scholarly journals Igreja dos pobres do Vaticano II a Medellín e aos dias atuais

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (288) ◽  
pp. 807
Francisco De Aquino Júnior

No contexto da celebração dos 50 anos do Concílio Vaticano II e dos 40 anos da Teologia da Libertação, o artigo aborda o tema da Igreja dos pobres, tal como foi proposto pelo papa João XXIII em sua mensagem ao mundo em 11 de setembro de 1962, bem como sua repercussão e seus desdobramentos no Concílio, na conferência de Medellín e na teologia latino-americana. E o faz para mostrar e reafirmar sua densidade/atualidade teológico-dogmática e sua relevância/atualidade histórica, apesar dos ajustes/desvios teológico-pastorais e para além dos modismos teológico-pastorais em voga na Igreja, particularmente na Igreja latino-americana.Abstract: In the context of the celebration of the 50 years of the Vatican II Council and of the 40th anniversary of the Theology of Liberation, the article discusses the Church of the Poor, as proposed by Pope John XXIII in his message to the world on September 11th 1962 as well as its impact and its aftermath in the Council, in the Medellin Conference and for Latin American theology. And the objective of the discussion is to show and reaffirm its theological-dogmatic density/actuality and its historical relevance/actuality, in spite of several theological-pastoral adjustments/deviations and beyond the theological-pastoral fads that are popular in the Church, and most of all in the Latin American one.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 181-202 ◽  
Rafael Luciani

In response to the phenomenon of globalization, which has resulted in the exclusion of entire peoples and their cultures, Pope Francis has proposed a pastoral geopolitics that is in keeping with the spirit of Vatican II and Latin American theology. Today’s poor are not only the individually poor, but also “poor-peoples” ( pueblos-pobres). Francis’s pastoral geopolitics seeks to identify the new historical processes being formed on the peripheries, such as social movements for democratic and inclusive societies, processes that the Church should encourage by valuing and incarnating itself in poor-peoples’ “cultures.” His structural option for the poor brings together ecclesiology, geopolitics, and evangelization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (309) ◽  
pp. 158
Paulo Sérgio Lopes Gonçalves

Objetiva-se neste artigo apresentar teologicamente os pobres, tendo como perspectiva a II Conferência Geral do Episcopado Latino-americano, realizada na cidade de Medellín, na Colômbia, no período de 24 de agosto a 06 de setembro de 1968. Justifica este objetivo o fato de a referida Conferência, ao buscar adaptar o Concílio Vaticano II na América Latina, ter encontrado na referida categoria o assento plausível para ser fiel à articulação entre fé e contexto histórico latino-americano. Para atingir este objetivo, tomar-se-á a esteira do Concílio Vaticano II, tendo como ponto de partida a expressão “Igreja dos Pobres”, cunhada pelo Papa João XXIII, trazendo à tona importantes posições teológicas sobre a questão dos pobres. Em seguida, decifrar-se-á textualmente a categoria “pobres”, e buscar-se-á visualizá-la como carência, espiritualidade e compromisso em todo o documento das conclusões de Medellín. Espera-se que a hermenêutica textual possibilite visualizar que a Conferência de Medellín não foi um acontecimento que já terminou, mas que continua a ser um chamado para que a Igreja de Cristo, pobre, com os pobres, tenha os pobres como sujeitos históricos, efetivando verdadeiramente uma Igreja dos Pobres.Abstract: This paper aims at presenting theologically the poor as perspective in the second General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, held in the city of Medellín, in Colombia, in the period from 24 August to 06 September 1968. This objective justified the fact that the Conference, to get fit in the Second Vatican Council in Latin America, found in the said category workable seating to be faithful to the relationship between faith and historical context. To achieve this goal, the wake of the Second Vatican Council, having as starting point the expression “Church of the poor”, coined by Pope John XXIII, bringing up important theological positions on the issue of the poor. Then crack will be verbatim the “poor” category and will view it as grace, spirituality and commitment throughout the document the conclusions of Medellín. It is expected that the textual hermeneutics allows show that the Conference of Medellín was not an event that already expired, but continues to be a call to the Church of Christ, poor, with the poor and the poor as subjects, history effecting truly a Church of the poor.Keywords: Medellín;Poor; Church of the poor; Vatican II.

2002 ◽  
pp. 20-30
Iryna Viktorivna Bogachevska

When more than four decades ago, in 1959, Pope John XXIII announced the convening of a high forum of bishops of his Church, many considered his decision to be the least risky. Although the official doctrine of Catholicism, systematized in Pope Leo's encyclical XIII "Rerum novarum" (1891), remained virtually unchanged from its adoption, and each successive head of the Church only developed its position in specific circumstances, John XXIII was convinced: after a long time In centuries of controversy and divisions, the time has come to speak to the world in the language of Christian love, to emphasize not what separates people, but what unites people of good will.

