The value of determination the parameters of central hemodynamics and remodeling of the cardiovascular system when hypertensive crisis

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-79
E. V. Sid’ ◽  
O. V. Soloviov ◽  
D. V. Leliuk ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-59
A. B. Gudkov ◽  
A. F. Shcherbina ◽  
O. N. Popova ◽  
A. N. Nikanov

Goal. To reveal the peculiarities of central hemodynamics of cadets of a marine university in the conditions of a five-month sailing.Materials and methods. A survey of 70 cadets on board of a sailing training vessel was carried out in the dynamics of a five-month voyage (165 days). Hemodynamic indicators were monitored before entry on duty. For the statistical processing of the results, the SPSS software, v 17.0 (IBM) was used.Results and its discussion. The first two months are characterized by stable indicators of myocardial contractile function, which begins to change from the third month. In the third month, signs of mobilization of the circulatory function appear, which is expressed in an increase in blood pressure (p<0.05) and blood pressure (p<0,05) (by 6.6% and 14%, respectively).The fourth and fifth months are characterized by a further activation of the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of hemodynamics: an increase in blood pressure (p<0,05), blood pressure (p<0,001), as well as MVC (p<0,05) due to an increase in heart rate (p<0,001), which indirectly indicates a decrease in efficiency in the work of the cardiovascular system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-52
H.V. Lukyantseva ◽  
O.M. Bakunovsky ◽  
S.S. Malyuga ◽  
T.M. Oliinyk ◽  
N.R. Manchenko ◽  

The cardiovascular system is one of the most important functional systems of the body, which determine the level of physical performance of the body. Insufficient study of the response of the circulatory system to the combination of strength training with endurance exercises requires more detailed comparative studies of the impact of dynamic and static loads on the indicators of central hemodynamics. Accordingly, the aim of our study was to study the characteristics of the reaction of the cardiovascular system in the period of early recovery after dosed exercise of a dynamic and static nature. The study examined the response of the central hemodynamics of young men in the period of early recovery after dynamic loading (Martine functional test) and static loading (holding on the stand dynamometer DS-200 force with a power of 50% of maximum standing force). The change in circulatory system parameters was recorded using a tetrapolar thoracic impedance rheoplethysmogram on a computerized diagnostic complex “Cardio +”. It is established that the dynamic load in the period of early recovery does not cause a significant positive chronotropic effect, leads to a decrease in vascular resistance of blood flow, to an increase in pulse blood pressure. The increase in cardiac output is mainly due to the increase in stroke volume, which indicates a fairly high functional reserves of the heart. It is revealed that under conditions of static loading the reaction of central hemodynamics and the course of early recovery are radically different from the changes of indicators under dynamic loading. In persons with a normodynamic type of reaction to dynamic load, there are no significant changes in the minute volume of blood at a similar volume of active muscle mass static load. Meeting the metabolic needs of working skeletal muscles and compensating for the oxygen debt is realized by increasing the total peripheral vascular resistance and increasing systolic blood pressure in the postpartum period. The physiological meaning of this phenomenon is to maintain a sufficient level of venous return of blood to ensure the pumping function of the heart.

Александра Алексеевна Троценко ◽  
Александр Викторович Кобелев ◽  
Александр Петрович Николаев ◽  
Аза Валерьевна Писарева

В статье представлена разработка технического проекта по созданию прибора для неинвазивной оценки параметров центральной гемодинамики. Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания являются основной причиной смерти во всем мире: ни по какой другой причине ежегодно не умирает столько людей, сколько от патологий сердца. По оценкам, за последние годы от сердечных заболеваний умерло 17,9 миллиона человек, что составило 31% всех случаев смерти в мире. Другой известной причиной смертей являются различные аритмии. Таким образом, из-за растущего количества людей, страдающих патологий сердца, необходимо во время лечения как можно подробнее изучать состояние сердечно-сосудистой системы во избежание негативных последствий. Чтобы обеспечить более высокую результативность лечения, используется метод электроимпедансной реокардиографии, который позволяет оценить суммарное кровенаполнение органов и тканей. Целью данной статьи являлась разработка технического проекта по созданию прибора для неинвазивной оценки параметров центральной гемодинамики. Представлен теоретический этап разработки технического устройства. Описаны существующие методы измерений - трансторакальные или прекордиальные для нахождения необходимых параметров сердечно-сосудистой системы с помощью реокардиографии. Предложены технические характеристики разрабатываемой биотехнической системы, а также схема и описание прибора The article presents the development of a technical project for the creation of a device for non-invasive assessment of the parameters of central hemodynamics. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide: for no other reason as many people die every year as from heart disease. An estimated 17.9 million people have died from heart disease in recent years, accounting for 31% of all deaths worldwide. Various arrhythmias are another known cause of death. Thus, due to the growing number of people suffering from heart pathologies, it is necessary during treatment to study the state of the cardiovascular system in as much detail as possible in order to avoid negative consequences. To ensure a higher efficiency of treatment, the method of electrical impedance rheocardiography is used, which allows to assess the total blood volume of organs and tissues. The purpose of this article was to develop a technical project to create a device for non-invasive assessment of the parameters of central hemodynamics. The theoretical stage of the development of a technical device is presented. The existing measurement methods are described - transthoracic or precordial to find the necessary parameters of the cardiovascular system using rheocardiography. The technical characteristics of the developed biotechnical system, as well as the scheme and description of the device are proposed

