scholarly journals Jovanović, Željko (2020) Twentieth-Century Sephardic Authors form the Former Yugoslavia. A Judeo-Spanish Tradition. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 41. Cambridge: Legenda-Modern Humanities Research Association, 208 pp.

Paloma Díaz-Mas

Jovanović, Željko (2020) Twentieth-Century Sephardic Authors form the Former Yugoslavia. A Judeo-Spanish Tradition. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 41. Cambridge: Legenda-Modern Humanities Research Association, 208 pp. ISBN 978-1-78188-851-3

Athena Athanasiou

This chapter engages the discursive conditions that made ethno-nationalist ideologies and armed conflicts of the 1990s possible and probable. Indeed, the question of how to recall the late twentieth-century history of former Yugoslavia constitutes a central aspect of the Women in Black labour of memory. The dissolution of Yugoslavia, especially the normalization of nationalist military violence in the mid-1990s, has manifested gendered norms as constitutive of nationalist discourses. Drawing on the ways in which the movement performatively brings forth an alternative public to embody the potentiality of displaced memory, this chapter argues in favor of breaking through the universalist, moralist, and humanist scripts of mourning. It seeks to make sense of the politically enabling ways in which these activists stage mourning as a site of agonistic resignification in order to interrogate the injustices and foreclosures which sustain dominant regimes of grievability, in Judith Butler’s terms.

2010 ◽  
pp. 155-164
Dara Petkovic

The areas of Srem, and other parts of Vojvodina, are characterized by the constant movement of the population. Most causes of migration are economic, social, ethnic or political reasons. Migration could be voluntarily or forced, mass or individual, occasional or planned. The stated causes of migration occurring in Srem since 1961 to 1991 were mainly routed to the cities for economic reasons. The cities have absorbed the largest number of migrants provided by the rural hinterland. More intensive population movement was towards larger regional centers, resulting in some differences between urban settlements. The intensity and direction of movement of the population is largely dependent on the economic developed area. At the end of the twentieth century there were mass migrations from the territory of the former Yugoslavia. These migrations have affected to the demographic growth of population of Srem district. .

M. E. Rustambekova ◽  
А.A. Ospanova ◽  

The article discusses the prerequisites for the collapse of the former Yugoslavia, which was the "center" of conflicts at the global level, in particular, the onset of religious, ethnic, political conflicts in the Balkans in the last decade of the twentieth century, chronological and geographical conflicts. Specific characteristics are differentiated. The article also examines the situation in which the socialist states of Eastern Europe gained independence from the collapse of the Soviet government in 1991-1992, in particular, in the economic sphere. The epochal systemic changes that followed the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia predetermined a radical change in political, social and spiritual orientations and expectations in society. At the same time, the historical consciousness of peoples (like no other sphere of public, including ethnic self-identification) was involved in general transformational processes, reflecting in its development the well-known inconsistency and inconsistency of the socio-political evolution of the former republics in recent decades.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-10
Dinka Mucić ◽  
Marija Đurić-Srejić

This study investigated the frequency, type, and degree of abrasion on permanent teeth from 694 skulls from archaeological sites dating from the beginning of the first century AD to the beginning of the twentieth century in the former Yugoslavia. The conclusions are: 1) 100% of the specimens had dental abrasion; 2) the Roman Age and Middle Ages teeth had a horizontal-vertical type of abrasion, while New Age teeth had a predominantly horizontal type of abrasion; and 3) Roman Age and the Middle Ages groups had the most severe loss of dental hard tissue. 

1996 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-275
M. Ehsan Ahrari

As Boris Yeltsin's ruthless suppression of Chechnya's struggle forindependence becomes one more item in a series of turbulent and bloodyevents involving Russia and some of the republics of the former Sovietunion and the former Yugoslavia, Ahmad Rashid's The Resurgence ofCentral Asia: Islam or Nationalism grows in significance for students ofthat region. The author is a Pakistani journalist with a vast knowledge ofthe area. He has utilized effectively his many travels to the region in developingan authoritative history of Central Asia.Rashid shifts gears back and forth in history quite effectively in thisstudy to make his points. For instance, in the first chapter he notes that"much of the world's ancient history originated in Central Asia, for it wasthe birthplace of the great warrior tribes that conquered Russia, India, andChina" (p. 8). Also note his following observation: "Central Asia hasalways been different At the heart of Central Asia is not the story of princesand their courts, but the story of the nomad and his horse" (p. 9). In thesame chapter, he quotes a Turkoman foreign ministry official's concern,expressed to him in the aftermath of the Soviet Union's implosion to theeffect that "the future is extremely bleak. The West will help Russia andother Slav republics to survive, but who will help us?" (p. 4). This book isreplete with such examples. The first chapter contains a condensed versionof the " great game" between the two colonial powers of the eighteenth andnineteenth centuries: Russia and Britain.Russia underwent two major revolutions in the twentieth century: onein 1917 and the second in 1991. The first revolution, bloody as it was, ...

