scholarly journals E-democracy remixed: Learning from the BBC's Action Network and the shift from a static commons to a participatory multiplex

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-130 ◽  
Alfred Hermida

This paper examines a five-year initiative by the UK's public service broadcaster, the BBC, to reinvigorate civic engagement at a time of declining public participation in politics. The Action Network project, originally called iCan, ran from 2003 to 2008 and was one of the most high profile and ambitious attempts by a public service broadcaster to foster eParticipation through an online civic commons. This study analyzes Action Network within the context of conceptualizations of the Internet as a networked, distributed and participatory environment and the shift towards what scholars describe as a networked public sphere. It suggests that the project did not have the impact anticipated as it was borne out of a paternalistic broadcast legacy, out of step with the trend towards distributed and collaborative discourse online that reassesses the notion that the public is simply a resource to be managed. This paper argues that the BBC experience provides lessons in how the media, and specifically public service broadcasters, can contribute towards greater political participation and democratic dialogue through the Internet by adopting Web 2.0 approaches that enable citizens to engage on different levels and at different times, depending on contexts.

Anna D. Jaroszyńska-Kirchmann

This epilogue comments on the changes within the Polish American community and the Polish-language press during the most recent decades, including the impact of the Internet and social media on the practice of letter-writing. It also poses questions about the legacy and memory of Paryski in Toledo, Ohio, and in Polonia scholarship. Paryski's life and career were based on his intelligence, determination, and energy. He believed that Poles in the United States, as in Poland, must benefit from education, and that education was not necessarily the same as formal schooling. Anybody could embark on the path to self-improvement if they read and wrote. Long before the Internet changed the way we communicate, Paryski and other ethnic editors effectively adopted and practiced the concept of debate within the public sphere in the media. Ameryka-Echo's “Corner for Everybody” was an embodiment of this concept and allowed all to express themselves in their own language and to write what was on their minds.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Christian Fuchs ◽  
Klaus Unterberger

This chapter introduces the book’s context. It describes the process that led to the creation of the Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto. The basic starting point was the insight that the survival of public service media is in danger, that the dominant form of the Internet and Internet platforms undermines the democratic public sphere, and that we need new forms of the Internet and the media in order to safeguard and renew democracy and the public sphere.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Grant Hannis

The power of online media to influence New Zealand local government politics was made clear in 2013 when a blogger revealed that Len Brown, the popular mayor of Auckland, had conducted a two-year, extramarital affair. The mainstream media picked up the story, Brown’s popularity collapsed and in late 2015 he announced he would not stand again for mayor. This media scandal was, in part, driven by the fact that Brown was a celebrity. Unlike several high-profile sex scandals involving politicians overseas, Brown’s career did not survive the controversy, perhaps because the public came to regard him as a practised liar. The media itself engaged in self-serving scandalous activity during the controversy. Today’s shock bloggers are similar to the proto-journalists of the 17th century. Members of new and old media researching the scandal treated their secret sources very differently. The existence of the internet means such scandals can now exist in perpetuity. If the Len Brown Affair was an example of the media fulfilling its watchdog role - by exposing a lying politician - it was also an example of journalists furthering their own ends - political and commercial - by appealing to their audiences’ purient interests.

Mohammad Mubarak Al-hjouj

The study aimed to identify the effects faced by radio from new technologies and applications that have been able to attract a lot of audience traditional media, especially radio. To achieve this goal descriptive approach used methods, a tactic survey the public media, using the tool questionnaire, and then applied on a random sample of the Jordanian public in order to stand on their attitudes towards the Internet and its applications on the effects of listening to the radio. The study proved that the Internet and its applications impacted adversely on listening to the radio, where the ratio came from listening to the Jordanian public 39% versus 61% for to the radio. The study showed that the most important reasons for the Jordanian public to listen to radio stations is to satisfy recreational, cultural and scientific desires, and love of the Jordanian public to some of the broadcasters who provide programs and radio stations will help to know what is going on from the events. The study showed that there is dissatisfaction by the Jordanian public about the programs offered by the radio, where he said that 55% of the study sample who listen to the radio. From these results will be achieved hypotheses and the study of the theory relied on by the study and followed the approach uses the theory. The study recommends the importance of working to improve the quality of programs offered by the radio and to the satisfaction of listeners, and to increase the broadcast hours of programs that attract public radio institutions. Reconnaissance work ray studies to the public periodically to learn about their needs and desires. Supplying radio institutions modern techniques that would maintain the audience, and supplement her human cadres qualified and capable of using communication technology and increased awareness among workers about the concept of communication technology to the technique of active impact on the performance of radio stations, and set up special centers set the media production enterprise quality media. The study recommends researchers to conduct further research and studies for the radio service and support for its survival in the media arena.

