scholarly journals Building Information Literacy: An Action Research Approach

Helen Schutz ◽  
Alison Pick ◽  
Gina Knox

The paper argues that action research at a micro level is a valuable tool that can be used by the teacher-librarian to improve student learning outcomes in information literacy. It investigates ways to assess both students’ current level of achievement in information skills and also the effectiveness of teaching strategies used by the teacher-librarian. It will outline the work of three experienced teacher-librarians from Sydney schools. The issue of the value of action research will be discussed. Observations will be offered in terms of the possibilities of action research as a catalyst for professional learning and enhancing student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-20
Sastra Wijaya

APPLICATION OF THE ROLE TO PLAY LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE RESULTS LEARN IN LESSONS SOCIAL SCIENCESApplication of Role Play Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes in Social Science Learning (This Study with Classroom Action Research Approach for Class IV Students of State Elementary School 1 Walantaka Walantaka District Serang City 2017/2018 Academic Year). This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). From the results of observations of the cycle I data on student learning outcomes in learning, teachers only get a score of 61.3. Students have started to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 61.3. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 1 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 45.83 with an average value of 54.17. From the data of student learning outcomes in the first cycle of meeting 2 results of learning observation, the teacher gets a score of 74.9. students have started active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 74.9. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 2 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 70.83 with an average value of 67.35. From the data of student learning outcomes in cycle II learning observation results, the teacher gets a score of 86.4., Students have begun to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 88.89 Then from student learning outcomes in cycle II obtained data, student learning completeness reaches 100% with an average value of 77.39. Based on the above data it is concluded that the application of role playing learning models can improve learning outcomes in social studies lessons at SD Negeri 1 Walantaka, Walantaka District, Serang City in 2017/2018.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-20
Sastra Wijaya

APPLICATION OF THE ROLE TO PLAY LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE RESULTS LEARN IN LESSONS SOCIAL SCIENCESApplication of Role Play Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes in Social Science Learning (This Study with Classroom Action Research Approach for Class IV Students of State Elementary School 1 Walantaka Walantaka District Serang City 2017/2018 Academic Year). This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). From the results of observations of the cycle I data on student learning outcomes in learning, teachers only get a score of 61.3. Students have started to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 61.3. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 1 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 45.83 with an average value of 54.17. From the data of student learning outcomes in the first cycle of meeting 2 results of learning observation, the teacher gets a score of 74.9. students have started active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 74.9. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 2 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 70.83 with an average value of 67.35. From the data of student learning outcomes in cycle II learning observation results, the teacher gets a score of 86.4., Students have begun to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 88.89 Then from student learning outcomes in cycle II obtained data, student learning completeness reaches 100% with an average value of 77.39. Based on the above data it is concluded that the application of role playing learning models can improve learning outcomes in social studies lessons at SD Negeri 1 Walantaka, Walantaka District, Serang City in 2017/2018.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Sinem Sinem

Classroom Action Research is executed by subyek 11 student of class I SDN 56 Bengkulu Utara school year 2016 / 2017. From use of approach of theory Jerome S. Burner in study of items mathematics operate for the quantifying of count number, result of learning 11 student people at complete cycle I reach the KKM as much 7 people or 64% and in cycle II become 10 people or 91% happened by the improvement 27%, aktifitas student at cycle I 74% and in cycle II reach 80% there is improvement 6%. Flattening - flatten the class of cycle I is 63,2 later;then in cycle II become 72,3 there is improvement of equal to 9,1. that applying of approach of theory Jerome S. Burner can improve the result learn the class student at items operate for the quantifying of count number.Keywords: Action Research, Approach Of Theory Jerome S. Burner

