F.H. Gulieva (Zanukoeva) ◽  
Archaeologia ◽  
1850 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-268
Thomas Wright

Some time ago the Society of Antiquaries did me the honour of listening to, and printing in its Transactions, a few remarks on the Antiquarian excavations made by the monks during the middle ages; on the destruction of many ancient monuments by this process; and on the purposes to which the articles thus brought to light were turned. Perhaps I may be permitted to recall the attention of the members of the Society to this subject, which will be hardly considered an uninteresting one, in order to shew how much may be learnt on the subject of local monuments of antiquity in this country from a careful perusal of the legendary literature of the church. So general was the custom of turning old popular legends into religious legends, and so universally were such popular legends attached to ancient sites and monuments, that we need not be surprised at the great importance which these monuments often assume in the histories of the lives and miracles of saints, and at the numerous and curious descriptions of these monuments which we find in the peculiar class of literature to which I allude.

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-87
Gulnur Nabiullina

The article touches upon the study of the pilgrimage plot in the works of modern Bashkir prose writers, which is presented in two directions: visiting local shrines and Hajj to Mecca. Various existing forms of pilgrimage, as an integral part of many religions, continue to arouse the interest of both researchers and writers. The plot of the pilgrimage to the local sites in the trilogy of F. Galimov and the book of L.-A. Yakshibayeva has parallels with the religious traditions of the Muslims of Central Asia, where Sufism was one of the forms of Islam. The plot-forming element of the Hajj pilgrimage is the real geographical places of the sacred land that form the sacred space and connect the mortal world with the eternal in the minds of believers. The carefully thought-out integral composition of the story by T. Dayanova, and the novel by L.-A. Yakshibayeva includes events where the lives of the characters are intertwined with the fates of the characters of religious legends from the history and culture of Islam, which reveal the internal laws of the development of the main characters of the works and determine the role of Islam in human life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Sri Wahyu Nengsih

Local Wisdom In The Banjar Community Religious Legends. The purpose of this study is to reveal the local wisdom of the Banjar people in the religious legend of the Banjar community. This research was conducted using a semiotic approach with a descriptive type of research. This research data in the form of words, sentences, and expressions in the religious legend of the Banjar community. The data source of this research is the book "Datu-Datu Famous South Kalimantan" by Tim Sahabat. the results of this study indicate that local wisdom in the religious legend of the Banjar community is related to human relations with God, namely the declaration of a stable war against the Dutch, the construction of mosques and surau, resistance to the enemies of Allah Almighty; related to human relations with himself, namely studying in boarding schools to improve ability, policy as a Sultan, the passion for studying. related to human relations with the community, namely community loyalty, togetherness in the struggle, defeating the Netherlands, the upheaval of the situation in the Banjar kingdom; related to human relations as a family member with another family, namely the deciding lineage, the child's obedience to his mother; related to human relations with the environment or nature, namely the battle on Martapura, the destruction of nature as a Dutch war strategy. the Dutch tactics took control of the Coal mine. Key words: local wisdom, banjar, religious legend, semiotics Abstrak Kearifan Lokal dalam Legenda Keagamaan Masyarakat Banjar. Tujuan Penelitian ini ialah untuk mengungkapkan kearifan lokal masyarakat Banjar dalam legenda keagamaan masyarakat Banjar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan semiotik dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Data penelitian ini berupa kata, kalimat, dan ungkapan dalam legenda keagamaan masyarakat Banjar. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah buku “Datu-Datu Terkenal Kalimantan Selatan” karya Tim Sahabat. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kearifan lokal dalam legenda keagamaan masyarakat Banjar terkait hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, yaitu pernyataan perang sabil terhadap Belanda, Pembangunan masjid dan surau, perlawanan terhadap musuh Allah Swt.; terkait hubungan manusia dengan dirinya sendiri, yaitu belajar di pesantren untuk meningkatkan kemampuan, kebijakan sebagai Sultan, semangat untuk menuntut ilmu. terkait hubungan manusia dengan masyarakat, yaitu loyalitas masyarakat, kebersamaan dalam perjuangan, mengalahkan Belanda, pergolakan situasi di kerajaan Banjar; terkait hubungan manusia sebagai anggota keluarga dengan keluarga yang lain, yaitu garis keturunan yang menentukan, kepatuhan anak kepada ibunya; terkait hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan atau alam, yaitu pertempuran di bumi Martapura, pengrusakan alam sebagai strategi perang Belanda. siasat Belanda menguasai tambang Batu Bara. Kata-kata kunci: kearifan lokal, banjar, legenda keagamaan, semiotik