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-131
M. Gonchar ◽  
T. Ishenko ◽  
N. Buginskaya ◽  
N. Orlova ◽  
D. Kuznetsova ◽  

DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM WITH THE SUBSEQUENT FORMATION OF CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY IN CHILDRENM.А. Gonchar, T. В. Ishenko,N.R.  Buginskaya, N.V. Orlova,D.O. Kuznetsova, V.O. Saienko Diseases of the respiratory system are one of the most frequent causes of the treatment of children in hospital facilities. The younger the child, the more often these diseases occur and the more severe it can be. Cardiovascular disorders with bronchopulmonary pathology develop slowly, potentially reversible in childhood, which requires a correct assessment of the risk of their development for a particular patient and timely correction of therapy. The presence of dyspnea, prolonged exhalation, pale skin, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and acrocyanosis, swelling of the nose (symptoms common to cardiac and respiratory failure) indicate the reaction of the cardiovascular system in diseases of the respiratory system. We examined 14 children: among them 7 boys and 7 girls. Ten children were diagnosed with acute obstructive bronchitis, and 4 with pneumonia. In the course of the study, the parameters were assessed, reflecting the linear dimensions of the heart cavity and the main vessels, followed by the calculation of central hemodynamics, diastolic transmittal blood flow by the method of L.K. Hattle, B. Angelsen. Key words:bronchopulmonary pathology, children, electrocardiography, doppler echocardiography of the heart. Резюме.ЗАХВОРЮВАННЯ ДИХАЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ З ПОДАЛЬШИМ ФОРМУВАННЯМ КАРДІОВАСКУЛЯРНОЇ ПАТОЛОГІЇ У ДІТЕЙ.Гончарь М.О., Іщенко Т.Б., Бужинська Н.Р., Орлова Н.В., Кузнєцова Д.О., Саєнко В.О.Захворювання дихальної системи є однією з найбільш частих причин зверненнями дітей в лікарняні установи. Чим молодша дитина, тим частіше зустрічаються  ці захворювання і тим важче можуть протікати. Кардіоваскулярні порушення при бронхолегеневої патології розвиваються повільно і є потенційно зворотними в дитячому віці, що вимагає правильної оцінки ризику їх розвитку для конкретного хворого і своєчасної корекції тактики терапії.Про реакцію серцево-судинної системи при захворюваннях органів дихання свідчить наявність задишки, протяжного видоху, блідості шкірних покривів, ціанозу носогубного трикутника і акроцианозу, роздування крил носа (симптоми загальні для серцевої і дихальної недостатності). Нами було обстежено 14 дітей: серед них було 7 хлопчика та 7 дівчаток. У 10 дітей діагностовано гострий обструктивний бронхіт, у 4 дітей – пневмонію. В ході дослідження оцінювали показники, відображаючи лінійні розміри порожнин серця та магістральних судин з послідуючим розрахунком центральної гемодинаміки, діастолічного трансмітрального кровотоку за методом L.K. Hattle, B. Angelsen.Ключові слова:бронхолегенева патологія, діти, електрокардіографія, допплерехокардіографія серця. РезюмеЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ ДЫХАТЕЛЬНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ С ПОСЛЕДУЮЩИМ ФОРМИРОВАНИЕМ КАРДИОВАСКУЛЯРНОЙ ПАТОЛОГИИ У ДЕТЕЙ.Гончарь М.А., Ищенко Т.Б, Бужинская Н.Р., Орлова Н.В., Кузнецова Д.А., Саенко В.А.Заболевания дыхательной системы является одной из наиболее частых причин обращениями детей в больничные учреждения. Чем младше ребенок, тем чаще эти заболевания встречаются и тем труднее могут протекать. Кардиоваскулярные нарушения при бронхолегочной патологии развиваются медленно, потенциально обратимы в детском возрасте, что требует правильной оценки риска их развития для конкретного больного и своевременной коррекции терапии. О реакции сердечно-сосудистой системы при заболеваниях дыхательной системы свидетельствует наличие одышки, удлененного выдоха, бледности кожных покровов, цианоза носогубного треугольника и акроцианоза, раздувание крыльев носа (симптомы общие для сердечной и дыхательной недостаточности). Нами было обследовано 14 детей: среди них было 7 мальчика и 7 девочек. У 10 детей диагностирован острый обструктивный бронхит, у 4 - пневмонию. В ходе исследования оценивали показатели, отражая линейные размеры полостей сердца и магистральных сосудов с последующим расчетом центральной гемодинамики, диастолического трансмитрального кровотока по методу L.K. Hattle, B. Angelsen.Ключевые слова:бронхолегочная патология, дети, электрокардиография, допплерэхокардиография сердца.