2019 ◽  
Vol 78 (311) ◽  
pp. 695
Sinivaldo Silva Tavares

O anúncio cristão tem se dado mediante um diálogo intercultural que, historicamente, caracterizou-se por uma cerrada polarização entre fé e cultura. Esta polarização foi desconstruída pelo Vaticano II, ao propor-nos a transparência da cultura em relação à fé. A Teologia da Libertação latinoamericana explicitou as contradições internas da cultura moderna, propondo-nos relacionar fé e culturas provenientes do “reverso” da história e do “mundo dos pobres”. Nos dias que correm, as teologias se sentem desafiadas a se submeterem a um processo de transformação intercultural, onde o intercultural seja assumido como perspectiva e método e não apenas como tema.Abstract: The Christian message has been proclaimed through an intercultural dialog that, historically, was characterized by a strong polarization between faith and culture. Vatican II deconstructed this polarization, by proposing to us the transparency of culture with regard to faith. The Latin American Liberation Theology made explicit the internal contradictions of modern culture, inviting us to relate faith and cultures from the “other side” of History and from the “world of the poor.” In our days, theologies feel challenged to undergo a process of intercultural transformation, where the intercultural is assumed as a perspective and method and not just as a topic.Keywords: Faith; Reason; Culture; History; Interculturality.

Ney De Souza ◽  
Lucy Terezinha Mariotti

Este artigo objetiva entrelaçar duas temáticas de enorme relevância para a teologia latino-americana: Medellín e a liturgia. O texto apresenta o capítulo 9 da II Conferência do Episcopado Latino-americano, tendo presente as grandes linhas do mesmo documento. Através da Liturgia se busca encontrar os fundamentos para que a “casa da Igreja” seja ícone da Beleza. Para tanto, se quer reler de forma sinótica o Concílio Vaticano II e a II Conferência no que diz respeito à liturgia e, de consequência, para a arte litúrgica.Palavras-chaves: Medellín; liturgia; arte; beleza; Vaticano IIAbstractThis article aims to interweave two themes of great relevance to Latin American theology: Medellín and the liturgy. The text presents chapter 9 of the II Conference of Latin American Bishops, bearing in mind the broad lines of the same document. Through the Liturgy one seeks to find the foundations for the "house of the Church" to be the icon of Beauty. To that end, the synoptic re-reading of the Second Vatican Council and the Second Conference regarding the liturgy and, consequently, liturgical art.Keywords: Medellin; liturgy; art; beauty; Vatican II

1982 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-68
Marcella Hoesl

Ever since the Latin American bishops conference in Puebla, Mexico said that the church is called to have a “preferential option” for the poor, we have been grappling with what that means concretely for the Christian community. Here Dr. Hoesl shares important insights on this subject drawn from the experience of her religious community and her missionary service around the world.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (309) ◽  
pp. 65
Víctor Codina

Medellín 1968 fue un tiempo de gracia, una irrupción del Espíritu para América Latina, fue una recepción creativa del Vaticano II por parte de la Iglesia local Latinoamericana que en el clamor de los pobres discernió un signo de los tiempos En Medellín se actualiza el deseo de Juan XXIII de que el rostro de la Iglesia conciliar fuera el dela Iglesia de los pobres, que el Vaticano II, seguramente muy centro-europeo, no logró plasmar.Abstract: Medellin 1968 was a time of grace, an eruption of the Spirit for Latin America.  It was a creative reception of the Vatican II by the local Latin-American Church that perceived in the outcry of the poor a sign of the times. In Medellin, Pope John XXIII’s wish – that the face of the conciliar Church be that of the Church of the poor – was finally concretized. This was a wish that the naturally very Centro-European Vatican II was unable to fulfil.Keywords: Vatican II; Local church; Signs of the times; Poor; Justice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (297) ◽  
pp. 153-176
José Silvio Botero Giraldo

