scholarly journals Pemberdayaan Komunitas Anak Jalanan Yogyakarta Melalui Bermain Peran

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Fatwa Tentama ◽  
Dessy Pranungsari ◽  
Nissa Tarnoto

For an optimal development of the child's mother in every aspect of its development is very important. One aspect of skills that must be developed from an early age is a social skill. Most of the streets are young mothers of young children in Yogyakarta worried with the development of their social skills. The young mother does not know how to provide the appropriate stimulation to the child, especially to teach children social skills. Stimulate the child's development of social skills of children aspect then held a training play a role to the street children and of young mothers streets. Training was conducted for two days with story, discussions and role play. The purpose of this training is to improve the social skills of children so that they can adapt to their social environment. The results of the training is role playing a child's social skills to be increased after the training given by the method of playing the role. Social skills of children who increasingly include socializing in the neighborhood play when new friends, increase vocabulary, follow the rules of the game, and resolve conflicts with peers.

Syamsu Nahar ◽  
Wahyuddin Nur Nasution ◽  
Sunita Sari

This study aims to determine: (1) differences in the social skills of children who carry out learning activities using macro role playing strategies and those using micro role playing, (2) differences in social skills of children who have high self-concept and children who have low self-concept, and (3) the interaction between role playing strategies and self-concept on social skills. The populations in this study were children aged 5-6 years. This research was conducted at PAUD Aisyah Az-zahra Medan. The research method used was quasi-experimental. The collection technique was a questionnaire and a test, then the data analysis technique was a two-way analysis of variance. The results showed (1). the average social skills of children who learn to use macro role playing strategies are higher, namely = 8.80 compared to those who use micro role playing strategies = 6.50, with f-count = 9.096 > f-table = 3.48, with a level significant 0.05, (2) the average social skills of children who have high self-concept is higher with an average = 9.15 while the average social skills of children who have low self-concept = 7.96 with f-count = 5,967> f-table = 3.48 with a significant level of 0.05, and (3) there is an interaction between playing with self-concept on children's social skills with f-count = 4.591> f-table = 3.48 at a significant level of 0, 05.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
N. Indroasyoko ◽  
A. Muhammad ◽  
D. Sujana

The objective of this research is to know how big the impact of co-curricular program to social skill. Samples are 59 the students of Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung who follow the activities of co-curricular field of Arts, Special Skills and Sports.  Attributes of Social Skills include: Co-operation, Assertiveness, Empathy, and Self-Control. The questionnaire technique using the scale of assessment of Linkert model.  The data were analyzed by using factor analysis to find out which factors were dominant and how the ranking variables.  The results showed that students of co-curricular participants could form social skills by 66%, while the social skill formation by the co-curricular in the respective fields: art-62.44%, special skills-59.22%, and sports-81, 78%, the rest in the stimulus by other factors that have not been revealed.  The co-curricular field of sports contributes the most dominant in the formation of students' social skills compared to other fields. There is a variation in the sequence of dominant factors of social skills variables for each field of co-curricular activity. The dominant of the social skills of each co-curricular programs differs.  In terms of art skill, the dominant factor is self-control. In relation to specific technical skill, empathy dominates the factor. Meanwhile in sport skill, the factor is dominated by assertiveness.

2019 ◽  
Simon Mats Breil ◽  
Boris Forthmann ◽  
Anike Hertel ◽  
Helmut Ahrens ◽  
Britta Brouwer ◽  

One popular procedure in the medical student selection process are multiple mini-interviews (MMIs), which are designed to assess social skills (e.g., empathy) by means of brief interview and role-play stations. However, it remains unclear whether MMIs reliably measure desired social skills or rather general performance differences that do not depend on specific social skills. Here, we provide a detailed investigation into the construct validity of MMIs, including the identification and quantification of performance facets (social skill-specific performance, station-specific performance, general performance) and their relations with other selection measures. We used data from three MMI samples (N = 376 applicants, 144 raters) that included six interview and role-play stations and multiple assessed social skills. Bayesian generalizability analyses show that, the largest amount of reliable MMI variance was accounted for by station-specific and general performance differences between applicants. Furthermore, there were low or no correlations with other selection measures. Our findings suggest that MMI ratings are less social skill-specific than originally conceptualized and are due more to general performance differences (across and within-stations). Future research should focus on the development of skill-specific MMI stations and on behavioral analyses on the extents to which performance differences are based on desirable skills versus undesired aspects.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-73 ◽  
Lotte Galløe

Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med rollespil som en læringsteknologi. Artiklen stiller skarpt på rollespil som en nuanceret styring, der søger at fremme en særlig adfærd. Der argumenteres for, at rollespillet er et eksempel på en strategisk praksis, der fungerer ved at inddrage de lærende i påvirkningen af sig selv og hinanden. Gennem et feltstudie af et træningsforløb for forældre med udadreagerende børn er rollespil som læringsteknologi undersøgt. Med et foucaultiansk magtperspektiv belyses de specifikke teknikker, der gør rollespillet til en legende praksis, for siden at tillægge det en anden alvor. Artiklen viser, hvordan rollespillet tager form i samspillet mellem instruktører og forældre og viser sig virksomt ved at inkludere forældrene i udførelsen og omdirigere deres modstand. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Lotte Galløe: Imaginary Real Life. The Governed Learning of Role Playing This paper examines role-playing as a learning technology. It focuses on role-playing, as employed in the social services, as an advanced form of governance aiming to produce a certain behavior on the part of the learners. Based on an ethnographic interpretation of Michel Foucault’s notion of power, the paper sheds light on role-playing in practice in Parent Management Training (PMTO) group sessions. Role-playing in PMTO exemplifies the use of particular techniques that shape role-playing as an imaginary game, and simultaneously ascribes it significance in real life. The article argues that role-playing’s apparent non-serious approach enables a strategic practice engaging the learners in the governing actions targeted towards shaping them as subjects. The paper shows how the techniques of enactment, instruction, and evaluation unfold by involving the parents in the performance. Finally the paper shows how resistance is rejected or adapted within the governing practice. Keywords: role-play, Foucault, governance, PMTO, learning.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Amtorunajah Amtorunajah ◽  
Muhsinatun Siasah Masruri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS melalui outdoor activity sebagai metode pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas VIIA SMP Negeri 1 Kaligondang Kabupaten Purbalingga. Penelitian ini terfokus pada peningkatan keterampilan sosial siswa. Data peningkatan keterampilan sosial diperoleh melalui pengamatan, wawancara, dokumentasi, yang selanjutnya dianalisis untuk dibandingkan: (1) hasil pengamatan sebelum tindakan dan sesudah tindakan, dan (2) hasil pengamatan keterampilan sosial tiap siklus yang didukung oleh tanggapan berbagai pihak. Sebelum dilakukan tindakan, peneliti melakukan pengamatan keterampilan sosial dengan hasil rerata 2,79. Pada penerapan outdoor activitiy siklus I diperoleh skor rerata sebesar 3,12 (kategori cukup). Pada penerapan outdoor activity siklus II diperoleh skor rerata sebesar 3,69 (kategori baik). Pada penerapan outdoor activity siklus III mengalami peningkatan dengan skor rerata 4,16 (kategori baik). Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan keterampilan sosial siswa pada prasiklus, siklus I, siklus II, dan siklus III, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode outdoor activity dalam pembelajaran IPS dapat meningkatkan keterampilan sosial pada siswa. Dengan demikian metode pembelajaran dengan outdoor activity layak diterapkan dalam pembelajaran IPS sebagai salah satu kegiatan pembelajaran, khususnya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial siswa. Kata kunci: keterampilan sosial, outdoor activity, pembelajaran IPS SMP______________________________________________________________ IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SOCIAL SKILLS IN SOCIAL STUDIES LEARNING THROUGH OUTDOOR ACTIVITY IN SMP NEGERI 1 KALIGONDANG PURBLINGGA REGENCY Abstract This study aims to improve the social skills of students in social studies learning through outdoor activity as a learning method. This was a classrooms action research study involving grade VIIA students of SMP Negeri 1 Kaligondang Purbalingga regency. This study focused on improving the social skill. The data of improvement of social skills were collected through observation, interviews, documentation, which is then analyzed for comparison: (1) the result of observations before and after the actions, and (2) the result of observation of social skills of each cycle supported by responses from different  parties. Before the actions, the researchers conducted observations of social skills and the mean score was 2.79 (in the moderate category). Through the application of the outdoor activitiy in cycle I obtained mean score of 3.12 (in the moderate category). Through the application of the outdoor activity in cycle II obtained mean score of 3.69 (in the good category). Through the application of outdoor activity in cycle III, the student’ social skill improved, with a mean score of 4.16 (in the good category). Based on the result of the observations of students' social skills on precycle, cycle I, cycle II, and  cycle III, it can be concluded that the application of the learning method of outdoor activity in Social Studies can improve social skills in students. Thus the method of learning with outdoor activity feasible in learning social studies as one of the learning activities, in particular to improve the students’ social skills. Keywords: social skills, outdoor activity, social studies learning at junior high school.

1984 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-245 ◽  
Verdi R. Lethermon ◽  
Donald A. Williamson ◽  
Sarah C. Moody ◽  
Stanford W. Granberry ◽  
Kathleen L. Lemanek ◽  

1992 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 189-195 ◽  
Keith Storey

The social skill of persons with disabilities has been found to influence employment, schooling, friendships, community involvement, and overall quality of life. However, the ability of researchers and practitioners to assess social skills has been limited by reliance upon paper and pencil recording procedures. The development of computer technology offers refinement and expansion of the ability to adequately assess social skills. In this paper, the impact of technology on assessing social skills in persons with disabilities is addressed in terms of describing the technology, implications of the technology, and the role of micro versus macro analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Virgian Ferda Sari ◽  
Ni Wayan Sukerti

