scholarly journals Pengaruh Model Perolehan Konsep Dengan Metode Demonstrasi Terhadap Penguasaan Konsep Fisika Siswa SMA

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 319
Atikatun Hulwani ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Kosim Kosim

This study aims to analyze the effect of the concept attainment model with the demonstration method on the mastery of student physical concepts. This type of research is a quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test control group design. The population in this study were all students of class XI MIPA in one of the state high schools in West Lombok. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique, so that the sample used in the study was class XI MIPA 3 as an experimental class and class XI MIPA 6 as a control class. The instrument used in this study was in the form of multiple choice questions totaling 21 items. The pre-test results show that the average value of the experimental class is 37,3 and the control class is 35,9. Data analysis techniques using t-test with pre-test and post-test, so that the results of the hypothesis test conducted at the final test obtained t-count of 2,250 and t-table of 2,012. Because t-count is greater than t-table, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, it means that the concept attainment model with the demonstration method affects the mastery of the physics concepts of high school students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Ana Reni Ratna Wati ◽  
Ruswan Ruswan ◽  
Hafidha Asni Akmalia

<p>The use of instructional media is one of the teacher's efforts to create maximum teaching and learning processes. Research on the use of integrated audio media Ya Lal Wathan in this study was carried out because the media used were new and had never been used by previous studies. This study aims to compare the effect of Ya Lal Wathan's integrated audio media and power point media on the cognitive abilities of high school students on Kingdom Plantae material. The study design used the Non-equivalent Control Group Design using a purposive sampling technique. We took all of students in MAN 1 Semarang as population and 2 classes as sample. The instruments used were 20 pre-test questions and 20 post-test questions given in power point and integrated audio class. Data were analyzed by Sign Test. The result of the study showed that there was an equally significant effect between two classes. However, students taught by integrated audio got an average grade in the post-test that is higher than the control class so there is a positive tendency that integrated audio media with Ya Lal Wathan is good for application in learning. It is necessary to innovate our audio media for further research.</p><p> </p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Ibrahim Ibrahim ◽  
Kosim Kosim ◽  
Gunawan Gunawan

This study aims to determine the effect of learning model Conceptual Understanding Procedures LKPD assisted on the ability of solving physics problems of high school students. This research is a quasi experimental research using untreated control group design with pretest and posttest. The population is all students of class XI IPA SMAN 4 Mataram. While the sampling using purposive sampling technique consisting of students class XI IPA 4 as experimental class and students of class XI IPA 1 as a control class. The problem solving capability data is obtained through a written test in the form of a description item. The result of hypothesis test analysis shows that there is influence of learning model of LKPD-assisted Conceptual Understanding Procedures toward the ability of problem solving physics.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 43

The research aims to know the effect of Assessment for Learning (AfL) to argumentative skill of high school students. The  research used a quasi experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The design consists of  control class and experiment class. Two clasess was randomly selected from 9 classes. The participants were 67 students from  grade 10 of one high school in Surakarta. Data of argumentative skill was a pre-post test of AfL. The hypothesis test using t test and paired sample t test. The results of hypothesis testing showed that the significant value gained 0.000 &lt;0.05, therefore H<sub>0</sub> is rejected or H<sub>1</sub> is accepted. The effect of Assessment for Learning (AfL) to argumentative skill of high school students is the significantly different between control and experimental class

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00118
Wartawan Putu Gede

This study aims to investigate the effect of portfolio assessment in teaching physics and scientific attitude. The research was conducted on students of high school in Singaraja. Research was an quasi- experimental study by using “The Posttest-Only Control Group Design”. The research involved 152 high school students of class X of science as samples, taken with multistage random sampling technique. Portfolio assessment was integrated with physics learning. The implementation of the portfolio assessment included four key elements such as the students' work folders, clear assessment criteria, and self-assessment, and conference between teacher and students. The data needed in this research was the students' scientific attitude which included the aspect of curiosity, respect for evidence, the willingness to change ideas, and critical reflection. Data needed in this research included scientific attitudes students. A Likert scale instrument was used to measure the scientific attitude students. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance with SPSS 20.0 at significance level α = 0.05. The results showed there are differences in the scientific attitude students who take physics learning with assessment portfolios and students who take physics learning with assessment of conventional. The findings of this study indicate that portfolio assessment in learning physics significantly affect the scientific attitude students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
I Wayan Puja Astawa ◽  
I G A Sri Kusuma Sari ◽  
I Gusti Putu Sudiarta