Síntese: O presente artigo propõe-se um tema de grande atualidade, muito evidenciado no pós-Concílio Vaticano II pelos últimos Papas e pelos teólogos pastoralistas: o “acompanhamento pastoral”. Na atual mudança de época, urge introduzir na Igreja o ar de renovação teológica, assim como o desejava o Papa João XXIII. Como afirma a Gaudium et spes (n. 5), “a passagem de uma época estática para outra mais evolutiva e dinâmica gera uma série de problemas que exige novas análises e novas sínteses”. Em sintonia com este postulado, apresentam-se aqui algumas atitudes pastorais a serem cultivadas, a fim de que se faça frente à problemática dos casais e das famílias. Estas atitudes demandam a acolhida de algumas analogias que ajudarão a resolver certos conflitos conjugais e familiares.Palavras-chave: Secularização. Casais. Família. Acompanhamento. Ética.Abstract: This paper deals with a very current topic singled out in the post-Vatican II period by recent Popes and by pastoral theologians: “pastoral care”. In the current change of era, there is an urgent need in the Church, for a new breath of theological renewal just as Pope John XXIII wished. As stated in the Gaudium et spes (n. 5), “the passage from a static era to a more evolutionary and dynamic one creates a series of problems that require new analyses and new syntheses”. In line with this basic tenet, we present here some pastoral attitudes to be cultivated, so that we can confront the problems of couples and families. These attitudes require the acceptance of some “analogies” that will help solve some marital and family conflicts.Keywords: Secularization. Couples. Family. Pastoral care. Ethics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (309) ◽  
pp. 29
Cecilio De Lora Soria

El Autor esboza la trayectoria de Medellín, sea como evento histórico, sea como evento kairótico. Como acontecimiento histórico, Medellín se relaciona con la precedente historia del Celam, así como al Vaticano II. El Celam, en algunos aspectos, se adelantó al Vaticano II; y éste, a su vez, le fue apoyo e inspiración. Esta inspiración puede ser resumida en el vivir la historicidad del misterio de la Iglesia (LG 5). Como consecuencia, la percepción de los signos de los tiempos acentúa la visita del Espíritu en la corporeidad; inspira la adopción de la metodología del Ver-Juzgar-Actuar desde la fe en el misterio de Jesucristo; abre la Iglesia de América a una triple dimensión: la centralidad del pobre, la orientación de la Liberación, la dimensión estructural de la Iglesia con las Comunidades Eclesiales de Base. Y, en el camino post-Medellín, el Autor señala marcas de sufrimiento y martirio, y apunta la presencia motivadora del Espíritu que, oído, renueva la Iglesia para que se mantenga fiel y renovada en su razón de ser: evangelizar.Abstract: The Author sketches the Medellin’s trajectory, be it as a historical event, be it as an opportune event. As a historical happening, Medellin relates with the previous history of the Episcopal Latin-American Council, and with that of the Vatican II; and the latter, in its turn, was its support and inspiration. This inspiration may be summed up by the fact that it lived the historicity of the Church’s mystery (LG 5). As a consequence, the perception of the signs of the times emphasizes the Spirit’s visit in the corporeity; it inspires the adoption of the methodology of the See-Judge-Act from the faith in Jesus Christ’s mystery; it opens the Church of America to a triple dimension: the centrality of the poor, the guidance towards Liberation and the structural dimension of the Church with the Ecclesial Grass-root Communities. And in the post-Medellin path, the Author points to signs of suffering and martyrdom, and to the motivating presence of the Spirit who, if heard, renews the Church so that it will remain faithful and renewed in its raison d’être: to evangelize.Keywords: Conference of Medellín; Vatican Council II; Historicity; Mystery of the Church; Evangelization in Latin America.Keywords: Conference of Medellín; Vatican Council II; Historicity; Mystery of the Church; Evangelization in Latin America.

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (284) ◽  
pp. 831
Antonio José de Almeida

Às vésperas dos 50 anos da inauguração do Vaticano II e baseado nas fontes hoje disponíveis, o Autor traça em cores vivas um quadro da relação entre João XXIII e o Concílio. Relação marcante, apesar da morte do Papa após a primeira sessão conciliar, uma vez que, imaginado, anunciado e inaugurado, o Vaticano II recebeu dele o impulso em favor do ecumenismo e do aggiornamento, da busca às fontes da Boa Nova e de sua tradução para os dias de hoje, na firme confiança de que o Espírito Santo assistiria a Igreja. Portanto, delinear a determinante influência de João XXIII sobre o Concílio, possibilitando, assim, a admiração por sua pessoa e obra, é a contribuição que o Autor deseja apresentar.Abstract: On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of the Vatican II Council and on the basis of the sources that are now available, the Author draws in vivid colours a picture of the relationship between Pope John XXIII and the Council. This was a remarkable relationship in spite of the Pope’s death just after the first session of the Council, since once imagined, announced and inaugurated, the Vatican II received from John XXIII the impetus in favour of ecumenism and aggiornamento, of the sources of the Good Tidings and of their translation for current times, in the absolute trust that the Holy Spirit would assist the Church. Thus, the contribution the Author wishes to present here is an outline of the huge influence John XXIII had on the Council – something that will contribute to increase our admiration for his personal qualities and for his work.

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