2003 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 44-48
I. I. Evsyukova ◽  
М. V. .Fedorova

The features of the cardiointervalogram and the state of central hemodynamics were studied. in newborns who have undergone acute hypoxia. It was found that the increase in vascular tone and centralization of blood circulation occurring in conditions of acute intrapartum hypoxia persist in the first hours and days of a child's life. An adequate circulatory regime is ensured by the involvement of various mechanisms of regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular system, which depends on the severity of the transferred hypoxia.

2001 ◽  
Vol 82 (5) ◽  
pp. 331-332
Yu. S. Vanyushin ◽  
F. G. Sitdikov

The central hemodynamics indices as the criteria of biological reliability of heart functioning of sportsmen are determined by the method of gradually increased physical loads. In this case the limiting values of ventricular ejection can be obtained in loads when chronotropic reaction of the heart does not exceed 150 beats per minute.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 5-11
Natalya N. Vorobеva ◽  
Michail A. Okishev ◽  
Vadislav V. Semerikov ◽  
Olga V. Khlynova ◽  
Vera V. Nikolenko ◽  

Aim. To study the state of central hemodynamics, oxygen metabolism and tissue blood flow in patients with influenza who suffered from hypertensive reaction detected for the first time, in dynamics of infectious process. Materials and methods. At Perm Regional Clinical Infectious Hospital, 65 patients with influenza underwent a deepened study of cardiovascular system: central hemodynamics and local blood flow. Results. While studying the central hemodynamics, there was detected the increased general peripheric vascular resistance without normalization during the follow-up period. Investigation of gas exchange showed decrease in tissue oxygenation, vasodilatation and tissue blood flow. Conclusions. Among patients with influenza, the oxygen transport system functions in a tense regime. In dynamics of infectious process and after the disease, the following is observed: development of tissue hypoxia, decrease in local blood flow tempo and elevation of general peripheric vascular resistance.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-26
Anton Yurievich Gordievskii ◽  
Natalya Alexandrovna Gordievskaya

Influence of meteorological environmental factors on people sensitive to severe weather changes manifests itself in the deterioration of health and violation of vegetative functions. One of the main systems of the body, which is sensitive to changes of atmospheric pressure is the cardiovascular system. In people with impaired preventive regulation of vascular tone, who are called weather sensitive, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure can cause jumps of arterial pressure, which can be represented both by its increase (hypertensive crisis) and decrease below the physiological norm, which leads to the decrease of muscle tone and subjective feelings of fatigue. Psychophysiological status of children of preschool age depends significantly on weather conditions due to imperfect preventive regulation of the blood circulation. Due to this, preschoolers feel unwell, their adaptation possibilities go down. This is manifested in changes in blood pressure and a certain decrease in the lability of the motor analyzer defined by means of the tapping-test. Cyclonic changes in climatic conditions have a more pronounced impact on the state of the organism, causing an increase in fatigue and decrease of adaptation reserves, indicating the decrease of one of the most important integral indicators of the vegetative coefficient. Hyperbaric effects associated with the passage of the anticyclone cause less visible changes of the cardiovascular system, compared to cyclonic events. Cyclonic phenomena accompanying low atmospheric pressure, cause depression of the vegetative status of children, a small decrease in tonic activity and as a result negative changes in the basic hemodynamic parameters

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 549-555
Svetlana Yu. Zavalishina ◽  
Maria A. Vinichenko ◽  
Olga N. Makurina ◽  
Galina S. Mal

In the second mature age, women increase the prevalence of arterial hypertension, often complicating hypertensive crises. This circumstance requires improving the recovery options for this category of patients. It seems very promising to be used for this in women with arterial hypertension regular physical exertion for the purpose of their overall recovery, reducing the level of blood pressure and the prevention of hypertensive crises. To easily be the effects of the hypertensive crisis, a complex of muscular loads was developed, the effectiveness of which was estimated in comparison with traditionally appointed patients in such patients of the recovery. Women were examined 36-55 years, who had over a month ago, hypertensive crisis. The women who have been rehabilitated under the author's scheme, have been rejected in the study, have shown a more pronounced improvement of the indicators registered in the study. The optimization of the function of the cardiovascular system turned out to be more pronounced than as a result of traditional recovery. The tested version of regular muscle training provides optimization of processes in the heart and vessels of women suffering from arterial hypertension, lowering the risk of repetition of their hypertensive crisis.

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