scholarly journals Acompanhamento pastoral aos casais e às famílias

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (297) ◽  
pp. 153-176
José Silvio Botero Giraldo

Síntese: O presente artigo propõe-se um tema de grande atualidade, muito evidenciado no pós-Concílio Vaticano II pelos últimos Papas e pelos teólogos pastoralistas: o “acompanhamento pastoral”. Na atual mudança de época, urge introduzir na Igreja o ar de renovação teológica, assim como o desejava o Papa João XXIII. Como afirma a Gaudium et spes (n. 5), “a passagem de uma época estática para outra mais evolutiva e dinâmica gera uma série de problemas que exige novas análises e novas sínteses”. Em sintonia com este postulado, apresentam-se aqui algumas atitudes pastorais a serem cultivadas, a fim de que se faça frente à problemática dos casais e das famílias. Estas atitudes demandam a acolhida de algumas analogias que ajudarão a resolver certos conflitos conjugais e familiares.Palavras-chave: Secularização. Casais. Família. Acompanhamento. Ética.Abstract: This paper deals with a very current topic singled out in the post-Vatican II period by recent Popes and by pastoral theologians: “pastoral care”. In the current change of era, there is an urgent need in the Church, for a new breath of theological renewal just as Pope John XXIII wished. As stated in the Gaudium et spes (n. 5), “the passage from a static era to a more evolutionary and dynamic one creates a series of problems that require new analyses and new syntheses”. In line with this basic tenet, we present here some pastoral attitudes to be cultivated, so that we can confront the problems of couples and families. These attitudes require the acceptance of some “analogies” that will help solve some marital and family conflicts.Keywords: Secularization. Couples. Family. Pastoral care. Ethics.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Paul Budi Kleden

Gaudium et Spes is a revolutionary document of Vatican II which can still inspire the Church now and in the future. This document is revolutionary in the sense that it deals with problems, issues and ideas that had never before become the agenda of any Council in the Catholic Church. Gaudium et Spes concretizes what John XXIII named aggiornamento, a process of contextualising the Christian heritage, through which the Church opens itself up to the modern world. This document is also revolutionary because it is entirely a product of the conciliar process of the Council itself. This article presents the process of drafting the document and discusses some issues that are relevant for the Church today and in the future. <b>Kata-kata kunci:</b> proses, Gereja, dunia modern, solidaritas, keadilan ekonomi, martabat manusia, perdamaian.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (288) ◽  
pp. 807
Francisco De Aquino Júnior

No contexto da celebração dos 50 anos do Concílio Vaticano II e dos 40 anos da Teologia da Libertação, o artigo aborda o tema da Igreja dos pobres, tal como foi proposto pelo papa João XXIII em sua mensagem ao mundo em 11 de setembro de 1962, bem como sua repercussão e seus desdobramentos no Concílio, na conferência de Medellín e na teologia latino-americana. E o faz para mostrar e reafirmar sua densidade/atualidade teológico-dogmática e sua relevância/atualidade histórica, apesar dos ajustes/desvios teológico-pastorais e para além dos modismos teológico-pastorais em voga na Igreja, particularmente na Igreja latino-americana.Abstract: In the context of the celebration of the 50 years of the Vatican II Council and of the 40th anniversary of the Theology of Liberation, the article discusses the Church of the Poor, as proposed by Pope John XXIII in his message to the world on September 11th 1962 as well as its impact and its aftermath in the Council, in the Medellin Conference and for Latin American theology. And the objective of the discussion is to show and reaffirm its theological-dogmatic density/actuality and its historical relevance/actuality, in spite of several theological-pastoral adjustments/deviations and beyond the theological-pastoral fads that are popular in the Church, and most of all in the Latin American one.

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (284) ◽  
pp. 831
Antonio José de Almeida

Às vésperas dos 50 anos da inauguração do Vaticano II e baseado nas fontes hoje disponíveis, o Autor traça em cores vivas um quadro da relação entre João XXIII e o Concílio. Relação marcante, apesar da morte do Papa após a primeira sessão conciliar, uma vez que, imaginado, anunciado e inaugurado, o Vaticano II recebeu dele o impulso em favor do ecumenismo e do aggiornamento, da busca às fontes da Boa Nova e de sua tradução para os dias de hoje, na firme confiança de que o Espírito Santo assistiria a Igreja. Portanto, delinear a determinante influência de João XXIII sobre o Concílio, possibilitando, assim, a admiração por sua pessoa e obra, é a contribuição que o Autor deseja apresentar.Abstract: On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of the Vatican II Council and on the basis of the sources that are now available, the Author draws in vivid colours a picture of the relationship between Pope John XXIII and the Council. This was a remarkable relationship in spite of the Pope’s death just after the first session of the Council, since once imagined, announced and inaugurated, the Vatican II received from John XXIII the impetus in favour of ecumenism and aggiornamento, of the sources of the Good Tidings and of their translation for current times, in the absolute trust that the Holy Spirit would assist the Church. Thus, the contribution the Author wishes to present here is an outline of the huge influence John XXIII had on the Council – something that will contribute to increase our admiration for his personal qualities and for his work.