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6(70)) ◽  
pp. 7-13
A. Sehrana

The article examines the features of Azerbaijani art and musical culture of the Near and Middle East. Referring to fundamental scientific sources, the author informs about the revival of the Arab world, oriental culture and art in the Middle Ages, characterizes interstate relations of this historical period. Lyric and philosophical poems, love-lyric songs (gazelles), epic and religious legends, odes and praises became the subject of consideration. The work of the great Nizami Ganjavi and other Azerbaijani poets is discussed, their works are analyzed, which reflect the role of music in human life, emphasize its importance in the formation of personality and the impact on his emotional and spiritual-psychological state. The author provides examples from musical treatises of great Azerbaijani thinkers, gives a comparative description of these treatises with scientific and theoretical studies of oriental musicologists who lived and worked in the Middle Ages. They are included in the article as paragraphs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 289
Saefuddin Saefuddin

Legenda merupakan cerita rakyat pada zaman dahulu yang ada hubungannya dengan dengan pristiwa sejarah  pada masa lampau. Selain itu, legenda juga dikenal  pada suatu kelompok masyarakat nusantara yang tersebar  dalam bentuk pengelompokan  yang disebut dengan siklus, yaitu sekelompok cerita yang berkisar pada suatu tokoh atau kejadian tertentu dan masyarakat Banjar menyebutnya dengan  istilah cerita legenda para datu.Penelitian mengenai legenda keagamaan cerita para datu di Kalimantan Selatan selain lebih populer di kalangan masyarakat Banjar, cerita  para datu itu dapat dianggap lebih refresentatif untuk dijadikan bahan kajian. Selain itu, cerita para datu di dalamnya banyak mengandung unsur sarana dakwah keagamaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode deskriptif-kualitatif.  Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini ialah mengungkapkan nilai-nilai dakwah keagamaan melalui sarana cerita para datu yang dijadikan bahan analisis dalam penelitian ini.Abstract: Legend is a type of folklore which has a close relationship with a specific historical person or event in the past. Legend is shared by people in Nusantara based on a certain grouping which is called cycle that is a group of stories on a particular person or event. Banjarese people call this type of stories as the legends of datu, legenda para datu. Research on religious legends of datu stories in Kalimantan Selatan is not only popular amongst its people, it is also considered as a good source for a research. Method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative.  the aim of this research is to describe the values of religious preaching in datu stories media which is the object of the research.

