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Published By IAID Ciamis, Jawa Barat

2807-6532, 1907-1337

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Ida Aroyani ◽  
Hasanudin Hasanudin ◽  
Husni Husni

This study aims to 1) determine the values ​​of Aqidah Education in "Novel MARS How Meaningful a Mother in My Life" by Aishworo Ang. 2) find out the relevance of Aqidah Education Values ​​in the novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother is in My Life" by Aishworo Ang with current Islamic education. The research method used by the author is content analysis. This analysis is used by the writer to reveal, understand and capture literary works. Meanwhile, data collection techniques are literature study techniques or documentation by examining various writings related to the object of research. The collected data were then analyzed using the stages of data processing, categorization, and data interpretation. After analyzing the data, the authors obtained the following conclusions: 1) The values ​​of aqidah education in the novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother's Figure in My Life" by Aishworo Ang includes: a) Illahiyat, (a matter of divinity such as about His Essence) b ) Nubuwat, (prophetic issues, scriptures, etc.) c) Ruhaniyat (unseen problems such as spirits, angels, jinn, etc.) d) Sam'iyyat, (problems that can be known through revelation, such as barzhakh , heaven, hell and others) 2) The Relevance of Aqidah Educational Values ​​in Aishworo Ang's Novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother's Figure is in My Life" with current Islamic education, which is in accordance with the aims of education aimed at improving the quality of Indonesian people, namely humans having faith and fearing God Almighty, this is in line with the contents of the story in the novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother's Figure in My Life" which generally contains the values ​​of faith, including faith in Alla. h, faith in the book of Allah, faith in the Angel of God, faith in the Prophet, faith in the Last Day, and faith in the destiny of Allah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Tetin Tetin ◽  
N. Hani Herlina ◽  
Tanto Aljauharie Tantowie

This research is motivated by the level of completeness of the learning outcomes of class III students of MI Rijalul Hikam Jatinagara, Jatinagara District, Ciamis Regency, which is still low in the SKI subject. The average student learning outcomes in the SKI subject obtained by students are still below the minimum completeness criteria of 75. However, the reality shows that 30% of 17 students have not reached the KKM while 70% of 17 students have reached the KKM. This is because the learning process is more teacher-centered and monotonous. Learning activities are mostly used to take notes so that students become bored. This situation makes students less understanding of the material being taught and easy to forget so that it affects the low student learning outcomes. The research method used was Classroom Action Research (CAR) with Kurt Lewin's model. The sequence of activities in Kurt Lewin's model is planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The data collection techniques used in this research were test, observation, interview and descriptive analysis techniques. Data analysis data selection, data correction and data weighting. After conducting the research, the following data can be obtained: 1) the ability of the teacher in preparing RPP SKI in the first cycle reaches an average of 82.61 (Good); in cycle II reached 86.5 (Good); and in the third cycle reached an average of 93.14 (Very good), 2) the ability of teachers to carry out the learning process of the IEC learning process in the first cycle reached an average of 79.02 (good); in cycle II reached an average value of 86.5 (good); and in cycle III reached an average value of 93.33 (very good). 3) student learning outcomes in the first cycle reached 83.05 (good) with 70.5% completeness in the calculation of 12 students completed, 5 students have not completed. In cycle II it reaches an average of 88.23 (good) with completeness 88.23% on the calculation of 15 students complete, 2 students have not completed and in cycle III reaches an average value of 92.88 (good) with 100% completeness in the calculation all students (22 students) completed. This proves that the Inferencing strategy (concluding) can improve student learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Asep Kurnia ◽  
Nurwadjah Ahmad EQ ◽  
Andewi Suhartini

This research aims to examine the concept of thinking and dhikr as the process of Islamic education by using the method of literature or library research, namely research conducted through data collection or scientific papers with research objects or data collection is literature. The results of the analysis showed that, the concept of Thinking and dhikr are two activities that should not be separated. By intermediaries thinking about the universe, then comes memory as the conclusion of thinking, namely that all this does not happen by itself, but there is a God almighty creator, that is Allah SWT. Because of the real thinking, remember the more real. Islamic education is expected to change the behavior of learners, increase the knowledge of learners by channeling or transferring the concept of science and able to improve good ethics. In short, Islamic education should be able to print the ideal Muslim person as caliph.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Aan Hasanah ◽  
Bambang Samsul Arifin ◽  
Daryaman Daryaman ◽  
Janatun Firdaus ◽  
Dhika Kameswara

Character education is not only a focus in the world of education in general, but in the view of Islam Character education is one of the important teachings that must be carried out by every individual Muslim. Character education is an important thing to be known, owned and practiced by humans. Character education in Indonesia has long been rooted in educational traditions. The ideal human being is one who has the power of reason and noble character. That is the man who will save himself, his family, nation, and country. The research method used is a qualitative method where the researcher's activities include understanding, analyzing and conducting a more accurate study with conceptualization and implementation of character education foundations. Education must understand efforts to cultivate intelligence in the form of thoughts both in the minds of students, appreciation and understanding in reason and practice in the form of behavior. The axiological foundation of character education will equip educators to think clearly about the relationship between life goals and character education so that they will be able to provide guidance in developing an educational program related to the realities of the global world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Diena Fahrani Aisyah Fitri ◽  
Fatihatul Arifiani Melinea ◽  
Anis Fuadah Zuhri

The organization is very necessary in daily activities, especially in the activities of school or university organizations. The organization can not run well if there is no one in the organization that turns it on. As is the case with Soenario Sastriwardoyo, he is a figure who can support his organization with a variety of ideas, one of which is unity. Especially in the 4.0 era where technology has an important role and brings changes to thinking patterns and human activities, especially students. Therefore it is very necessary to study previous history to be able to develop student organizations for the better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Mia Sari

