand, he was a harsh, relentless critic of national and political expressions of chauvinism in the Israeli establishment. A strictly observant Jew, Leibowitz had less impact on traditional religious Jews than on secular Israelis. His central message is that what makes Jews distinctive as a group is neither their theology nor their Bible, but the system of law with which they regulate their lives. Judaism is a communal concept, and there is no point in religious Jews ignoring the State of Israel, or expecting others to bear their civil burdens for them. Religious law has to be reconciled with life in the political reality of the state, and this necessitates changing those attitudes to the law which reflect the historical conditions of life in exile.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-33
Adminqaumiyyah Adminqaumiyyah

This article discusses the application of the manhaj or the ijtihad method to the political aspects of the state. The focus of the problem is, can ijtihad be applied to the political aspects of the state, not only to the aspects of fiqh or religious law? Some Muslims still understand that the position of ijtihad is limited to the aspect of fiqh alone. for example, matters of the law of religious observances, marriage and other social institutions). During the period of the Prophet Muhammad, when he moved to Medina, the Prophet made a political commitment as a nation and state involving various ethnic, ethnic and religious layers in Medina. This political commitment is called Shahifah Madinah or Watsiqah Madinah (Medina charter), which consists of 47 articles as the basis for living together with the nation and state. Until now, in a very modern world, the Medina Charter is still considered the most modern political monumental ijtihad ever practiced by the Prophet Muhammad. Based on the above thought background, ijtihad can be used as a method of approach in formulating the concepts of state politics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-91
Sudarti Sudarti

  The author in this study wanted to see the similarities and differences in the political thoughts of Soekarno and Fazlur Rahman about the relationship between religion and the state. The type of research used is library research with a descriptive-comparative method. The results showed that Soekarno and Fazlur Rahman had a different paradigm in viewing the relationship between religion and state. Soekarno has a secularistic paradigm that separates religion and state to be implemented in Indonesia, while Fazlur Rahman has an Integralistic paradigm in which religion (Islam) and the state cannot be separated (integrated). However, these two figures agree that the sovereignty of a country is in the hands of the people and do not agree with the theory of God's sovereignty because God has never acted as politically sovereign nor as a maker of laws or laws. Keywords: Secularistic Paradigm, Integralistic Paradigm, God's Sovereignty.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-115
Olga A. Korotkova ◽  
Svetlana A. Osipova ◽  

An analysis of some of the events taking place in the modern socio-political environment shows that the processes of state formation, the preconditions for which were laid down in the 20th century, are acquiring new impulses and continuation in the modern world. At the same time, the political technologies used in the construction of new states are diverse, but the most common form of the state formation process in the modern world is secession.

1927 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 773-791 ◽  
Ellen Deborah Ellis

Political science is at the parting of the ways. Its foundations have been undermined by the claims of law and jurisprudence, into whose hands it has been deliberately surrendering itself for the past half-century or more, and now its chief strongholds are under fire from the neighboring fields of sociology, economics, and ethics. So severe and so persistent have these attacks become that the time has arrived when the political scientist must decide whether he will allow his subject to be absorbed in any one or all of these various fields, or will attempt to reëstablish it as a distinctive discipline.The reasons for this state of things are not difficult to discover. They quite obviously lie in the fact that in the pursuit of their basic problem—the search, namely, for the nature and source of sovereignty—political philosophers have so generally followed two equally futile and fruitless paths: either the path of pure speculation leading to a supernatural or metaphysical theory, or the path of legal analysis, leading ultimately to the juristic theory of the state. Indeed, during these recent years political theory has been so increasingly “under bondage to the lawyers” that it is little wonder that a reaction has come, and that thinkers in their determination to find the reality behind the formal juristic conception, are now repudiating not only the legal, but even the political, character of the state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 36-45
L. Denisova ◽  
A. Morozov ◽  

The article examines the specifics of existing and developing state-confessional relations in modern Russian society. The relevance of the research lies in the need to form clear ideas about the negative political consequences that may arise as a result of the state-confessional relations’ construction by the Russian state on the basis of various political and legal discourses that have significant contradictions among themselves. The object of the research is state-confessional relations as an element of the political process. The subject of the research is trends and consequences of the state-confessional relations’ development in modern Russia. The purpose of the article is to identify possible political consequences of the state-confessional relations’ current model in modern Russia. The objectives of the research are to determine the main characteristics of state-confessional relations in modern Russia. The problems of the research are the following: – identification of contradictions arising in them and adverse consequences for the political system; – justification of such forms of state activity that contribute to the removal of contradictions in state-confessional relations. Research methodology and methods. The work was carried out on the basis of general scientific principles of objectivity, historicism, using methods of analysis, synthesis, and modeling. Formal and logical procedures, methods of system and comparative legal analysis are also used. The degree of scientific development of the research topic. Research on the state-confessional relations in Russia is carried out in various fields of humanitarian and social knowledge: sociology, political science, law, history, and religious studies. The authors of the article focus on the trends and political consequences of the Russian state’s activities in the religious sphere. An ill-conceived policy that is carried out without taking into account global development trends leads to undesirable domestic political effects, which in the future can become a factor of destabilization of public order. It is shaped by such processes as the reconfiguration of social relations, marginalization of many religions, and promotion of fundamentalist aspirations. The state’s anti-extremist activities also need to be adjusted. The solution is seen not only in reviewing the current practice of implementing state-confessional relations, but also in creating conditions for a broad inter-religious dialogue, in which state structures can act as moderators

2018 ◽  
pp. 118-127 ◽  
G. B. Kleiner

The development of the system paradigm in economic science leads to the formulation of a number of important questions to the political economy as one of the basic directions of economic theory. In this article, on the basis of system introspection, three questions are considered. The first is the relevance of the class approach to the structuring of the socio-economic space; the second is the feasibility of revising the notion of property in the modern world; the third is the validity of the notion of changing formations as the sequence of “slave-owning system — feudal system — capitalist system”. It is shown that in modern society the system approach to the structuring of socio-economic space is more relevant than the class one. Today the classical notion of “property” does not reflect the diversity of production and economic relations in society and should be replaced by the notion of “system property”, which provides a significant expansion of the concepts of “subject of property” and “object of property”. The change of social formations along with the linear component has a more influential cyclic constituent and obeys the system-wide cyclic regularity that reflects the four-cycle sequence of the dominance of one of the subsystems of the macrosystem: project, object, environment and process.

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