2020 ◽  
К.Ю. Рахно

Статья посвящена одной из осетинско-памирских фольклорных параллелей. В осетинской легенде рассказывается, как некогда бог Тыхост в ответ на призывный клич верхом на коне являлся на помощь людям. Но, будучи вызванным из праздного любопытства, он прогневался и отказался лично помогать попавшим в беду. Аналогичная история произошла с нартом Сосланом, которого вызвали по ложному сигналу тревоги. Она выступала мотивацией его культа у дигорцев. Помимо Поволжья, аналогичные предания о герое, готовом прийти на выручку людям, были известны на Памире. В частности, у шугнанцев они были связаны с пятым шиитским имамом Мухаммадом ибн Али аль-Бакиром. Согласно легенде, он тоже пообещал являться по первому зову, если людям будет угрожать бедствие. Но засомневавшиеся верующие вызвали его, чтобы убедиться, что он сдержит свое слово. Имам явился вооруженным до зубов всадником, и, обнаружив, что его потревожили зря, отказался больше приходить на помощь и проклял жителей долины, пожелав ей то пустовать, то наполняться людьми. Как и Тыхосту, Сослану и богатырям чувашей и марийцев, имаму Бакиру совершалось умилостивительное религиозное поклонение. В статье на основе привлечения иранских параллелей анализируются попытки ряда ученых вскрыть историческую подоплеку легенды о склепе Сослана. Важное значение отводится пониманию связанной с этим логики обрядовой практики. Также ставится под сомнение гипотеза о происхождении поклонения Сослану из почитания христианского пророка Иоанна Крестителя. Ключевые слова: нартовский эпос, легенды, осетины, шугнанцы, Памир, Тыхост, Сослан, имам Бакир. The article is devoted to one Ossetian-Pamir folklore parallel. The Ossetian legend tells how once the god Tykhost, in response to the invocation cry on horseback hastened to help people. But, being summoned out of idle curiosity, he became angry and refused to personally help those in need. A similar story happened with the Nart Soslan, who was called on a false alarm. That was the motivation for his cult among the Digorians. In addition to the Volga region, similar legends about a hero ready to come to the rescue of people were known in the Pamirs. In particular, among the Shugnans they were associated with the fifth Shiite imam - Muhammad ibn Ali al-Bakir. According to the legend, he also promised to appear at the first call to help people in emergency situation. But the doubting believers called him to make sure that he would keep his word. The Imam appeared to be a rider armed to the teeth, but got enfuriated, finding that he had been disturbed in vain, refused to come to the rescue next time and cursed the inhabitants of the valley, wishing the land to get depopulated and then again populated. Like Tykhost, Soslan, and the heroes of the Chuvash and Mari, imam Bakir performed propitious religious worship.Considering Iranian parallels, the article analyzes the attempts of a number of scientists to unveil the historical background of the legend of Soslans crypt. Importance is given to understanding the logic of ritual practice associated with this. The hypothesis about the origin of worship of Soslan from the veneration of the Christian prophet John the Baptist is also argued.

Margo Kitts

All of the terms in this volume’s title may be contested, not the least of which is “suicide.” Broadly condemned as cowardice across the world’s moral codes, suicide under different rubrics—such as martyrdom, self-sacrifice, or self-immolation—is conferred a dynamic quality in a number of religious legends, some tragic and others uplifting. Audiences respond to those legends presumably because choosing death in certain circumstances is seen as heroic and often as catalyzing redemption, for the individuals who die, for their communities, or for humanity. Yet this choice is rarely unambiguous. This chapter surveys some of those ambiguities. It ponders the themes and controversies associated with each of the title’s terms, as well as the religious ardor implicated in some celebrated elective deaths.

1917 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 469-540
J. Kennedy

The Jews were the first in the field; and the earliest Western legends which made their way to the East are taken from the Old Testament. Josephus has told us that the Semites were settled on the Kabul River by the first century a.d.; they may have been there still earlier; and there is an ancient tradition that Jews penetrated about this time into China—a thing not improbable in itself, if it could be authenticated. Now in the year a.d. 75 a Chinese general (Keng) Kong was besieged by the Hiungnu somewhere in the neighbourhood of Kashgar. The Hiungnu cut off the water supply; and the Chinese dug a well 150 feet deep, but found no water. They were reduced to the last extremities by thirst. Kong, lifting up his eyes to Heaven, cried: “I have heard that in olden time the Erh-Shih general drew his sword, and pierced the rock, and straightway a rushing stream gushed out.” Thereupon Kong put on his garments of state, and prostrating himself beside the waterless well, prayed for the army and for himself. Presently the well brimmed over with water.

1917 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-243
J. Kennedy

Buddhism and Christianity are essentially unlike, no two religions more so, but no other worldwide religions have so many points of superficial resemblance. Some of these resemblances are natural or accidental. For instance, Christ and Buddha taught in parables, because, as Galen says, parables are the most instructive form of teaching for simple men. Again, Buddhism and Christianity lay stress on right conduct; and although Buddhists and Christians do not mean exactly the same thing by these words, both lay hold of great ethical principles. Such coincidences are in the nature of things. But the greater number are undoubtedly due to the secular contact of the two religions in Central Asia from the second to the twelfth century a.d., and they are confined of necessity to legend and to ritual.

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