2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Lukman Hakim ◽  
Paidjo Paidjo ◽  
Tegar Mukmin Alamsyah Putra

Indonesia is a country of law that upholds justice and guaranteeing all citizens equal before the law in its position without any exceptions. In the opening text of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 and the first paragraph of the fifth principle of Pancasila prove that Indonesia is a country that upholds the sense of social justice for all Indonesian people, independent country, united, sovereign, just and prosperous. Indonesia received the law as the state ideology to create order, security, justice and prosperity for its citizens. One of the state apparatus that perform the function of the law is the police, one of the actions of the national police is investigating. The process of investigation is the examination process in criminal cases in order to obtain enough information to find and collect evidence on the matter and to find the suspects. Nowadays many cases of wrongful arrests in the investigation process at the police level causing adverse effects on the morale and psychological. How the legal protection for victims of wrongful arrests made by the police of the Republic of Indonesia. The method used in this study is adalahYuridis Normative that is based on the Principles of Law, the rules of law and Regulation Legislation relating to criminal law. In the legal protection as stipulated in the Regulation Legislation that the suspect, defendant or convict is entitled to sue for damages because of being arrested, detained, charged and prosecuted or subjected to other measures, without reason under the Act or in error about the person or the applicable law , Paragraph (2) compensation claim by the suspect or his heirs for the arrest or detention and other measures without reason under the Act or in error about the person or the applicable law as referred to in paragraph (1) that its case was not submitted to the district court, disconnected at a pretrial hearing.Negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum yang menjunjung tinggi rasa keadilan dan menjamin semua warga negara, sama dalam kedudukannya dimata hukum tanpa ada perkecualian. Dalam teks pembukaan Undang Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945 alinea pertama dan Pancasila sila kelima membuktikan bahwa Indonesia adalah negara yang menjunjung tinggi rasa keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia, negara yang merdeka, bersatu, berdaulat, adil dan makmur. Indonesia menerima hukum sebagai ideologi negara untuk menciptakan ketertiban, keamanan, keadilan serta kesejahteraan bagi warga negaranya. Salah satu aparatur negara yang menjalankan fungsi hukum adalah Polri, Salah satu tindakan polri adalah penyidikan. Proses penyidikan adalah proses pemeriksaan dalam perkara pidana guna mendapatkan informasi yang cukup, menemukan dan mengumpulkan bukti-bukti mengenai perkara tersebut dan guna menemukan tersangkanya. Sekarang ini banyak kasus salah tangkap dalam proses penyidikan pada tingkat kepolisian menyebabkan kerugian yang berdampak pada moril dan psikis. Bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap korban salah tangkap yang dilakukan oleh kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ini adalahYuridis Normatif yaitu berdasarkan Asas-Asas Hukum, kaidah-kaidah hukum dan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan yang berkaitan dengan hukum pidana. Dalam perlindungan hukum sebagaimana diatur di dalam Peraturan Perundang-Undangan bahwa tersangka, terdakwa atau terpidana berhak menuntut ganti kerugian karena ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut dan diadili atau dikenakan tindakan lain, tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan Undang-Undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkan. Ayat (2) tuntutan ganti kerugian oleh tersangka atau ahli warisnya atas penangkapan atau penahanan serta tindakan lain tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan Undang-Undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orang atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke pengadilan negeri,diputus di sidang praperadilan.

Hafizh Siraji

Fraud committed by PT. First Travel has at least harmed prospective Hajj and Umrah pilgrims as many as 35,000 people, of which the material loss in this case is 500 billion. This is also suspected by the lack of strict regulations made by the state through Law No. 13 of 2008 concerning the implementation of Hajj and Umrah. However, until now the protection for the loss of first travel victims has not been completed, the decision of the Depok District Court with case number 83/Pid.B/2018/PN.Dpk which led to an appeal with case number 3096/K/PID.SUS/2018 decided on January 31, 2019. All assets seized were in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia Number M.04.PR.07.03 of 1985 concerning the organization and working procedures of RUTAN and RUPBASAN. This paper is indented to analyze the protection for the victims on the fraud case on PT First Travel Fraud case.

