scholarly journals JOCV Activity to Spread Holistic Nursing Care in China-Examination of Questionnaire Survey in Nursing Process Study-

2006 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-136
Hiromi Tujimura
2016 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-78 ◽  
Bonni S. Cohen ◽  
Rebecca Boni

Simulation as a technology and holistic nursing care as a philosophy are two components within nursing programs that have merged during the process of knowledge and skill acquisition in the care of the patients as whole beings. Simulation provides opportunities to apply knowledge and skill through the use of simulators, standardized patients, and virtual settings. Concerns with simulation have been raised regarding the integration of the nursing process and recognizing the totality of the human being. Though simulation is useful as a technology, the nursing profession places importance on patient care, drawing on knowledge, theories, and expertise to administer patient care. There is a need to promptly and comprehensively define the concept of holistic nursing simulation to provide consistency and a basis for quality application within nursing curricula. This concept analysis uses Walker and Avant’s approach to define holistic nursing simulation by defining antecedents, consequences, and empirical referents. The concept of holism and the practice of holistic nursing incorporated into simulation require an analysis of the concept of holistic nursing simulation by developing a language and model to provide direction for educators in design and development of holistic nursing simulation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 174-183
Julita Ronkowska ◽  
Anna Stefanowicz-Bielska

AbstractIntroduction. Type 1 diabetes is the most common chronic childhood disease.Aim. The aim of the study is to present the process of nursing a child with DMT1 and its family using the terminology from ICNP®.Material and methods. The study is based on a case report and a literature review. The study was conducted in December 2019. A written consent of the child’s mother was obtained for the study.Results and conclusions. Proper nursing care, intensive diabetes education and optimal treatment are essential to ensure the best quality of life while minimizing the risk of acute metabolic disorders and chronic complications. Using ICNP® terminology enables the creation of a detailed and holistic nursing process for a child with DMT1 and its family. Based on the information obtained, nursing diagnoses were formulated: dyspnea, nausea, hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia, lack of knowledge of illness, lack of knowledge of treatment regime, lack of knowledge of diet regime, overweight, anxiety, impaired socialization, risk of impaired parenting. The nursing interventions will help to achieve an appropriate standard of living as well as reduce the risk of acute metabolic disorders and chronic diabetes complications.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-40
Muhammad Khabib Burhanuddin Iqomh ◽  
Nani Nurhaeni ◽  
Dessie Wanda

Peningkatan suhu tubuh  menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman, gelisah pada anak, sehingga waktu untuk istirahat menjadi terganggu.Tatalaksana pada anak dengan demam dapat dilakukan dengan metode farmakologi dan non farmakologi. Tepid water spongingmerupakan tatalaksana non farmakologi. Konservasi adalah serangkaian sistem agar tubuh manusia mampu menjalankan fungsi, beradaptasi untuk melangsungkan kehidupan. Perawat mempunyai peran untuk membantu anak dalam mengatasi gangguan termoregulasi. Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas penurunan suhu tubuh menggunakan tepid water sponging dengan pendekatanl konservasi Levine di ruang rawat infeksi. Efektifitas diukur dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan berdasarkan proses keperawatan yang terdapat dalam model konservasi Levine yaitu: pengkajian, menentukan trophicognosis, menentukan hipotesis, intervensi dan evaluasi. Terdapat lima kasus yang dibahas. Hasil penerapan model konservasi Levine mampu meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam mempertahankan fungsi tubuh dan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan. Kombinasi tepid water sponging dan terapi farmakologi mampu mengatasi demam dengan cepat dibanding terapi farmakologi.   Kata kunci: termoregulasi, tepid water sponging, teori model konservasi Levine   REDUCTION OF BODY TEMPERATURE USING TEPID WATER SPONGINGWITH THE LEVINE CONSERVATION APPROACH   ABSTRACT Increased body temperature causes discomfort, anxiety in children, so that the time to rest becomes disturbed. Management of children with fever can be done by pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. Tepid water sponging is a non-pharmacological treatment. Conservation is a series of systems so that the human body is able to function, adapt to life. Nurses have a role to help children overcome thermoregulation disorders. This scientific work aims to determine the effectiveness of decreasing body temperature using tepid water sponging with the approach of Levine conservation in the infectious care room. Effectiveness is measured in the provision of nursing care based on the nursing process contained in the Levine conservation model, namely: assessment, determining trophicognosis, determining hypotheses, intervention and evaluation. There are five cases discussed. The results of the application of the Levine conservation model are able to improve the ability of children to maintain body functions and adapt to changes. The combination of tepid water sponging and pharmacological therapy is able to overcome fever quickly compared to pharmacological therapy.   Keywords: thermoregulation, tepid water sponging, Levine conservation model theory  