The ability to think critically and creatively is needed in solving math problems. Secondary school students in Indonesia still possess these two abilities according to the results of PISA research. Therefore, learning studies that influence these two abilities are still feasible to do. This study aims to examine the effect of MEA learning with contextual worksheets on the ability to think critically and creatively in solving math problems. The study was a quasi-experimental study using a post-test only control group design. The research population consisted of 137 class X students of SMK Kharisma Mengwi, Badung Regency, Bali for the 2019/2020 school year, which was spread into five classes with equivalent math abilities. A random sampling technique determined a sample of 2 classes. Data on the ability to think critically and creatively in solving mathematical problems were collected using a test in the form of a description. Data were analyzed using the MANOVA test. The results of the analysis show that MEA learning with contextual worksheets has a positive effect on the ability to think critically and creatively in solving math problems (F = 90.018; p &lt;0.05).

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Surayya Hayatussofiyyah ◽  
H. Fuad Nashori ◽  
Rumiani Rumiani

The study examined the effectiveness of religious cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce adolescents depression. This study used apretest-posttest control group design. Participants in this study were 12 high school students in Sleman, female, aged 15-16 years and divided into two groups. One group (n = 6) as an experimental group who received treatment in the form of religious cognitive behavioral therapy. One other group (n = 6) as controlled group (waiting list). The scale used in this study was Beck Depression Inventory-II. The results of hypothesis test using non-parametric analyzes such as Mann Whitney U Test to examined the difference in value based on the group, namely the experimental and control. This suggests that there are significant differences in the implementation of post test between the experimental and control group.By using mann whitney, the result concluded that religious cognitive behavioral therapywas significantly effective toto reduce adolescents depression (Z = -2.898, p = 0.004, where p

E N Sumarni ◽  
A Widodo ◽  
R Solihat

<p class="Abstract">Drawing – based modeling as learning approach, it allows students to create models based on drawing which help them to run a simulation. Students can use drawing–based modeling to learn a pair of interacting population known as predato–prey system while they usually conducted practicum using diagram of organisms. This study was to explore students’ argumentation and students’ understanding on the concept of the ecosystem. The study was conducted quasi – experimental using the matching – only post-test – only control group design. The participants consist of 60 grade 10 senior high school students in Subang, West Java. They are placed into two groups, 30 students in the experimental group and 30 students in the control group. Data was collected through argumentation test and selected response test for assessing students’ understanding. Students’ argumentation were analyzed using Toulmin’s argumentation pattern and statistical analysis. The result showed there is no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group for students’ argumentation. Most of the students are predominantly at level 2. But the coherency of arguments of the experimental group is more coherent than the control group. It means that the students in experimental group can make logical claim and supported by the correct and relevant grounds (data, warrant, and backing). The result of students’ understanding showed there is a significant mean score between the experimental group and the control group whether 72.33 for the experimental group and 62.13 for the control group</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Arnida Yusnalaeni ◽  
Ratnawati Maming ◽  
Army Auliah

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh metode resitasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 1 Makassar dalam model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualization (Studi pada materi pokok termokimia). Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah “Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design”. Populasi adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI MIA SMAN 1 Makassar yang terdiri dari enam kelas. Penentuan kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen dilakukan dengan teknik class random sampling dengan asumsi bahwa kelas bersifat homogen dan terpilih kelas XI MIA 2 kelas eksperimen dan XI MIA 5 sebagai kelas kontrol. Penelitian terdiri dari dua variabel, yaitu pembelajaran kimia dengan metode resitasi dalam model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualization dan tanpa metode resitasi dalam model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualization sebagai variabel bebas dan hasil belajar sebagai variabel terikat. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pemberian pretest dan posttest. Tes yang digunakan adalah tes objektif sebanyak 20 nomor yang telah divalidasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Nilai ketuntasan untuk mata pelajaran kimia di SMA Negeri 1 Makassar adalah 77. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen 77,17 dan kelas kontrol 76,15 dengan standar deviasi berturut-turut adalah 10,11 dan 8,84 dan ketuntasan sebesar 58,97% dan 48,72%. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menggunakan ANACOVA melalui program SPSS for Windows 20, diperoleh nilai signifikan 0.000. Nilai signifikan 0.000 < α= 0,05 maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode resitasi dalam model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualization berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas SMAN 1 Makassar pada materi pokok termokimia. Kata kunci: Metode resitasi, hasil belajar ABSTRACT This study is a quasy experimental that aimed to investigate the effect of recitation method on student achievement MIA class XI student of SMAN 1 Makassar in cooperative learning model Team Assisted Individualization (Studies in the subject matter thermochemical). The study design used is "pretest-posttest control group design". The population is all students of class XI SMAN 1 Makassar MIA consist of six classes. Determination of control class and experimental class conducted by random sampling technique class with the assumption that the class is homogeneous and was elected class XI MIA 2 as experimental class and XI MIA 5 as the control class. The study consisted of two variables, namely learning recitation chemical methods in cooperative learning model Team Assisted Individualization and without a recitation method in a cooperative learning model Team Assisted Individualization as independent variables and the student achievement as the dependent variable. Data were collected by administering a pretest and posttest. The test used is an objective test as many as 20 numbers that have been validated. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The value of completeness for chemical subjects in SMAN 1 Makassar is 77. The analysis showed the average value of the experimental class is 77,17 and control class 76,15 with a standard deviation of respectively 10,11 and 8,84 and completeness by 58,97% and 48,72%. The results of hypothesis test using ANACOVA through SPSS for Windows 20, obtained significant value 0.000. Significant value 0.000