Ari Wibowo ◽  
Michael Hagana Bangun

The provision of legal aid is one way to realize access to law and justice for the poor people provided by the state on the mandate of the constitution. Several regulations regarding legal aid have been issued by the state through the Act and its implementing regulations as well as from the Supreme Court or the Constitutional Court through the Supreme Court Regulations and the Constitutional Court's decisions. Legal aid is the constitutional right of every citizen to guarantee legal protection and guarantee equality before the law stipulated in Law Number 16 of 2011, the State is responsible for recognizing and protecting the human rights of every individual without differing backgrounds so that everyone has the right to be treated equally before the law is contained in Article 28D of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. For the poor who experience legal problems in the form of injustice, they can request legal assistance from legal aid institutions that are regulated in legislation. The purpose of providing legal aid is to guarantee and fulfill the right for Legal Aid Recipients to gain access to justice, to realize the constitutional rights of all citizens in accordance with the principle of equality in law, to ensure the certainty that the implementation of Legal Aid is carried out equally across the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. , and to create an effective, efficient and accountable court.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-285
I Dewa Gede Sastra Buwana ◽  
I Wayan Rideng ◽  
I Ketut Sukadana

Oil and gas is a natural resource controlled by the state and is a source of vital commodities that play an important role in every human activity. The misuse of the transportation and trade of fuel subsidized by the government by certain individuals can take away the rights of the less fortunate and result in losses to the state. This research explains how to arrange the transportation or commercialization of subsidized fuel and to find out the criminal sanctions for the perpetrators of misuse of subsidized fuel. The research method used is Normative Law research. The statutory approach to the problem is to analyze from the point of view of statutory regulations and relevant theories. Sources of legal materials in this study are primary and secondary legal materials. The technique of collecting legal materials is obtained from legal literature materials by collecting, reading and recording legal materials related to the crime of misuse of subsidized fuels. The results of this study are first, the regulation of legal protection and supervision has been regulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 46 of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas. Second, legal sanctions against perpetrators of misuse of subsidized fuel: case at the Gianyar District Court (PN) case number 153 / Pid.Sus / 2017 / PN. Gin is cumulative in nature, as regulated in Article 55 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 22 of 2001, namely given a verdict in the form of a prison sentence of 10 (ten) months and a fine of 2 million rupiahs provided that if the fine is not paid, it is replaced by imprisonment for 2 (two) month

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Dwi Ayu Rachmawati ◽  
Nurini Aprilianda ◽  
Siti Noer Endah

In the process of auction execution often arise a lawsuit over the auction implementation, this is because the auction of execution is done not on the willingness of the owner of the goods themselves but because the law gives authority to the creditors to conduct public auction on the guarantee of debtors that default. So in the process of conveyance of auction object from the seller to the auction buyer often cause a problem, such as can not be mastered by auction winner the auction object. The purpose of this research is to know how to find out how the legal protection for the winner of the auction of execution of mortgage rights in mastering the auction object on the auction object which filed the lawsuit to the state court. This research is done by normative method. Based on the research that has been done, the winner of the auction can not be directly mastering the auction object because there is a civil suit over the auction object are expanding following. This is as article 3 paragraph (1), (2), and subsection (3) of the regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial/head of the national land Agency number 13 Year 2017 on The Block and confiscation who explains that if there is a dispute or conflict over land rights law the land that became the object of the auction then blocking would have done. And the protection of the law against the winner of the auction provided by regulation of the Minister of finance Number 27/PMK. 06/2016 Hints would about implementation of auctions, HIR. In addition, in article 19 paragraph (1) of law No. 8 Year 1999 on the protection of Consumers and in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court's verdict against RI No. 1068 K/Pdt/2008 Dated January 21, 2009 in National Conference MA Year 2011.

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 832-844
Sugia ryo ◽  
Anita Trisiana

An information system is absolutely necessary in making logical decisions so that the policies developed are in accordance with the applicable law. This article discusses political dynasties from state constitutional law and human rights, whether constitutional or unconstitutional. This article uses a normative research method, which examines the law, the state constitution, and the Constitutional Court decisions related to political dynasties in the implementation of general elections. Political dynasties are a familiar thing in organizing general elections; political dynasties certainly reap the pros and cons. Still, as a legal state, Indonesia must also provide legal certainty regarding how the law views political dynasties. Basically, in this study, based on the rule of law and the state constitution, political dynasties are not unconstitutional; political dynasties do not violate the state constitution; with the prohibition on political dynasties, it is an unconstitutional act and violates human rights. The provisions of the Law on Human Rights prohibit the existence of political dynasties that do not prioritize human rights values, which are regulated in the Law on Human Rights; provide legal protection for every citizen has the right to vote and be elected in general elections. And stated firmly that political dynasties are prohibited, because they are not in line with the constitution and also the values of human rights.