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Nurlaili Nurlaili

Mata kuliah matematika diskret pada struktur kurikulum Program Studi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL) menjadi landasan untuk mempelajari mata kuliah yang lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk m engimplementasikan model pembelajaran activities, class discussion, and exercise (ACE) dalam pembelajaran matematika diskret dengan sasaran peningkatan partisipasi aktif mahasiswa. Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart yang terdiri dari empat tahapan (perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refeleksi) dalam dua siklus. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Program Studi RPL Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto dengan subjek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa kelas RPL A sebanyak 27 orang pada tahun akademik 2018/2019. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan tes evaluasi pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penerapan siklus ACE memberikan peningkatan pada hasil pencapaian pembelajaran mahasiswa. Pencapaian aktivitas pembelajaran mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan dari 44,45% pada siklus 1 menjadi 75,94% pada siklus 2. Selain itu juga terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa dilihat dari rata-rata klasikal siklus 1  yaitu 55,8 dan siklus 2 yaitu 72,7. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa penerapan siklus ACE dalam pembelajaran matematika diskret dapat meningkatkan capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah di kelas RPL A.ABSTRACTThe discrete mathematics subject in the curriculum of the Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL) Departemen is the fundamental subjects for the freshman, so it has to bring in an attractive approach of  learning process. The aim of this study is to implement the activities, class discussion, and exercise (ACE) cycle for the discrete mathematics learning. This implementation is designed to construct student participation in the class. The research design uses the Kemmis and Taggart classroom action research approach including two cycles that each cycle is consists of four stages (planning, implementation, observation, and reflection). The research was conducted in the RPL Departement of the Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto with 27 RPL A class students in the academic year 2018/2019 as a research subject. The techniques of data collection use class observations and tests. Based on the results, the ACE cycle implementation brings an increase in student learning achievement. The achievement of student learning activities has increased from 44.45% in cycle 1 to 75.94% in cycle 2. In addition, there was also an increase in student learning outcomes seen in the class score. The class score in the cycle 1 was 55.8 and in the cycle 2 was 72.7. These results demonstrate that the ACE cycle implementation in the learning of discrete mathematics can improve the learning outcome in class RPL A  

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Anis Sekarwati

Abstract: The Background of this Classroom Action Research is the low motivation and student learning outcomes. This Classroom Action Research aims to find out the increased motivation and learning outcomes of students through Discovery Learning learning that integrates character education in learning biology on the subject of Living Classification. The design of this study is Classroom Action Research, consisting of 2 cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. Each cycle consists of 3 meetings. This research approach is qualitative. The data analysis method is descriptive for both qualitative and quantitative data. The results showed that: 1) student learning motivation increased from cycle I by 75.40% to 81.59% in cycle II. 2) student learning outcomes increased from cycle I by 77.14% of students who completed learning increased to 88.57% in cycle II. Based on the data above that learning Discovery Learning model that is integrated with character education can increase student motivation and learning outcomes. The increase in the percentage of learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II was 11.43% and the increase in learning motivation from cycle I to cycle II was 6.19%. Keyword: Motivation, Discovery learning, character education. Abstrak: Latar belakang Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini adalah rendahnya motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik melalui pembelajaran Discovery Learning yang terintegrasi pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran biologi pokok bahasan Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup. Desain Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, terdiri atas 2 siklus yaitu siklus I dan siklus II. Setiap siklus terdiri dari 3 kali pertemuan. Pendekatan Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Metode analisis datanya adalah deskriptif baik untuk data kualitatif maupun data kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) motivasi belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus I sebesar 75,40% menjadi 81,59% pada siklus II. 2) hasil belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus I sebesar 77,14% siswa yang tuntas belajar meningkat menjadi 88,57% pada siklus II. Berdasarkan data-data diatas bahwa pembelajaran model Discovery Learning yang terintegrasi pendidikan karakter dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Kenaikan prosentase hasil belajar dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 11,43% dan kenaikan motivasi belajar dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 6,19%. Kata kunci: Motivasi, Discovery Learning, Pendidikan karakter

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Linarmawati Linarmawati

The title of this research is "The Application of Picture and Picture Models to Improve Activities and Learning Outcomes of Natural Sciences in Classification of Animal and Plant Material in Class III MIN 8 Southwest Aceh Academic Year 2018/2019". The problem in this study is that students' mastery of science lessons is still low. The purpose of this class action research is to find out (1) Improvement of student learning outcomes after the application of the Picture and Picture model (2) The activities of the teacher and students in learning the Picture and Picture model. This study uses a class action research (Action Reseach) of two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: design, activity and observation, re-flection. This research was conducted from October to November 2018. The subjects of this study were class III students totaling 29 students. The research approach was carried out using the descriptive ap-proach method. Data collection techniques are done using tests, observation is the observation of teacher activities and student activities. Data processing and analysis is used by using percentage techniques. Based on calculations and data analysis in this study shows that student learning outcomes have in-creased ie from the first cycle which initially only 72.41% increased 86.21% cycle II. The results of the analysis of teacher activity have increased from the first cycle to 60.95% (Good Enough) and increased in the second cycle to 86.67% (Very good). The results of the analysis of student activity have increased from cycle I 62.86% (Good) and increased in cycle II which is 85.71% (Very good), so it can be con-cluded that the application of picture and picture models can improve student learning outcomes in class III, as well as this learning model can be used as an alternative to science learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-107
Yarmani Yarmani ◽  
Syafrial Syafrial ◽  
Arwin Arwin