2016 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
Gaëtan Tremblay

For more than fifty years, the public service has been a nexus of media organization, development, and regulation in Canada and several countries in the world. Is public service media still relevant in the age of the internet and digital networks? Before directly addressing this question, this article broadly examines the path that has been hewn by public service media, from its origins—when it played a guiding and influential role in the media landscape—through to today—when its dominance is in question. It links together a set of factors that have triggered a process of redefining public service media, one that may allow it to play the new social and cultural role that is expected of it in contemporary societies.Depuis plus de cinquante ans, le service public a constitué un principe ordonnateur central de l’organisation, du développement et de la régulation des médias au Canada et dans plusieurs autres pays. Est-il encore pertinent à l’ère de l’internet et des réseaux numériques ? Après avoir rappelé les conditions d’émergence et le sens du service public en matière de radiodiffusion ainsi que les grandes étapes de son histoire, l’auteur analyse de manière critique les stratégies déployées par le service public médiatique pour relever les défis posés par l’expansion des réseaux numériques. Face à des politiques conservatrices qui mettent en péril son existence même, l’auteur argumente en faveur de la nécessité d’un service public renouvelé et innovateur dans les sociétés contemporaines.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (H16) ◽  
pp. 637-637
P. S. Bretones

Eclipses are among the celestial events that draw the attention of the public. This paper discusses strategies for using eclipses as public communication opportunities in the media. It discusses the impact of articles written by the author and analysis of published material for 25 observed eclipses over the last 30 years by mass media in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. On each occasion, a standard article was posted on the Internet and sent to newspapers, radio and TV with information, such as: date, time and local circumstances; type of the eclipse; area of visibility; explanation; diagram of the phenomenon, and the Moon's path through Earth's shadow; eclipses in history; techniques of observation; getting photographs; place and event for public observation. Over the years, direct contact was maintained with the media and jounralists by the press offices of the institutions.

Njomza Krasniqi

As it is always with new inventions in human history the role they play in their early stages is mostly none acknowledged before they make a more widespread impact. The social media is one of them. Due to the new aspects that this relatively new kind of media its role is mostly negligee in favors of the more vastly popular other forms. In the kind of era that we live technology means that the place where we get the information is irrelevant in the grand scheme of the things, however that does not mean that the impact is lesser or higher. To make the example more clear even though a news that the currency is going to raise or lower in the USA- for example its mostly limited to the USA citizens it has a dire impact in the rest of the world, but even though the means for this news is the generic media, the ones to give the means to understand and make amends to prepare for the consequences to the rest of the world. Due to this kind of functionality is always difficult to separate where the generic forms of the media begin and where the social media begin. What is interesting is that this function of social media begins since the first forms of the internet and it’s just more pronounced nowadays. As an example of this functionality the more prominent one is the way Turkey interfered in the Kosovo Crises. More than the generic news and political affiliation at the time the most impact in the public opinion did the social media. This paper is a research in this regard. It’s not very detailed and it shows a general picture of the situation and only deal with the main aspects of the behavior of the social media, however is a beginning which shows the great impact all forms of communications, especially the social media.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Njomza Krasniqi

As it is always with new inventions in human history the role they play in their early stages is mostly none acknowledged before they make a more widespread impact. The social media is one of them. Due to the new aspects that this relatively new kind of media its role is mostly negligee in favors of the more vastly popular other forms. In the kind of era that we live technology means that the place where we get the information is irrelevant in the grand scheme of the things, however that does not mean that the impact is lesser or higher. To make the example more clear even though a news that the currency is going to raise or lower in the USA- for example its mostly limited to the USA citizens it has a dire impact in the rest of the world, but even though the means for this news is the generic media, the ones to give the means to understand and make amends to prepare for the consequences to the rest of the world. Due to this kind of functionality is always difficult to separate where the generic forms of the media begin and where the social media begin. What is interesting is that this function of social media begins since the first forms of the internet and it’s just more pronounced nowadays. As an example of this functionality the more prominent one is the way Turkey interfered in the Kosovo Crises. More than the generic news and political affiliation at the time the most impact in the public opinion did the social media. This paper is a research in this regard. It’s not very detailed and it shows a general picture of the situation and only deal with the main aspects of the behavior of the social media, however is a beginning which shows the great impact all forms of communications, especially the social media.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026732312199133
Christina Holtz-Bacha

With the surge of populism in Europe, public service broadcasting has come under increased pressure. The established media are considered part of the corrupt elite not serving the interests of the people. The public service media, for which pluralism is at the core of their remit, are a particular thorn in the side of the populists. Therefore, they attack the financial basis of public service, which is supposed to guarantee their independence. The populist attacks on the traditional broadcasting corporations meet with the interests of neoliberal politics and of those political actors who want to evade public scrutiny and democratic control and do no longer feel committed to democratic accountability. The assaults on the public service media are thus an assault on freedom of the media and further increase the pressure on the democratic system.

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-184 ◽  
Luis Pérez-González

While the growing ubiquitousness of translation and interpreting has established these activities more firmly in the public consciousness, the extent of the translators’ and interpreters’ contribution to the continued functioning of cosmopolitan and participatory postmodern societies remains largely misunderstood. This paper argues that the theorisation of translation and interpretation as social phenomena and of translators/interpreters as agents contributing to the stability or subversion of social structures through their capacity to re-define the context in which they mediate constitutes a recent development in the evolution of the discipline. The consequentiality of the mediators’ agency, one of the most significant insights to come out of this new body of research, is particularly evident in situations of social, political and cultural confrontation. It is contended that this conceptualisation of agency opens up the possibility of translation being used not only to resolve conflict and tension, but also to promote them. Through a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches, the contributing authors to this special issue explore a number of sites of linguistic and cultural mediation across a range of institutional settings and textual/interactional genres, with particular emphasis on the contribution of translation and interpreting to the genealogy of conflict. The papers presented here address a number of overlapping themes, including the dialectics of governmental policy-making and translation, the interface between translation, politics and the media, the impact of the narrative affiliation of translators and interpreters as agents of mediation, the frictional dynamics of interpreter-mediated institutional encounters and the dynamics of identity negotiation.

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