This research aimed to identify the effects of PECS on the social skills of a student with ADHD, who experienced delayed in communication and social interaction. This research used Single Subject Design, with A-B-A design as the research design. The data were presented using graphics and analyzed using visual analysis. The subject of this research was a first grader with ADHD in an Inclusive Elementary School.  The result of this research showed that there was an effect on the implementation of PECS on the social skill of a student with ADHD; the student’s tendency to refuse the invitation to play together with others decreased. Moreover, the implementation of PECS enabled the student to understand the kinds of social skills that could be done together through PECS’s interactive pictures. Furthermore, it was found that PECS could optimize the student’s communicative and cognitive aspects.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 141-157
Žaneta Grinkevičiūtė ◽  
Jorūnė Vyšniauskytė-Rimkienė

Kauno „Atžalyno“ vidurinė mokyklaPartizanų g. 46, Kaunas. Tel. (8 37) 31 19 73El. paštas: [email protected] Didžiojo universitetasDonelaičio g. 52 Kaunas. Tel. (8 37) 32 78 46El. paštas: [email protected]  Prevencinė socialinių įgūdžių lavinimo programa buvo parengta ir įdiegta bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos 14–16 metų paauglių klasėje. Šešiolikos užsiėmimų programą vedė profesionalus socialinis darbuotojas. Socialiniams paauglių įgūdžiams lavinti naudoti instruktavimo, modeliavimo, vaidmenų žaidimų, elgesio generalizacijos ir kiti darbo grupėje metodai. Tyrime naudotas trianguliacijos metodas: taikytos kokybinio ir kiekybinio tyrimų prieigos. Atliktas veiklos tyrimas atskleidė, kad socialinių įgūdžių lavinimo programa bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje yra iš dalies veiksminga. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad berniukai tapo atviresni, pradėjo labiau reikšti savo jausmus ir domėtis, kaip jaučiasi kiti bendraamžiai. Tyrime dalyvavę paaugliai pradėjo dažniau inicijuoti pokalbius, tarpusavio sąveikose tapo drąsesni. Grupės darbe pokytis buvo nustatytas merginų tarpe, jos tapo vieningesnės, „drąsiai dalindavosi savo situacijomis bei įsitraukdavo į grupinį darbą“. Remiantis atlikto tyrimo duomenimis, bendrojo lavinimo mokykloms rekomenduojama organizuoti nuolatinius ir ilgalaikius socialinių įgūdžių lavinimo užsiėmimus, kuriuose galėtų dalyvauti skirtingą socialinę kompetenciją turintys vaikai ir paaugliai.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: socialiniai įgūdžiai, prevencinis socialinių įgūdžių lavinimas, socialinių įgūdžių lavinimas mokykloje.Preventive Training of Social Skills at School: Development of Social Skills in AdolescentsŽaneta Grinkevičiūtė, Jorūnė Vyšniauskytė-RimkienėSummaryA preventive program of training social skills was developed and implemented in-class for 14–16-year-old adolescents in a regular secondary school. The social skills training program of sixteen workshops was led by a professional social worker. The methods of instruction, modeling, role-playing games, generalization were used to develop social skills of adolescents. In the research, the triangulation method (qualitative and quantitative) was used. The action research revealed that the social skills training program was partially effective. The boys’ behaviour mostly changed according to data of the assertiveness and empathy scales. The boys became more open; moreover, they began to express their feelings and show interest in other peoples’ feelings. Adolescents began to initiate conversations and became assertive in interactions with others. In group work, the girls showed more changes in their behaviour (became more united, were sharing their situations, were actively involed in the group work). According to the data of the research, recommendations were prepared for organizations and institutions working with adolescents in organizing stable and long-term social skills training sessions including participants with different levels of social competence development.Key words: social skills, preventive training of social skills, training of social skills at school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Yen Na Yum ◽  
Way Kwok-Wai Lau ◽  
Kean Poon ◽  
Fuk Chuen Ho

Abstract Background Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental impairment characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and interactions, and over half of children with ASD possess below average intellectual ability (IQ < 85). The social development and response to social skill interventions among children with ASD and comorbid intellectual disability (ID) is not well understood. Music therapy is a systematic process of intervention, wherein a therapist may help clients promote their social skills by using musical experience. The proposed study will address limited research evidence on music therapy as an intervention for social functioning in children with ASD with mild to borderline ID. Method A randomized controlled trial (RCT) with two parallel groups of 40 children each (1:1 allocation ratio) is planned. Participants will receive 45 min of music therapy or non-musical intervention targeting social skills once a week for 12 weeks. Primary outcome measures will be independent ratings on the Childhood Autism Rating Scale and parent ratings on the Social Responsiveness Scale-2. Linear mixed-effects models for these two outcome measures will be created for data collected at 2-week pre-intervention, 2-week post-intervention, and 4-month post-intervention sessions. In-session behaviors at the first and last intervention will be videotaped and coded offline and compared. Pretreatment neural response of quantitative electroencephalograms (qEEG) to social scenes will be used to predict the outcomes of musical and non-musical social skill interventions, whereas qEEG responses to music will be used to predict the effectiveness of musical social skill intervention. Discussion If neural markers of social skill development are found, then the long-term goal is to develop individualized intervention based on pre-treatment markers to maximize treatment efficacy. The proposed study’s results may also suggest directions to development and provision of music therapy services in Hong Kong. Trial registration (NCT04557488). Registered September 21, 2020.

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