2021 ◽  
Maja Babić

Studying the Post-Socialist City in Yugoslavia: An Examination of Multi-Disciplinary Methodologies and Theoretical ApproachesSince the end of the state-socialist era in the early 1990s – and effectively, since the end of the Yugoslav federation and the subsequent wars that had engulfed the Western Balkans for almost a decade – the study of the twentieth-century South-Eastern Europe has intensified. The scholarship on the region’s twentieth-century architecture has been prolific since the early years of the new millennium, and the new generation of urban and architectural scholars has further amplified this trend. However, an inquiry into the post-socialist city in Western Balkans has been relegated largely to the secondary position to the study of the Yugoslav modernist architecture and its role within the socio-political mechanisms of the Cold War era. In this discourse, the study of the post-socialist urban space remains lacking in architectural and urban history – it is mainly conducted within the methodological and theoretical frameworks of sociology, socio-cultural anthropology, and urban geography.To bridge this scholarly gap and identify possible new trajectories of inquiry, I probe into the different scholarship dealing with the post-socialist city and the urban, ideological, and social remnants of the state-socialist era in former Yugoslavia. I argue that the study of the multi-disciplinary nature of the scholarship examining the state-socialist and post-socialist city serves as a vital step in the more comprehensive understanding of the (post-)Yugoslav architectural space, its particulars, and idiosyncrasies. Methodologically, I identify and outline the different disciplinary strands in the study of the post-socialist space in general, and post-Yugoslav space in particular, followed by an analysis of the established discourses and their points of interference and overlap. By investigating qualitative methodologies and different theoretical approaches in the study of the Central-East European and Yugoslav post-socialist city, I explore the post-socialist urban space in former Yugoslavia in a wide-ranging manner, ultimately identifying conduits for future research.Istraživanje postsocijalističkog urbanog prostora u bivšoj Jugoslaviji: analiza multidiciplinarnih metodologija i teoretskih pristupaOd svršetka perioda komunizma u Evropi u ranim devedesetima—i tehnički, od raspada Jugoslavije i rata koji je obilježio posljednju deceniju dvadesetog stoljeća na Balkanu—stručni istraživački rad na temu jugoistočne Evrope se samo intenzivirao. Tematski akademski projekti posvećeni arhitekturi dvadesetog stoljeća su prisutni u nauci još od začetka novog milenija, a nova generacija istoričara arhitekture i urbanizma dodatno naglašava i širi već postojeće teme. Ipak, studij postsocijalističkog arhitektonskog perioda u gradovima zapadnog Balkana zauzima pak sekundarni položaj u odnosu na istraživačke djelatnosti posvećene arhitekturi modernizma u Jugoslaviji te ulozi arhitekture u sociopolitičkim preturbacijama perioda hladnog rata. U okviru diskursa istorije arhitekture i urbanizma, studij postsocijalističkog urbanog prostora je tek minimalno zastupljen—stručno-istraživački projekti na temu se prvenstveno vrše u oblasti sociologije, sociokulturne antropologije i urbane geografije.Cilj stručnog rada „Studying the Post-Socialist City in Yugoslavia“ je analiza postojeće literature na temu postsocijalističke arhitekture te studij urbane, ideološke i sociološke baštine socijalističke Jugoslavije; drugi cilj rada je identifikacija mogućih pravaca daljeg istraživanja na temu. Tvrdim da studija multidisciplinarnih istraživačkih radova na temu socijalističke i postsocijalističke arhitekture služi kao krucijalan korak u razumijevanju jugoslovenskog i post-jugoslovenskog urbanog prostora kao i njegovih idiosinkratičnih karakteristika. Metodološki, „Studying the Post-Socialist City in Yugoslavia“ prvenstveno identificira pristupe temi različitih disciplinarnih oblasti i njihovih tačaka preklapanja te vrši analizu postojećeg diskursa. Dalje, kroz studije različitih metodoloških i teoretskih pristupa u već postojećem istraživačkom diskursu na temu postsocijalističke arhitekture gradova središnje Evrope, „Studying the Post-Socialist City in Yugoslavia“ predlaže i definira moguće pravce u daljim studijama postsocijalističke arhitekture i urbanizma u zemljama bivše Jugoslavije.Badanie przestrzeni miasta postsocjalistycznego na obszarze byłej Jugosławii: analiza wielodyscyplinowych metodologii i perspektyw teoretycznychOd upadku ładu komunistycznego w Europie na początku lat 90. XX wieku, czemu towarzyszył rozpad Jugosławii i wojna, która naznaczyła ostatnią dekadę minionego stulecia na Bałkanach, intensywnie rozwijają się badania naukowe poświęcone Europie Południowo-Wschodniej. Od początku nowego tysiąclecia pojawiają się projekty akademickie dotyczące dwudziestowiecznej architektury, zaś nowe pokolenie historyków architektury i urbanistyki z rosnącym zainteresowaniem rozwija poruszaną dotąd tematykę. Jednakże badania nad architekturą okresu postsocjalistycznego w miastach zachodnich Bałkanów odgrywają drugorzędną rolę w porównaniu z aktywnością naukową poświęconą architekturze modernizmu w Jugosławii, jak też miejscu architektury w przemianach społeczno-politycznych podczas zimnej wojny. Badania przestrzeni miejskiej w okresie postsocjalistycznym zajmują marginalne miejsce w dyskursie historii architektury i urbanistyki, zaś projekty naukowe o tej tematyce rozwijają się głównie w perspektywie socjologii, antropologii społecznej i geografii miasta.Celem artykułu jest analiza dotychczasowej literatury dotyczącej architektury postsocjalistycznej oraz miejskiego, ideologicznego i socjologicznego dziedzictwa socjalistycznej Jugosławii; przedstawione przeze mnie prace starają się również określić możliwe kierunki dalszych studiów nad tą problematyką. Uważam, że analiza wielodyscyplinowych badań naukowych dotyczących architektury socjalizmu i okresu post-socjalistycznego może być kluczowym krokiem w procesie odkrywania znaczeń jugosłowiańskiej i postjugosłowiańskiej przestrzeni miejskiej, jak też w próbach scharakteryzowania jej specyfiki. Pod względem metodologicznym artykuł rekonstruuje sposoby badania typowe dla poszczególnych dyscyplin oraz ich punkty wspólne, jak też dokonuje analizy istniejącego już dyskursu naukowego. Ponadto dzięki badaniu różnorodnych perspektyw metodologicznych i teoretycznych w studiach na temat miast Europy Środkowej w artykule zaproponowano możliwe kierunki dalszych prac badawczych nad architekturą i urbanistyką okresu postsocjalistycznego w krajach byłej Jugosławii.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Ivana Pajić ◽  
Mirjana Zarifović Grković