Hiermonk Ioann ( Bulyko) ◽  

The Second Vatican Council was a unique event in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Initiated by Pope John XXIII, it was intended to make the Roman Catholic Church more open to the contemporary society and bring it closer to the people. The principal aim of the council was the so called aggiornamento (updating). The phenomenon of updating the ecclesiastical life consisted in the following: on the one hand, modernization of the life of the Church and closer relations with the secular world; on the other hand, preserving all the traditions upon which the ecclesiastical life was founded. Hence in the Council’s documents we find another, French word ressourcement meaning ‘return to the origins’ based on the Holy Scripture and the works of the Church Fathers. The aggiornamento phenomenon emerged during the Second Vatican Council due to the movement within the Catholic Church called nouvelle theologie (French for “new theology”). Its representatives advanced the ideas that became fundamental in the Council’s decisions. The nouvelle theologie was often associated with modernism as some of the ideas of its representatives seemed to be very similar to those of modernism. However, what made the greatest difference between the two movements was their attitude towards the tradition. For the nouvelle theologie it was very important to revive Christianity in its initial version, hence their striving for returning to the sources, for the oecumenical movement, for better relations with non-Catholics and for liturgical renewal. All these ideas can be traced in the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and all this is characterized by the word aggiornamento.

Bryan D. Spinks

What exactly is meant by the term “Modern Christian Liturgy”? At one level it could mean any recent worship service in any church, for example, the Divine Liturgy of the Ethiopian-Eritrean Orthodox churches celebrated last week. Although a modern celebration, with adaptations made to the rite amongst the diaspora, the rite itself was formulated in the late medieval era and has much older roots in Egypt. Sometimes the term applies to the most recent official liturgical services of a particular main line denomination growing out of the Liturgical Movement, such as the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic rites compared to the so-called “Tridentine” rite represented by the missal of John XXIII, or the Church of England’s Common Worship 2000 rites compared to those of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Here, the term is reserved for those newer forms of service that have appeared officially or unofficially in contemporary Euro-Atlantic protestant, evangelical, and charismatic churches in the 20th century, frequently adopting the current fashions of popular music for worship songs, and incorporating modern technology.

2013 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 1-19

Charles de Gaulle famously called the Second Vatican Council the most important event in modern history. Many commentators at the time saw the Council as nothing short of revolutionary, and the later judgements of historians have upheld this view. The astonishing enterprise of a man who became, quite unexpectedly, Pope John XXIII in 1958, this purposeful aggiornamento of the Roman Catholic Church was almost at once a leviathan of papers, committees, commissions, and meetings. Scholars have been left to confront no less than twelve volumes of ‘ante-preparatory’ papers, seven volumes of preparatory papers, and thirty-two volumes of documents generated by the Council itself. A lasting impression of the impressiveness of the affair is often conveyed by photographs of the 2,200-odd bishops of the Church, drawn from around the world, sitting in the basilica of St Peter, a vast, orchestrated theatre of ecclesiastical intent. For this was the council to bring the Church into a new relationship with the modern world, one that was more creative and less defiant; a council to reconsider much – if not quite all – of the theological, liturgical, and ethical infrastructure in which Catholicism lived and breathed and had its being.

2002 ◽  
pp. 20-30
Iryna Viktorivna Bogachevska

When more than four decades ago, in 1959, Pope John XXIII announced the convening of a high forum of bishops of his Church, many considered his decision to be the least risky. Although the official doctrine of Catholicism, systematized in Pope Leo's encyclical XIII "Rerum novarum" (1891), remained virtually unchanged from its adoption, and each successive head of the Church only developed its position in specific circumstances, John XXIII was convinced: after a long time In centuries of controversy and divisions, the time has come to speak to the world in the language of Christian love, to emphasize not what separates people, but what unites people of good will.

