land use rights
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 705-716
Nanda Pratama ◽  
Zulfanetti Zulfanetti ◽  
Etik Umiyati

This research was conducted at Kerinci Regency, Air Hangat Timur sub-district, the largest rice harvesting area in Jambi Province. In this Air Hangat Timur sub-district area, the communities still use rice fields to cultivate rice as the primary commodity. This study aimed to determine rice farmers' welfare level in the Air Hangat Timur sub-district and determine the factors that affect the welfare of rice farmers based on predetermined indicators. This study used a quantitative descriptive analysis method, with the total sample used being 98 farmers from the entire population consisted 3531 rice farmers in Air Hangat Timur sub-district. Analyzing and testing the data, the researcher first carried out the classical assumption test using SPSS by obtaining the results of an Adjusted R square value of 0.848. It can be concluded that the independent variable used can explain 84.8% of the dependent variable. The remaining 15.2% is outside the variable in use. The majority of rice farmers in the Air Warm Timur Subdistrict are not poor. This can be seen from the per capita income level of Rp. 5,053,227 per year, while 9% of farmer families are classified as inferior if added up separately. According to the criteria of the Directorate of Land Use Rights, the remaining farmers in Air Warm Timur District are not in poor condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 295
Carrissa Shannon Lie ◽  
Yohanes Kristian Pranata

This research to understand management Right which defined in the Government Regulation No. 18 of 2021 Article 1 No. 3 as the State’s ownership right in which a part of the authorization is given to the Management Right holder. The type of research was juridical normative law research, which was a research that emphasizes in written documents as the main law resources, such as regulations, court decisions, law theories, and scholar’s opinions. There were 2 (two) approaches used to support this research. The first one was statute approach, which was done by analyzing all the related regulations and others that were related to currently law issues. One of the authorities that the holder has is to hand in parts of the Management Right land to a third party and/or cooperating with a third party. If the land is used by a third party, then a Land Right has to be given on the land for the third party’s basis to utilize and/or use the land. The handing of Land Rights to a third party must be done with the holder’s agreement. Therefore, the third party uses the land with the right on a certain land that is initiated on the Management Right land. The main issue that will be discussed is what types of land rights that can be given on the lands. This research is a law research with a normative law research method. Besides that, this research uses statute approach and conceptual approach. The conclusion is the land rights that can be given on the land are Building Rights on Land and Land Use Rights.

Trần Thanh Đức ◽  
Nguyễn Minh Tuấn ◽  
Nguyễn Trung Hải ◽  
Trương Thị Diệu Hạnh

Nghiên cứu này được tiến hành tại huyện Lạc Dương với mục tiêu chính là đánh giá được thực trạng công tác đăng ký biện pháp bảo đảm bằng quyền sử dụng đất của hộ gia đình, cá nhân giai đoạn 2015 – 2019. Đề tài sử dụng 2 phương pháp nghiên cứu chính là (1) Thu thập số liệu sơ cấp và (2) Thu thập số liệu thứ cấp. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, huyện Lạc Dương đã có tổng cộng 8.287 hồ sơ đăng ký biện pháp bảo đảm bằng quyền sử dụng đất, tất cả đều được giải quyết theo quy định. Các biện pháp thế chấp bằng quyền sử dụng đất diễn ra mạnh ở thị trấn Lạc Dương, nơi có số lượng đăng ký nhiều nhất với mỗi năm có 795,6 hồ sơ đăng ký. Nhu cầu vay vốn của người dân khá đa dạng, trong đó chủ yếu cho mục đích phát triển kinh tế của gia đình (chiếm tỷ lệ 60%). Có 62,6% số hộ dân cho biết kinh tế gia đình tốt lên nhờ vốn vay để các hộ gia đình đầu tư kinh doanh, sản xuất. Đa số người dân được hỏi đều đánh giá tốt việc thực hiện biện pháp bảo đảm bằng quyền sử dụng đất trên địa bàn. Kết quả phỏng vấn cán bộ chuyên môn cho thấy, 66,7% cán bộ đánh giá việc thực hiện các thủ tục thực hiện biện pháp đảm bảo bằng quyền sử dụng đất của người dân ở mức cao và khá. Trên cơ sở những kết quả nghiên cứu, đã đề xuất các giải pháp gồm bổ sung cán bộ và tập huấn chuyên môn nghiệp, tăng hạn mức cho vay và tuyên truyền, vận động để nâng cao hiệu quả công tác đăng ký biện pháp bảo đảm bằng quyền sử dụng đất của hộ gia đình, cá nhân trong thời gian tới. ABSTRACTThe research was conducted in Lac Duong district to evaluate the real situation of implementing registration for security measures of land use rights of households and individuals in the period of 2015-2019. The two research methods were used including primary and secondary data collection. The results showed that Lac Duong district had a total of 8,287 applications for registration of security interests in land use rights, all of which were settled according to regulations. Registration for security measures by land use rights are mainly occued in Lac Duong town. The research results showed that households borrowing needs were quite diverse, mainly for the purpose of household economic development (accounting for 60%); 62.6% of households said that their economy improved thanked to loans for households to invest in business and production. Most of the inteviewed households appreciated the implementation of security measures by land use rights in the area. The results of the interviewed staff showed that 66.7% of the staff rated the implementation of security measures by land use rights of the local people as very good and good; the number of professional staff is still lacking, the training has not been conducted regularly. On the basis of the research results, some solutions including propaganda, increase the number of credit loans, cadastral dossiers and professional staff capacity have been proposed.