Until the first half of the twentieth century there were only a few representative authors with a migrant background who wrote in German. Since the 1950s and 60s this number has significantly increased. The terminological determinant of this literature has been debated for decades, as the crucial questions to be answered first are, in fact, what kind of literature it is and what place it should take in the German literary scene. This is evidenced by many names that are used or were used in the discourse on this literature, the most common of which are “gastarbeiter”, “migrant” and “migration” literature. The winner of the most prestigious German literary prize “Deutscher Buchpreis” for 2019 is Sasa Stanisic, an author originally from the former Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, who writes in German and is one of the best contemporary German-speaking writers. For this reason, this paper deals with the position of an under-researched group of authors originally from the former Yugoslavia in contemporary German literature from the period when that literature was still called “gastarbeiter”, until today, when it is considered equal to contemporary German literature and when there is no more need for special marginalizing terminological definitions, such as those mentioned above, nor literary awards intended for this literature alone, such as the “Adelbert-von-Chamisso-Preis” prize. The paper clarifies the terminological determinants of gastarbeiter, migrant, migration, hybrid and new world literature, by which some authors characterize this literature, and points out the reasons why the use of these terms is (un)justified. In addition, attention is drawn to representative authors who write in German, originating from the former Yugoslavia, in chronological order, as well as the awards for which some of them were nominated or have won, which testifies to the importance of these writers in the German speaking area and the equality with other German writers which they have achieved in recent years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 321-323
Álvaro Alonso Miguel

Reseña de: Jovanović, Željko (2020): Twentieth-Century Sephardic Authors from the Former Yugoslavia. A Judeo-Spanish Tradition, Cambridge, Legenda (Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 41), 208 pp.

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