G. O. Spabekov

In the modern world, public councils (councils) exist in almost every legal state. They are created in various forms and spheres of public life to achieve the political goals of the state. In general, councils widely exercise their powers in monitoring the activities of state bodies, public control, developing regulatory documents, and expressing the opinion of the population. In implementing the concept of a “hearing state”, councils effectively respond to constructive requests from citizens and are the most important link between the state and society, since problems in the state apparatus are caused by the lack of feedback from the population between local government and citizens. The article highlights the realities from the moment of adoption of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On public councils” to the present day, indicating the presence of a number of problems that bureaucratize and devalue the ideological basis. At the same time, practice shows real results that have a positive impact on building a dialogue and mandatory regulatory procedures that have no impact on society. The problems that have accumulated today, such as duplication of functions, lack of motivation, imperfect legislation, and others, require certain measures to be taken. This was preceded by the lack of practical experience of Kazakhstan at the time of adoption of the law, insufficient analysis of foreign practice and gaps in legislation. Solving these and other problems, as well as building the work of councils on a new principle, promotes openness and responsibility of the state to the population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rossi Suparman

Secreted as an action or decision that can be used by the state civil service (ASN) under certain conditions, in carrying out the law enforcement duties of civil servants especially the police the authority to use discretion can be applied according to the conditions needed in the context of law enforcement, but after the enactment of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration requires clarity regarding the position of discretion in law enforcement. The method used is a normative approach using secondary and primary data that is analyzed qualitatively. The results showed (1) That the enactment of the Law on Government Administration is an effort to provide a legal position for discretion within the State Civil Apparatus. Discretion is regulated more clearly, from the definition, the limit according to the law, the limit is issued by the authorized official, the purpose, scope, conditions, use of discretion and approval procedures, and the consequences of discretionary law. (2) POLRI in its position as a law enforcement apparatus has the function of enforcing law in the judicial field both preventive and repressive. So with the discretionary authority in the judicial field as stipulated in Law No. 2 of 2002 in Article 18 paragraph (1) that "In the public interest of the Republic of Indonesia National Police officials in carrying out their duties and authorities can act according to their own judgment". (3) that in the relationship between the implementation of discretion according to the Government Administrative Law and the Police Law of the Republic of Indonesia there is an expansion of the purpose of police discretion in law enforcement, which is not only to create and maintain security and order, but also to launch and overcome obstacles in the process of law enforcement.Keywords : Discretion, State Civil Apparatus, Law Enforcement.