2021 ◽  
Jim David Ennion

<p>Swiddening is a traditional and widespread agricultural system in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. It is prevalent in Myanmar’s hilly border region. However, economic, political, demographic, social and technological drivers in this region are causing this form of land use to undergo significant transition. This transition is affecting the customary land use rights of swidden farmers.  Throughout Myanmar’s tumultuous history, customary land management systems and the state land management system have been poorly integrated. This has led to customary land use rights receiving little formal recognition and left customary right-holders vulnerable to exploitation.  Recent political and economic developments within Myanmar have prompted changes to the state land management system. The Myanmar government introduced the Farmland Law 2012 and the Vacant Fallow and Virgin Lands Management Law 2012 which significantly altered how agricultural land is managed. However, these laws also contain minimal interaction with customary land management systems. In relation to swidden cultivation, the legislation is unclear how land under customary tenure is identified, how communally-held land is recognised and what swidden practices are legally permitted.  The draft National Land Use Policy released in late 2014 reveals progress in addressing these issues. However, greater clarity is needed with regard to how the policy is implemented. Many lessons may also be derived from the experiences of surrounding Southeast Asian countries, such as the Philippines and Cambodia, in the way customary land use rights are incorporated into state legislation.  The goal of this thesis is to propose how customary land management systems may be integrated into the state land management system in order for customary land use rights over swidden land to be recognised as comprehensively as possible by the state. The legislative framework should also allow sufficient flexibility for local farmers to adapt to changing circumstances. The identification of swidden land will be considered in the context of producing maps of customary land use, the management of swidden land under collective land-holding structures will be discussed with regard to pressures to individualise land-holding and the use of swidden cultivation practices will be considered in light of proposed development projects.  The current political and economic climate in Myanmar indicates some willingness to acknowledge and address these issues. There is hope that customary land management systems and the state land management system will begin to complement, instead of conflict with, each other in order to enable swidden farmers to access their customarily held land into the future.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jim David Ennion

<p>Swiddening is a traditional and widespread agricultural system in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. It is prevalent in Myanmar’s hilly border region. However, economic, political, demographic, social and technological drivers in this region are causing this form of land use to undergo significant transition. This transition is affecting the customary land use rights of swidden farmers.  Throughout Myanmar’s tumultuous history, customary land management systems and the state land management system have been poorly integrated. This has led to customary land use rights receiving little formal recognition and left customary right-holders vulnerable to exploitation.  Recent political and economic developments within Myanmar have prompted changes to the state land management system. The Myanmar government introduced the Farmland Law 2012 and the Vacant Fallow and Virgin Lands Management Law 2012 which significantly altered how agricultural land is managed. However, these laws also contain minimal interaction with customary land management systems. In relation to swidden cultivation, the legislation is unclear how land under customary tenure is identified, how communally-held land is recognised and what swidden practices are legally permitted.  The draft National Land Use Policy released in late 2014 reveals progress in addressing these issues. However, greater clarity is needed with regard to how the policy is implemented. Many lessons may also be derived from the experiences of surrounding Southeast Asian countries, such as the Philippines and Cambodia, in the way customary land use rights are incorporated into state legislation.  The goal of this thesis is to propose how customary land management systems may be integrated into the state land management system in order for customary land use rights over swidden land to be recognised as comprehensively as possible by the state. The legislative framework should also allow sufficient flexibility for local farmers to adapt to changing circumstances. The identification of swidden land will be considered in the context of producing maps of customary land use, the management of swidden land under collective land-holding structures will be discussed with regard to pressures to individualise land-holding and the use of swidden cultivation practices will be considered in light of proposed development projects.  The current political and economic climate in Myanmar indicates some willingness to acknowledge and address these issues. There is hope that customary land management systems and the state land management system will begin to complement, instead of conflict with, each other in order to enable swidden farmers to access their customarily held land into the future.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (07) ◽  
pp. 349-358
Luu Quoc Thai

