2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Elya Yuliana

The purposes of this research are to increase the students asking activity and student learning outcomes in class V of MI Yusuf Abdussatar Kediri, totaling 23 people. Learning to apply the process skills approach, teaches students to discover and develop the facts by themselves. the concept of learning presenting, students' courage in ideas, opinions and questions, effort, activity and creativity in the learning process and the level of student attitudes that dominate in the learning process. This learning activity helps students to be more active in asking.This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles, consisting of the action planning stage, the stage of implementation of the action, observation, and the stage of evaluation and reflection. Students and teacher activity data derived from observations and interviews for the assessment process, while data on student learning outcomes obtained through tests given at the end of each cycle. Indicators of success of this study extend from the average value grade students can reach the KKM 65 and with a percentage of 85%. The results showed that the average value of students in cycle I and II increased from 72.70 into 82.43 with the difference in value of 9.73. While the percentage of students who earn a minimum value standard upward cycle I and II also increased from 73.91% to 86.95% by a margin of 13:04%. This means that action research is in compliance indicators to be achieved. The results showed that the application process can increase the skill of asking activity and science learning outcomes in science teaching class V.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 194
Sevi S Addine

This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which aims to increase the learning activeness of students through the Google Classroom application. The subjects in this study were 33 students of class XI TBG 1 SMK Negeri 3 Jember. Data collection techniques in this research include observation, tests. Active learning through the Google Classroom application is carried out in 2 cycles consisting of the planning stage, the implementation stage, the observation stage and the reflection stage. The results of the study in cycle 1 showed that the class average value obtained was 66.3%, after being given action in cycle II using an innovative learning model, the learning outcomes increased with a class average score of 75% with 31 students who completed. . These results indicate that there is an increase in student learning outcomes using the google classroom application, so it can be concluded that student learning activity also increases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Muh. Eko Tirto Noviyantoro

This research aims to improve learning outcomes under passing on volleyball game using the play method. This research using the Classroom Action Research (PTK) approach. The subject of this research  of class V of elementary school at SDN Pandan 1 Omben. This research was conducted with six meetings consisting of two cycle, every cycle 3 times meeting. The first cycle that is realized through action according to the plan and learning method, the result is 74% of students graduate. In the second cycle which is realized through reflection action results from cycle 1, the result is the average value of students in underpass learning increases to 92% of students graduating. Based on the results of the study can be concluded that passing under learning using the play method can improve student learning outcomes in class V at SDN Pandan 1 Omben

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Noorlan Noorlan

This Research told about the assumption what if these lessons are taught by professional teachers. In generally, the lessons of history will make students more eager, joyful and meaningful, so that the students know the significance of the history of the nation. The study used action research method during two cycles. The first cycle of research results from 27 states who attended the liveliness of the togetherness in the learning process in cycle 1 with an average value of 6.1 (enough), while in cycle 2 with an average value of 7.1 (good). Learning outcomes complete the first cycle yan 85.19%, while in the second cycle of the complete 96.15% .Ternyata after using the discussion an increase in activity and student learning outcomes. It shows that the lessons of history with discussion method will increase the activity and student learning outcomes in class XII IPS 3 SMAN 1 20011/20012 Tanjung school year.Key words: Activity, learning achievement, discuss method

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-131
Erniati Erniati

Natural science is closely related to everyday human life, for example, familiar with various energy sources that are often encountered in everyday life and usefulness. A teacher should be able to use strategies that can create conditions and learning situations that enable students to actively shape, discover and develop their knowledge. One of the innovations teachers can make is to use student-centered strategies. A student-centered strategy means that every learning activity can provide the widest possible opportunity for students to be directly involved in the learning process. Based on the background and the above symptoms, it can be formulated the problem in this research as follows: "whether the implementation of verbal football learning strategy can improve student learning outcomes on the sport subject in class V in SD Negeri 12 Maredan Barat?" The subjects in this study were teachers and students of class V which numbered 28 people in SD Negeri 12 Maredan Barat. While the object of this research is the application of football verbal strategies to improve student learning outcomes in physical education subjects in class V SD negeri 12 Maredan Barat. This study consisted of two variables, the variables X and Y. As the variable X variable is football verbal learning strategies, while as its Y variable is the result of studying physical education with competency standards to understand how green plants make food.This classroom action research site was conducted at SD Negeri Maredan Barat.The research time has been conducted starting from September to October 2015.This research is a classroom action research (PTK).Classroom action research is a reflective form of research by taking certain actions to improve and improve classroom teaching practices professionally.Classroom action research seeks to improve and develop the professionalism of teachers in fulfilling their duties. Students' learning outcomes during the learning process before the action was obtained averaged 63.33 were at intervals of less than 65 with the category "Less". Meanwhile, after the corrective action with verbal soccer strategy in cycle I, student learning outcomes occur with an average increase of 70.83 at intervals 65-70 with the category "Enough". While the action on the second cycle also increased with an average of 74.58 are at intervals 71-84 with the category of "Good"

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50

This action research was to increase the student interaction in the learning process. The subjects were the students at class X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan, consisting of 35 students (18 male and 17 female). It was held in the odd semester of the 2020-2021. The treatment given was by introducing the use of Google Classroom as the platfom of the learning. The result shows that there was an  increase of the student interaction in the learning process on the Protista subject matter, by looking at the interactive score, namely the difference between the final score and the previous score > 30 with a score of 25, from 5.7% in cycle I to 0.0%, indicating an increase in student interactive, it even occurs interactively for all students in the learning process in cycle II, and this has a significant effect on student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes increased from 76.2% in cycle I to 78.1% in cycle II, with attendance of students in cycle I of 99.0% and cycle II of 96.2%. There was an increase in student interaction in the learning and completeness of 80.0% with an average value of 65.9.  It can be concluded that learning using Google Classroom