This study aims to apply the hanging ball exercise to improving kedeng smash ability  in sepak takraw learning. This research method uses applied research, one of the studies uses a classroom action research approach. The sample used in this study is 33 students of Physical Education’s soccer takraw course. The research procedure is  cycle form. Each cycle consists of four stages including: planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. Data collection technique through observation and test. This data collection uses observation sheets instruments of student and lecturers' performance in the learning process, to determine the quality of student learning outcomes used an evaluation or test sheet. The results showed that the application of hanging ball exercises in improving the ability to kedeng smash in sepak takraw learning can improve student learning outcomes in sepaktakraw courses from an average pre-cycle value of 10 points (50%), to 15 points (80%) in cycle 1 and the average value of 12 points prasiklus (60%), to 16 points (85%) in cycle 2.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Innayatul Laili ◽  
Umi Dayati ◽  
Nur Wahyu Rochmadi

The purpose of this study was to explain the feasibility of learning using the team games tournament-based Ranking One Civic Education (ROCE) model in teaching and learning activities on Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKn) subjects and to analyze the improvement of student learning outcomes after the ROCE Game-based learning method was applied to PPKn subjects. This study used a classroom action research approach with qualitative and quantitative data as material for analysis. This study used two cycles with two meetings for each cycle. As for the process of implementing the ROCE Game, it was found that 13-14 indicators were carried out well in cycle I, while in the learning process in cycle II, an average of 15 indicators were obtained from a total of 17 indicators of learning implementation by teachers. In the first cycle, an average of 11 indicators was obtained and in the second cycle, an average of 12-13 indicators was obtained from a total of 14 indicators of learning implementation by students. The increase in learning outcomes taken based on the post-test score in cycle I was 77.7%, then an increase in the post-test score in cycle II became 86.1%. So, tournament-based teams games learning model Ranking One Civic Education could increase student learning outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 198-208
Yasrimar Yasrimar

Based on the observations of researchers on learning outcomes powers and simple roots in class V SD Negeri 21 Kapuh District of Koto XI Tarusan yet still not maximized. This is because the learning process is more often focused on teachers alone. the purpose of this study is to describe and obtain information about the learning powers and simple roots by using CTL approach to improve student learning outcomes that include planning, implementation and learning outcomes. The approach used classroom action research is qualitative and quantitative approaches. A qualitative approach is an approach that produces descriptive data in the form of written words while the quantitative approach is a research approach that emphasizes the numeric data (numbers). This type of research is classroom action research. By using action research design that includes planning, implementation, observation and reflection. This study showed an increase in student learning outcomes in learning powers and simple roots by using CTL approach. It can be seen from the ability of teachers to design lesson plan first cycle of 67.85% and 78.57%. Cycle II 92.85% and 92.85%. Teacher activity cycle I 57.14% and 82.14%, 85.71% and cycle II 92.85%. Student activity cycle I 67.85% and 78.57%. Cycle II 85.71% and 92.85%. The results of students in the first cycle on the cognitive aspects of 66.17 and 70.03, 73.33 and 72.22 affective, psychomotor 73.89 and 73.61. In the second cycle on the cognitive aspects of 80.50 and 85.57, 76.67 and 91.11 affective, psychomotor 83.89 and 91.11. This indicates that the CTL approach can improve student learning outcomes in learning powers and simple roots.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 744
Zainur Zainur

This research was motivated by the low learning outcomes of grade IX SMP Muhammadiyah Padang LuasKecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar. This study aims to improve learning outcomes in mathematicslearning through STAD type cooperative learning with the RME approach in class IX SMP MuhammadiyahPadang Luas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar. The subjects of this study were all classes IX in SMPMuhammadiyah Padang Luas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar totaling 26 people. The form ofresearch is classroom action research. This research instrument consists of performance instruments and datacollection instruments in the form of teacher activity observation sheets and activities. The results of the studystated that there were significant differences between students' mathematics learning outcomes before applyingthe STAD type cooperative learning model with the RME approach with after applying the STAD typecooperative learning model with the RME approach. The difference shows student learning outcomes after theaction is better than before the action with completeness reaching 80.77% or 21 completed. Based on the resultsof the study and discussion it can be concluded that the application of STAD type learning model with RealisticMathematic Education (RME) approach can improve the learning outcomes of grade IX students of SMPMuhammadiyah Padang Luas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar on statistical material.

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