2020 ◽  
Kristin Natal Riang Gea

AbstrakManajemen asuhan keperawatan merupakan suatu proses keperawatan yang menggunakan konsep manajemen secara umum didalamnya seperti perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengendalian atau evaluasi. Peningkatan mutu pelayanan adalah derajat memberikan pelayanan secara efisien dan efektif sesuai dengan standar profesi, standar pelayanan yang dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasien, memanfaatkan teknologi tepat guna dan hasil penelitian dalam pengembangan pelayanan kesehatan/ keperawatan sehingga tercapai derajat kesehatan yang optimal. Kualitas pelayanan keperawatan di rumah sakit tidak akan berjalan dengan baik apabila proses keperawatan yang dilaksanakan tidak terstruktur dengan baikKata Kunci : Manajemen Keperawatan, Kualitas Pelayanan,.standar proses keperawatanAbstract Nursing care management is a nursing process that uses general management concepts in it such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling or evaluation. Improving the quality of service is the degree of providing services in an efficient and effective in accordance with professional standards, service standards are implemented thoroughly in accordance with the needs of patients, utilizing appropriate technology and research results in the development of health services / nursing to achieve optimal health. The quality of nursing care in the hospital will not run properly if the nursing process does not properly implemented.Keywords: Management of Care of Nursing, Quality of Service, standard nursing process,

Inmaculada Corral‐Liria ◽  
Miriam Alonso‐Maza ◽  
Julio González‐Luis ◽  
Sergio Fernández‐Pascual ◽  
Ricardo Becerro‐de‐Bengoa‐Vallejo ◽  

V. P. Matrtseniuk ◽  
I. Ye. Andrushchak ◽  
I. V. Tsikorska

The paper presents information models of the nursing process through a conceptual presentation, including assessments of the patient's overall condition (nursing interviews, physical assessment, measurement, documentation analysis), nursing diagnosis, nursing care planning, determination of expected results, nursing manipulation, care plan implementation and care results evaluation. Particular attention is drawn to the possibility of using international terminology in describing nursing practices. Analysis of solutions is carried out using the terminology of decision trees.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (32) ◽  
pp. 324-331
Anna Rebeka Oliveira Ferreira ◽  
Wanderson Rocha Oliveira ◽  
Brenda Melissa Barros Mota dos Santos ◽  
Claudia Regina Marchiori Antunes Araújo

Este relato possui como objetivo realizar a elaboração e aplicação de um instrumento para concretização do Processo de Enfermagem durante as visitas domiciliares. O relato foi realizado em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Maringá. Primeiramente foi realizado um aprofundamento teórico e observação da realidade para a construção de roteiros com histórico de enfermagem, diagnósticos e intervenções de acordo com a Classificação Internacional de Práticas em Saúde Coletiva (CIPESC), articulada à Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem específica para cada fase do ciclo da vida, para posterior aplicação e avaliação. O instrumento possibilitou a efetivação do princípio da integralidade do Sistema Único de Saúde por parte dos discentes e enfermeiros, o que facilitou a identificação das necessidades do paciente e família de uma forma holística, e contribuiu para uma maior autonomia do enfermeiro durante o processo do cuidar.Descritores: Visita Domiciliar, Educação em Saúde, Atenção Primaria a Saúde, Processo de Enfermagem. Integrality of assistance in home visit: experience reportAbstract: This report aims to carry out the elaboration and application of an instrument for  implementation of the Nursing Process during home visits. This report was carried out in a Basic Health Unit at Maringá. First of all, we carried out a theoretical deepening and observation of reality, for the construction of scripts with a history of nursing, diagnoses and interventions according to the International Classification of Public Health Practices (CIPESC) linked to the Systematization of Nursing Care specific to each phase of the life cycle, and later, application and evaluation. The instrument enabled the implementation of the principle of integrality of the Unified Health System by students and nurses, making easier the identification of the needs of patient and family in a holistic way and adding to the greater autonomy of nurses during the care process.Descriptors: Home Visit, Health Education, Primary Health Care, Nursing Process. Integralidad de la asistencia durante las visitas domiciliares: informe de experienciaResumen: Este informe tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo la elaboración y aplicación de un instrumento para implementación del Proceso de Enfermería durante las visitas domiciliarias. Este informe se realizó en una Unidad Básica de Salud en Maringá, en primer realizamos una profundización teórica y observación de la realidad, para la construcción de guiones con antecedentes de enfermería, diagnósticos e intervenciones según la Clasificación Internacional de Prácticas en Salud Colectiva (CIPESC), vinculado a la Sistematización de la Asistencia de Enfermería, específica para cada fase del ciclo de vida, para su posterior aplicación y evaluación. El instrumento permitió la aplicación del principio de integración del Sistema Único de Salud por parte de estudiantes y enfermeros, facilitando la identificación de las necesidades del paciente y la familia de manera integral y contribuyendo a una mayor autonomía de las enfermeras durante el proceso de atención.Descriptores: Visita Domiciliaria, Educación Sanitária, Atención Primaria de Salud, Proceso de Enfermería.