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (01) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Rendy Triandy ◽  
Aries Setia Nugraha ◽  
Adi Rustandi

The aim of this research was to determine the profile of learning, the learning process and the effectiveness of the application of quantum writing model based of interpersonal intelligence in teaching high school students write articles on subjects Talenta Bandung High School. The reseach design used is Nonequivalen (pretest-posttest) Control Group Design, which is a quasi-experimental research using all subjects in the study group (intac group) for treatment, instead of using subjects drawn randomly. Data collection instruments used were a matter of a test to measure the ability to write articles and guides observation and interviews. Analysis data technique used was Statistic Descrivtif, t test (paired-sample t-test) and independent sample t-test using SPSS version 22. The results showed that the learning profile is still using the curriculum KTSP, while directing students to the learning process easier to develop ideas into writing through the application of quantum writing model based of interpersonal intelligence. Hypothesis test results mean gain score on the test t-table  is 0, 001 is smaller than the real level of testing (α) of 0.05, which means that Ho refused and Ha is received, there is a significant difference between the results of the experimental class learning with learning outcomes in control class. This shows that the quantum writing model of based interpersonal intelligence can improve students' ability to write articles in Indonesian subjects in Talenta Bandung high school.

Mahzin Ali Akbar ◽  
H. Hikmawati ◽  
Joni Rokhmat

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh model Guided Inquiry Learning terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMA di SMAN 1 Pringgarata. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain penelitian yaitu pretest-postest control group design. Teknik cluster random sampling digunakan untuk menentukan sampel peneltian di mana, kelas X IPA 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen (21 siswa) yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model Guided Inquiry Learning dan kelas X IPA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol (20 siswa) yang dibelajarkan menggunakan pembelajaran langsung. Instrumen tes berupa pilihan ganda sebanyak 30 item soal digunakan untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa yang diberikan sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata pretest kelas eksperimen sebesar 30,10 dan kelas kontrol sebesar 33,20 sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test kelas eksperimen sebesar 80,57 dan kelas kontrol sebesar 75,60. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji-t dengan taraf signifikan 5%, diperoleh hasil t-hitung sebesar (4,12) > t-tabel sebesar (2,02), sehingga H0 ditolak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model Guided Inquiry Learning berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMA di SMAN 1  Pringgarata.The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes at SMAN 1 PringgarataAbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Guided Inquiry Learning model on high school students’ learning outcomes at SMAN 1 Pringgarata. The quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest control group design was used on this study. The cluster random sampling technique was used to determine the research sample in which, Class X IPA 3 as an experimental class (21 students) were taught using the Guided Inquiry Learning model and Class X IPA 2 as a control class (20 students) that were learned using direct learning. The 30-item multiple choice test instrument was used to measure student learning outcomes given before and after learning. The results showed that the average value of the experimental class pretest was 30.10 and the control class was 33.20 while the post-test mean value of the experimental class was 80.57 and the control class was 75.60. The results of statistical tests using the t-test with a significance level of 5%, the results obtained t-test of (4.12)> t-table of (2.02), so that H0 is rejected. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Guided Inquiry Learning model effect on high school students’ learning outcomes at SMAN 1 Pringgarata.

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