Since the Constitution 1980, all land in Vietnam has been regulated to be owned by the entire people (Article 19). This issue continues to be affirmed in the Constitution 1992 (Article 17). The current Constitution 2013 continues to declares: “Land, water resources, mineral resources, resources in the sea and airspace, other natural resources and properties invested and managed by the State are public property owned by the entire people and managed by the State representing owners and unified management” (Article 53). Under this regulation, the current Land Law 2013 states that the State is powered to perform ownership rights as representative of the whole people. Therefore, No one other than the state can become the owner of the land. Individuals and organizations only have “land use rights” in accordance with the law. However, they may have the right to transfer this right (and also include the land) to others. This policy has caused certain complications in accessing land and exercising land rights, especially for foreign entities in Vietnam. So, this paper will discuss what is called the land use rights under the specialized ownership regime on land in Vietnam to clarify relevant legal aspects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-87
Amelia Akef Abdat ◽  
Atik Winanti

AbstrakSejak diberlakukannya UUPA pada tanggal 24 September 1960 maka hak atas tanah eigendom verponding harus dikonversi menjadi hak milik untuk Warga Negara Indonesia dan hak guna bangunan untuk Warga Negara Asing dalam batas waktu 20 tahun sejak UUPA diberlakukan yaitu 24 September 1980. Namun pada praktiknya setelah 20 tahun UUPA diundangkan masih banyak pemilik hak atas tanah eigendom verponding yang belum mengkonversinya menjadi hak milik atau hak guna bangunan sehingga timbul sengketa penguasaan tanah oleh pihak lain tetapi pemiliknya masih memegang hak atas tanah eigendom verponding. Sehingga tujuannya dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami kekuatan pembuktian eigendom verponding terhadap sengketa tanah yang dikuasai pihak lain serta untuk mengetahui dan memahami cara mengembalikan hak atas tanah eigendom verponding yang dikuasai pihak lain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis normatif dan dapat diambil kesimpulan, bahwa: Kekuatan pembuktian eigendom verponding berdasaran PP Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah, hak atas tanah yang berasal dari hak-hak hukum Eropa termasuk didalamnya hak atas tanah eigendom verponding dapat didaftarkan dengan alat-alat bukti yang kuat untuk dikonversi menjadi hak milik walaupun telah melewati batas waktu konversi. Cara mengembalikan eigendom verponding yang dikuasai pihak lain dengan menggugat dan membuktikan ada kesalahan dalam proses penerbitan sertifikat yang menimbulkan tumpang tindih dan setelah digugat pemilik hak atas tanah eigendom verponding harus mengkonversinya menjadi hak milik. Sarannya kepada pemilik hak atas tanah eigendom verponding harus mengkonversi dengan mencantumkan alat bukti yang kuat. Serta kepada pihak BPN untuk lebih teliti dalam menerbitkan sertifikat agar tidak terjadi tumpang tindih dalam kepemilikan hak atas tanah. Kata kunci: Eigendom verponding; hak atas tanah; pihak lain. AbstractSince the enactment of the UUPA on September 24th 1960, eigendom verponding land rights must be converted into property rights for Indonesian citizens and land use rights for foreign citizens within 20 years since the UUPA was enacted 24 September 1980. However, in practice after 20 years The UUPA was promulgated there are still many owners of eigendom verponding land rights who have not converted them to property rights or building use rights so that land tenure disputes arise by other parties but the owners still hold the rights to the eigendom verponding land. So that the purpose of this research is to find out and understand the power of proof of eigendom verponding against land disputes controlled by other parties and to know and understand how to return the rights to eigendom verponding land controlled by other parties. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical method and it can be concluded that: Eigendom verponding's evidentiary power is based on Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration, land rights derived from European legal rights including eigendom verponding land rights can be registered with strong evidence to be converted into property rights even though the conversion deadline has passed. The way to return eigendom verponding which is controlled by another party is by suing and proving that there is an error in the certificate issuance process which causes an overlap and after being sued the owner of the eigendom verponding land rights must convert it into property rights. His suggestion to owners of land rights eigendom verponding must convert by including strong evidence. As well as to the BPN to be more careful in issuing certificates so that there is no overlap in ownership of land rights. Keywords: Eigendom verponding, land rights, other parties.