This paper presents the implementation of Total Quality Management in developing religious character learning management. Total Quality Management as an approach that emphasizes the existence of a continuous improvement effort in maximizing products, services, and human resources. Character learning based on Total Quality Management is a process of transferring, habituating, and forming character values by educators (teachers) to students, which is carried out based on the concept of Total Quality Management, namely: quality, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and comprehensive in all organizational components. This research is a library research using a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Total Quality Management in the development of religious character learning management is still very much needed for educational institutions, especially in the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Udung Hari Darifah

This study aims to elaborate on the implementation of Islamic education values ​​in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Adzkia Kertaharja, Ciamis Regency. The research method used is the method of Qualitative Research (Qualitative Research). Qualitative research is methods to explore and understand the meaning that some individuals or groups of people ascribe to social or humanitarian problems. The implementation of Islamic religious education values ​​is based on (1) aqidah (2) morals (3) respect for reason (4) humanity (5) balance (6) mercy for all nature (rahmatan lil'alamin). Obstacles in the implementation of Islamic religious education values ​​are religious education materials that only focus on enriching knowledge (cognitive) and minimal in forming attitudes (affective) and habituation (psychomotor); lack of participation of teachers of other subjects in motivating students to practice the values ​​of religious education in everyday life; lack of teacher resources in developing more varied approaches and methods; the lack of various training and development facilities, as well as the low participation of parents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Eva Rahmayani ◽  
Husni Husni ◽  
Daryaman Daryaman

This study aims to determine the relationship between learning discipline and student learning motivation in Fiqh subjects in class IX MTs Al-Iqna, Cisaga District, Ciamis Regency. This research method is quantitative research, in data collection techniques using a questionnaire for data collection. The results of the study, the students' learning discipline in class IX MTs Al-Iqna Cisaga was classified as moderate, because the average obtained was 65.83. This figure if classified into the research scale is classified as moderate, because it is in the range of r scores 62.22 - 69.42. And student learning motivation in the class IX fiqh subject is classified as moderate, because the average obtained is 64.37. This figure if classified into the research scale is classified as moderate, because it is in the range of scores of 61.78 - 66.92. Thus there is a relationship between learning discipline and student learning motivation in class IX Fiqh subjects, because based on the results of comparing t count with t table, the value of the Coefficient table (a) is obtained by the value of t count is 3,965, while t table is 2,048 When compared to t count> t table (3,965> 2,048), then Ho is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between learning discipline on student learning motivation in class IX fiqh subjects. This is 36.0% change in learning motivation variable explained by changes in learning discipline variables. This means that there are still other factors as large as 64.0% that influence it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Fani Fadliyani ◽  
Yosep Farhan Dafik Sahal ◽  
Muhamad Aris Munawar

This study aims: (1) to determine the morals of students in SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. (2) to determine the implementation of Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in building the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. (3) to find out the results of the Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in building the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. The purpose of this study was to determine the morals of students, the implementation of Islamic Personal Development and to find out the results of Islamic Personal Development in fostering the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. This study used a qualitative research method with a case study approach. This study used data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation study. The data used are primary data obtained directly from respondents regarding the implementation of Islamic Personal Development. Meanwhile, secondary data in the form of theories and other supporting data were obtained from literature and school archives documentation. All of these data are materials to describe the implementation of Islamic Personal Development (BPI) at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The morals of the students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City are good enough. (2) Implementation of Islamic Personal Development in fostering the morals of students at Inspiratif Al-Ilham Elementary School, Banjar City, namely through coaching which includes guidance by exemplary, guidance with habituation and guidance with advice (3) The results of the Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in fostering the morals of students at the Inspiratif Al-Ilham Elementary School, Banjar City are quite good, where students have been able to show behavior according to the existing indicators, including being able to carry out congregational prayers and prayers. sunnah dhuha and qiyamullail, reciting dhikr after every prayer and so on.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Lia Lutfiani AR ◽  
Cecep Darul Iwan ◽  
Didih Syakir Munandar

This research is motivated by the fact that the development of the era in the school environment, it is found that many students whose interest in reading and writing has begun to decrease, one of which is due to the lack of getting used to reading, so that it has an impact on the character of students in the school. Several school principals made breakthroughs by implementing literacy activities to restore students' interest in reading and writing to their respective schools. Regarding educational institutions as educational units at various levels, starting from elementary, middle, and upper levels, both government and private, nowadays it is increasingly necessary to own and manage school libraries. This study aims (1) to determine the implementation of literacy programs in improving character education of students at SMP Negeri 1 Lumbung. (2) To determine the results of the literacy program in improving character education for students at SMP Negeri 1 Lumbung. (3) To determine the obstacles and solutions of literacy programs in improving character education for students at SMP Negeri 1 Lumbung. This research is a qualitative field research with descriptive methods. This is because this study aims to reveal data in the field, namely by describing and interpreting something objectively about something that happened at the time the research was carried out, with the aim of obtaining an overview of data about the actual social reality. The results of the research that the authors conducted lead to conclusions, namely: 1) The implementation of the literacy program at SMP Negeri 1 Lumbung has reached the learning stage. In the development stage, participants are encouraged to show their involvement in their thoughts and emotions with the reading process through productive activities orally and in writing. 2) The result of the implementation of the literacy program in improving the character education of students at SMP Negeri 1 Lumbung is that most of the education process depends on literacy abilities and awareness. The literacy culture that is embedded in students affects the level of success both in school and in social life. Strengthening moral education or character education in the present is very necessary to overcome the moral crisis that is currently hitting this nation. 3) The most prominent obstacle in implementing literacy programs is the lack of student motivation and the solution to these obstacles is to increase student development and provide motivation to students to actively read.

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