2014 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-92 ◽  
Rafaela Mossarelli Penedo ◽  
Wilza Carla Spiri

OBJECTIVE: To understand the meaning that the nurse managers attributed to the nursing process, developed in their daily work.METHODS: The phenomenological method was used, referencing the structure of the situated phenomenon. The subjects were thirteen nurses, managers of a university hospital. The analysis included transcription and readings of depositions aimed at the essence, by means of thematization, interpretation and synthesis of the phenomenon.RESULTS: The thematic categories were: human resources in achieving the systematization of nursing care; their relevance to the work of the nurse, difficulties in its implementation; qualification for its realization.CONCLUSION: The meaning that nurse managers attribute to the systematization of nursing care are related to the legal aspects of professional practice, teamwork, and to the adequate scheduling of human resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Lalu Wirentanus

The increasing need for health services requires nurses currently to have knowledge and skills in various fields. At present, nurses have a broader role with an emphasis on improving health and preventing disease, as well as looking at clients comprehensively. This study discusses the role and authority of nurses in carrying out their duties based on the provisions of law number 38 of 2014 concerning nursing. This research is normative research with a legislative approach and critical legal studies. The results of the study that the role of nurses must be able to ensure that the company meets the laws and regulations, develop health surveillance programs, conducts counseling, coordinates health promotion activities and fitness, at all. As for the authority of nurses, based on article 30 paragraph (1) of law number 38 of 2014 that nurses carry out their duties as providers of nursing care in the field of individual health efforts, nurses are authorized to a) carry out holistic nursing assessments, b) establish a nursing diagnosis, c) plan nursing actions. Carry out nursing actions, d) evaluating the results of nursing actions and so on which, based on reality, are still not well implemented.Keywords: authority of nurses, nursing law, roleABSTRAKBertambahnya kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan menuntut perawat saat ini memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan di berbagai bidang. Saat ini perawat memiliki peran yang lebih luas dengan penekanan pada peningkatan kesehatan dan pencegahan penyakit, juga memandang klien secara komprehensif. Penelitian ini membahas tentang peran dan wewenang perawat dalam menjalankan tugasnya berdasarkan ketentuan undang-undang nomor 38 tahun 2014 tentang keperawatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan studi hukum kritis. Hasil penelitian, bahwa peran perawat harus mampu meyakinkan bahwa perusahaan memenuhi peraturan perundangan-undangan, mengembangkan program surveilance kesehatan, melakukan konseling, melakukan koordinasi untuk kegiatan promosi kesehatan dan fitnes, dan seterusnya. Adapun kewenangan perawat, berdasarkan pasal 30 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 38 tahun 2014 bahwa perawat menjalankan tugas sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan di bidang upaya kesehatan perorangan, perawat berwenang a) melakukan pengkajian keperawatan secara holistik. b) menetapkan diagnosis keperawatan. c) merencanakan tindakan keperawatan. melaksanakan tindakan keperawatan. e) mengevaluasi hasil tindakan keperawatan dan seterusnya yang berdasarkan kenyataan masih belum terimplementasi dengan baik.Kata kunci: undang-undang keperawatan, peran, wewenang perawat

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