2016 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 357
Maria Teresa De Freitas Cardoso

RESUMO: O artigo apresenta traços do ensinamento de Bento XVI sobre a solicitude ecumênica e uma nota sobre sua renovação e avanço pelo papa Francisco na sua programática exortação Evangelii Gaudium. Depois de se reportar ao compromisso ecumênico do Concílio Vaticano II, considerado irreversível por João Paulo II, e de observar algumas dificuldades, como sobre a Declaração Dominus Iesus, examinam-se entrevistas, discursos e encíclicas de Joseph Ratzinger/Bento XVI, especialmente em relação com uma afirmação da constituição Gaudium et Spes do Concílio Vaticano II, sobre respeito e amor. No final, acrescenta-se uma anotação breve, mas importante, sobre a renovação e o avanço na Evangelii Gaudium do Papa Francisco. Destacam-se o ensinamento de respeito e o amor como fundamentais para o ecumenismo e o diálogo inter-religioso e valorizam-se: a oração e a espiritualidade; o testemunho da fé preservando a harmonia nas diversidades; a gratuidade e a reciprocidade; o diálogo; a promoção do bem e da paz. Finalmente, a abertura, a Igreja em saída, ao encontro dos outros, como é acentuado na Evangelii Gaudium.ABSTRACT: The article presents traces of the teachings of Benedict XVI on the ecumenical concern and a note on its renewal and advancement by Pope Francis in his programmatic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. After reporting back to the ecumenical commitment of Vatican Council II, considered irreversible by John Paul II, and to observe certain difficulties, such as on the Declaration Dominus Iesus, it examines interviews, speeches and encyclicals of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, especially in relation with an affirmation of the Constitution Gaudium et Spes of Vatican II, about respect and love. In the end, it adds a brief but important annotation on the renewal and the advancement of Evangelii Gaudium by Pope Francis. Here is highlighted the teaching of respect and love as fundamental for ecumenism and inter-religious dialog and value: prayer and spirituality; the testimony of faith while preserving the harmony of diversity; generosity and reciprocity; dialog; the promotion of goodness and peace. Finally, openness, the Church ready to go out, to meet others, as is emphasized in Evangelii Gaudium.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
João Bosco Lugnani ◽  
Aparecida Eunides Lugnani

Resumo: O artigo se propõe a analisar a teologia do matrimônio e da família, desde assuas raízes bíblicas até os ensinamentos magisteriais nos documentos da Igreja. O casalque escreve o artigo, reconhece que o conhecimento dessa teologia é importante para oenfrentamento dos desafios conjugais e familiares. Mas considera que a maior dificuldadeé colocar em prática, na vida pessoal, conjugal e familiar, ao menos as bases principaisdessa teologia. Após destacar quatro pontos da teologia bíblica do matrimônio (a origemdo matrimônio, na criação, em Gênesis; a celebração festiva do encontro com Deus, nasnúpcias do Cordeiro, no Apocalipse; o embate do matrimônio com o pecado e o resgatede sua beleza original por Jesus Cristo; as descrições que embasam o sinal sacramentale a graça do matrimônio, em Jesus e em Paulo), os autores ressaltam aspectos importantesda catequese do papa João Paulo II, de corte bíblico-antropológico, centrada nateologia do corpo, do amor e do sacramento. Retomam textos da Gaudium et Spes e daHumanae Vitae, que consideram significativos para a atualização da doutrina conciliarem nossos tempos.Palavras-chave: Matrimônio e Família; Matrimônio no Vaticano II; Catequeses de JoãoPaulo II.Abstract: The paper intends to analyze the theology of Marriage and Family, from itsbiblical roots until the magisterial teachings in the documents of the Church. The couplewho write, they recognize that the knowledge of this theology is important in order to copewith the conjugal and familiar challenges. But they consider the biggest difficulty is to putinto practice, in the personal, conjugal and familiar life, at least the principal bases of thistheology. After emphasizing four points of the biblical theology of Marriage (its origin inthe creation, in Genesis; the joyous celebration of the final encounter with God, in thewedding of the Lamb, in Apocalypse; the clash of marriage and sin, and the ransom ofits original beauty by Jesus Christ; the descriptions that fundament the sacramental signand the grace of marriage, in Jesus and in Paul), the authors detach important aspects ofJohn Paul II’s catechesis, with biblical-anthropological purport, centered in the theologyof body, love and sacrament. They retake quotations from Gaudium et Spes and fromHumanae Vitae, which they consider meaningful for the actualization of the Council’sdoctrine in our times.Key-words: Marriage and Family; Marriage in the Vatican II; John Paul II’s Catecheses.

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