scholarly journals Gender in Literature: Crossing the Lines of Individuals in a Philippine Fiction

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-47
Mildred M. Crisostomo ◽  
Mark Joseph B. Layug

Under Gender Criticism, the researchers analysed Carlos Bulosan’s My Father Goes to Court to unveil the biases, stereotypes, issues, and tendencies as regard gender through the roles played by the characters in the story. Results show that on the surface, the male characters portrayed their roles based on what the society and culture accorded or dictated to them as authoritative, powerful, and dominant. Similarly, female characters were projected as powerless, weak, affective, and secondary to men. However, consciously or unconsciously, both characters crossed the borders and the lines of each other by performing roles not expected of them. On the one hand, male characters growled down to others, laughed their hearts out, and were protected. Then, on the other hand, female characters exercised power, showed leadership, manifested decision-making skills, and served as protectors. The researchers further revealed that gender is not a role to be played but an activity to be complete to avoid setting limits to any person’s tendencies. A study using the same literary text is recommended to continue its afterlife.

Stacy Wolf

This chapter examines the eight female characters inCompany, what they do in the musical, and how they function in the show’s dramaturgy, and argues that they elicit the quintessential challenge of analyzing musical theater from a feminist perspective. On the one hand, the women tend to be stereotypically, even msogynistically portrayed. On the other hand, each character offers the actor a tremendous performance opportunity in portraying a complicated psychology, primarily communicated through richly expressive music and sophisticated lyrics. In this groundbreaking 1970 ensemble musical about a bachelor’s encounters with five married couples and three girlfriends, Sondheim’s female characters occupy a striking range of types within one show. From the bitter, acerbic, thrice-married Joanne to the reluctant bride-to-be Amy, and from the self-described “dumb” “stewardess” April to the free-spirited Marta,Company’s eight women are distillations of femininity, precisely sketched in the short, singular scenes in which they appear.

Khaled Abd alazaiz Hassan

The presence of existence on the binaries, was a feature of the main that left nothing but a problem for its features, and literature one of them; we find the diodes have intersected the joints, and formed its internal texture, and showed its purposes and themes in a striking way to the recipient who felt the beauty and beauty of rhythms and images express. Classical Arabic is characterized among all other semiotic languages; It's characteristics ate unique to them which reflected the prestige and ability for expression. Amongst these Fixed characteristics in Arabic language there is the contradictory duals. In this study, I tried to trace the terms "binary" and "contrast": language and language, and the approach between them to arrive at a single integration, forming another term " contradictory duals", and its role in the literary text on the one hand and on the receiver on the other hand.    

Maria Àngels Herrero Herrero

Resum: Dos dels elements més identificables en la novel·la històrica de Vicent Josep Escartí són, per una banda, el component màgic i fantàstic i, per una altra, l’existència de dues nobles nissagues: els Roger i els Arcàngel de Sant Esteve. De fet, la primera ja s’apuntà subtilment en «El fill de Gepa» i es desenvolupà en «Epistolari del Comte de l’Hortxà», primer i segon relat de Barroca mort (1988). Posteriorment, s’estengué a Dies d’ira (1992) ?Days of Wrath (2013)?, Els cabells d’Absalom (1996), Nomdedéu (2002), Naumàquia (2004) i El mas de les ànimes (2019). Amb Espècies perdudes (1997) sorgí el segon llinatge, que continuà en L’abellerol mort (2009), en les quals els Roger també s’endinsen enginyosament. Però, si hi ha un enllaç directe entre ambdues nissagues i que, alhora, encarna el joc fantàstic amb què Escartí impregna la seua obra, són els personatges ?secundaris? de Nofra-dona Dolcina. L’objectiu de l’article serà fer un recorregut per la seua novel·lística gràcies a aquests personatges femenins, els quals serviran per constatar-hi la importància de la màgia i la fantasia. Amb el protagonisme d’una dona en la seua darrera novel·la, El mas de les ànimes, ho torna a posar de manifest.  Paraules clau: novel·la històrica valenciana, Escartí, nissagues, personatges femenins, màgia, fantasia.Abstract: Two of the most easily identifiable elements in Vicent Josep Escartí’s historical fiction are, on the one hand, the magical and fantastic component and, on the other hand, the existence of two noble lineages: the Roger family, and the Arcàngel de Sant Esteve family. In fact, the first one subtly appeared already in «El fill de Gepa» and developed in «Epistolari del Comte de l’Hortxà» ?the first and second story within Barroca mort (1988). It subsequently spread to Dies d’ira (1992) ?Days of Wrath (2013)?, Els cabells d’Absalom (1996), Nomdedéu (2002), Naumàquia (2004) and El mas de les ànimes (2019). Espècies perdudes (1997) marked the emergence of the second lineage, which continued in L’abellerol mort (2009), where the Roger family are ingeniously introduced as well. Nevertheless, if a direct link exists between both lineages which simultaneously embodies the fantastic play that pervades Escartí’s work, those are the ?secondary? characters of Nofra-dona Dolcina. This article has as its purpose to make a tour of his novels thanks to these female characters, which will help verify the important role that magic and fantasy play in them. Escartí stresses this once again through the prominence of a woman in his latest novel, El mas de les ànimes.  Keywords: Valencian historical fiction, Escartí, lineages, female characters, magic, fantasy. 