Notaire ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Nailu Vina Amalia

The deed of the purchase and sale agreement (PPJB). The deed of the sale and purchase agreement is a preliminary agreement prior to the sale and purchase of land. PPJB is used only once. If what is agreed in the PPJB has been fulfilled then the signing of the sale and purchase deed can be carried out, by signing the sale and purchase deed, the ownership of land rights has been transferred. There are still many people who think that when the PPJB is signed, there will be a transfer of land rights, even though the PPJB is not an evidence of a transfer of land rights. This thesis discusses graded PPJB or recurring PPJB made by a Notary on a plot of land based on ownership rights over land use rights of former customary land based on the quotation of the Decree of the Governor of East Java Region Serial Number I/Agr/117 XI/HM/01.G/1970 issued November 4, 1970, or uncertified land. Whether it contradicts the concept of buying and selling in agrarian law and the legal consequences of the PPAT who made the sale and purchase deed based on the graded PPJB.Keywords: Graded PPJB; Recurring PPJB: Proof of Prior Rights.Akta Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli (akta PPJB). Akta PPJB merupakan perjanjian pendahuluan sebelum diadakannya jual beli tanah. Akta PPJB digunakan untuk sekali saja, namun prakteknya masih ditemukan Akta PPJB bertingkat. Masih banyak masyarakat yang menganggap apabila sudah ada akta PPJB sudah ada peralihan hak atas tanah, padahal akta PPJB bukan bukti adanya peralihan hak atas tanah. Akta Jual Beli (AJB) yang merupakan bukti adanya peralihan hak atas tanah. AJB dibuat apabila syarat-syarat yang ada dalam akta PPJB sudah terpenuhi. Dalam tesis ini membahas tentang akta PPJB bertingkat atau akta PPJB berulang yang dibuat oleh Notaris atas sebidang tanah berdasarkan Hak Milik atas tanah Hak Pakai bekas Gogolan tidak tetap berdasarkan Kutipan Surat Keputusan Gubernur Kepala Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Timur Nomor I/Agr/117/XI/HM/01.G/1970 tertanggal 4 Nopember tahun 1970 atau tanah yang belum bersertipikat apakah akta PPJB bertingkat tersebut bertentangan dengan konsep jual beli dalam hukum tanah dan akibat hukum dari Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) membuat AJB berdasarkan akta PPJB bertingkat.Kata Kunci: PPJB Bertingkat; PPJB Berulang; Bukti Hak Lama.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 426-434
Luu Quoc Thai

Access to land and the stability in land use” is one of 10 indicators to measure the competitiveness of the localities in attracting investment in Vietnam. Until the present time, the access to land through land use rights transactions of investors is still discriminated, especially for foreign-invested enterprises. Therefore, this article will discuss the “opportunities” to access to land (or land use rights) of investors, through the land use right transactions (in the secondary market) in the Vietnamese current Land law to point out the limitations of the Vietnamese land laws

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Suryani Sappe ◽  
Adonia Ivone Latturete ◽  
Novyta Uktolseja

The process of the occurrence of use rights over land is based on statutory regulations and government regulations to prevent misuse of the administration process. However, in this era of increasingly modern life, there are many disputes relating to control and use of land for public, individual and private interests. The right to use is not at all a new land rights institution, but it is less well known than the ownership rights, land use rights, or building use rights, for that it requires a correct understanding of the right to use in order to use it responsibly. The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the arrangements for use rights over land with ownership rights and to study and analyze the process of settling usufructuary disputes over land with ownership rights. The method used in this research is the normative juridical method using the statute approach and the conceptual approach, and the case approach is then studied and used as material for descriptive analysis in order to obtain answers to the problems that occur. The results of the research show that the regulation of use rights over land with ownership rights is very important because, when the right to use stands, buildings or objects become assets of the recipient of the right to use. So when the right of use expires or is canceled it will have a legal effect on the objects on it, thus it is hoped that there must be regulations governing objects or buildings that are included in the relinquishment of use rights even though there is an agreement made by the parties.

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