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-239
Animar Animar ◽  

The spread of the Corona virus has had a significant impact on the world of education. The policy taken by many countries, including Indonesia, is to close all educational activities. This makes the government and related institutions have to present an alternative learning process. Many factors affect student learning outcomes coupled with changes in learning conditions due to the Corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the impacts and constraints of the Covid-19 outbreak on teaching and learning activities, especially in Geography subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Sikur. Data collection was carried out using the pretest - posttest method of students' abilities before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out by quantitative methods using paired sample t-test to test the difference in the effect of the two treatments on the interrelated sample groups. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a difference in the average Geography learning outcomes of 11th grade of social science students before and after the outbreak of the corona virus. Information was obtained that the average value of student learning outcomes during the face-to-face learning process was 86.27, better than the average value when the learning process was carried out online which was 75.73. Keywords: covid-19 impact, learning outcomes, geography

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Alfera Bekti Susanti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran daring melalui media game edukasi Quizizz. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subyek penelitian siswa kelas VI SD Negeri Kesongo 01 sebanyak 22 siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan 2 siklus, masing-masing siklus 1 kali pertemuan. Setiap pertemuan terdisi dari 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Pelaksanaan tahap-tahap penelitian sedikit berbeda dari pembelajaran dalam kelas karena pembelajaran dilakukan secara terpisah atau siswa berada dirumah masing-masing. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pada siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa 51,36 dengan katagori cukup. Sedangkan pada siklus II diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa 93,45 dengan katagori tinggi. Jadi dari siklus I dan siklus II terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sebanyak 42,09. Dengan demikian penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media belajar berbasis game edukasi quizizz dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran daring pada tema Globalisasi.Kata Kunci: Hasil  Belajar, Pembelajaran Daring, Game Edukasi This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes in online learning through quizizz educational game media. This research is a classroom action research with 22 students of grade VI SD Negeri Kesongo 01 as subjects. This research was conducted in 2 cycles, each cycle 1 meeting. Each meeting consists of 4 stages, namely planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The implementation of the stages of research is slightly different from classroom learning because learning is carried out separately or students are at home. Based on the results of the study, in the first cycle the average value of student learning outcomes was 51.36 with a sufficient category. Whereas in the second cycle the average value of student learning outcomes was 93.45 with a high category. So from cycle I and cycle II there was an increase in student learning outcomes as much as 42.09. Thus the study can be concluded that learning media based on educational games quizizz can improve student learning outcomes in online learning on the theme of globalization. Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Online Learning, Education Game

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Afnan Mochammad Najmudin ◽  
N Hani Herlina ◽  
Diki Najib Fuadi

The preliminary study through preliminary observations found the fact that the learning outcomes of students in the mathematics subjects in grade 3 of SD Plus Al-Mu'aawanah were still low. This is because there are still many students who experience difficulties in working on math problems. Thus, it seems that one of them is needed for geoboard media to improve student learning outcomes on the subject of the concept of flat building. The purpose of this class action research implementation is to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics subjects the subject of the concept of flat building using geoboard media. This research method uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) in the subject of Grade 3 SD Plus Al-Mu'aawanah, amounting to 35 students. This study consisted of 3 cycles, data collection techniques with observation, tests and interviews. Data analysis uses analysis techniques of individual completeness and classical completeness. After conducting research in grade 3 of SD Plus Al-Mu'aawanah, the results showed that: 1) The teacher experienced an increase in the ability to develop RPP using geoboard media with an average value in the first cycle 87.75, cycle II 90.05, and cycle III 92.45. 2) The performance of teachers in the process of implementing learning using media geoboard has increased with an average value in the first cycle 89.72, cycle II 91.47, and cycle III 92.26. 3) Student learning outcomes using geoboard media have increased, with an average value in the first cycle 66.42, cycle II 72.28 and cycle III 81.42. Thus, if the preparation of the RPP and the implementation of learning using geoboard media optimally it will improve student learning outcomes.

Cici Evianti Alafiyah

<p><em>Classroom action research is conducted to address learning problems that occur in the classroom. In addition, classroom action research is also used to improve the quality of learning so that student learning outcomes can increase. This classroom action research was conducted on sixth grade students at the State Elementary School 05 Bantarbolang Pemalang. Where this classroom action research aims to improve student learning outcomes in writing skills on fiction and non-fiction text material by using the experience of writing a diary. From the results of research conducted in two cycles showed an increase. Learning outcomes in the first cycle showed a class average of 74.88 while classical learning completeness was 76.92%. The learning outcomes in the second cycle showed the class average value of 87.07 while the classical learning completeness was 100%. This proves that the use of the experience of writing a diary can improve the learning outcomes of students' writing skills. Teachers can use the experience of writing a diary to improve students' writing skills</em>.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 3043-3049
Sepriandison Saragih

This study aims to increase the motivation and learning outcomes of Civics in class X-4 SMA Negeri 3 Pematangsiantar by applying the STAD type cooperative learning model. This research is a classroom action research conducted at SMA Negeri 3 Pematangsiantar, the subjects of this research are students of class X-4 with a total of 30 students. The results showed that student learning outcomes at the basic score of the average value of 48.61 increased by 16.95 points to 65.56 in the first cycle. In the second cycle the average score was 71.67 increase from the first cycle of 6.11 points. Classical completeness on a base score of 33% (13 students). In the first cycle test, the completeness increased to 72.5% (19 students). In the second cycle, classical completeness increased to 87.5% (25 students). From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of the cooperative learning model of the student teams achievement division (STAD) type can increase the motivation and learning outcomes of Civics in class X-4 SMA Negeri 3 Pematangsiantar

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