2012 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 26-31 ◽  
Sven Mönkediek ◽  
Norbert Zdrowomyslaw

Mitarbeiter sind zwar Kostenfaktor und Risikofaktor jedes Unternehmens, aber vor allem auch Leistungs-, Kreativ- und Wertschöpfungsfaktor. Legt man zugrunde, dass Humankapital und Wissen als zentrale Eckpfeiler der Innovations- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu werten sind, ist die entscheidungsorientierte Steuerung von Personalinformationen geradezu ein Muss für eine zukunftsorientierte Unternehmensentwicklung. Kenngrößen sollten Intuition und Erfahrung von Unternehmern sowie Führungskräften bei der Entscheidungsfindung und Entscheidungsdurchsetzung unterstützen. Dabei ist zweierlei zu bedenken: Zum einen sind unternehmensspezifische Bedürfnisse in das Berichtswesen und das Kennzahlencockpit zu integrieren und zum anderen bedeutet die Umsetzung von Personalmaßnahmen vor allem auch Transparenz zu schaffen und Kommunikation zu pflegen. Employees are considered as cost and risk factors but most importantly represent creative and value adding potential for companies. Since personnel and know-how are cornerstones of the company´s innovative and competitive capabilities, utilization of relevant personnel information is absolutely essential for a future orientated development of companies. Key performance indicators support intuition and experience of entrepreneurs and managers in decision making. While doing so company specific needs have to be taken into account in designing reporting and data cockpits on the one hand. On the other hand implementation of personnel related activities always demands transparency as well as timely and continuous communication. Keywords: views, verhaltenssteuerung, querys, personalcontrolling, datenanalyse

2000 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Rainer Hegselmann ◽  
Andreas Flache

AbstractIn this paper we compare two micro foundations for modelling human behaviour and decision making. We focus on perfect strategic rationality on the one hand and a simple reinforcement mechanism on the other hand. Iterated prisoner’s dilemmas serve as the play ground for the comparison. The main lesson of our analysis is that in the space of all possible 2 × 2 PDs different micro foundations do matter. This suggests that researchers can not safely rely on the assumption that implementing simple models of decision making will yield the same results that may be obtained when more sophisticated decision rules are built into the agents.

2010 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
pp. 367-383
Sandro Gorgone

AbstractThe Greek term kairós signifies on the one hand an opportune moment and time for decision-making and on the other hand the unpredictable yet expected moment of Christ's return on the Judgment Day according to Paul. The goal of this essay is to establish the connection between kairós and Heidegger's central concept of ,,Ereignis", which he developed in his later years. The Freiburg lectures on the phenomenology of religious life from the early 1920s and the posthumously published works from the 1930s and 1940s will serve to illustrate how the tradition of the Greek and Christian kairós influenced Heidegger's development of the idea of possibly overcoming the chronometric and metaphysical understanding of time as ,,Jetztzeit". He was thus able to deny the ontological privilege of present and presence. The role of Paul is decisive for Heidegger's thinking: the factual experience of the first Christian communities has not only had an external influence on the ,,Daseinsanalytik"; it has also influenced the entire development of ,,Seinsgeschichte" and has had a significant impact on Heidegger's last attempt to define ,,Seinsgeschichte" itself through the ,,Ereignis" beyond any ontological perspective.