Jumieko Andra

ABSTRAKDisparitas pidana juga sering dihubungkan dengan independensi hakim. Model pemidanaan yang diatur dalam perundang-undangan (perumusan sanksi pidana maksimal) juga ikut memberi andil. Dalam menjatuhkan putusan, hakim tidak boleh diintervensi pihak manapun. Rumusan masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah pertama, bagaimanakah disparitas putusan hakim jika dihubungkan dengan asas Nulla Poena sine lege dalam memberi batasan pada hakim dihubungkan dengan Pasal 4 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 48 Tahun 2009 tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman. Kedua, apa dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana narkotika di Wilayah Hukum Pengadilan Bangkinang khususnya pada Tahun 2019. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian sebagai berikut, jenis dan sifat penelitian dari sudut metode yang di pakai dalam penelitian ini, maka penelitian ini berupa penelitian hukum normatif atau kepustakaan Dengan teknik pengumpulan data studi dokumen dan studi kepustakaan. Studi dokumen merupakan langkah awal dari setiap penelitian hukum (baik normatif maupun yang sosiologis) karena penelitian hukum selalu bertolak dari premis normatif, Sedangkan sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, artinya penulis mencoba memberikan gambaran secara rinci mengenai disparitas putusan hakim pengadilan negeri bangkinang dalam perkara tindak pidana narkotika.Dilihat dari dua pokok pembahasan dan penelitian diatas maka penulis dapat menyimpulkan, pertama, disparitas putusan hakim jika dihubungkan dengan asas nulla poena sine lege dalam memberi batasan pada hakim dihubungkan dengan Pasal 4 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 48 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman: Asas nulla poena sine lege terdapat dalam pasal 1 kuhp guna memberikan batasan agar hakim tidak sewenang-wenang dalam memberikan putusan pemidanaan, akan tetapi dalam praktiknya hakim bebas memberikan putusan tanpa intervensi, Asas nulla poena sine lege warisan belanda tidak selaras dengan pasal 4 ayat 1 undang-undang republik indonesia no. 48 tahun 2009 tentang kekuasaan kehakiman. Kedua, dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana narkotika di wilayah hukum pengadilan bangkinang khususnya pada tahun 2019, hakikatnya pertimbangan hakim hendaknya juga memuat tentang hal-hal sebagai berikut: Pokok persoalan dan hal-hal yang diakui atau dalil-dalil yang tidak disangkal. Adanya analisis secara yuridis terhadap putusan segala aspek menyangkut semua fakta / hal-hal yang terbukti dalam persidangan. Kata kunci: disparitas; putusan hakim; tindak pidana narkotikaABSTRACTCriminal disparity is also often associated with the independence of judges. The criminal punishment model regulated in legislation (the formulation of maximum criminal sanctions) also contributes. In passing a decision, a judge may not be intervened by any party. The formulation of the problem examined in this study is firstly, how is the disparity in the decision of the judge if it is related to the principle of Nulla Poena sine lege in giving limitations to the judge related to Article 4 Paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power. Second, what is the basis of the judge's judgment in imposing a criminal decision on narcotics offenders in the Legal Area of the Bangkinang Court, especially in 2019.In conducting this research, the author uses the following research methods, types and nature of research from the point of view of the method used in this study, then this research is in the form of normative legal research or literature. Document study is the first step of any legal research (both normative and sociological) because legal research always departs from the normative premise, while the nature of this research is descriptive, meaning that the writer tries to give a detailed description of the disparity in decisions of the district court judges in criminal cases narcotics.Judging from the two points of discussion and research above, the writer can conclude, first, the disparity in the decision of the judge if it is related to the principle of nulla poena sine lege in giving limits to the judge connected with Article 4 Paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power: The principle of nulla poena sine lege is contained in article 1 of the Kuhp in order to provide a limitation so that judges are not arbitrary in giving criminal decisions, but in practice judges are free to give decisions without intervention, the nulla poena sine lege principle is not inherited from the Dutch legacy. in line with article 4 paragraph 1 of the law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 48 of 2009 concerning judicial authority. Second, the basic consideration of judges in issuing criminal decisions against narcotics offenders in the jurisdiction of the Bangkinang court, especially in 2019, in essence the judges' considerations should also contain the following matters: Principal issues and matters that are recognized or arguments that are recognized not denied. There is a juridical analysis of the verdict on all aspects concerning all facts / proven matters in the trial.Keywords: disparity; judge decision; narcotics crime

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-25
Khairani Miftahul Jannah

Human life is inseparable from the problems to overcome this we need a rule that can prevent and impose sanctions on people who do things that are not in accordance with applicable norms or ethics. The law governing the protection of witnesses and victims as stated in the state sheet which is the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 31 of 2014 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims. During this time many criminal cases have never been touched by the legal process. The purpose of this thesis is finding out the legal protection of witnesses and reporters in revealing narcotics criminal acts by the Pekanbaru City Police and know the effort to overcome the legal protection barriers to witnesses and reporters in revealing criminal acts by the Pekanbaru City Police. This type of research can be classified with research classified into sociological juridical research where the research examines the effectiveness of the law that is in force. From the research result, it is found that, first in protecting the rights of witnesses and victims, the government established an institution called the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). Protection of witnesses and/or victims is declared to remain valid as long as it does not conflict with Article 44 of Law Number 13 year 2006 concerning protection of witnesses and victims. Second, the obstacles that occur are physical and psychological threats as well as criminalization efforts againts witnesses and victims or their families that make them afraid to give testimony before the court.

Jurnal Selat ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-234
Ria Juliana ◽  
Ridwan Arifin

The State of Indonesia has never been separated from existing regulations, given that the State of Indonesia is a rule of law and all actions taken refer to the applicable law. The problem of a law lies in the procedure for the application of the law and the implementation of the law, in legal protection for children in Indonesia, both victims and perpetrators have the right to be protected, for this reason a rule of law has been set against the child’s own misconduct applicable. Problematics of arrest and detention and punishment of crimes committed by children enactment of article 43 of Act No. 3 of 1997 which explains that child detainees are basically still in effect the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) are the loss of children's rights and protection against applicable law. The development of the rights of the child is a public concern because at this time child perseverance has spread and the application of the law continues to apply to that the rights of children must also be considered to see that children's rights must also be fought for. Above everything discussed above that neglected the rights of children and their protection was due to the lack of attention from parents and families and a small part of this resulted from an environment that was not good for the character of the child himself. To create high peace and stability then the basis of the change is parents. Improvements made to the guidance of children that are carried out fundamentally with love and love, it does not rule out the possibility of child delinquency or criminal acts that are done less, other things if the child is allowed to grow without attention then does not rule out the greater the crime that will be committed.

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