2021 ◽  
pp. 156-170
Vera Yu. Bal ◽  
Elizaveta E. Gutkevich ◽  

Modern technological conditions make it possible to create, quickly replicate and use audio books conveniently. Audio books are one of the fastest growing segments of the global publishing market. Informative issues of creating audio books, not technological ones, are in the research focus of the article. The content of an audiobook is a voiced text that refers to the “auditory literature”. Assessments of the quality of the auditory literature are polar. On the one hand, it is considered secondary to the original literary text; on the other hand, it is a self-contained artistic phenomenon with its own aesthetic nature. In this article, an audiobook is considered precisely in the aspect of its artistic value, which is highlighted when speaking about the genre nature of the voiced text. The genre features of the voiced text in this study are identified taking into account the communicative features of its formal-stylistic features. The communicative nature of the audiobook genre is associated with two types of reading, which reflect the opposite positions of the two participants in communication. On the one hand, this is an expres-sive reading aloud, which can also be defined as staged reading. Genetically, this type of reading is associated with public performances of artists and initially assumed live reading. Further, this type of reading is transformed into the genre of radio plays, called “theater at the microphone”. In modern communicative practices of creating and repli-cating audio content, including one related to the actor’s readings of works of art, there is no binding to time and place. On the other hand, this is auditory reading, a modifica-tion of which is audio reading in modern technological conditions. If auditory reading is the first reading practice of a child mastering books from the voice of a parent, then audio reading is the choice of an adult who can read. The acoustic representation of a literary work is associated not only with the performance of elementary technical characteristics of sound, but also with the introduction of a certain aesthetic value into it. The creative translation of a literary text from verbal to acoustic should preserve its value in the aesthetic plane, without reducing it to a purely pragmatic one. Actualization of the aesthetic value of an audiobook outside of its paper format is associated with the principles of its directing and editorial preparation – the principles associated with the implementation of the stylistic characteristics of the genre form of an audiobook. Translation of a verbal literary text into an audio one is carried out as a result of comparing reading a book to dramatic action. In this case, the forming element of the genre becomes the sounding text itself. In the case of audio books, the reader’s voice as a performer’s instru-ment and the musical noise accompaniment of the text read is a style-forming genre element. The article traces the publishing strategies for the embodiment of the formal-stylistic features of the audiobook genre in the context of modern audio cultural practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 9-19
Claudia Andreina D’Amico Monascal

Although motherhood is the female destiny par excellence in the biblical narrative, it is an experience only accessible through a male point of view. In order to reflect on the problems of representation of the maternal body in the Hebrew Bible, I propose an analysis of different maternal characters present in the books of Samuel and Kings. My reading aims, on the one hand, to identify the features that define the maternal in the biblical text and, on the other hand, to offer an approach that allows to point to the implications that the crisis context the texts reflect have on the picture of the actions and the destinies of these female characters.

Cosmin Toth

One of the most hotly debated topics in Romania in recent years has been the vaccination of children, especially in relation to the measles epidemic that began in 2016 and continues to this day. Using a discourse analytic perspective, this article addresses the main interpretative repertoires regarding the vaccination of children displayed in interview situations by two categories of parents, namely those who decided to vaccinate their children and those who refused to vaccinate their children. Regarding the first group, I have identified the following repertoires: (1) the repertoire of "I trust doctors, I trust science" as a repertoire of expressing total trust; (2) the repertoire of hypocrisy and ridicule in relation to “vaccine refusers” and (3) the repertoire of the absurdity of anti-vaccine theories. These repertoires come together into a broader discursive framework of epistemic superiority. The second group of parents (those who decided to refuse vaccination) developed a series of sub-repertoires to substantiate a rational, responsible and loving parent's identity. I conclude that although we are witnessing a dynamic dialogic construction, at present the repertoires are constructed in a way that cancels out a possible dialogue between the two groups. On the one hand, those who support vaccination do so from a position of epistemic superiority, accusing vaccine refusers of lack of reason and education. On the other hand, those who refuse vaccination construct hypertrophied and complex repertoires of responsibility, rationality and affectivity meant to replace the legitimacy of scientific, medical and administrative institutions as a basis for parental decision making.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-285 ◽  
Adrian Mengay

Digitalization has two very different effects on work. On the one hand, it leads to a re-Taylorization of work, de-qualification and a loss of workers autonomy. On the other hand, digitalization of work leads to new forms of indirect control and algorithmic control that can be used to manage and instrumentalize the supposed autonomy of workers to actually enable an unequal and exploitative labour process. This article discusses the questions of heteronomy related to the digitalization of work, presents central aspects of new forms of control (direct, indirect, and algorithmic) and explains why formalization, data centred decision making and flexible structures are used to control the labour process and improve heteronomy of work.

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